*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Sorry! I got caught up in the Big Bear story in Cali.

5:33 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

When asked when, "June 4, 2008," the day she killed Alexander.


5:32 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Arias said that she and Alexander once videotaped sex on a digital camera at Alexander's request.

5:31 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Arias has her head in her hands, as she has all afternoon.

5:25 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Arias: "I didn't set the theme; he set the theme, and I was a willing participant."

5:21 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

And now she is describing sex play with the candy she bought.

5:21 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

They had sex in the bathtub, and Alexander said, "It's under water, it doesn't count." Recurring conflict over vaginal sex being a sin.

5:18 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

While in that outfit she went to a store to purchase a sex toy Alexander requested. Then Tootsie Pops and Pop Rocks.

5:15 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Arias is describing a recurring request from Alexander to dress up as a school girl. "Sometimes no underwear, sometimes with the spidies."
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Now Arias is discussing the etiquette of "personal lubricants" for sex, including the ones he Alexander used and she used.
Recalling how she was the one who introduced Travis to KY


They had vaginal sex in the bathtub . . . . . he said it was under water and he said it was ok it didn't count

Prior to that they began sleeping together without boundaries or limitations

he wanted her to have pop rocks in her mouth during oral sex with him and he wanted to put tootsie pop inside of her Vag...a and spend time down there

Another time took a bath with him?
Time prior to that . sometime in the fall or winter of 2007 . . . . made her feel like a goddess . . . came over to his house - roommates were in their bedrooms . . . .he told her to meet him in the bedroom . . . he had a light cluster of candles with water falls .. . hurricane candles lit . . . . cd playing . . . hallway lit up with hurricane candles and red rose petals all the way down the hall . . . .hot water in bathtub - stem coming off of it . . no bubbles . . . . rose petals in the bath

very romantic evening . . . romance included sexual intercourse . ..

How was this different from the bath with tootsie pop poprock bath?
It was more playful and the other was romantic . . . If I had a choice I would like the romantic . . . .
He set the theme I was a willing participant

Braids were hot . . . alluded to school girl outfit . .. .alluded TA had an interest in younger women . . . he called JA Pollyanna - he liked JA to look a little younger . . .

Did he ever ask you to act a little younger?

long pause . . . yea one time
Describe the incident

in his bedroom . . . sometime in fall of 2008 (?) prior to walking in on him of Jan of 2008 .. .what did he want you to do?
I knew I was coming over to hang out with him which would proably would lead to sex . . he had some toys out on the floor . .. . we didn't actually do anything with them . . he dropped it . . .

it was a little . . train car . . . not a whole train . . . a red cabose . . . . .I thought he wanted me to play with it . . we had already incorporated candy and massage oil . . . he ran it over my body and I over his . . . like a massage . . . . I don't know . . .

We ended up having sex . . . anal sex . . . . wearing the boys underwear . . . playing with these toys - kind of adult play I guess you could say . . .

Understood TA liked younger women . . .braids, school girl outfit . . . anything else requested of you to make you believe that?
Things I learned about him made me believe that

Braids, School girl, spideys . . . .I don't remember

There was a lot of talk onthe tape about photo shoots and *advertiser censored* and *advertiser censored* star thing - pictures of you with semen on your face . . . making "legitimate *advertiser censored*" . . .based on those did you and TA ever video tape yourself while having sex? yes

At whose desire was that to take place?

On these videos how were they made . . . on a digital camera there was just one video made on June 4 2008 . . .

all this talk before in May .. . . there was no recording or pictures or anything?
No I am only telling you there was no video

We saw pictures taken of you on June 4 2008 - did he take other pictures of you?
Consitent thing happened on a lot of occassions. . .. I had to build up courage to dothis I had not done this before . . . there was one time Darryl snapped on my phone . . . .
TA wanted me to snap pics and send them to him . . . he requested pictures since we met . . . .

in 2006 when he sent you pics of his penis

I let him take pictures of me in July 2007 . . . no completely nude . . . . both our birthdays inJuly . . . test the waters flew down to see him after we broke up . . . he was very nice . . .trying to court me . . . .

did his behavior motivate you to take pictures?
He had to do coaxing and begging and pleading . . . he bought Victoria's secret . . he wanted to take pics and I let him

He takes pictures of her body . . . . similar of you laying on the bed or where he has the camera within inches of your vag!na? . . . . combination of both

Agreement these were to be deleted . . . it was my camera . . . they would be deleted regardless but we agreed to delete them

Once you agree to initial pictures in July . . . . is that the only time?
No he wanted to take pictures of me when we were in Havisupai . . . . I let him . . . conceed to him he had been asking for over year (and a half)

They were not nude they were in her bikini . . . . she was wearing all her bikini.

Were those to be deleted?
She would not have let him keep them . . . . .the ones he took were up close like cleavage - thos were deleted.

Over the course of relationship - several sessions of photo taking?
The VictoriaSecret, bikini, and June 4, there were 2 other times

Talk of taking pictures of you with semen on your face . . . he never took photos that was something we were planning.

reference in the tape to Aronberg(sic?) . . . . earlier told us about a trip there . . . Oct. 2006, weekend trip you discussed earlier? yes

mentioned on tape about grinding in Aronberg . . . . took place before oral sex - Yes

he was also proseletizing you about the Book of Mormon on that trip . . . we talked abou a few stories in the doctorine . . . .
oral sex, grinding, grabbing you butt @ a truck stop, and a movie, and dinner at sizzler.

Talk on the tape about . . . introducing . . . TA to KY . .. . KY is a personal lubricant . . . . JA admits she introduced TA to it . . . he was using Astroglide with Esther and he ran out of it and started using vaseline cuz he didn't want to be seen buying . . . when he began to date Darryl they used KY . . . . and baby oil . . . . astroglide was more expensive . . . she just bought what she knew and the cheapest

KY was used for all kinds of sex except oral . . . .

Discussion about TA fantasizing about tying you to a tree and putting it in all the way. . .

objection she said she liked it
rephrase the question

on this tape TA talks about he wants to ZIP TIE YOU TO A TREE AND PUT IT IN YOUR A$$ ALL THE WAY . . . . what was that in reference to?

He had a fantasy in the woods for quite awhile before I met him . .
Objection - sustained

he wanted JA to dress up like little red riding hood . . .take place in the woods. . . where? he wanted JA to find a spot in the woods in Yreka . . .there are places called Green horn . . . go into the woods . .. if they went early morning or late at night no hikers would find them thatwould have been mortifying . . .

were you tenative about having sex in public? very much so

So debasing I like it . . . . . tie to tree and put it in my a$$ . . . . made me think of movie Me,Myself, Irene . . . a duck or goose shoved up someone's A$$ . . . so degrading . . I quickly said I like it so I wouldn't hurt him and his fantasy's

made many compliment to him . . . .about his stamina, superhuman, complimentary of his genitalia,

travis thrived on compliments

real orgasms on the tape or did you fake it?
I was faking them . . . I was on the phone . . . . sorry kind of embarrassing . . . . I was faking them because . . . several reasons. . . I wanted him to be turned on by it . . .wanted him to like it . . . . . . . . when I masturbate it requires both hands so I couldn't do it on the phone . . . . he had said mean things to me before -and he was being nice so I wanted to prolong it . . . he would turn into Mr. Hyde soon . . . . so I wanted to keep this . . .

Begs question . . . why were you still craving -so desireous of posiive attention from TA after moving back?
he made me feel better - I liked the way I felt when he was nice to me - I sought those things - when he was mean it didn't make me feel good . . . that is why I perfer one over th other.

WHy talk to him?
He pawned his car off to me . . .

you weren't discussing the car that night . . .you were having chats with him over the internet.

Moved back in the first half of April 2008

Lets back up a little bit . . . . (Ohhhh nooooo!!!!!)


5:54 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Another reason was "He pawned his car off on me and I had to pay him for that."


5:53 PM

TwitterMichael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Nurmi again asked why she stayed with him. Because when he was nice to her, it made her feel good.
Defense Exhibit #436 checks she wrote to Travis

Jan 11, 2008 $100.00
Jan 15, 2008 $699.00
Jan 30, 2008 $220.00




3 incidents of TA hurting JA . . . one in Oklahoma, one when he hurt her finger, one when he threw her to ground? and one when he choked her . ..

another incident - March 2008 . . . carpool to Attack Seminar for PPL . . . on freeway began to argue about her moving back to Calif . . . . told him going to move right after convention . . . he reached his right hand over to hit me . . . in car while driving. . . . .

I don't know if he meant to smack me but it was like a backhand.

Prior to June 4th . . . was that last time he was physically violent? . . .
The choking came after that. .. .

All the violence you suffered before June 4th . . . . .
Some I didn't think it was violent . . . he grabbed my wrist . . .after a few seconds of him demanding to knowwhat we were talking about I looked down @ my wrist and he let go.

Any other incidents when he was physical . . . . . in his bedroom he pushed me and Ifell and landed on my knees - I didn't think that was abusive

Any other incidents we haven't talked about?
no not that I can remember

Moved back to Grandparents house in Yreka . . . after he backhands you in the car what happens next?

I was crying pretty hysterically - I called my Mom on the phone and sked her to lend me some money so I could move back . . .at the time I was still rentin the room in East Mesa. . . I was broke most of the time.

Why were you broke?
I don't know . . . I didn't have a big rent to pay , wasn't payin my car anymore, Iwould lend TA money - he would typically pay me back . . . .

How much money lend TA?
Objection foundation
ASking total amount

Total $1299.00 over the course of our relationship

Lend him $ in 2008?
Jan 2008?

May I approach
you may
Exhibit #436 . . . JA look @ it . . . .recognize those?
yes - cancelled checks I wrote to TA . . . 1/11/08, 1/15/08, 1/30/08

first check $100
Objection - she is testifying to docs not in evidence
move it into evidence

why check $100?
Don't remember exactly - it had to go in his bank account

2nd check $699 his checking accounting overdrawn

third $220 - put toward his mortgage

Check #3008 had nothing to do with his BMW
Check #3009 - TA $699 nothng for BMW
Check #3012 - TA $220 nothing for BMW -he wasn't selling the car yet

over $900 in Jan 2008 given to TA . . .did you have that kind of money to give/lend? At the time I had the money in my account .. . it was dedicated to my own bills. . . he promised to pay me back before I needed to pay my own bills . . . . she had a lot of checks bounce that month a lot of fees . . . . TA did not pay those fees - he screamed @ her for incurring them. . . eventually he did pay her back . . . . one payment was late to the point she got a bunch of overdraft fees. . . . .

She doesn't remember if Wash. Mutual covered the bills and charged her fees or bounced the checks back to the creditors she was paying.

Don't recall if it was same time she called and asked to borrow money . . .. .

After calling her Mom to ask for money to move back to Yreka . . . . she was crying - he turned car around drove her back to her house didn't want people @ seminar to see them fighting . . . .

he asked if she could come over to his house to make it better . . . make up sex . . . leaned in to kiss him on the cheek - he kissed her on thelips . . .walked her to her door - told her that he loved her . . . .changed clothes . . . . .cleaned face up

swung by starbucks and got hm a cookies and cream frap and she had a frap

He didn't hit me in the face . . . . slap in neck/jaw area . .. dodging a slap to the face . . . . he tells you he loves you and wants makeup sex . . . . . go to his house w/2 fraps . . . .

you decided you would move back home . . . . why did you want to move back to Yreka . . . I was there for Christmas . . . they paid for my way . . . . flew into Sacramento

What was the motivation sudden urgency to pick up phone in March and say Mom I want to move back home . . . I was miserable in the car . . . my Mom and I do't have a great realationship . . . but I knew she would help me if I needed it.

Wha was miserable?
The roller coaster relationship we were always on . . .. . the ups were great but the downs were horrible . . .that is why I picked up the phone and call her.

That day realized wanted tobe away from TA? move away from Mesa
yes both

I already decided to move back . . . . plans were in the works - JA asked her Mom to come help her move . . . . .

Circumstances in the car . . . why do you return to tA's house with the 2 frappicinos?
It's complicated - I still loved him .. . he had calmed down he was tender and gentle an the way we parted . . . . I could see it would be a pleasant time
I loved him
Even though he hit you?

Did you have sex?
we did have sex that day
We didn't talk about JA moving away
spent almost rest afternoon and early evening together taht day.

She has discussed in late Feb that she was going to move back . .. in the car it was more definate. . . . .

Continued discussion about if she should stay in Mesa
In the car - he joked about it in a nice way.
Did he want you to stay?

The day he hit you in the car until the day you moved to Yreka?
Approx. a month and a week - 5 weeks
still seeing TA . . . . business as usual? still ocming to his house late @ night for sexual rendevous? yes . . . .why were you still his booty call? I was making a string of bad choices in my life @ that point in time (like killing him? IMO)
Sossaman is just a few miles west of Signal Butte. They both run north and south. Signal Butte is the main street nearest Travis home on Queensborough.

Here's a map.

JA stayed @ TA's house for 4 days before leaving . . . . left one time and then turned around came back to stay one more night . . .. she stayed in his bed and his roommates knew she was there . . . .

When she gets tired . . . . she gets almost Narcoleptic (????) . . . . she stayed there two more days . . . .there was PPL on Tues she ended up staying and going to .

Mentioned UHaul having her car 2004 Infinity G . . . coupe

Uhaul and BMW and BMW not surviving it's experience on the Uhaul . . . he pawned off his BMW on you?
Around January JA knew she needed to give the car back to Infinity finncial she had gone from excellent credit to foreclosure and her credit was shot . . . TA was looking to sell his BMW but thought he would get more money if he didn't trade it in

Some guy offered him $4500 he wanted $6K . . . . said he would sell to JA and knew she would make payments to him .. . she drove that out to Uhaul . . . . tow . . . . uhaul guy checked it out and locked it . . . . somewhere on freeway . . a lot of drag on the freeway even though she was flooring it . . .. . people were honking @ me . . . there were vehicles passing me . . . a ton of white smoke coming out . . . pulled off on the next exit . . . shoulder exit ramp - see what was going on .. . .

What did you learn happned?
car left in first in gear - engine or transmission blewup - black oil all over white pavement and pieces of metal on pavement.

That was in the same week of leaving but it was before those dates of actual leaving . . .
Updated trial schedule:

2/13/2013 10:00 Evidentiary Hearing
2/13/2013 13:30 Trial
2/14/2013 10:30 Trial

2/19/2013 10:30 Trial
2/20/2013 10:30 Trial
And that a wrap...



Beth Karas InSession
The hearing tomorrow that was originally scheduled for 1:30 pm (local time) has been rescheduled for 10:00 am. It is a sealed hearing--no public, no media can attend. Jurors were told to return at 11:00 am (1:00 pm ET) for continued testimony. Sky Hughes and Gus Searcy are expected to testify at the closed hearing.
Here is the most recent court schedule:

2/13/2013 10:00 Evidentiary Hearing (1/2 hour earlier than usual)
2/13/2013 13:30 Trial
2/14/2013 10:30 Trial

2/19/2013 10:30 Trial
2/20/2013 10:30 Trial
2/21/2013 10:30 Trial

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