*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Exhibit #444
Take a look @ circumstances going on the 6th . . . without telling us what is in text messages

ja was on the road . . . moving back to Yreka - moving to get away from him is one of the reasons - this was the next day after he flipped her off . . .she slept in the truck one of those nights

messages 12295 /
2 hrs & 18 min
JA was at her sister's house already - theyhad texted and said goodnight an went to sleep . . .

12308 message came broken up in many text messages - it woke her up because it kept beeping because so many messages kept coming through

#444 move to admit
counsel please approach

Judge is talking directly @ mr. Nurmi
Part 3

--Lawyers return, exhibit is admitted
--Nurmi asks JA to look at the text messages, text 4569 where she tells Travis she is sorry and to have a great day. The confrontation did not end with that message.
--The outgoing messages related to what Travis says to her. Nurmi asks JA to read text message 11857. "you stressing me out on a daily basis is really getting old, ......<missed all of it>.
--JA responds to TA by saying that she is tired of Travis being mean and he tells her that if he is tired to leave him alone. JA says "whatever Travis".
--The texts are an argument between TA and JA about them arguing
Text 11859, March 30, 2008, TA responds, "I don't ever want to get another freaking text from you again" unless it's an apology.
--JA says they spoke again a couple of hours later, JA says they didn't discuss the details, it was just apologies.
--April 7, 2008 text, after JA had moved away from Mesa. She thinks she was still on the road. In Hollister spending the night with her sister.
--Exhibit 442 is reviewed by JA, she says the message was actually on April 6th as the time difference is due to Greenwich time, Martinez objects based on hearsay and relevance. Judge asks lawyers to approach the bench.
--Judge asks JA to move her mic to her right.
--Exhibit 444, JA is asked to review the text messages and to testify what was going on in them. JA says she was on the road after leaving Mesa, Travis wanted to know where she was and how far that was from Yreka. JA says she was moving to get away from him. That was one of the main reasons. TA had flipped her off when she was driving away from him in Mesa.
--Gap in time between message 12295 and message 12308, there is a 2 hour and 18 minute gap in time. JA says she was at her sister's and had gone to sleep. Woke up and there was a really long message that was broken up. The phone kept beeping and it woke her up.
Nurmi asks for exhibit 444 to be admitted. Judge asks counsel to approach the bench.
I missed the last text . . . a very long one where TA tells her not to contact him again .. . .wanting to know name of who told her he was seeing someone else . . . she said she worked@ Ruby Tuesdays @ the time (?) is that yet another employer

She forgot and left a drawing that TA gave her- it made her mad - he had signed this drawing . . .
what was the anger he displayed in this text - same shaking
yea I tried to explain to him that I forgot

enter this into evidence?
Juan reads thru each page . . . objection not to the majority of it . . . but a portion talks about Sedona and
Nurmi- judge if we are going to have this discussion we should have it at the bench
February 19, 2013
Jodi Arias--Defence CIC day 7

Part 4

--re: text messages, did not have any conversations through instant message and doesn't think they had any phone conversations.

--Nurmi again tries to admit Exhibit 444, it is now admitted.

--Nurmi asking about the text message she woke up to. Jodi never told TA that she was moving out of Mesa to get away from him. Says she never told him that but says she wanted a healthy relationship with him.
--TA texted her saying to not call me, do not text me or anything, there was a reference to Michelle K, JA says that person was Maria and TA was mad that somebody had outed
Travis texts: "after tomorrow it's going to be really bad for you, time to spit it out". JA says that Travis wanted to know who Marie was.
--Marie came into Jodi's work at Ruby Tuesdays and she brought her some food. TA wanted Jodi to spit out "who was Marie".
--re: it's going to get really bad for you". JA says she wasn't sure what TA was capable of. Martinez objects...speculation.
--Nurmi asks if TA had threatened her. JA says he hadn't and she didn't know what TA was talking about.

--Exhibit 445, text message conversation from April 18, 2008, JA is asked to read it over to herself.

--The context of the conversation, says that TA had found a drawing that was left behind from when she was leaving and it made TA very mad.
--JA is asked about the effect the conversation had on her. Nurmi asks JA if it made her shake. JA says that she just wanted TA to calm down.
Nurmi asks for Exhibit 445 to be admitted into evidence. Martinez doesn't have an objection to a majority of the texts if the foundation that they talked about is there. Nurmi says that they should have the conversation at the bench. Lawyers approach.
@CoreyABC15: #JodiArias side bar count now at 5
This was defense exhibit #444






Reading the text messages


Exhibit #446 - from 19th of April . . . JA reading to self
Do you remember subject matterof this text
Ja telling him story on the phone and he asked her to get to the point - her feelings were hurt and she always listened to histories when they go a long time
living in Yreka
his anger still affect you on 4/19/08?

admit exhibit #446
no objection if ?
correct mr. nurmi?
that is your honor

Nurmi hands #446 back to JA refer back to it . . .during conversation - recall discussion public speaking - commenting on his public speaking - TA did not ask for her feedback - but he criticized her for taking too long to say what she was telling him . . .

JA tried to make a joke and said you are a little long winded yourself when you are public speaking . . . eventually he wanted to talk to her but he kept saying he wanted to end conversation but he kept texting her . . .

He wanted Ja to do a project for him - what project?
Upload photos - shrink to file size and email to him
were you still working or getting paid to do activities for him
No - just as a favor - I was editing wedding photos @ the moment - I photo'ed my cousins' wedding in March - it had been almost a month - I wanted to get thru I only had 12 more to go and needed to get photos on cd . . . it was my fledgling business

TA get upset with you putting your business desires ahead of his own desires?
yes - he wanted me to drop what I was doing and do his photos real fast.

Wind up doing the project for TA?
not that night - it got done eventually but my computer froze and it wouldn't unfreeze -he was trying to start a FB page for his dog . . .I took pics of Napolean . . .

why were you doing it for him?
He didn't have a nice camera - I had good photos . . . it was his dog - I wanted him to have them for the FB page

Exhibit #447
February 19, 2013
Jodi Arias--Defence CIC day 7

Part 5--message 12332, text 79 of 132, having a discussion about the signed item, Travis tells her to "not call back, I'm sick of you playing stupid and dealing with childish tactics."
--Another text, he tells her he is sick of her ruining his days, before he starts seeking revenge, she is overdrawn so she better start looking for a job. <there is more but didn't catch it all>
--text 5044, JA's response is to apologize to TA.
--another text is an apology again and tells him "don't worry, be happy".
--re: message 12335, after she aplogized to TA, "it's just always something Jodi, it just gets old, if it was too hard for you to take you shouldn't have asked me to sign it"....more about the picture....saying he is trying to save his house and build a business...tells her that she isn't sorry and if she were she wouldn't continue onward with this stuff. He asks for a pardon from any madness. TA says he'll give her motivation to quit screwing with him. Nurmi asks what that motivation would be and she doensn't know but "imagines the worse". Martinez objects.
--more messages...Jodi apologizes...saying things were better since she left Arizona because she was living in a suicidal fog when she was living in Arizona. The conversations she had with Travis drew her back
--message 5060, reference to a phone call, she says thank you for calling and saying that, it was very nice of you. JA says that TA felt justified but he was apologetic.
--message 5067, Now that it's all behind us let us now chalk up that drawing to one last ditzy thing, I think I forgot to put it there.
--Nurmi asks if JA forgot the drawing in order to ruin TA's day? Nurmi asks her if she didn't want to do anything to incur TA's anger. Asks JA if she would shake when TA got mad at her. When he called her a *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored*, three hole wonder, did she shake? Did she like it?
--Text conversation from April 19, 2008, Exhibit 446, Nurmi asks JA to read it to herself. JA says she was telling TA a story on the phone and TA had told her to get the point. She told him that she always listened to him on the phone. His anger still afftected her on April 19, 2008.
--Nurmi asks to enter Exhibit 446 into evidence. No objection from Martinez if Nurmi wraps it up later.
--Exhibit 446, During this conversation there was some talk about TA's public speaking. JA was commenting on TA's puplic speaking. TA did not ask for JA's feedback. TA critizied JA for taking to long to say what she was telling him. That lead to her talking about his public speaking and how he is long winded at times (during his public speaking). During the text conversation she thinks TA wanted to end the conversation but he kept texting her.
--Jodi says that TA wanted her to upload some photos, shrink the file size and send them. Nurmi asks if JA was still working for him. This was just a favor.
--JA says she was editing wedding photos from her cousin's wedding in March and it was a month after taking them and she wanted to get her cousin the CDs. JA wanted to be a wedding photographer, it was her fledgling business. Nurmi asks if TA was mad that she was putting the wedding photos ahead of his own desires. TA wanted her to drop what she was doing and do his photos real fast. JA didn't have time because she had her own work to do. Martinez objects, objection sustained.
--After the text conversation, JA did not do the project for Travis that night, she did it eventually, she can't remember when. All she remembers is that her computer froze.
--TA wanted to start a Facebook page for his dog, Napoleon and she had taken photos of the dog. Travis wanted her to do it because he didn't have a nice camera so she took the photos as she liked to take pictures.
Reading proposed defense exhibit #447

WildAboutTrial &#8207;@WildAboutTrial
Many of the jurors are swiveling in their chairs as the examination of text messages continues to drag on. #JodiArias
The following text finishes up that conversation and moves into the next day and the next day . . . .
JM reviews texts . . .. objection as to the date . . . just need a date when this happened

when did they take place
they are dated 4/19 thru 4/22
#447 is admitted

text #12661 = on 4/19/08
sounds like clever story for not doing it . . . and it all goesto hell . . . very fishy just forget it I know how youoperate . .. there is a text message #5359 you tell him thanks for apologizing . . .

you are one of the prettiest girls on the planet . . . . kind of put you back in the fog didn't it?
I was more in the fog when he was sending me mean texts
kept you in the relationship didn't it?
it made me feel better about associating with him

Text on MAY 10 2008 (we are finally in MAY folks!)

I made a grave error (boy howdy!) and sent him a text that was supposed to go to Steve Carrol - met on LDS linkup
started on evening on the 9th all the way to apology 3-4 hrs later

move to admit exhibit
objection lack of foundation - relevance
Sustained on the last part

Sent inadvertent text message to him and he got angry?
how did that affect you?
can I tell what was going thru my mind
what was the deal - you were not dating him anymore
because how he reacted in the past when I told him about Abe and told him about Sam . . . he was very angry about all of those things - accused me of lying to him about Abe and everything thereafter . . . I hit cancel but not in time for it to not go thru . . .Ididn't tell him about Abe, Sam and now theres Steve . . . now it just gets misdirected and everything just blew up
You were single - what was the big deal
I don't know - I knew he was trying to date Mimi - or he was . . . .

Admit Exhibit #448
object - foundation -
Part 6

--Exhibit 447, text messages, Martinez objects as to the date, wants a date when it happened. Nurmi asks JA for a date, they are from April 19 to April 22nd.
--message 12661, April 19, 2008, ...."very fishy, I know how you operate"... this was in reference to the photo work of the dog she was to for Travis.
--message 5359, she tells TA "thanks for apologizing", she can't remember if he called to apologize. TA goes to say "you are one of the prettiest girls on the planet". Nurmi asks if that put her back in the fog. It put her back in the relationship. JA says it made her feel better associating with TA.

--Text conversation from May 10, 2008, Exhibit 448--JA sent a mesage to TA's phone, the message was supposed to go to Steve Carol <spelling?>. The misdirected text was from the evening of May 9th and it went all the way to the apology three hours later. Nurmi moves to admit exhibit 448, Martinez objects to relevance, the effect on JA.
--JA says she sent the text to TA inadvertently, says that TA was angry <feed keeps cutting out>. JA says that TA was angry and because of how TA reacted in the past he got really upset. Martinez object and it is overruled.
--When she sent the misguided text she hit cancel but not in time for the first text to go through. She hadn't told TA about Steve and she felt she was living up to what TA had said she was. JA says it was the worst thing she could have done that day. Nurmi asks if she were single what was the big deal? JA says TA just didn't react well to those things. JA was worried about angering TA. Nurmi moves to enter Exhibit 448 into evidence and Martinez objects based on foundation and the judge asks the lawyers to approach the bench.
WildAboutTrial &#8207;@WildAboutTrial
Jurors seen stretching limbs, cracking necks and leaning heads on hands as sidebar continues. #JodiArias
Chris Williams &#8207;@chriswnews
2 female back row #JodiArias jurors exchanged words & a smile w/ each other during this sidebar. #Arias waiting on stand
Defense exhibit #447








When you sent this text to TA instead of Steve Carrol you were upset
I was freaking out . . . It never went well when he knew details about my social life . . .he would get angry - start off as teasing me . . or start clicking around on my friends messages . . . or if he was on my page he wanted to know who, what, where . . .

East Mesa is kind of a small place and he saw me on a date with another guy and he started teasing me - at this point it was pure wrath.

Text message talk about his wrath . . . hey there someone has my google password because he helpedme on a googleblog . . . . the second portion didn't go thru because you were able to stop that

You and your steve coverup make me freaking sick . . .
he got into my email an found one from Steve and I told him we were just friends - I thnk that is wat he is referring to . .

Txt - 'why don't you have him f@ck you in the woods . . . .is this about/
yes and the little red riding hood

Exhibit pg 118/132 - after he tells you having sex with mr.Carol - #6576 -
read response - 3 text messages - one message broken into 3

plese don't give me anymore grief about steve or anyone else - lets just adopt a don't ask don't tell policy and we will both be better off . . still love him and apologetic

pg #119/132 from TA to JA

I freaking bet - I wonder how much you send out that I don' see .. . btw thanks for not paying for the car . . . you are more and more like your Mom every day

he wanted to know what it said
Did he demand to know what it said
Did you feel obligated to share the 2nd part with him
yes - he was speculating how bad it could have been - it wasn't bad - just said to email me @ different email
why did you have to justify to TA on this day when you were not dating him
I don't know why - he just had it that way

did you send him a 2nd half of text message/
not that second half
did yu send him something else?

pg 120 #6587
JA @ Hotmail for now - thanks a lot
why did you send that text and make that up?
this was the gist of what I sent . . . I cancelled it in my phone and couldn't find it . . so I just sent what was

the sole message on the page
how did this conversation end?
he said I;m sorry too - ILY
that reel you back in?
made me feel better

talk about one more thing in this exhibit = #121/132 final page of the exhibit (?) what was subject matter that conversation?
I have a blank page

Judge perhaps we can take lunch

Excused for lunch

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