*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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JUROR QUESTIONS FOR GEFFNER - Monday, January 26, 2015

Q: Question was regarding norms
A: Geff-The testing didn't include incarcerated people #Jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: If Jodi was tested years later how accurate are these tests?
A: Geff- I'm looking for consistency #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @CarolynSungCNN : PTSD, depress, anxiety would manifest after murder and being in jail, how can you tell if there were signs before? #jodiarias
A: Geffner says yes these symptoms can occur after, but interviews were done with those around her/ knew her. #jodiarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: How likely is it that Jodi scored low on aggressiveness knowing these results would be shown in court #jodiarias #3tvarias
A: Dr. Geffner says @jodiarias couldn't fool testers by trying to intentionally score low on aggressiveness.

Q: ‏@TrialDiariesJ 37s37 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ - Speaking to allegation of the masturbation of male child, other than verbal word from Jodi...that was reported far after the incident is there anything else that references it? #jodiarias
A: Dr. Geffner says he did not see anything in written records backing up claim Travis Alexander masturbated to child *advertiser censored*. @jodiarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: In your professional opinion don't you find it odd someone that journals like this has nothing in it about these incidents? #jodiarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: I understand the cycle of abuse but how is Jodi choosing to hang out and continue to have sex
A: Geff- That is the cycle #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Were the 2007 IM messages in her journal where he is calling her pure evil?
A: Geff- I can't remember #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Do records show other significant things that happened she didn't journal on?
A: Geff- It's not a blow by blow its a summary #Jodiarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Why does Jodi use T-Dogg and Travis in the records
A: Geff- It was the macho part of him #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Who was the recipient of the coded magazine message
A: Geff- I don't know #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Is Jodi's PTSD centered around the murder or relationship with TA as a whole
A: Geff- She's experienced a lot of DV from childhood and w/ BF

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Did you find anywhere a supported documentation of the DV from Travis
A: Geff- Just Jodi's word #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: In your expert opinion and review of records did DV physical abuse take place?
A: Geff- Yes #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ • 28s 28 seconds ago - Why do you think in mon of May she writes as if she's stronger and wants to move on and does opposite
A: Geff- She's sucked back in #jodiarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: It may seem to common lay person this could be a consequence of committing the murder. Are there symptoms for Jodi's problems pre murder?

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: On 12/18/14 the Dr testified on a journal entry it was powerful to her TA yelled at her and it violated her Laws of Attraction. Why was this powerful but the DV wasn't enough to write about it
A: Geff- Some sinks into journal #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Wouldn't writing about suicide violate this law?
A: Geff- I didn't ask her about that but this was creeping into her journals at that time

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Did this verbal abuse in the journals even really happen? What else do you have to prove it? #jodiarias #3tvarias
A: RG: No, not really. We had some people saying she was different and something caused it. Matt saw bruises and he told her to get a restraining order but she said she was moving in two days.

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Are there entries in Jodi's journal after the murder?
A: Geff- It's mixed and she doesn't admit it #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: In your opinion of a heterosexual male is it normal for them to view girls and boys? #jodiarias #3tvarias
A: Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute agoPhoenix, AZ
Geff- Yes...we can have non exclusive that are attracted to kids and adults #jodiarias #3tvari

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Is Jodi right or left handed?
A: Geff- Left #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Did TA ever talk to Jodi about the molestation incident that happened to him?
A: Geff- Yes he did #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: You as an expert...don't you find this surprising she would have sex with Travis after this masturbation incident? #jodiarias #3tvarias
A: Geff- I'm not surprised anymore. Jodi said she felt bad for TA #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Did Jodi talk about this masturbation incident prior to the psychologist
A: Geff- No #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: How may days did psychologist 1 interview Jodi?
A: Geff- 2 days

Q: Were notes typed?
A: Geff- Both #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: How long can someone stay in a disassocitive state of mind
A: Geff- There can be extremes #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: Do people still function normally and go to work at these times?
A: Geff- You can block things out #jodiarias #3tvarias

Q: @TrialDiariesJ: How do you discriminate between the 2 tests and allow her to seperate her emotions from pre jail and jail? #jodiarias #3tvarias
A: Geff- We ask these question at least 100 of them. We ask her to go back in time on some #jodiarias #3tvarias
Motion For Mistrial: Prosecutorial Misconduct That Occurred During The Cross Examination Of Dr. Robert Geffner:


Motion For Mistrial: Prosecutorial Misconduct That Occurred During The Cross Examination Of Dr. Robert Geffner (Supplemental Related To Misconduct That Occurred On January 26, 2015):


List of many retrial court documents on Court Chatter:

Jury Questions For Dr. DeMarte:

Jury questions

Q: Was Jodi mentally ill prior to the murder?
DeMarte: She has Borderline Personality Disorder. That doesn't come out of the blue, it happens over time.

Q: Without having training in DAPS testing, what is your basis for believing Dr. Geffner administered it incorrectly?
DeMarte: It's a self-reporting test. Don't need extensive training in it. Any psychologist could have picked out his errors.

Q: How many tests are there to diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD?
DeMarte: There are hundreds of tests. Some are more popular than others.

Q: How many did you personally administer?
DeMarte: I administered 4 tests: MMPI, RAP, TSI and WAIS.

Q: How many years experience do you have in treating domestic violence victims?
DeMarte: Since 2004

Q: How many years do you have in treating sexual abuse victimes?
DeMarte: Since 2004

Q: Do these fields require certification?
DeMarte: Yes for a clinical psychologist. To treat PTSD or victims of domestic violence, there's no certification out there.

Q: When you were treating patients from 2004-2008, was it by yourself or with another psychologist?
DeMarte: Before licensed I practiced under the license of another psychologist but I met alone with the patient. This is standard.

Q: Do you feel that the knowledge of a sexual assault is as damaging as having a memory of it?
DeMarte: It can manifest into PTSD but you have to have the symptoms. It wouldn't be PTSD without memory.

Q: Can the body have reactions to certain stimuli that trigger feelings to suppressed memories?
DeMarte: Yes, there could be a physiological reaction.

Q: In one of the communications between Jodi and Travis, Travis says Jodi can have all of his passwords. Is that still considered unwanted intrusive behavior?
DeMarte: No, not when they exchanged information. As time went on, it was clear that Travis took away the permission.

Q: There were some communications between Travis and other women where he complained that Jodi wouldn't leave him alone. Were these people, like Michele Lowry, aware he was still seeing Jodi?
DeMarte: Not to the extent it was sexual.

Q: How long in total did Jodi work at the Purple Plum both times?
DeMarte: I would need to look at my notes.....I'm not sure.

Q: Did you monitor her at all after the four times you met with her?
DeMarte: No.

Q: How far back did your forensic evaluation go and were all the records were available?
DeMarte: All the records pertaining to her were made available to me, as far as I know. My evaluation went back to her childhood.

Q: Do you consider Borderline Personality Disorder a mental illness or a psychological disorder and why?
DeMarte: It's a psychological disorder which has the same meaning as mental illness.

Q: How does dissociation play into Borderline Personality Disorder?
DeMarte: It's a technique to distance oneself from an environment that is anxiety provoking. One of the symptoms of BPD is dissociation and paranoia.

Copyright - Court Chatter

ZoeyWatson ‏@ZoeyWatson2014 1m1 minute ago
#TravisAlexander Here is the jurors' interview http://youtu.be/CZHOfKs1m-Q?t=2h37m44s …
@troyhaydenfox10 2h2 hours ago
ALERT: J. Martinez prosecuted ex-husband of holdout juror 17. They married day before his 2000 sentencing. #jodiarias
ABC15 Arizona ‏@abc15 19m19 minutes ago
JUST IN: Judge approves live video coverage for #JodiArias sentencing. Some witnesses will not be photographed. Sentencing: April 13.
Yet another book

I recently joined Websleuths, and am finally ready to mention I am writing a novelization of this tragedy. The working title is “Jodi and Travis.” It is certainly no “In Cold Blood” or “Executioner’s Song” – it’s closer in spirit to “To Die For” by Joyce Maynard. It’s half done, and I plan to market it via Kindle Direct next year. It’s coming along well; my writer friends who’ve read my progress say it’s very entertaining.

Yes, I’ve changed the names to protect the innocent but that doesn’t always go far enough. Whereas nothing in it can be construed as malicious or libel, you never know when someone is going to allege cause for infringement of common law right of publicity, invasion of privacy and unjust enrichment. So, I need an entertainment attorney who can ensure there are no potential libel problems. The story is highly flattering to all the good people in Travis’ life except for his murderer. And while I appreciate all the good things Legalshield did for Travis, I’m not a fan of the company.

My own search for the right lawyer has been dead end. So please, if you know someone who knows a counselor who knows their slander statutes, let me know!

I started to write the book because I wanted to know how a narcissist follows the arc that ends an innocent life. I could not begin to fathom the ’s motive. The story is answering my curiosity as I write.

BTW Perryville Prison is a few miles west of my winter house. Of course I’m not going to attempt correspondence with the murderer, but I have seen her hot, dusty residence close up. It must be akin to the 8[SUP]th[/SUP] ring of hell.
She needs a free pass to the table with a needle. No forgiveness

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