**GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY***

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I've asked the same question yesterday and have got no answer either. Like you, I haven't read any official word about what kind of animal is that and in different boards we read different opinions (is a cat, dog, ferret, etc) :maddening: :banghead:

I haven't read any official word or anything (I'm wondering too) but I did find this still and posted it on the first page of the thread if it helps at all... I wish they'd say something about it either way (LE).

**GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
You first hear the beeping around 06.23 in the audio track. It goes on untill the end. That means it goes on for more than about 3 and a half minutes..
Would LRM really go out of electrcity?
Being the "internet addict" that he was/am?

AND another thing I thought about last night. I someone use a angle grinder (?) in the middle of the night, wouldn't someone react to that?!
If you can hear other people sneeze next door (If that's what it was) someone odd to noticed the grinder.

The beepinf definitely has an odd pattern....it goes slower then faster then slower again. It actually reminds me of a heart rate monitor. Constant beeping at varied intervals. I don't know why there would be a heart rate monitor in the room, but it just sounds similar to me.

As for the angle grinder...I've lived in many apartments, some with terrible sound barriers. I've heard people using all kinds of tools at all hours. I always chalked it up to people with strange schedules doing renovations or something. I guess that's maybe a bit naiive of me, but I don't think anyone's first reaction would be "Is that an angle grinder? My neighbour must be dismembering someone!" (lol). Especially in a low income building like the one LM was in - i think a lot of people mind their own business.
Does anyone else heard a strange buzz sound @ 2:59? It sounds like a mobilephone buzz when you receive a textmessage or a wap message....
And @ 5:10 it sounds like old fashioned sound of a spacebar ( on old keyboards ), to me it could be his phone putting down on a table ( a bit like trow and slide type of manner )
>Apple OC
"IMO, there is no doubt police can see and hear
much more than we can."

If they wouldn't, I'd be surprised!
But on this thread WE are talking about the vid,
not LE.
Maye you should let go of your
"I see and I hear"-feeling.
Just watch..
Then listen..
Then try to assemble it.
If it's not a match something isn't right.

By the way, an you give a time from the audio and vid
when you think "what" is happening?

Haha, heart monitor! Your'e sweet!
As I posted before,
the beeping is probably a "hearing hallucination".
I think the quick beeping goes on but your mind
"translates" it. So does audio recorders.

I know There's alot of noise in "some" neighbourhoods
but what I mean is that after a thing like this,
neighbours talk.
And newspapers are pretty quick to listen.
But I haven't read anything about hearing "noises in the night".

I hear something at 02.59 and at 05.10 but I'm gonna listen more at the audio tomorrow.
Good of you to notice!

Now it's late where I'm at so see you all tomorrow! =)
>Apple OC
"IMO, there is no doubt police can see and hear
much more than we can."

If they wouldn't, I'd be surprised!
But on this thread WE are talking about the vid,
not LE.
Maye you should let go of your
"I see and I hear"-feeling.
Just watch..
Then listen..
Then try to assemble it.
If it's not a match something isn't right.

By the way, an you give a time from the audio and vid
when you think "what" is happening?

Haha, heart monitor! Your'e sweet!
As I posted before,
the beeping is probably a "hearing hallucination".
I think the quick beeping goes on but your mind
"translates" it. So does audio recorders.

I know There's alot of noise in "some" neighbourhoods
but what I mean is that after a thing like this,
neighbours talk.
And newspapers are pretty quick to listen.
But I haven't read anything about hearing "noises in the night".

I hear something at 02.59 and at 05.10 but I'm gonna listen more at the audio tomorrow.
Good of you to notice!

Now it's late where I'm at so see you all tomorrow! =)

A heart monitor... I heard the pace increase and decrease, and it was so regular that I thought it was looped until the sneezes. It didn't sound like any sort of monitor to me, but I won't dismiss until I listen again. Never thought of that though. Honestly, too sick to cross my mind...
I downloaded the software successfully and it installed a toolbar, but the only audio clip i see is called California Rock. Duh !! Can someone please tell me where to find the clip? Thanks :)

Dont think you have to install anything. Just click on the download bar/thingie ;)
Dont think you have to install anything. Just click on the download bar/thingie ;)
I made the install mistake, as well. Then I realized that there is another link to hit where it prompts you to type in letters, so that's when you know you have hit the correct button. There's a load of crap on there that they are trying to get you to download.
I've asked the same question yesterday and have got no answer either. Like you, I haven't read any official word about what kind of animal is that and in different boards we read different opinions (is a cat, dog, ferret, etc) :maddening: :banghead:
I am comfortable with 99% certainty that this is a dog. It looks like a dog, moves like a dog, acts like a dog, barks like a dog, and cries/yelps like a dog. I can not even imagine any other reason why anyone would ever think otherwise.
The beepinf definitely has an odd pattern....it goes slower then faster then slower again. It actually reminds me of a heart rate monitor. Constant beeping at varied intervals. I don't know why there would be a heart rate monitor in the room, but it just sounds similar to me.

As for the angle grinder...I've lived in many apartments, some with terrible sound barriers. I've heard people using all kinds of tools at all hours. I always chalked it up to people with strange schedules doing renovations or something. I guess that's maybe a bit naiive of me, but I don't think anyone's first reaction would be "Is that an angle grinder? My neighbour must be dismembering someone!" (lol). Especially in a low income building like the one LM was in - i think a lot of people mind their own business.
I was thinking that this was the reason behind the loud music - to drown out any other sounds. However, I cannot figure out WTF is going on with the sound, music, etc., on the video right now, so I'm not speculating anything.
Since someone posted about the possibility of the beeping being the sound of a heart rate monitor, I listened to the audio clip again. I can't tell for sure whether it is indeed a heart rate monitor that can be heard but listening did prompt some considerations. Was Jun dead before the end of the audio? Does the audio definitely correspond to the film footage or could it be audio made earlier while Jun may have been alive and hooked up to a machine? Did Luka lay a second audio track down over the first in order to create the impression of someone else being in the room? Was he trying to create such a confusing picture that it would be impossible to prove who was the murderer, who is in the video, whether there was an accomplice, and when Jun was still alive?

...At this point I am having a hard time not hating Luka and wanting him to suffer a terrible death. I'm a pacifist and generally a kind person, I like to think. But this case has made me reconsider my personal beliefs. Maybe sometimes people really do deserve to be put to death. Maybe it's even a great evil not to put certain people to death. In any case, I don't know but that's what has been going through my head.
If they found a dog in the apartment or garbage; they wouldn't say as Im sure it would be used as evidence. Not trying to be insensitive here; but the dog would likely have flesh/DNA in its belly.

They said they found body parts, blunt and sharp instruments, a longer version of the video, and writing on paper in the garbage, so why won't they say anything about that pup, I wonder? Is the dog of just so little value, it doesn't deserve even a mention from LE or the media?
I listened to the audio and the beeping almost sounded like the whirring of a vacuum cleaner to me.
I thought I'd enhance the audio a little bit, I filtered out unnecessary Hz regions, made it a lot louder and enhanced specific Hz regions also :)

uploaded here: http://www.filedropper.com/lmsound

I hope it helps! I'd also could upload a version without all the low frequencies in it if requested
The beepinf definitely has an odd pattern....it goes slower then faster then slower again. It actually reminds me of a heart rate monitor. Constant beeping at varied intervals. I don't know why there would be a heart rate monitor in the room, but it just sounds similar to me.

As for the angle grinder...I've lived in many apartments, some with terrible sound barriers. I've heard people using all kinds of tools at all hours. I always chalked it up to people with strange schedules doing renovations or something. I guess that's maybe a bit naiive of me, but I don't think anyone's first reaction would be "Is that an angle grinder? My neighbour must be dismembering someone!" (lol). Especially in a low income building like the one LM was in - i think a lot of people mind their own business.

I haven't had the time to listen to the audio track but until I do I will throw this out there because I heard it today..could it be the beeping of a crosswalk sign? They start to beep quicker as the light is getting ready to turn...again I haven't listened yet so I may be way off here..just a thought
No, it's definitely not a crosswalk sign. And it's not a vacuum cleaner either. Neither is it some sort of auditory illusion as some poster had guessed. The beeping in the audio track is more erratic; there isn't the same kind of interval between sets of beeps (with a crosswalk beep there are long pauses before the next time it goes off); the pitch is different here--lower, duller than that crosswalk chirp. It also sounds as if the only sounds coming into the room from outside are those of somewhat-muffled traffic which makes sense since he recorded with a microphone and lived right by a freeway (the freeway is shown in images and video of his neighborhood). It's hard to believe that other sounds from outside the apartment would show up that distinctly when the traffic is only heard at a certain decibel and the footsteps and sneeze made in his apartment are at their higher decibel level.

I'd love to believe that it's not a heart rate monitor but it makes sense in a sick way that it is and is very much what it sounds like in every way. At this point I'm guessing that Luka sliced the throat initially in order to deaden Jun's vocal cords so he couldn't cry out (neighbors would hear), but didn't kill him right away. And that he had this heart rate monitor hooked up somehow in order to monitor how scared Jun was and that he was still alive. Perhaps he laid the audio down over the video so that the time sequences don't match up. Hence, when Jun is still alive in the audio, he's already dead in the video. But I haven't watched the video footage so I might be very lost here in my interpretation.

I haven't had the time to listen to the audio track but until I do I will throw this out there because I heard it today..could it be the beeping of a crosswalk sign? They start to beep quicker as the light is getting ready to turn...again I haven't listened yet so I may be way off here..just a thought
Some sort of (sound) interference, maybe due to placing multiple electrical appliances near each other for the filming? That does seem plausible. My limited experience with electrical interference has never had such dramatic results though. And it doesn't seem like Luka to want that sort of loud, extraneous noise to interfere with his production in which he hoped to gain his own twisted version of fame.

Could something like this be causing the beeping? Not sure since I have never heard of this, and not sure if it would beep so consistantly for so long.

The site linked below describes the audio interference from nearby cell phones as emitting 5 or so beeps and then stopping. That wouldn't fit the pattern we hear on the audio file where the beeps continue throughout the entire recording. But maybe there are many different ways such interference can happen.


Could something like this be causing the beeping? Not sure since I have never heard of this, and not sure if it would beep so consistantly for so long.

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