**GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY***

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So people are sending him money? He won't be needing it. JMO
So people are sending him money? He won't be needing it. JMO

I realize what people do with their own money is no one's business but theirs, but ugh. It could be put to much better use. A narcissistic, manipulative, self-serving, alleged :)rolleyes:) murderer is the last person you should be giving it to, IMO. :furious:

(Just in general. This isn't directed at you, sinwonderland.)
I told him I wouldn't share his letters publicly but here's a little sample of the handwriting from my letters.

Thank you for clearing that up. I was going to post that they are authentic, but you saved me the explanation! ;)
I can see why people are happy but didn't this help in identifying Magnotta very early on? In fact, I remember people ID'd him almost right away. JMO

IIRC, it was Marek who claimed bestgore was instrumental in identifying LM, but I don't recall LE saying one way or another how the video was brought to their attention.
Why does the site need to be taken down? So out values are not corrupted?

This is the way humans are. Remember the Greyhound beheadment?
Money to a: murderer, cannibalism, necropheliac.. a family who lost a son?

Something wrong with this picture?

Agree ...

Yeah, and tell him whatever you like, but no need to honour the promise? He loves attention, he probably hopes you're sharing the letters!
Gore website owner granted bail in Magnotta video case, but barred from accessing Internet ...

Through a duty counsel lawyer, Marek claimed that he posted the video “in the public interest” in an attempt to verify whether it was indeed real. He posted the video with the message “Is this real? It seems fake,” said lawyer Guy Doyon.

After being contacted by a Minnesota man who said the video appeared real, Marek contacted police in Ontario, his lawyer said.

“The police, in Mr. Marek’s words, blew him off,” Doyon told court. “He posted this in the public interest. Once it’s even suspected that it’s real, he takes it down.”

Later, Doyon said, Quebec police told Marek to take down the video because it was offensive to Lin’s family ...

full article at:

IMO, the above seems like a lot of bass-ackwards explaining.
Hi guys,

I've just created an account here. First of all I'd like to say "sorry" for posting here after so many months of silence.
I've read about the whole case in 2012 and now I started some research on it, because I became interested in it.
I'm wondering what you guys think about all those theories that Magnotta had an accomplice or something like that.
There was an article which said that investigators try figuring out if there's someone else behind the crimes, but I guess we'll have to wait for news until September.
In the snake video, you can clearly see that there was another person involved. Does anyone know the name of this person?
That's all for now.

Best regards
Welcome Thar! In terms of an accomplice re. the animal torture videos, I think Baudi Moovan will likely have an opinion on that likely some real information too. Not sure if I believe that he had an accomplice for the murder though.
Thanks for the reply. Would be cool if Baudi Moovan posts his opinion on the topic here.
Well, the video of the killing is pretty strange. I guess you guys know what I'm talking about. Regarding a person walking in the background etc.
Next thing is that I don't have an answer who gave the money to him to fly to Europe.
I know that he was almost out of money at all... sending body parts to schools... doesn't seem to be his own idea, he's not the smartest person and also not that "creative".
Also that he was able to hide for so many days without any help... I don't know, sounds unlikely.
Too bad. I guess the thread is dead until September... :-(
Too bad. I guess the thread is dead until September... :-(

:seeya:Hi Thar !

Maybe not, I just get notified of updates in this thread weekly.
So it all depends on each posters personal settings.
Hi, do you have an opinion on the accomplice theory?

Actually I hadn't really thought about it !

I seem to recall talk of that regarding the 'kitten' videos but not sure what (if anything) became of it.
There was definitely someone else in one of them !

But the murder, I really don't know.

I don't think in the actual murder itself anyone else was involved but in 'encouraging' it quite possibly
( Intentionally or not ? )

I agree with you about the mailing of the *body parts,* something about that part of it doesn't seem to 'fit' ?

How or what though.....??

:notgood: *I hate having to write that !*
I think the only accomplice he had were his imaginary friends.I do think he is creative enough and his sick,twisted mind could come up with anything to get attention.
He didn't even have real friends,so who would be that connected to him to go through all this planning? I do wonder about the mysterious "Manny" though and still wonder if he existed.....he could be the source for the money ?
I think the only accomplice he had were his imaginary friends.I do think he is creative enough and his sick,twisted mind could come up with anything to get attention.
He didn't even have real friends,so who would be that connected to him to go through all this planning? I do wonder about the mysterious "Manny" though and still wonder if he existed.....he could be the source for the money ?

I don't think that Manny exists. How Magnotta described his abused in those mails... no person that was abused talks about the abuse this way.
Regarding the friends: It's funny that he calls some old "friends" of him "loser".
I know an ex-girlfriend of him (don't want to write down her name here, she wouldn't like that. Just read between the lines who she is) and what I think about the money thing just fits.
She says the same. But strange that he said that this person never was his girlfriend... I don't know. Everything is strange about this case and Magnotta himself.
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