**GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY***

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A long time ago I watched a fake snuff video by Nine Inch Nails because a boyfriend (ex now) wouldn't tell me what was on this vhs tape so I popped it into the video player and found out by watching. By the end I almost vomited and then I had nightmares for a while. He had bought it on the streets of San Fran; it was a rare edition not released to the general public. The FBI proved that it was a fake. Even so, it's part of the reason I won't watch the 1 Man 1 Icepick video; I know I won't be able to handle it.

Judging from my experience with the fake snuff video, I'd say that in time you will probably feel relatively normal again. You just might be more cautious or fearful than before. It takes a while for the mind to shake off the creepy associations (the atmosphere) it picks up while exposed to subject matter like this. We all probably need to take a break from it.
Was that the one with the guy and his junk in the meat grinder? I own that! It was eventually released as a part of a box set around '96. Gotta love NIN. ;)

Yes, I know I feel better when I get away from this for 1/2-1 day. But thanks to WS I feel compelled to get on here to keep abreast of the conversation! Trust me, I have very thick skin when it comes to gore. This case is just a trip!
While I have not had the opportunity to listen to the actual audio recording, I would have serious doubts as to the "beeping" sound being either an electrocardiogram [EKG] or blood-pressure/heart rate monitor. An intravenous (IV) pump (as used in a clinical/hospital setting) can be ruled out as well. EKG machines and IV pumps are rather expensive and are not readily available to the general public. Patients that have such a device in the home are "prescribed" the device by their attending physician (I have never heard of an EKG machine being provided to a patient at home for any reason). IV pumps are generally prescribed to terminally ill patients (other uses may exist). Once a terminally ill patient expires, the IV pumps are picked up, or returned to the prescribing agency.

While I am not employed in the medical industry, I am familiar with some of the equipment in use due to some early career consultations. Further, I am not one of the Websleuths.com "verified" professionals, but I am an electrical engineer and work in the transportation sector. I possess a B.S.E.E. and have been designing diesel-electric locomotive traction systems (AC/DC) and components for 20+ years.

With that being said, I will listen to, and subsequently analyze the audio recording to see if I can come up with some reasonable explanations for the "beeping" sounds. Once I conclude my examinations, I will be happy to provide my insight into these sounds if anyone is interested. If a moderator is interested in verifying my education, experience and credentials, please contact me via message here.

Joseph Y.
Originally Posted by AudreyRose
^^^ This. I think it's definitely possible LM thought he was being very clever by trying to confuse people. I also think he purposefully edited the video in a haphazard way to keep people talking/speculating.

Originally Posted by Jujercu
I agree...it was VERY haphazard and a few things appear to be out of sequence as well...odd...but not really for LM

IMHO, he’s just really **** at editing and probably didnt even notice the audio mistakes he was making, LOL

I’m starting to think the audio we can hear is not the audio that was recorded during the acts. He left the mic open while editing and that are the noises we can hear. There’s too much walking around and in my recollection of the video that doesnt match with the visuals. Except for maby the soft New Order version. I think that was important bec he wanted to stab JL in sync with the music of the song...
This makes perfect sense and explains all of the oddities, such as the sneeze but no camera shake, etc.
While I have not had the opportunity to listen to the actual audio recording, I would have serious doubts as to the "beeping" sound being either an electrocardiogram [EKG] or blood-pressure/heart rate monitor. An intravenous (IV) pump (as used in a clinical/hospital setting) can be ruled out as well. EKG machines and IV pumps are rather expensive and are not readily available to the general public. Patients that have such a device in the home are "prescribed" the device by their attending physician (I have never heard of an EKG machine being provided to a patient at home for any reason). IV pumps are generally prescribed to terminally ill patients (other uses may exist). Once a terminally ill patient expires, the IV pumps are picked up, or returned to the prescribing agency.

While I am not employed in the medical industry, I am familiar with some of the equipment in use due to some early career consultations. Further, I am not one of the Websleuths.com "verified" professionals, but I am an electrical engineer and work in the transportation sector. I possess a B.S.E.E. and have been designing diesel-electric locomotive traction systems (AC/DC) and components for 20+ years.

With that being said, I will listen to, and subsequently analyze the audio recording to see if I can come up with some reasonable explanations for the "beeping" sounds. Once I conclude my examinations, I will be happy to provide my insight into these sounds if anyone is interested. If a moderator is interested in verifying my education, experience and credentials, please contact me via message here.

Joseph Y.
Yes, this seems like it would be a frivilous expense, and for what purpose? I concur.
I have added your note "07.19" to the audio timeline.
This is the same sound at 08.54-08.56 that I noted as "--> Strange sound, bird?"

At 07.28 I am pretty sure that it's someone else sneezing twice, inside or outside the building but not in LRM's apartment.
It sounds to me like it's right there.
Instead of watching the actual stabbing and subsequent dismemberment, has anyone watched the shadows and other areas of the video that are usually ignored by viewers for other clues? If this has been asked previously, I apologize.

Joseph Y.
You are correct -It is gruesome. Now I clearly remember why I will never watch it again.
After some additional thought I feel that it is highly unlikely that he had an accomplice. If there was someone else there, why all the crappy, awkward filming, propping a table on the bed to rest the camera, oddly timed film cuts, etc? I would hope that if someone else was there tha between the two of them they would have created a more seemless and higher quality film. The only thing worse than his camera/filming skills are his editing skills.

People talk about other films having been more horrific and disturbing, but there is something about the lighting, music, anonymity of perpetrator, and passionless and mechanical assault that make this thing stick with you in the worst of ways. The film (and subsequent research) has burrowed its way into my mind like a parasite injecting its larvae, which are now invading every recess of my mind, body, soul. I feel like it has changed me for the worst, making me angry, suspicious, paranoid, and disgusted with society on so many levels. And disgusted with myself for watching it in the first place, and for continuing to feed it. I know, I know... I could stop following this case, but it's so damn interesting I haven't been able to. However, not so sure how many more sleepless nights I can handle.

I know that sounds intense, and of course it's a bit dramatic. Just trying to get my point across. Anyone else feel the same way?

Sunday, you are in good company here.... the video was horrible - it had to be...someone was murdered on it!!!! I focus on the fact that someone cares enough to not let it go. I will never forget what LM did.....I will also focus on the pictures of JL's smiling face and the words of his amazing parents. Stay strong.....this is not over yet and we stand united in our desire to seek justice.
Sunday, you are in good company here.... the video was horrible - it had to be...someone was murdered on it!!!! I focus on the fact that someone cares enough to not let it go. I will never forget what LM did.....I will also focus on the pictures of JL's smiling face and the words of his amazing parents. Stay strong.....this is not over yet and we stand united in our desire to seek justice.
Well, you know, in the beginning of all this I was much more empathetic towards Luka. No doubt he had a F-ed up childhood, suffered abuse, and now suffers mental illness as a result, but hell, my childhood wasn't exactly rosey and I could never commit such a vile act. The more I learn about his life as well as the murder the more apathetic I feel towards him.
has anyone seen this ...it has some points in it

Luka Rocco Magnotta Is an accomplice,Murderer there are others! - YouTube

I think THIS is why alot of people weren't sure that was Jun Lin when they first saw the killvid...some even thought at first glance that it was a woman because of that slender body type..it seems to me that at some point in the planning/execution that Luka was tied up {could Jun Lin have done it,someone else or even Luka fake/tie himself up ?..what a puzzle this guy is

Yes there is a discussion about this many pages back on this thread. Interesting indeed huh?
has anyone seen this ...it has some points in it

Luka Rocco Magnotta Is an accomplice,Murderer there are others! - YouTube

I think THIS is why alot of people weren't sure that was Jun Lin when they first saw the killvid...some even thought at first glance that it was a woman because of that slender body type..it seems to me that at some point in the planning/execution that Luka was tied up {could Jun Lin have done it,someone else or even Luka fake/tie himself up ?..what a puzzle this guy is

I mentioned earlier that I thought it to be very plausibe that LM snuck a shot of his own naked, bound body into the video. I think that's JUST the kind of thing that would get LM off, hundreds of thousands of people unknowingly looking at his naked body. Of course, that begs the question how he got tied up...did JL do it, thinking they were just in for some consensual fun? Was it footage taken from another date/time? It's true that initially, many many people said the tied up body didn't look Asian (how a body "looks" Asian, I don't know...but people said it). I agree that the body structure looks much different at the beginning of the film than what's seen later on...but could that be rigor mortis setting in? I'm not sure how long that process takes.
You are correct -It is gruesome. Now I clearly remember why I will never watch it again.
After some additional thought I feel that it is highly unlikely that he had an accomplice. If there was someone else there, why all the crappy, awkward filming, propping a table on the bed to rest the camera, oddly timed film cuts, etc? I would hope that if someone else was there tha between the two of them they would have created a more seemless and higher quality film. The only thing worse than his camera/filming skills are his editing skills.

People talk about other films having been more horrific and disturbing, but there is something about the lighting, music, anonymity of perpetrator, and passionless and mechanical assault that make this thing stick with you in the worst of ways. The film (and subsequent research) has burrowed its way into my mind like a parasite injecting its larvae, which are now invading every recess of my mind, body, soul. I feel like it has changed me for the worst, making me angry, suspicious, paranoid, and disgusted with society on so many levels. And disgusted with myself for watching it in the first place, and for continuing to feed it. I know, I know... I could stop following this case, but it's so damn interesting I haven't been able to. However, not so sure how many more sleepless nights I can handle.

I know that sounds intense, and of course it's a bit dramatic. Just trying to get my point across. Anyone else feel the same way?

Thanks for being so open and honest, Sunday. I hear you on all accounts. I haven't even watched the video and it's affected me pretty deeply. Just the stills that I saw caused me to have nightmares and many sleepless nights. My partner even had a personal connection to LM, so when he was on the run I thought I'd never sleep again. It's made me question my beliefs about the death penalty and the human race as a whole. He's ruined "True Faith" for me as a song and I don't think I'll ever be able to watch American Psycho again (despite owning it). But all that being said, I too can't stop myself from delving deeper into the mystery that is Eric Newman. It's fascinating in the worst way possible.
Instead of watching the actual stabbing and subsequent dismemberment, has anyone watched the shadows and other areas of the video that are usually ignored by viewers for other clues? If this has been asked previously, I apologize.

Joseph Y.

Yes I have...you notice many times the hand strap front the camera. There are other minor things. I have full notes on the video that I need type up. I did it back when it was the general discussion thread and it was frowned upon to talk in too much detail about the video there...since we have this dedicated thread now I can post...will try to in the next few days.
Yes I have...you notice many times the hand strap front the camera. There are other minor things. I have full notes on the video that I need type up. I did it back when it was the general discussion thread and it was frowned upon to talk in too much detail about the video there...since we have this dedicated thread now I can post...will try to in the next few days.

I certainly look forward to reading your transcribed notes.
Sunday, you are in good company here.... the video was horrible - it had to be...someone was murdered on it!!!! I focus on the fact that someone cares enough to not let it go. I will never forget what LM did.....I will also focus on the pictures of JL's smiling face and the words of his amazing parents. Stay strong.....this is not over yet and we stand united in our desire to seek justice.

I have been able to watch it without any issues. Yes ...at first I had to wonder if there was something wrong with me. But after having a great discussion with someone in the medical field I feel better about it. I see it very clinically ..if that makes sense. When I watch it I dont allow my emotions to watch it...just the part of me taking notes and looking for clues and out of the ordinary stuff. I have seen a lot of dead bodies, and I guess I am just desensitized to it. don't think for one moment that I don't feel for JL or his family. Personally intake a few minutes to let my emotions connect with JL and the horror he went through after each time I have seen it...except for the first when everyone still thought it fake. I don't think if you are watching it trying to help figure out things that you are disrespecting JL. Actually..if I get killed and someone videos it and posts it...PLEASE START A THREAD TO DISCUSS IT. PLEASE watch it again and again until you can bring justice to who did it to me...and if it were to happen to a loved one of mine...then PLEASE watch it and figure out what happened because then...I wouldn't be able to watch it.

Furthermore. If LE is NOT watching this forum then shame on them for wasting a wonderful FREE resource. I am sure there is much of this that they are way ahead of us on..and that we have no clue about ...but as far as all these intelligent minds thinking about things they may not have picked up on....they really should be checking over these forums just to make sure they have thought of everything we have. It won't be the first time web sleuths have helped solve a crime..
has anyone seen this ...it has some points in it

Luka Rocco Magnotta Is an accomplice,Murderer there are others! - YouTube

I think THIS is why alot of people weren't sure that was Jun Lin when they first saw the killvid...some even thought at first glance that it was a woman because of that slender body type..it seems to me that at some point in the planning/execution that Luka was tied up {could Jun Lin have done it,someone else or even Luka fake/tie himself up ?..what a puzzle this guy is

Thanks mrs hunt.

Unfortunately, I've looked at the video and I'm still convinced it's Jun Lin tied up. As one of the comments to the video points out (so it's not just me!) the close up of the nose in the video shows the nose to be wide and somewhat hooked down (like JL) and not narrow and turned up, like LRM's pointed snooty nose (ha, ha). The toe shots are entirely unclear-- I don't even know what point the video is trying to make about them. Finally, the "chest" shots are misleading, because when you are laying on your back, your pectoral muscles are stretched out, and therefore not really visible.

After watching the video, I'm just as convinced it is JL, perhaps even moreso. Not really the intended result for the video maker!
Thanks for being so open and honest, Sunday. I hear you on all accounts. I haven't even watched the video and it's affected me pretty deeply. Just the stills that I saw caused me to have nightmares and many sleepless nights. My partner even had a personal connection to LM, so when he was on the run I thought I'd never sleep again. It's made me question my beliefs about the death penalty and the human race as a whole. He's ruined "True Faith" for me as a song and I don't think I'll ever be able to watch American Psycho again (despite owning it). But all that being said, I too can't stop myself from delving deeper into the mystery that is Eric Newman. It's fascinating in the worst way possible.

* replies to the bolded quotes *

1) Sorry if i'm a bit nosie-rosie, but may i ask what kind of conncection there was? I totally understand if you don't want to share it though...

2) I guess one can say: he is our personal brand of heroin ( i just a quote from a vampiere, guess which one ;) )
* replies to the bolded quotes *

1) Sorry if i'm a bit nosie-rosie, but may i ask what kind of conncection there was? I totally understand if you don't want to share it though...

2) I guess one can say: he is our personal brand of heroin ( i just a quote from a vampiere, guess which one ;) )

Well, my partner is an aspiring actor and I'm involved with some of the behind the scenes aspects of independent films. About 2 years ago, a director that myelf and my partner has worked with in the past began casting for a leading role in a series of short films about serial killers. LM submitted a headshot and application for the role and became quite pushy with the director about getting an audition. The director found him to be a bit "off" and didn't give him the chance to audition. My partner ended up landing the role LM wanted. I know TONS of people have connections to LM, but it really freaked me out. The thought that he probably watched that series (which was pretty dark) and watched my partner is unsettling. And when LM was on the run, I was terrified he'd come and get revenge on my partner for stealing his role, lol. Crazy, I know - but in the early stages of this case, my mind was all over the place.
Well, my partner is an aspiring actor and I'm involved with some of the behind the scenes aspects of independent films. About 2 years ago, a director that myelf and my partner has worked with in the past began casting for a leading role in a series of short films about serial killers. LM submitted a headshot and application for the role and became quite pushy with the director about getting an audition. The director found him to be a bit "off" and didn't give him the chance to audition. My partner ended up landing the role LM wanted. I know TONS of people have connections to LM, but it really freaked me out. The thought that he probably watched that series (which was pretty dark) and watched my partner is unsettling. And when LM was on the run, I was terrified he'd come and get revenge on my partner for stealing his role, lol. Crazy, I know - but in the early stages of this case, my mind was all over the place.

Thank you for sharing this!
I can understand that you were terrified!
Imagine me living in Italy, being completely unrelated to LM, I was scared too (when he was on the run) just because I have 2 kitten at home! Lol :floorlaugh:
And my husband was in Switzerland only 3 miles away of the border to France, the night when it was reported LM being in France. I called him very late in the evening, just to see if he is alright!
I mentioned earlier that I thought it to be very plausibe that LM snuck a shot of his own naked, bound body into the video. I think that's JUST the kind of thing that would get LM off, hundreds of thousands of people unknowingly looking at his naked body. Of course, that begs the question how he got tied up...did JL do it, thinking they were just in for some consensual fun? Was it footage taken from another date/time? It's true that initially, many many people said the tied up body didn't look Asian (how a body "looks" Asian, I don't know...but people said it). I agree that the body structure looks much different at the beginning of the film than what's seen later on...but could that be rigor mortis setting in? I'm not sure how long that process takes.
Keep in mind that this is the same person who has videos showing that Luka is a "shape shifter" and apparently some visible demons in photos/videos of him.
Keep in mind that this is the same person who has videos showing that Luka is a "shape shifter" and apparently some visible demons in photos/videos of him.

Who are you referring to?

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