Gravestone Jetties near Oak Beach

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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Creating this thread for posting links about the Oak Beach area.
Cross posting quote about the tombstones.

Almost sounds like the town of Babylon inadvertently invited people to dump bodies along Oak Beach Parkway.

The Tombstones of Oak Beach

Since the 1990s, the town of Babylon has been dumping grave markers into the waters off of Oak Beach. The stones act as jetties, helping to prevent erosion of the beach. The stones are defective and were never used as markers for actual graves due to flaws or misprints. As jetties, the stones have a purpose and aren't just wasted. As of this writing there are more than 800 gravestones in the water of Great South Bay. The stones span from Oak Beach to Venetian Shores Park on the opposite shore (more than 3 and a half miles), passing by Oak Island and Grass Island.
Article link
Tombstones used as jetties in Oak Beach
News 12, September 5, 2008
The usage of ‘never-before-used’ tombstones as jetties, part of a state-wide project to ward off erosion 15 years ago, came as a shock when discovered by a Babylon man and his son last month.

While on a fishing trip, Manny Torres’ son saw stones in the water that looked strange. Some of which had etchings like ‘Mother’ carved into them. Without a graveyard in sight, an answer to this riddle took some investigation.
Article Link
I don't get why these are weird things.
Weird in that tombstone jetties are out of the ordinary. In light of the bodies lined up along that particular shoreline, it seems possible the killer sees that area as a graveyard. It would perhaps, be... poetic to him. Whatever the case, hopefully LE has checked the tombstones that are directly across from each set of remains to see if the killer left anything of significance. If they found nothing, then it rules out any psychological significance those tombstones may hold for the killer. Otoh, if they found something, then it is but another piece in the killer's psychological puzzle.
Weird in that tombstone jetties are out of the ordinary. In light of the bodies lined up along that particular shoreline, it seems possible the killer sees that area as a graveyard. It would perhaps, be... poetic to him. Whatever the case, hopefully LE has checked the tombstones that are directly across from each set of remains to see if the killer left anything of significance. If they found nothing, then it rules out any psychological significance those tombstones may hold for the killer. Otoh, if they found something, then it is but another piece in the killer's psychological puzzle.

Good point.....I have been wondering why LE have started insisting that the GB4 are the work of 1 SK. I bet he has left something either at the Crime Scene or has taunted LE in some way. LE seems real confident about it being a SK. If you add your theory to it, it would be of great significance.
Weird in that tombstone jetties are out of the ordinary. In light of the bodies lined up along that particular shoreline, it seems possible the killer sees that area as a graveyard. It would perhaps, be... poetic to him. Whatever the case, hopefully LE has checked the tombstones that are directly across from each set of remains to see if the killer left anything of significance. If they found nothing, then it rules out any psychological significance those tombstones may hold for the killer. Otoh, if they found something, then it is but another piece in the killer's psychological puzzle.

According to the article you linked no one knew about the tombstones until August of 2008.

And it definitely wasn't a big story. I'm sure most people that live in the area still aren't aware of it.
There are subway cars in the water, too. Is that weird? No.

You use what you can to keep the water at bay.

Honestly, using stone tombstones for a jetty is not weird.

There are Christmas trees in the dunes, too.
I'm sure most people that live in the area still aren't aware of it.
I agree, it's probably nothing.

Honestly, using stone tombstones for a jetty is not weird.
I would consider xmas trees to be pretty standard. People dump where they can. As for subways? Okay. Fine too. I do admit, I find using tombstones for jetties to be macabre, even if we weren't discussing a murder case, but that's just me.
There are subway cars in the water, too. Is that weird? No.

You use what you can to keep the water at bay.

Honestly, using stone tombstones for a jetty is not weird.

There are Christmas trees in the dunes, too.

I think those both are

I guess it depends on where you're from. I live by Lake Michigan that, as far as I know, doesn't have the same erosion problems as the ocean and I have never seen train cars used to prevent erosion and that seems weird to me. Visitors to Chicago would think the guy dressed as Jesus walking around with a giant cross as weird, I've seen it since I was a kid and don't think much of it, just another city wacko.
I find the title of this thread offensive - just MOO.

Yes, there's an SK on the loose there right now, which is horrible for everyone, but that's no reason to characterize people as "weirdos" simply because they're lucky enough to have carved out for themselves an alternative lifestyle that doesn't put them on the 9 to 5 treadmill. I applaud that someone would think of recycling waste stone to help shore up an eroding beach. It's actually a brilliant idea and is typical Long Island conservation forward thinking. Waste stone from a stonemason's yard would be an inert substance that doesn't pollute the water, and puts back into the ground something that was mined from it. There are not too many solutions out there any more to hold back mother nature in these extreme storms we're having. The alternatives would be plantings, and they're taking too long to grow and easily get ripped out.

I don't wish to offend anyone, but think it's less weirdness, and more lack of cultural understanding, and getting things out of perspective that's resulted in this thread title. If all you know about the place is what you're reading on this website, then it's a very distorted viewpoint.

As for the mural, I imagine the local government was asked by artists for access to otherwise unattractive man-made structures they inherited from a different age when aesthetics weren't as important or well respected as they are now. And the town said yes. That's a good thing in my book.

I'm not saying there aren't a few odd people about, and I am appalled at the unfriendliness of the Oak Beach community to SG's memorial visit, but that's just not "weird", it's just plain rude. If that had my neighborhood, they would have pulled the tables out on the street, fed them a feast, and sent them home with leftovers, but then the kind of people who chose to live in those remote locations are likely much more protective of their privacy, that's why they chose to buy in that location in the first place.

I don't find any of this weird except the fact it took 45 minutes for the cops to arrive, and frankly I don't understand why SG's family hasn't sued the PD to get the answers they deserve. :waitasec: that's another topic. :)

Have a great weekend!
I find the title of this thread offensive - just MOO.
I agree and my bad. Thanks to our wonderful mods, they changed the title approx 45 minutes before you made this post.
From the main thread, and to keep context.
maybe the SK saw the mural and started dumping near there? That makes more sense, given the mural was painted in 07. It is creepy though. Along with the head stones in the bay.....that sounds like quite a sight.
The headstones aren't sticking out of the water like a cemetery.
Susan, the water is very deep, you would never see them unless you dive.
Except that... Jim Jones (aka Mike D) claims ( link )

I went to Oak Island Beach today where SG was last seen. Weird place. The shoreline around the community center and the rest of the area is built up using hundreds of discarded headstones- complete with names, dates and epitaphs of the deceased. Standing on some I could see JB’s house just a hundred yards away.


Sitting on those headstones looking out toward the bay today made me think this could be one of his favorite and even meaningful spots. The headstones beneath you give you the sense of being in the presence of death. And the way they were discarded without any thought or dignity reminded me of how he views and discards the bodies of the prostitutes.
From the main thread, and to keep context.

Except that... Jim Jones (aka Mike D) claims ( link )

I went to Oak Island Beach today where SG was last seen. Weird place. The shoreline around the community center and the rest of the area is built up using hundreds of discarded headstones- complete with names, dates and epitaphs of the deceased. Standing on some I could see JB’s house just a hundred yards away.


Sitting on those headstones looking out toward the bay today made me think this could be one of his favorite and even meaningful spots. The headstones beneath you give you the sense of being in the presence of death. And the way they were discarded without any thought or dignity reminded me of how he views and discards the bodies of the prostitutes.

I think Mike/Jim is full of it. The stones are in water. How was he "standing on them looking out to the bay"? And I would love to know how he could see JB's house from there. The markers are in the water on the north side of the island. JB's house is on the south side.
I think Mike/Jim is full of it. The stones are in water. How was he "standing on them looking out to the bay"? And I would love to know how he could see JB's house from there. The markers are in the water on the north side of the island. JB's house is on the south side.
Thanks for the clarification. I was trying to recall what got me latched onto the tombstone thing in the first place, then remembered that guy's post. He sure does wax poetic... And yes, I agree, he does seem to be full of... something. For what reason is anyone's guess.
He very well may have been there and saw JB's house. But he's making up the part about sitting on tombstones with people's names engraved on them.
He very well may have been there and saw JB's house. But he's making up the part about sitting on tombstones with people's names engraved on them.
Agreed. Which begs the question, "Why?"
Hey, we're talking about someone who pick the name Jim Jones as his moniker. LOL

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