GUILTY Greece - Caroline Crouch, 20, British, tortured and murdered, Athens, 11 May 2021 *Appeal filed 2023* #5

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I am so sad.
RIP dear Caroline.

At least your daughter will be far away from his presence for 18 years.
She will be an adult when he leaves prison.

I wonder if she ever asks him face to face "Father, why did you do it?"

It is absolutely appalling that he will be out of prison in his 50s. He will be young enough to meet another lady and have another abusive relationship with domestic violence that potentially ends in murder. I hope and pray this doesn’t happen but it doesn’t seem possible for an evil man who has done what he did to be rehabilitated. Unfortunately he will be a danger to women and other people around him all his life. He should be spending the rest of his life in prison and leaving it when he dies. I wish the sentences in countries in Europe like Greece were significantly tougher and his ability to reoffend when released was taken into greater consideration.

I hope he never sees his daughter again because she will be much better off having no contact with him. Her life is going to be difficult enough as she grows up and knows what her monster of a Father did to her poor Mum and the family dog and that she was there when he committed their murders.

My heart breaks for Caroline’s parents, her daughter and all her family and friends who knew and loved her. I really hope Caroline’s daughter is able to still have happiness in her life despite the devastating tragedy she has suffered and she grows up making her Mum proud of her.

May Caroline Crouch Rest In Peace.

Thank you for sharing this story Dotta. It is wonderful Lila is looking after Caroline’s cats it is so kind of her. I’m really glad that Caroline had a lovely and kind friend like Lila in her life. I’m so sorry Lila has lost her dear friend and for the trauma Lila and Caroline’s cats experienced.
B ready to appeal the verdict o_O

Of course he's appealing! Didn't you listen to his story!? It wasn't premeditate, nay, not even a crime of passion! He did it to save baby L! /s Love how he's still trying to play diplomat with C's parents, as if he's going to be released in a few months and will see baby L again!

Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες του ο συνήγορός του θα καταθέσει σήμερα την έφεση, η οποία θα κινηθεί σε τρεις άξονες:

Στην απόρριψη του ισχυρισμού του βρασμού ψυχικής ορμής.
Στην ένσταση για την αποβολή της μάρτυρα, Ελένης Μυλωνοπούλου.
Στην απόρριψη ελαφρυντικών περιστάσεων.
Μπάμπης Αναγνωστόπουλος: «Δε θα έρθω σε αντιδικία με τους γονείς της Καρολάιν»
Ο Μπάμπης Αναγνωστόπουλος ξεκαθάρισε μέσα από τη φυλακή ότι αυτοβούλως έχει παραιτηθεί κάθε δικαιώματος, είτε για επικοινωνία, είτε για επιμέλεια της μικρής Λυδίας.

According to information from, his lawyer will file the appeal today, which will move in three areas:

In rejecting the claim of boiling mental momentum.
In the objection for the expulsion of the witness, Eleni Mylonopoulou.
In the rejection of mitigating circumstances.
Babis Anagnostopoulos: "I will not quarrel with Caroline's parents"
Babis Anagnostopoulos clarified through the prison that he has voluntarily given up all rights, either for communication or for the care of little Lydia.
Of course he's appealing! Didn't you listen to his story!? It wasn't premeditate, nay, not even a crime of passion! He did it to save baby L! /s Love how he's still trying to play diplomat with C's parents, as if he's going to be released in a few months and will see baby L again!

Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες του ο συνήγορός του θα καταθέσει σήμερα την έφεση, η οποία θα κινηθεί σε τρεις άξονες:

Στην απόρριψη του ισχυρισμού του βρασμού ψυχικής ορμής.
Στην ένσταση για την αποβολή της μάρτυρα, Ελένης Μυλωνοπούλου.
Στην απόρριψη ελαφρυντικών περιστάσεων.
Μπάμπης Αναγνωστόπουλος: «Δε θα έρθω σε αντιδικία με τους γονείς της Καρολάιν»
Ο Μπάμπης Αναγνωστόπουλος ξεκαθάρισε μέσα από τη φυλακή ότι αυτοβούλως έχει παραιτηθεί κάθε δικαιώματος, είτε για επικοινωνία, είτε για επιμέλεια της μικρής Λυδίας.

According to information from, his lawyer will file the appeal today, which will move in three areas:

In rejecting the claim of boiling mental momentum.
In the objection for the expulsion of the witness, Eleni Mylonopoulou.
In the rejection of mitigating circumstances.
Babis Anagnostopoulos: "I will not quarrel with Caroline's parents"
Babis Anagnostopoulos clarified through the prison that he has voluntarily given up all rights, either for communication or for the care of little Lydia.
He should count his lucky stars that he will leave prison after only!!! 18 years for sadistic murder of wife and the pooch!

Really, words fail me.
Some people seem to be beyond redemption.
Thanks for the translation. For some reason I couldn't translate those sites into English today.
One more interesting info from this article:

"According to information, the family of the unfortunate Caroline is considering the possibility of returning to the Philippines, her mother's country of origin, and raising little Lydia with the children of her sister Caroline.
In an interview, her father stated that he was determined not to contact Babis Anagnostopoulos and change the girl's surname".

"One day Lydia will find out the truth"

Terribly poignant story.

I see the fund the Daily Mail set up with a 10K goal has already well exceeded that, some donating up to £100. I think this story touched many.
Psychiatrist's report

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Psychiatrist's report

Όπως αποκαλύπτει, μάλιστα, ο Ελεύθερος Τ΄ύπος, η γυναίκα - που κατέθεσε ως πραγματογνώμονας της οικογένειας της Καρολάιν - συνιστά «έντονα» την εξέταση των γονιών του πιλότου από τουλάχιστον δύο ξεχωριστούς εμπειρογνώμονες δημόσιας Αρχής, προκειμένου να συνεχιστεί η επαφή τους με τη Λυδία.

According to the Free Press, the woman - who testified as an expert on Caroline's family - strongly recommends that the pilot's parents be examined by at least two separate Public Authority experts in order to continue their contact with Lydia.

We know that B refused to let his parents see baby L. Was it out of narcissistic spite or something more? Oy.

«Η Καρολάιν είναι ένα νεαρό κορίτσι και ξεκινάει σχέση με έναν άντρα πολύ μεγαλύτερο. Η σχέση τους είναι άνιση» αναφέρει η Άλκηστις Ηγουμενάκη,

"Caroline is a young girl and she starts a relationship with a much older man. Their relationship is unequal "says Alkistis Igoumenaki, [medically trained psychiatrist].

You don't say! Who woulda thought! A medical professional confirms that a young teen hooking up with a guy in his late 20s ain't that healthy b/c the older person holds the balance of power? It's small consolation, but it is something.
You don't say! Who woulda thought! A medical professional confirms that a young teen hooking up with a guy in his late 20s ain't that healthy b/c the older person holds the balance of power? It's small consolation, but it is something.
All of this we already knew on this forum.

Oh, and when Police were looking for robbers - Albanians/Georgians/Gypsy - we all here knew it was B!

Just saying!
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All of this we already knew on this forum.

Oh, and when Police were looking for robbers - Albanians/Georgians - we all here knew it was B!
Just saying!
Do you remember when we waited and waited and waited to be able to finally say B was a POI? ...Let's not forget that there was debate in the early days of the thread over whether an adult grooming a young teen is wrong (B did wait until C was 16 to have sexual intercourse with her and that's legal in the UK!).
Moving to the Philippines seems like a good idea to me, too close to everything and too many reminders in Greece. No doubt Caroline's mother has plenty of family in the Philippines - in fact, didn't we hear before that Caroline has an older half-brother there?
Moving to the Philippines seems like a good idea to me, too close to everything and too many reminders in Greece. No doubt Caroline's mother has plenty of family in the Philippines - in fact, didn't we hear before that Caroline has an older half-brother there?
I remember older half sister who has children there.
Lawyer: "My client receives threats..."

B fights to stay in "safe prison" and wants to continue working there (which means even shorter sentence)

Lawyer: "My client receives threats..."

B fights to stay in "safe prison" and wants to continue working there (which means even shorter sentence)

Why on earth would any prison inmate want to threaten a man who suffocated his teenaged wife and then strangled her puppy?
Lawyer: "My client receives threats..."

B fights to stay in "safe prison" and wants to continue working there (which means even shorter sentence)
It's always been what he wants - how dare he think he can get off lightly! As for the people threatening him, I would say "Good on them!" if I were allowed to. (But I'm probably not, so I won't)

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