Identified! Greece - LIVING 4 year old, with Roma couple, Oct'13 - #1

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Yea, I think her being "bulgarian" can be safely ruled out.
I am not sure why either Georgian or Chechen would even come up. They are not know for being blue eyed and blond haired, and they are pretty far away from Europe.

See Gitana's post above for pics
I'm not sure if this was posted already. It made me so sad for this little one.

"She was frightened and cried herself to sleep..."

It's weird. The article states she knows only a few words Of Roma and Greek. But the video posted up thread shows she's been with these people since she was under two. She must speak the language. Unless she has hearing loss or something.

And this is all she knows. This is her family in her mind. She's probably missing them. Weird.
This is the first time I have come across this explanation of where the girl came from..
" Police say the suspects, a 40-year-old woman and a 39-year-old man, have given a range of explanations from the girl being found in a blanket to her having a Canadian father"

If that was part of their claim that she's related to them or part Gypsy, I can guarantee it's b.s. No Roma woman in the culture would have sex with a Gadjo. They don't sleep around.
Just to keep in mind..

"Over a hundred immigrant children have been reported missing from Norwegian asylum centers, raising fears that they are victims of human trafficking, a report says.

At least 106 immigrant children have been unaccounted for in the Scandinavian country since June 2012, the Norway Post reported on July 10.

The missing children were kept in asylum centers throughout the nation while waiting for an interview with the immigration office.

International NGO group ‘Save the Children’ warned that many of the missing kids may have become victims of human trafficking.

The non-profit organization criticized Norwegian officials for failing to apply the same rules for missing Norwegian children to a child reported missing from the asylum center. If a Norwegian child disappears, massive searches are organized, yet this is not the case when a child disappears from an asylum center"
As many people on this board do not speak Serbian, I have translated the article linked above.

Misteriozna plava devojčica pronađena u romskom kampu, ostavila je majka

A mysterious blonde girl found in a Roma camp had been abandoned by her mother.

Tanjug | 19. 10. 2013. - 11:47h 20:09h | Foto: AFP | Komentara: 160

Tanjug (the Serbian news agency) 19-10-2013 at 20:09, 160 comments about this article

Misterioznu plavokosu devojčicu, pronađenu u kući u romskom naselju u centralnoj Grčkoj, gde je živela
sa porodicom koja očigledno nije njena, majka je napustila, jer nije mogla da se brine o njoj, saopštio je advokat para koji ju je prihvatio.

A mysterious blonde girl, found in a home in a Roma settlement in central Greece, where she was living with a family who was obviously not hers, had been abandoned by her mother who was unable to look after her, stated the lawyer representing the couple who had taken her in.

"Majka nije mogla da podiže dete i prepustila ga je ovom paru 2009. godine, neposredno posle njenog rođenja", rekla je Marijeta Palavra, advokat romskog para kod kojeg je devojčica pronađena.

“The mother was unable to look after the child and gave her to the couple in 2009, immediately after her birth” stated Marijeta Palavra, the lawyer representing the Roma couple in whose home the child was found.

"Nije bilo otmice, krađe, trgovine ljudima. Oni nisu kupili to dete", dodao je Palavrin kolega Konstantonos Kacavos, još jedan zastupnik romskog para, žene od 40 i muškarca od 39 godina, koji su prihvatili devojčicu.

“There was no kidnapping, theft or human trafficking. They did not buy this child" added Palavra`s colleague Konstantonos Kacavos, who is another representative of the Roma couple – a 40 year old woman and a 39 year old man who had taken the girl in.

S druge strane, policija smatra da je devojčica, koju su mediji u Grčkoj nazvali "plavi andjeo", oteta odmah po rodjenju, preneo je AFP.

According to AFP, the police think that the girl, who the Greek media have named `the blonde angel` was taken immediately after birth.

Sa svojom svetlom kosom i zelenim očima, ona ni malo nije ličila na ljude sa kojima je živela, a DNK testovi su potvrdili da s njima nije ni u kakvom srodstvu. ¸

With her blonde hair and green eyes, she bears no resemblance to the people that she was living with and DNA tests have proven that she is not related to them.

Muškarac i žena s kojima je živela su uhapšeni, a policija pokušava da pronadje i sasluša biološku majku male Marije, koja sada ima oko četiri godine.

The man and woman with whom she was living are under arrest and the police is trying to find and interview four year old Maria`s biological mother.

Advokati romskog para nadaju se da će rodjaci devojčice biti pronadjeni pre nego što oni budu saslušani, u ponedeljak u Larisi, kada im preti optužba za "otmicu maloletnog lica".

Lawyers representing the Roma couple are hopeful that the girl`s parents will be located before the couple is to be interviewed on Monday in Larisa, where they will be facing charges of `kidnapping of a minor.`

Devojčicu je preuzeo humanitarni centar, a policija je objavila i njene fotografije, u nadi da će to pomoći u pronalaženju njene prave porodice.

The girl is now in the care of a humanitarian center, and the police has published her photograph hoping that this will help them to find her real family.

Policija je upala u romski kamp zbog sumnje da se tu obavljaju kriminalne radnje. Policajci su odmah primetili neobičnu devojčicu, koja ni malo ne liči na porodicu s kojom je bila u kući, a potom su otkrili i problematične dokumente te porodice.

Police entered the Roma encampment due to suspicions of criminal activities taking place there. They immediately noticed the unusual girl, who did not in the slightest resemble the people in whose home she was living. Upon further investigation problems with the family`s documents became apparent.

Romski par je registrovao decu koja žive sa njima u različitim regionima i različitim registrima, iz kojih sledi da je žena rodila šestoro dece za samo deset meseci.

The Roma couple had registered the children living with them in various regions and various registries, and it emerged that the woman had apparently given birth to six children in a time span of only ten months.

Kad su policajci ispitivali par kako je "dobio Mariju", stalno su menjali svoje iskaze, saopšteno je iz policije.

When the police asked the couple when they had `obtained` Marija, they kept on changing their stories.

U humanitarnoj organizaciji "Dečji osmeh", koja je preuzela brigu o devojčici, kažu da je dete zbunjeno i u šoku zbog promene sredine.

The humanitarian organization `Childrens Smile` that is looking after the girl reports that the child is upset and in shock over the change in her surroundings.

Devojčica je, kako navode, prosila na ulicama Larise.

Apparently, the girl had been begging on the streets of Larisa.

Priča o plavokosoj maloj Mariji, navodi francuska agencija, pobudila je nadu roditelja nestale britanske devojčice Medlin Mekejn, da će je pronaći živu.

The tale of the small, blonde haired Marija has, according to a French agency, awakened the hopes of the parents of the missing British girl, Madeleine McCann that they will find her alive.

Kejt i Geri MekKen tragaju za svojom ćerkom od maja 2007. godine, kada je nestala iz hotelskog apartmana u Portugaliji, dok su oni bili na večeri.

Kate and Gerry McCann have been searching for their daughter since May, 2007, when she disappeared from a hotel room in Portugal while her parents were having their evening meal.
I wonder when the Roma "parents" added this child on as a dependent to procure benefits? That should give them a timeframe of how long they have had her.
you should send the writer of the article a note.. it's very important the eye color is listed correctly

That's the article I saw that led me to believe her eyes are green. It's a bit of a nightmare because this kind of confusion will keep cropping up.
This is from Sky News this morning, sorry don't know how to do a link, this is from the Sky News App.

'A relative of a Roma Gypsy couple accused of abducting a girl found in their care said the child was given to them and that she was well looked after.

The youngster, known as Maria and aged about four, was found living in squalid conditions in a Roma camp near the central Greek town of Farsala on Wednesday.

She was with people who were pretending to be her parents, but DNA tests later proved they were not.

The couple, a 39-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman, were arrested and charged with abducting a minor.

But a man calling himself Kostas, the brother of the 39-year-old male, said Maria was very loved and cared for.

"We got this girl in a very nice way. We raised her. We got her. She was given to us and we raised her," he said.

"She had problems with her eyes. We took her to the doctor, we took her everywhere.

"We didn't take her to sell her. We loved her so much, with so much passion."

Giorgos Tsakiris, the general secretary of the Roma association in Farsala, said the girl had a good life with the people who were raising her.

"I can tell you better than her other siblings, the biological ones," Mr Tsakiris said.

"She spent her days very well and that is why the little girl loves them and what they say about abductions is not true."

An international search is now under way to find Maria's real family.'

My thoughts-unless a woman is an "octomom" she obviously didn't produce six children in 10 months. So where did all these children come from? They should check the rest of them for DNA.
And what these people consider "living very well" is obviously not what most of us would consider living very well.
"She had problems with her eyes"

The info Charlie27 just posted immediately made me think of Albinoism. If little one has that, she might not look anything like anyone in her family. Is it genetic? That may really narrow things down.

I hope the other children are DNA tested, to see if they are related. It will be interesting to compare photos of Maria's brothers and sisters, to see if there is any facial resemblance, regardless of skin/hair color.
Trying to bump the photo. Hope it works. Anyone think there is a possibility Maria has albinoism?

This photo is heartbreaking. I hate posting such a sad picture, but if it helps get the word out and lead to her identity...

Who are you sweetie?

I wonder when the Roma "parents" added this child on as a dependent to procure benefits? That should give them a timeframe of how long they have had her.

Parents of children in Germany and England definitely have an allowance for children I know, ( though in England there is an upper income bar now). I'm not sure about Greece though. They have had huge budget cuts because of the dreadful financial crisis there.

From this link, it looks like people only receive one from their employer, if they are employed.
Still not sure about Greek allowances for children with a disability, but here it says the state pays an allowance to both employed and unemployed adults. I think the eye problems that can occur in people affected by albinoism might count as disabilities if they are severe.

I can't think why authorities wouldn't have made it public though, if Maria has the condition. It would be very important.
Here are some links to info about the "Natasha's" of Western Europe:

[SIZE=+1]Until reading reporter Victor Malarek's angry book about the trafficking of women from Eastern Europe, I grasped neither the scale nor the implications of the activities that financed those Plovdiv boutiques. According to Malarek, formerly an investigative reporter at The Globe and Mail, now at W-FIVE, during the last decade, hundreds of thousands of women from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania have been sold into slavery as prostitutes.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Crime syndicates use a variety of methods to capture young women. A girl walking down a road in Moldova is forced into a car. An overflowing Romanian orphanage receives a visit from "social workers" offering "apprentice programs" for adolescent girls. A young Ukrainian woman desperate to help her starving parents responds to a newspaper advertisement for au pairs to work in Germany. An ambitious young graduate signs up with what appears to be a legitimate foreign corporation at a job fair at a Russian university.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]
The scale of this traffic is mind-numbing. In Germany, up to half a million Eastern European women work as prostitutes. The streets of Italy are lined with Romanian and Moldovan teenagers.
Other serious offenders include Greece, Turkey and South Korea, while some of the "Natashas" end up in Toronto, Chicago or Los Angeles. Among Malarek's most shocking claims is that on a per capita basis the two countries with the most voracious appetites for Eastern European women are Bosnia and Israel.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Target: Orphans[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]No doubt one of the most appalling aspects of the trade is the targeting of orphans throughout Eastern Europe. In March, 2003, for example, the U.S. State Department reported a "pattern of trafficking" involving orphans in Moldova. According to the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, the girls at risk are those who "must leave orphanages when they graduate," usually at sixteen or seventeen.
Most have no source of funds for living expenses or any education or training to get a job. Traffickers often know precisely when these girls are to be turned out of the institutions ("some orphanage directors sold information . . . to traffickers") and are waiting for them, job offers in hand. The State Department also notes that throughout Russia, there are "reports of children being kidnapped or purchased from . . . orphanages for sexual abuse and child *advertiser censored*" and that child prostitution is "widespread" in orphanages in Ukraine. And in Romania, "many orphanages are complicit in letting girls fall victim to trafficking networks." [/SIZE]
Much more at link.

I was unaware that many were kidnapped into the sex trade. I thought most came willingly, even if they were afterwards enslaved.

I'm very sad to hear that some Roma people may have gotten involved in this sick mess. It's horrible. I can;t help but wonder if this child is connected.
I thought the DNA test can distinguish the part of the world the person comes from..
Is it not the case?
May have been answered by now, but yes, they can tell what part of the world your anscestors are from, but the way people have migrated over the past couple of hundred years, it would only be general.

For example, I'm from the mid-prairie, USA, same as my folks for the past 3 or 4 generations, but my DNA results would probably show me having come from Germany or Germanic regions and the UK/Scandanavian regions.
Refering back to her being albino.. the woman claims she had something wrong with her eyes.. i think albinos do have eye issues ? She could be borderline if theres such a thing

I really do feel this little cutie was part of an illegal adoption by her natural parents but with all the media attention i hope she gets a loving caring home.
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