Identified! Greece - LIVING 4 year old, with Roma couple, Oct'13 - #1

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How often does law enforcement ask for documentation of legal custody? Is it routine? I somehow doubt it.

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If you're home is raided and illegal drugs, weapons, and stolen items are found, it stands to reason, especially in a home where 14-children lived and child services is called in, questions would be asked and verification would be required to prove legal gaurdianship.
I looked at this child yesterday and after some research discovered that this was a parental abduction. She is believed to be with her mom in Italy.

I know that, but I do think they're trying to rule that one out.
Where did that legend of Gypsies stealing babies originate? Did they, at one point in history, ACTUALLY steal babies? Why?

My only experience with the Roma community was in Rome, when I was trying to board a train and was obviously confused. A very pretty girl walked me to my seat, and then demanded 5 Euros. I was taken aback by her directness, but gave it to her because I was so thankful for her help.

Poor little M____. I would fly over and adopt her in a heartbeat if I thought I had a real chance.

I don't know about babies, but my sister used to work at a DIY (it was a home improvement store, like Home Depot). She said gypsies came in there all the time and shoplifted. All the time. They would come in in groups, disperse through the store, and steal anything they could. Perhaps it had nothing to do with the fact that they were gypsies, they could have been Eskimos and stolen, I don't know. But she has never trusted gypsies since.
The 7year old was taken due to a tip off ( could have been any kind of tip off maybe someone called in thinking she looked like maddie? Maybe she/jusr had a gut instinct)
The police went in asked for her documents and after 2 hrs they couldnt provide any.

Absolutely they should have took her.
How often does law enforcement ask for documentation of legal custody? Is it routine? I somehow doubt it.

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I live in the USA and my son is required to show documentation of custody to enroll his son at the daycare center and at the public school. (He has primary custody of my grandson and his ex has supervised visitation.) Only adults on a list of those allowed to pick him up can do so. It is quite routine nowadays.
Just for the sake of context, this was a post done earlier for Hollye's Dublin Roma thread, before it was blended with this one.

Curious as to why the threads were merged, considering they are regarding 2 separate children, who are both potentially unidentified and in 2 separate countries...

IMO, since they are both removed from Roma families, it is going to be difficult to keep the children separate when discussing them, by merging the threads.
Closed so I can fix the merged threads. Please be patient!
Closed so I can fix the merged threads. Please be patient!

Sorry about that. My bad :doh: . I clicked the link in the opening post, and saw the photo of the Greece girl, so I merged them.
Why would you be furious? You adopted him legally and have the proper documentation. I'm often asked about my grandson's ethnicity, he is my blood relative but he is mixed race. IMO, if the asking of questions helps LE find purchased or trafficked children then ask away! The parents who have legal custody have nothing to fear.

It is offensive to go up to someone, and ask if their child is really theirs because he/she looks differently. It is making the assumption that the parent abducted the child. LE should not be allowed to go up to any parent and child of a different race, unless they have cause, and start demanding documentation.
It is offensive to go up to someone, and ask if their child is really theirs because he/she looks differently. It is making the assumption that the parent abducted the child. LE should not be allowed to go up to any parent and child of a different race, unless they have cause, and start demanding documentation.

But they haven't. The Roma camp in Greece was raided for other reasons and evidence of various criminal activity found, including a mother who was claiming benefit for six children who she had apparently given birth to within ten months.

The family in Dublin have been described as "already known to Social Services" which could mean anything, but usually doesn't mean anything good. g

reek authorities have asked Interpol to help them identify a blond girl found in a Roma settlement by sharing her DNA profile.The police agency has said it will make its international DNA database available to any one of its 190 member countries which has been given the profile of someone claiming to be a blood relative of the child.Member countries are also being urged to check Maria's DNA profile against their own DNA files as Greek authorities investigate whether the girl may have been abducted.Countries who do not have a national DNA database are being encouraged to add all their DNA records to Interpol's records.

Little girl lost where and who is your mummy ..
Could this be baby Lisa? Is that even possible ?
Could this be baby Lisa? Is that even possible ?

It is highly unlikely that Maria is Baby Lisa.
Maria is between 5-6 years old, as has been proved by her dental records. Lisa would be only 3 years old. Also, I don't see any similarities to Baby Lisa in Maria's photos.
I think we can safely assume she is not Lisa Irwin nor Madeleine McCann.
It is offensive to go up to someone, and ask if their child is really theirs because he/she looks differently. It is making the assumption that the parent abducted the child. LE should not be allowed to go up to any parent and child of a different race, unless they have cause, and start demanding documentation.

I guess I have a different perspective because we have a child who is at risk for abduction. IMO, the inconvenience of being asked for documentation is worth making sure children are protected.
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