Greta - On The Record - Dec. 18, 2008

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DNA Solves
IMOO Greta is defence oriented...

I have always thought that Greta gave equal time to all parties (Natalee Halloway being a good example and Anna Nicole)

I think she's a very reasonable and "just" person and this is why I like her so much and resepct her. I never feel as if she's trying to ram an opinion down my throat.
I have always thought that Greta gave equal time to all parties (Natalee Halloway being a good example and Anna Nicole)

I think she's a very reasonable and "just" person and this is why I like her so much and resepct her. I never feel as if she's trying to ram an opinion down my throat.

I agree to a point. IMOO
Last night she devoted the Caylee segment to the defense. She and Geraldo seem to admire Jose....
I keep remembering kc saying *when we find CAYLEE, she will be able to tell what happened.*..........yes, she will through all the sciences!!! Tiny teeth found throughout the site...........why would the teeth not be in the skull? esp since the skull mouth area was duck taped? Was Caylee hit in that area, knocking her tiny teeth loose??? I don't get it................

Didn't she also say she would be just as we remembered her (paraphrasing.)
This whole thing makes me sick. To think some are more concerned on how many times this guy called in the tip then the lieing women who sit her arse in jail eating pork rines :furious:

Hi Cuppie, Don't feel bad. At least we know where she is tonight and has been charged with Caylee's murder.

Little details in a case are often very important as they can lead the way to the truth of the matter. Something tiny like the persistence of a 3rd call when looked at by investigators might make or break something in the case. That is what we want as Sleuthers, the truth, right? And it is usually something Simple, not over-complicated. We just want to know everything. YaYa, and I am about the worst for that!~

PS: I know this meter reader of relief was not the one that called in August, but if he had been it could have sparked something that would make a big difference in the case.

Now I really wonder about the guy who did call in August. Is it odd for someone to call 3 days in a row about a tip? I would say YES, unless he was psychic or was told something about the crime by someone else. Overheard something?

I wonder if the Orlando PD is going to revisit that person who called in August. Pretty odd, as that is where she was found out of the thousands of places they investigated!
IMOO Greta is defence oriented...

Yes, she is. So much for fair and balanced. Greta hasn't been reporting on this case and is out of the loop. When speaking with LP, she didn't know who RG was. Seemed confused about key players and made of a fool of herself, IMO.
Yes, she is. So much for fair and balanced. Greta hasn't been reporting on this case and is out of the loop. When speaking with LP, she didn't know who RG was. Seemed confused about key players and made of a fool of herself, IMO.

Bolded by me:

Yes she is and she sure does show from time to me.. Depending on the case.
But!!( She does know her stuff.:)
real nice Greta, blame the reader meter guy and now no one will ever look for missing people! Kobi never met kc yet

I don't think that's where she's going with the info. LP was saying it on NG, but she cut him off.

There maybe some sort of connection (in no way the meter guy being a suspect), in the sense that maybe he knows someone close to KC that may have a conscience. Maybe that person, hinted the area to him. Maybe while he was reading their meter? Or a friend of a friend or close family? Or maybe he partied with her group of friends (when younger) and knows that area and what it was used for.

Not sure...just something is "hinky" about it. Why else would he call 3 times, knows they checked it out and obviously didn't find anything. Why be soooo insistant on that particular area? There's just something more, and I think it will dig KC in deeper.
Dr. Baden - he says Neil Haskell who studies insects (sort of like a Body Farm for insects), a top entomologist.

The LONGER a body is in the area the more animals will disperse them.

It seems to me that Dr. Baden actually gave some support to the prosecution.

Absolutely, the fact that Caylee's body was scattered so far and bits and pieces were draggged down into the animals burrows clearly suggest an old crime scene and that she was dumped there many months ago. You know that the prosecuors will have some entomologist on the stand who say something like "we know that the bag and body must have been placed in that area between june 18th and june 26th because we found 20 squirrley bugs and we know that squirrely bugs are only active during that period of time..and on and on and on".

I don't care who else comes flying out of the woodwork, the basics of this case are what matter and that is that casey anthony murdered her baby Caylee, wrapped her up in some sort of bedding, stuffed her in a garbage bag and then proceeded to drive this poor baby around in the back of her car, that is until she started to smell and then in a hurry she dumped her in the woods around the corner from her house.

The case has become a huge drama and with that comes all the requisite "Holy sh-ts" and ":eek:" because people are drawn in and those people will always have baggage that of course will be inspected by the throngs of folks inspecting everything that moves within an inch of the case. Sometimes things just happen, sometimes we can't figure out why a particular person shows up in the middle of something this huge and then becomes something huge themself...the world is full of weird things happening all the time, sometimes these weird things are so significant they make you question just what the heck are we doing here and may make us stop and say "maybe there really is a God', and maybe he is directing this to happen.

You have to question the oddities of such a case becasue it isn't logical, we can't fit it all in one nice neat package. But in the end after we sift through all the meter readers, old friends, new friends, bounty hunters, divers, kid finders (ughh), spokespersons, tow yard drivers, mother, father, brother....I believe that what we will have left will be casey is a murderer, and she and she alone murdered her baby and threw her away. Plain, simple, no flash, no conspiracy, no kidnapping thugs/drug dealers, no desperate nanny who wanted caylee for her own...nope the only thing left is casey and she is not mother of the year, she is murdering mom of the year.
I keep remembering kc saying *when we find CAYLEE, she will be able to tell what happened.*..........yes, she will through all the sciences!!! Tiny teeth found throughout the site...........why would the teeth not be in the skull? esp since the skull mouth area was duck taped? Was Caylee hit in that area, knocking her tiny teeth loose??? I don't get it................

Teeth can fall out as a normal part of decomp, and the medical examiner will need to look at that because it will be easy to tell if force was used. The duct tape wouldn't have been touching the teeth if it was put on when the skin was present. As decomp progressed, the could have fallen out of the jaw area.
Wouldn't she still have had baby teeth with no roots?
I don't think that's where she's going with the info. LP was saying it on NG, but she cut him off.

There maybe some sort of connection (in no way the meter guy being a suspect), in the sense that maybe he knows someone close to KC that may have a conscience. Maybe that person, hinted the area to him. Maybe while he was reading their meter? Or a friend of a friend or close family? Or maybe he partied with her group of friends (when younger) and knows that area and what it was used for.

Not sure...just something is "hinky" about it. Why else would he call 3 times, knows they checked it out and obviously didn't find anything. Why be soooo insistant on that particular area? There's just something more, and I think it will dig KC in deeper.

I was thinking that maybe this MR guy "overheard" something through an open window. But, then again, usually water meters are out near the sidewalk or swale. Maybe someone pulled up in a driveway and he overheard them getting out of the car? I do not, for one minute, believe this MR is involved in any way however, utilities people are always in the neighborhood walking around and a lot of times go unnoticed. He could have overheard something.

Also, I know down here - the electric (and high wire) service crews that get up on the poles and in the trees have a birdseye view of the area. If they see a "marijuana" garden they will go and rip up the plants to steal them - they hardly ever report them - they steal them for their own profit. A lot of the service crews know each other - either from being in the field together or just working together in the same areas - could this MR have heard a "linesman" talking about something?
I was thinking that maybe this MR guy "overheard" something through an open window. But, then again, usually water meters are out near the sidewalk or swale. Maybe someone pulled up in a driveway and he overheard them getting out of the car? I do not, for one minute, believe this MR is involved in any way however, utilities people are always in the neighborhood walking around and a lot of times go unnoticed. He could have overheard something.

Also, I know down here - the electric (and high wire) service crews that get up on the poles and in the trees have a birdseye view of the area. If they see a "marijuana" garden they will go and rip up the plants to steal them - they hardly ever report them - they steal them for their own profit. A lot of the service crews know each other - either from being in the field together or just working together in the same areas - could this MR have heard a "linesman" talking about something?

Exactly! That is where I think Greta and LP were going with this. By NO means does anyone think MR is directly involved. Could be many different ways...which any of them are better for LE's case.
Let's not forget the Greta believed Joran Vander Sloot. She was a defense lawyer so she thinks like them. It doesn't surprise me that she would lean to the defense.

I find it hard that she can't believe this guy kept up with this... look at the Holloway case. People are still HIGHLY invested in that story... including herself.

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