Greta Will Have #14

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I'm beginning to think that while the judge may have told these jurors they could talk if wanted, he also may have encouraged them to get out fast. I think they will be "surprised" when they find out it was pretty obvious she was guilty. Of course, my opinion.

I have gone through a range of emotions today, from trying to understand this to flat out being shocked.
Frankly, I don't care what the jurors have to say. Nothing can explain their stupidity, and narrow, tunnel vision. Nothing can explain the unexplainable-this verdict!
I'm not surprised by the caliber of jury this was. HHJP hurried up the process...."rehabilitated" obviously unqualified people, allowed Jose to play the race card to keep an obvious clueless juror...made to order for the defense gift wrapped by HHJP.

But, hey, once again HHJP won't lose an appeal!! YIPPEE! gag
Someone asked why the jurors aren't talking. Why talk now for free when you can get a free vacation - get flown to New York, stay at the Ritz Carlton and do some interview? Or better yet write a book like some of the OJ jurors did and make alot of money?

I'm in Ohio. I worked tonight.Many customers have been following
this case. they are about to have a snit fit. One even said she doesnt see her living a year from now,someone will knock her off!!! Is it possible to have a
stealth jury? :banghead:

This reminds me of the Richard Gabriel influence. Word was that he baled the night before jury selection, yet on Dr. Drew he said he fought for that jury.
She's a american government teacher

Said the state didn't prove how she died

I don't understand how they felt ICA was not guilty b/c they didn't know how exactly caylee died. There have been cases tried and won when there wasn't even a body. How is it a healthy, beautiful, 2 yo child is found rotted in a swamp in plastic bags with 3 pieces of duct tape across the face and is anything BUT murder?
I wonder if she really cares? long as she's getting attention of any kind, it's better than no attention. Remember what LP's female 'guard' said about KC being upset when it was cloudy cuz the helicopters wouldn't be able to get clear shots of her? She was pretty universally hated then too, but SHE acted like she was a rock star. All my opinion.
I don't understand how they felt ICA was not guilty b/c they didn't know how exactly caylee died. There have been cases tried and won when there wasn't even a body. How is it a healthy, beautiful, 2 yo child is found rotted in a swamp in plastic bags with 3 pieces of duct tape across the face and is anything BUT murder?

I know a lot of my thoughts are clouded by emotion now but I'm serious when I say this verdict bothers me for other reasons besides ICA going free. Just WTF does a prosecutor have to do to prove a case? I'm seriously concerned. Jurors are now telling them they have to prove things the law doesn't require them to prove. Jurors are now giving unproven accusations as much, or more, weight than the evidence. This is not a good sign at all.
This reminds me of the Richard Gabriel influence. Word was that he baled the night before jury selection, yet on Dr. Drew he said he fought for that jury.

Hey, I heard on HLN this afternoon that good old Rosalie Bolin was still working behind the scenes, all the way up to the verdict. Nice, huh? :maddening:
Casey doesn't care if most people hate her because she'll have enough sycophants to be enamored of her. Look at that dopey middle finger guy.
I'm not surprised by the caliber of jury this was. HHJP hurried up the process...."rehabilitated" obviously unqualified people, allowed Jose to play the race card to keep an obvious clueless juror...made to order for the defense gift wrapped by HHJP.

But, hey, once again HHJP won't lose an appeal!! YIPPEE! gag

Agreed. This case was lost in the jury selection. It appears to me from listening to alt #14 that they were on board with JB from jump and cherry picked his off the wall theories to fit an acquittal. To think it was a cover up yet not find guilty on manslaughter? was a very liberal defense leaning jury from the start. I also think sequestering them hurt the prosecution. It usually does.
I badly don't want to violate TOS or bash anyone, but with their blatant disregard, or misunderstanding of the instructions, I'm only left to wonder what the intelligence level of this jury really is.

There had to have been some that thought she was guilty!!! Did they even think about standing their ground or were they so easily swayed? They all probably wanted to go home and just went with the majority without looking at all the evidence.
Where did these 12 ppl come from?????? I swear I wouldnt EVER show my face or admit I was one of them.....
Please remind me when it is coming on so I can forget to watch it.
I was listening to a show earlier and this jury was made up of:

2 high school dropouts
1 caught with drug paraphenila
1 whose children had issues with law
1 whose sister tied up the grandpa and stole from him

The verdict becomes clearer now.

Good Lord! This truly WAS a "jury of her peers" :eek:
Where did these 12 ppl come from?????? I swear I wouldnt EVER show my face or admit I was one of them.....

Pinellas County - A place I will never go to, because I would look at all the locals and wonder if they were one of the jurors. I think I'd have to give them a piece of my mind and then get thrown in jail for it.

I have seen so many programs where jurors in high profile cases will get on TV and say, "we did not know such and such, they never told us that. If we had known, we would have voted differently." I wonder if any of them would be willing to go public and say that.

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