Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

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MY sorority sisters took a special trip to Myrtle Beach after her death and guess who showed up MM. They were shocked and it was awkward to say the least, she weaseled her way in and they have never seen her since nor do they want too. They were devastated by the event on the trip.

thanks for the info cj and for some of the other inside insights you've shared. :) that's good to know....

wasn't she also at the spa weekend shortly after the murder? right around the time the police seized her computer?

one other question - i think i read that she reconciled with her husband. is that true? I can't imagine although i don't know anything about him...

TIA if you have any of these answers. :)
Maybe it's still hanging over her head that they might come after her for being an accessory after the fact (if not before). After all, didn't LE tell her as much during the investigation (or was that one of her lies)? There's no statute of limitations....I assume that holds true for an accessory or accomplice as well.

Maybe the smirking MM can be Jason Young's life-long prison pen pal; since she seems to like him so much.
I remember in trial #1 when the judge reviewed the crime scene and autopsy photos to determine if any would be excluded. The look on his face was something to see. He tried to be stoic but you could see him wince at some of them. This is a man who has seen many many horrible murders.

Also did you notice how the judge talked about thinking about this case in the evening? This case went home with him too, not a run of the mill case for him either.

I remember how he was during that trial, Mad -- he's no run of the mill Jurist, either, is he? His prosecutor roots were making those hackles stand on the back of his neck today, too.

He was very passionate when he explained why he would not vacate the verdict, in no uncertain terms. It was all he could do, IMO, not to raise his voice and stand up and point at the convicted defendant. Bravo, Judge Stephens, for the amazing and heartfelt upholding of the verdict.

It's been a good day, long-awaited for the Fisher family. May they all sleep a little easier tonight. And when they look at little CY, they can smile a little wider and a little longer and with more confidence.
thanks for the info cj and for some of the other inside insights you've shared. :) that's good to know....

wasn't she also at the spa weekend shortly after the murder? right around the time the police seized her computer?

one other question - i think i read that she reconciled with her husband. is that true? I can't imagine although i don't know anything about him...

TIA if you have any of these answers. :)

I am sorry that I do not have these answers. I only know about the trip I posted about. MM had moved to Myrtle Beach then the sisters took their memorial trip there and MM found out about it and coincidentally showed up to where they were and tried to make nice like nothing ever happened. It really disturbed the sisters.
NO. Not a bit concerned.

I'm local to the case and I was a "NG person".

I've been following it since they found Michelle's body, and the really sad thing is that Jason has being blamed since that first newscast.

I partially blame the defense because they didn't try to get the trial out of Wake County. The people here are notorious rubber stampers on perceived domestic murder cases, no matter what the evidence.

I guess at this point I feel like he will lose appeal, since I think the only 2 things he has to push are the instruction that they could consider an accomplice, and the addition to Murder 2 on the verdict sheet when the prosecution case clearly implied Murder 1 and Murder 1 only. The jury could not have, by law, voted him guilty of Murder 2, because if they believed the theory, it was premeditated. Murder 2 was added as a safety net because they thought it may serve as a good safety net in case there needed to be a compromise between a potentially hung jury.

I really hate this state, and I am glad I left Wake County a few years back. It's scary.

Also, to all who think he's guilty - Are any of you concerned that the case is closed when it's obvious that 2 people were involved (whether Jason was one of them is irrelevant) - someone got away with murder.
I completely understand your side of the argument (and citygirl posted something similar). I don't think they should be forced to come forward and list their reasons, but I wish they would take it upon themselves to do so. My thoughts would be the same for either verdict. Perhaps its just my experience as an attorney, but putting countless hours into a case, and then having a decision made by someone else, and not knowing *why*, can drive you bananas.

ETA: To be clear, as I have stated countless times, I am not wanting to take the right of silence away from anyone, not even the jury, but I wish they would be willing to state why they made their decision. I am not asking they be forced, or have to sit down and "explain themselves" like they have done something wrong, but I do wish that at least one would step forward and say "this is why we voted the way we did."
We are not attorneys who put countless hours into this case.
Maybe the jurors did talk with the attorneys afterwards?
thanks for the info cj and for some of the other inside insights you've shared. :) that's good to know....

wasn't she also at the spa weekend shortly after the murder? right around the time the police seized her computer?

one other question - i think i read that she reconciled with her husband. is that true? I can't imagine although i don't know anything about him...

TIA if you have any of these answers. :)

I have that question as well! Anybody know for sure? I cannot find the answer, but have found that life hasn't been too kind to both of them since the murder and relocating to Myrtle Beach. Can't say as I'm surprised because I truly believe in karma, and she seems to be working overtime.
I am sorry that I do not have these answers. I only know about the trip I posted about. MM had moved to Myrtle Beach then the sisters took their memorial trip there and MM found out about it and coincidentally showed up to where they were and tried to make nice like nothing ever happened. It really disturbed the sisters.

Just eeewwww!!! Did she really think any of them would forgive her? If I were her I'd never want to show my face to any of them again. MOO

I didn't get to hear her entire testimony during trial, so listened to it tonight and now I need a nice, long, very hot shower to get the ick off of me.
I'm satisfied today..12 people did their job/duty and they came to the same conclusions ..GUILTY..and what's more satisfying is Judge Stevens knew he was Guilty, he was totally ok with this verdict!! I don't want to hear from any of those jurors. Its done/over..It's sad to say we will move on to the next DV murder and we will all come together here and pray for the victim!! I pray for more jurors like this for the next trial, and hope they continue to send a message to those abusers!!!

I completely agree and couldn't have said it better!

My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with CY and the Fisher family. May they find some peace in the justice that was done today.

R.I.P. Michelle.
I'm just watching MM's testimony back...she is a real piece of work. Perpetual smirk on her face. At the very least she will have a dark cloud of suspicion around her for some time along with that big red A on her chest.
I'm just watching MM's testimony back...she is a real piece of work. Perpetual smirk on her face. At the very least she will have a dark cloud of suspicion around her for some time along with that big red A on her chest.

Too bad she's such a narcissist she probably doesn't even realize what a sleaze she is. I feel very sorry for her child/ren. Don't know if she has more than one or the one she "hoped" was Jason's. Someday they will see her actions. Maybe she's proud of what she did but I doubt her kids will be. And anyway how sad would you be as a child to find out your mom
"wished" you belonged to someone else? So many lives horribly and irreparably damaged by people who care for no one but themselves. And yes I do lump MM and JLY in the se category. IMO both are malignant narcissist who lack empathy or even any concern for the well being of others.
I have watched Judge Steven's statements today several times. His words were haunting and I was so effected by them. Yet, as I watched JY, it was as if he was listening to him releasing the jurors for the day. Just nothing. I am so thankful for the jurors for what they had to sit through and the verdict they reached. I hope MY can RIP and her family can find love and joy again one day. JY, is the worst of humans and like I tell my daughter..sometimes, monsters don't look like monsters. So glad the jurors saw him as the monster he truly is....
I don't think MM has any more empathy in her body than JY has in his...I wouldn't doubt if she proves to be a sociopath like JY. I can't imagine LF and MF having to watch her up there twice smirking and being defensive of her carrying on the relationship even after Michelle was murdered. blech. I prefer not to think about that woman at all...

I am so with you on this one. I was so ticked off watching her testify. She showed zero respect to MY or her family on the stand or otherwise. I felt like slapping her the entire time and that is so not me LOL.
All of Judge Stephens' statement:

<very respectfully snipped by me>
is denied.

<very respectfully snipped by me>

Mods, would it be possible to put this up as a sticky document?

Many, many thanks, ingra! Beautiful job!
:jail:Y E S !!!!:jail:
Forever you big bully.:maddening:
Finally. Finally....
what a dispicable man. (imo)
Not only murdering his wife and unborn baby leave his precious little daughter there....little bloody footprints....
I'd like just 10 minutes with him.:maddening: (i need 10----i'm older & slower)

I hope prision is all you can hope it to be you (left blank on purpose).

...and i thought sp ticked me off.:banghead:
all :moo:
(hope i wasn't out of line Tricia):truce:

I understand and agree with your feelings, drip!

Yes, this man is the worst I've seen yet, and I've seen a few, as apparently you have. And I think Judge Stephens was correct -- I think JY was so angry and enraged, that he hit her until he could no longer raise the weapon. BTW, I think he used a wrench -- easier to slip into a pocket than a hammer, easy to grip, and a wrench would make those circular wounds, and it could have taken out a lot of teeth as well as inflicting the cuts to her once-pretty lips. Oh my.

I wonder what his fellow prisoners will think of what he did -- especially with her being nearly 5 months pregnant? There is honor among thieves...

Ummm, this was a very tuff one for me. I'm so glad for this Fishers that this long, long part of it is over. It's been a good day for justice!
She is terrific. I was thinking this afternoon she looks younger and prettier now than when she covered the S. Peter. case. I hope she is back for the RA case as well as Hayes or Haze case here in NC.

Hi, East! :seeya: Also, don't forget Jason Williford -- the Kathy Taft rape/murder case which is scheduled to start next month. (Another Jason...)
So nice to be able to go to bed tonight and think of JLY, in his cell, with all the time in the world to reflect upon how he got himself there. :) Finally justice has been served. Finally Michelle & Rylan can rest in peace. MF & LF can move on with their lives. And little CY can find a happy childhood with her loving aunt & grammy. Their lives will never be the same, but hopefully they can find peace in the knowledge he didn't get away with it. And Judge Stephens had his number. Thank you Judge Stephens, for a wonderful testament to the facts of this case.
So nice to be able to go to bed tonight and think of JLY, in his cell, with all the time in the world to reflect upon how he got himself there. :) Finally justice has been served. Finally Michelle & Rylan can rest in peace. MF & LF can move on with their lives. And little CY can find a happy childhood with her loving aunt & grammy. Their lives will never be the same, but hopefully they can find peace in the knowledge he didn't get away with it. And Judge Stephens had his number. Thank you Judge Stephens, for a wonderful testament to the facts of this case.

Gracielee...always enjoy your posts as you say what I am thinking so many times. This post is no exception. I agree, so many lives will never be the same and thanks to this smart jury...JY's life will never be the same either! Can't wait to see his face on NC correction inmate search and know he is behind those bars for good.
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