Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

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I always wonder when I see a case like this 'at what point does the convicted killer who murdered his spouse lie down in his cell, while staring at the walls think to himself " Why didn't I just get divorced?" Maybe some of them never think that.

IMO, I truly think criminals like JLY really, truly think they will get away with it. Then, we they are convicted, given a life sentence and night after after day... at some point they think "What was I thinking? ...etc" I don't think they ever think of the possibly of getting caught until they are actually caught, convicted, and locked up in an assigned prison cell.

IMO, I also think that a big part of JLY thought when he walked into that courtroom this morning that he had a very good chance of fooling the jury. He had been successful at this so far his whole life. He imagined himself walking out of the court house going home, arm in arm with PY and smiling at the cameras.

I even thought over this past weekend "I wonder how JLY is choosing to spend what could very well be his last weekend as a free man forever?" Then I thought 'yeah right, I bet he is making plans what to do next weekend and after this trial.'

I'm very thankful that the jury remembered what the PT said in closing "Don't let JLY manipulate you. Don't believe his lies. "

My hope is that every minute of every day in prison that JLY is reminded that he is there for killing Michelle F Young. That he is the only person that had such disregard for Michelle and his unborn child "You came here for THAT?" Yes, JLY no one forgot Michelle annd Rylan. In fact, we all remembered. I hope JLY is reminded every single day of what he did to Michelle and I hope regret and remorse rock his soul to the core. He chose to end her life. In turn, 12 of his peers today ended his.

Peace to the Fishers and CY. Peace Forever to Michelle and Rylan Young.

MOO. Moo. moo.
Sad thing is, I don't think they ever regret the crime. :( They are angry they were caught. But inside their minds, 'she deserved it'. MOO I wish I'd been in the courtroom today. Heard that PY attempted to approach LF?? Is that true I wonder? I remember the last trial, when LF attempted to show PY a photo of Michelle, and was rebuffed. I wonder if the young family *accepts* for lack of a better term, the guilt of JLY?
Does anyone know why after hiring attorney Roger Smith why he dropped him and took the court appointed lawyers?
I was in la la land undergoing lithotripsy when the verdict was read, so I missed it all. Was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see a guilty verdict when I got back to a computer. I think the 4 people that really need to be thanked are the 4 that stuck to their belief in his guilt and hung the jury in the first trial. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible today.
My heart hurts for the Fishers' and little Cassidy! My father passed away 2 years ago and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him. Every day that I live I only know that I am one day closer to being home with him. I can not even begin to imagine the heartache the Fishers' must feel. I think about Mr Fisher who left this world never seeing justice for his daughter!!
I have spent the last few hours re-watching the closing arguments. I have been very critical of BH and HC in both trials. However, in going back and watching their closings again--after JY has been convicted--I must say with all my heart that both did an excellent job with their respective closings. They brought everything together, with clarity, and explained away the coincidences in a manner that was easy to follow and understand. Kudos to both of them for a job very well done!
I was in la la land undergoing lithotripsy when the verdict was read, so I missed it all. Was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see a guilty verdict when I got back to a computer. I think the 4 people that really need to be thanked are the 4 that stuck to their belief in his guilt and hung the jury in the first trial. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible today.

So sorry you had to endure the lithotripsy and what created the need for it. Hope everything will be all well and over with now. I'm up in the middle of the night, knowing now that JY was found guilty, rehashing the trial. It's easier to absorb in a relaxed mood. I'm picking up little things I missed during the live trial because of nerves I suppose.
Wow, I just got home from work and jumped online to check the status of the case.

Guilty of 1st Degree Murder. It did not seem to take the jury long!
I understand the jury decision not to speak but like many , I would love to know how they reached to their decision. Maybe they will need some time and will make an appearance one day. I see this case and trial on Dateline or 48 hours in the not too distant future or maybe even ID channel.


Me three! :)
Does the Young family have any contact with Cassidy? Visits? Please tell me no....

According to NC statutes when a parent has committed murder or serious bodily injury of a child that parent is at risk of having their parental rights involuntarily terminated.

I think it could easily be argued that Rylan was a murder victim, a sibling to CY, who died at the hands of their father. Should the Fishers pursue terminating JY's rights I believe they would win.

PY could contest for grandparent visitation but the court must concede doing so is in the best interest of the child. Here, I honestly don't believe that it is. IME a mother who loves her abusive son, stands by him, and blames the wife for the abuse meted out is fully capable of abuse by proxy.

(As example: My ex-MIL took a picture of my house using Google Earth and mailed it to her son who drew it as a birthday card to my son. Can we say creepy and psychologically disturbing? ;) Needless to say it didn't go over very well.)
I know this has been discussed previously, but what is the current visitation schedule with the Youngs and CY? I thought I remembered the Fishers allowed supervised visits (but maybe that was before the trial)? How long did the Fishers go without seeing CY when PY was in control?

I woke up immediately thinking of JY and how uncomfortable he must be. My second thought was of the Fishers and how they must have such a sense of relief CY cannot be taken from them by that family.

It's finally over.
A houseful of family visiting for the week kept me away from the verdict. But I am greatful for my family and friends, none of whom have harmed anyone in any way. Never having had anyone in my close circle of friends accused of a crime, I can't imagine what it would be like or what I would do.

I could only hope I could look beyond the relationship to the evidence.

That being said, I am pleased with the verdict and the jury, which chose to examine crucial evidence before making up their minds. It is clear to me that they went home Friday with some jury members not wanting to convict without viewing it for themselves.

I also think that this is a wise jury. They may want time to digest their verdict before trying to explain it as a group or through a representative. There have been times when a jury member HAS spoken out, only to have the defense pick their words apart and cry juror misconduct.

Thank you all for keeping me in touch with the verdict and I'm off to listen to and read the links.

RIP Michelle and Rylan
Thanks to all posters I have thoroughly enjoyed the discussions and debate. I appreciate your insights and hope to join you in another forum.
After the jury spoke Monday, Jason Young declined to address the court.

His silence seemed a fitting end to a retrial that closed with his conviction for the murder of his wife and a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Young had declined to speak to investigators and only explained his actions at the time of Michelle Young's 2006 death when he testified at his first trial 1,693 days after her bludgeoned body was found in their home

Read more here:

very in depth article (more at link)
good morning all.

it wasn't a dream.

yesterday, jason young was told by 12 ordinary people that they know what he did, and that he must spend the rest of his life in prison for it.

then the honorable judge stephens described, without a reasonable doubt, what a despicable, pathetic excuse for a husband, father, and human being jason young is.

jason young had to sit there, in the same room with the fisher's, cameras to broadcast it to the world, strangers who care more for michelle and his unborn children than he ever did, and his mother, who could not save him this time.

jason young was berated, criticized, judged, blamed, but rightfully so, unlike what he did to michelle so many times.

jason young, who must love cassidy in his own way to have left her alive after witnessing him viciously beat the life out of her mother, is responsible for destroying cassidy's world. she will know all of the horrific things he has done, and won't have to believe the lies he has told.

no, jason young, michelle is not to blame. absolutely not.
No it wasn't a dream. When I opened my eyes this morning I thought Wow it really is over and justice was served. I hope JY had a good night in jail and that it brought back fond memories for him since he will be sitting behind bars the rest of his life. My heart went out to HC yesterday when Vinnie interviewed the PT on his show. You could tell this trial took an emotional toll on them both, especially HC who just wanted to go home and hug his girls and spend time with them. Thank you PT for your hard work and dedication to the Fisher family to put this monster where he should have been all this time.
I'm just watching MM's testimony back...she is a real piece of work. Perpetual smirk on her face. At the very least she will have a dark cloud of suspicion around her for some time along with that big red A on her chest.

First, I am soooo happy to see justice for MY and Rylan. Long time coming, but the results are what mattered.

Second, can someone tell me which day MM testified, so I can go find her testimony? Thanks so very much!

I was almost afraid to log on today to read the verdict header, but what a nice way to start the day! Guilty of 1st Degree!

You're scum, JY!
I was in la la land undergoing lithotripsy when the verdict was read, so I missed it all. Was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see a guilty verdict when I got back to a computer. I think the 4 people that really need to be thanked are the 4 that stuck to their belief in his guilt and hung the jury in the first trial. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible today.

Ouch, I hope you feel better soon! Kidney stones are awful.

Thank you to all my fellow sleuthers for sharing your insights during this trial. I'm trying to stay away from the RA trial but I'll probably get sucked in. It would be interesting for me because I know very little about the case, so I have no opinion about his guilt or innocence yet.
It was the correct verdict. His testimony in the first trial coming back to bite him in this trial really was the key. You could almost make the argument that the hung jury in the first trial really worked against him, even if it wasn't a G verdict. When the defendant testifies, you got to hit a homerun (NG) or else it's going to be used against you down the road. That's exactly what happened here. Between that and stuff that was already there (hotel/hp shoes), it would of been surprising to be if it would of turned out NG. Hung maybe, but not NG. Because I don't think you can get 12 people to agree that he was just simply unlucky the same exact night his wife was murdered.

And yes it is sad. I don't there is any sort of 'celebration' or 'winning' in this. At the end of the day (similar to the BC case) there is a child that has lost both her parents.
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