Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

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Ugh, another typical male abusive pattern: "Im willing to go to counseling together, but only after YOU go first, fix your issues about your sexuality and past (how caring of him to put it that way considering she was assaulted, right), and THEN if we still need counseling Ill go".

In other words, SHE's the problem, not him. Everything that is wrong with their marriage was HER fault, so therefore only she goes to counseling, changes everything about herself, and problem solved right? So says Mr. Perfect who was banging as many of his wife's friends as he could whenever he wasn't too busy verbally berating his pregnant wife or causing her to have a miscarriage after "losing control" of the car.....
Great part of the judges's final statement:

And even then, apparently, he had the energy to strip her of her engagement and wedding rings perhaps because, in his mind, she was unworthy to wear them. It’s certainly noteworthy in the evidence, that the defendant had previously committed an act of violence on a former fiancé and had stripped her of her engagement ring, violently; when she had challenged him or somehow proven herself unworthy to wear them.

Let me guess, another "coincidence"? Give me a break...
I have been SO frustrated reading comments on some of the local news sites about this case. I do not for the life of me understand why nowadays every high profile case has a large amount of people who are convinced that the defendant is innocent despite the evidence showing otherwise.

I quoted this post in particular because I keep hearing over and over again from JY supporters how he was convicted on just "coincidences". The point is, they aren't coincidences. They are evidence. The only way they would be coincidences was if he was innocent, and the unluckiest person in the world. So unlucky in fact, that it defies logic and reality.

The new criticism they've been throwing out lately is about one of the jurors saying the lack of physical evidence points more towards JY than to a stranger. In general they were referring to Cassidy's feet having been cleaned, etc. Somehow they have taken that logical assumption and twisted it into "oh my god, the jury says that less evidence of guilt means we have to find them guilty"! Obviously a complete misrepresentation of what was said by the jury, and it makes me wonder if some of those folks are debating in good faith, and not just spouting out things they themselves know to not be true.

Another argument I've heard is that all the people who think he's guilty are women who hate him for being a "bad husband". I wonder if when saying he is a "bad husband", they are including the fact that he physically abused the women in his life? Because to me, I find that very relevant considering the woman in his life was found basically "physically abused" to death. Another "coincidence" I suppose? Can someone actually say with a straight face that a man who is physically and verbally abusive to his significant other is not the most obvious suspect when that woman winds up beaten to death? Along with the ton of circumstantial evidence pointing right to him?

I felt the same way when that local plastic surgeon guy, what was his name, was driving drunk, twice the speed limit, and smashed his car into the young ballerina's car, killing her instantly. Drunken doc had a couple priors, yet he had such a strong contigent of 'he didn't mean to kill her's'. And got off easy IMO.

I personally felt just as strongly that Anne Miller Konce murdered her husband Eric Miller, so where does that put me? In the 'she was cheating on him so she should pay' group of females? No, she plotted out and murdered her husband in an equally cruel and painful manner IMHO. I thought she should get death for her crime. Much like the Durham husband killer, Barbara Stager.

We can't 'help it' that fewer women kill their husbands than vice versa. But we are just as angry when the reverse occurs. We want to see justice done just as badly IMO.
OT/ Rita made the life-flight from Wake Med to Duke last night where a Neurosurgeon put a shunt or stint in last night to drain the blood around Rita's brain. Did surgery this morning. Next 24 to 48 hours critical, 'on a scale of 5 to 15, she's a 10.' Don't know what that means, why the odd numbers of the *scale*, not one to ten? Please keep Rita in your thoughts today. She is a wonderful woman, mid fifties, and a dear dear friend. When our youngest daughter graduated from N.C. State and began working, Rita became daughters 'work mom'. :) They bonded almost immediately, their relationship that of a mother & daughter. We love you, Rita, hang in there and fight.

I am so sorry to read that Rita is having to go through this. My thoughts and prayers will be with her...and you. Keep us posted, please.
In case anyone missed it, Jay will eventually leave....<modsnip>. :)


Is he grinning or what???
Don't worry terminatrixator , his next photo won't be so staged, if you will. I understand the inmates have to have a photo taken every year. After 12 months behind bars, I doubt he'll give a carp what he looks like. :behindbar

just sayin'
I've read in several places a theory/rumor that CY's pajamas were washed and put back on her. Where is this theory coming from? Is that something the defense argued in their closing?

From testimony I heard, blood was found in numerous places on CY's pajama bottoms, on both legs, in the butt area, etc. Because of the flower pattern of the pajama bottoms, blood stains wouldn't necessarily stand out but they were seen in the lab.

Curious why this washing of pajamas is being presented as if it were a fact out there?
I have been SO frustrated reading comments on some of the local news sites about this case. I do not for the life of me understand why nowadays every high profile case has a large amount of people who are convinced that the defendant is innocent despite the evidence showing otherwise.

I quoted this post in particular because I keep hearing over and over again from JY supporters how he was convicted on just "coincidences". The point is, they aren't coincidences. They are evidence. The only way they would be coincidences was if he was innocent, and the unluckiest person in the world. So unlucky in fact, that it defies logic and reality.

The new criticism they've been throwing out lately is about one of the jurors saying the lack of physical evidence points more towards JY than to a stranger. In general they were referring to Cassidy's feet having been cleaned, etc. Somehow they have taken that logical assumption and twisted it into "oh my god, the jury says that less evidence of guilt means we have to find them guilty"! Obviously a complete misrepresentation of what was said by the jury, and it makes me wonder if some of those folks are debating in good faith, and not just spouting out things they themselves know to not be true.

Another argument I've heard is that all the people who think he's guilty are women who hate him for being a "bad husband". I wonder if when saying he is a "bad husband", they are including the fact that he physically abused the women in his life? Because to me, I find that very relevant considering the woman in his life was found basically "physically abused" to death. Another "coincidence" I suppose? Can someone actually say with a straight face that a man who is physically and verbally abusive to his significant other is not the most obvious suspect when that woman winds up beaten to death? Along with the ton of circumstantial evidence pointing right to him?
Interesting to note that the four male jurors believed he was guilty from the get-go. Not the women.
I found that interesting as well, citygirl.

Guess the men weren't so charmed by JY or his antics or his explanations, afterall.
I know this has probably been discussed, but I just have to point out this email, and the horrible way that he speaks to his wife, although she was perfectly polite to him:

After reading that, we are supposed to believe that he sent his sister in law to the house because he was worried about Michelle finding about an anniversary present? The guy who screwed everything in sight, sent that email, woke up that day and called first his mistress and then his mother, not his wife that morning, but yet we are supposed to believe he planned on getting her that gift and was worried about ruining the surprise? OR is it more reasonable to believe he knew his wife was dead and wanted someone to go over there and find his daughter since she had been home alone for hours?
You have trouble lying in the bed that you made for you.
I just don't get you. You can't have it both ways.
Hopefully you will lighten up at some point in your life, but if not, don't try to bring me with you for I have no desire.

JY's words. Prophetic words?
He is still living and breathing and MY is six feet under.
I've read in several places a theory/rumor that CY's pajamas were washed and put back on her. Where is this theory coming from? Is that something the defense argued in their closing?

From testimony I heard, blood was found in numerous places on CY's pajama bottoms, on both legs, in the butt area, etc. Because of the flower pattern of the pajama bottoms, blood stains wouldn't necessarily stand out but they were seen in the lab.

Curious why this washing of pajamas is being presented as if it were a fact out there?

IMO it came from MY's words that she washed CY's tshirt. The one that she was wearing. LE went with her to Wally World or Target, the afternoon post murder, they bought new clothes and LE took the PJ top and bottoms. They looked at her tshirt , didn't see anything and let her wear it under her new clothes. Simple as that. Nothing sinister just a functional move. Who puts new clothes on a toddler that haven't been washed? This was different. Her auntie was forced to put clothes on her off the rack. They left her soft tshirt so nothing stiff would be against her skin. I get that.
I am so sorry to read that Rita is having to go through this. My thoughts and prayers will be with her...and you. Keep us posted, please.

Thank you so much. Rita had a third brain surgery today, she's probably still in surgery, as it was to take around six hours. Another bleeder. But we did find out that prior to this last surgery she had brain function, responded to questions by blinking when she was allowed to come out of her medically induced coma for a few moments. Again, the next 24 to 48 hours are the most critical, we are told.
IMO it came from MY's words that she washed CY's tshirt. The one that she was wearing. LE went with her to Wally World or Target, the afternoon post murder, they bought new clothes and LE took the PJ top and bottoms. They looked at her tshirt , didn't see anything and let her wear it under her new clothes. Simple as that. Nothing sinister just a functional move. Who puts new clothes on a toddler that haven't been washed? This was different. Her auntie was forced to put clothes on her off the rack. They left her soft tshirt so nothing stiff would be against her skin. I get that.

Thanks Citygirl! I knew about the undershirt/tshirt and that it was determined to be fine and thus CY kept it on. But I'm reading in various places that people are claiming the PJ's themselves were washed right after the murder and then put on CY again. And it's being put out there as if it's a fact. I don't have any basis for believing that myself, but if it did happen, then CY's bloody pj's went into the garbage bags along with the weapon, shoes, JY's clothes, diaper, etc, and newer pj's were put on her. The washing machine was not going, and CY was not removed from the home and brought back later.

Those PJs weren't washed, they were collected and bagged and tested by the SBI and had blood on them in several places.

And we know CY's diaper was removed from her and discarded along with everything else. What a nice goth killer. Not only cleans up a toddler but also takes out all the garbage from the house and the liner inside the garbage in the garage too. So thoughtful!

It's not good when facts have to be made up or twisted in order to present a better argument for the defendant. And yet, there appear to be some head-scratching whoppers out there.
You have trouble lying in the bed that you made for you.
I just don't get you. You can't have it both ways.
Hopefully you will lighten up at some point in your life, but if not, don't try to bring me with you for I have no desire.

JY's words. Prophetic words?
He is still living and breathing and MY is six feet under.

Ouch. This hurt my heart. It appears he wasn't a 'kiddin that he would resent her forever for loving, protecting, and bringing into the world the life that HE started in CY. Jack@ss. He seems to have lacked the capacity to put his own daughter's needs above his own.

How can his own mother read this and not be repulsed by it?

I also cannot fathom making a child that age sit through a long tailgate and game, especially with bad weather conditions. Double jack@ss.
Thank you so much. Rita had a third brain surgery today, she's probably still in surgery, as it was to take around six hours. Another bleeder. But we did find out that prior to this last surgery she had brain function, responded to questions by blinking when she was allowed to come out of her medically induced coma for a few moments. Again, the next 24 to 48 hours are the most critical, we are told.

The poor thing, 3 brain surgeries, how awful. I can only imagine how worried you are....but try not to. She has come this far with good results and her deficits sound minimal prior to this 3rd surgery. Again, please keep us posted and I will continue my prayers.
Thanks Citygirl! I knew about the undershirt/tshirt and that it was determined to be fine and thus CY kept it on. But I'm reading in various places that people are claiming the PJ's themselves were washed right after the murder and then put on CY again. And it's being put out there as if it's a fact. I don't have any basis for believing that myself, but if it did happen, then CY's bloody pj's went into the garbage bags along with the weapon, shoes, JY's clothes, diaper, etc, and newer pj's were put on her. The washing machine was not going, and CY was not removed from the home and brought back later.

Those PJs weren't washed, they were collected and bagged and tested by the SBI and had blood on them in several places.

And we know CY's diaper was removed from her and discarded along with everything else. What a nice goth killer. Not only cleans up a toddler but also takes out all the garbage from the house and the liner inside the garbage in the garage too. So thoughtful!

It's not good when facts have to be made up or twisted in order to present a better argument for the defendant. And yet, there appear to be some head-scratching whoppers out there.

I, too, have read and heard the various reports about the pajamas having been washed. One of the talking heads on tv last week mentioned it. I found myself confused for a moment, and then reconciled MF's testimony and knew it just wasn't right. I well remember their trip to Target immediately upon leaving the residence on Birchleaf specifically to buy new clothing for CY and the clothing she was found in was handed over to LE right then and there.
All of these rumors are beginning to get to me. I don't know if people who didn't really follow the trial are coming in on the tail-end of things and are confused.....or if various others are deliberately throwing stuff out there. <modsnip>
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