GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

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I'm close to TM's age. When I was about 30, I found out that my now ex husband was cheating with a 19 year old. It had been going on while I was pregnant and my mom was dying of cancer. I had no clue about it until a few months after our baby was born. Added bonus was this girl was pregnant. She had been coming into my home every night while I was at work. Holding my baby. Getting in my bed. Calling my house and all sorts of crazy things. She even showed up at my house and walked right in one day. Had friends show up with her at my house. She acted like she was the wife and I was the one who was cheating with her husband. It was so bizarre. Needless to say, I threw the husband out. So, at what point does a wife go from being mad to committing murder??? I mean, HE never even bothered the Mrs. I dealt with this psycho chick and admittedly wanted to beat her up. Just because of the way she was harassing me. Never one time did the thought of murder enter my mind. It's just so crazy. I got rid of that loser man and got one that treats me so much better. How do you not just move on with your life? I just don't understand how you can make that kind of leap.
I'm close to TM's age. When I was about 30, I found out that my now ex husband was cheating with a 19 year old. It had been going on while I was pregnant and my mom was dying of cancer. I had no clue about it until a few months after our baby was born. Added bonus was this girl was pregnant. She had been coming into my home every night while I was at work. Holding my baby. Getting in my bed. Calling my house and all sorts of crazy things. She even showed up at my house and walked right in one day. Had friends show up with her at my house. She acted like she was the wife and I was the one who was cheating with her husband. It was so bizarre. Needless to say, I threw the husband out. So, at what point does a wife go from being mad to committing murder??? I mean, HE never even bothered the Mrs. I dealt with this psycho chick and admittedly wanted to beat her up. Just because of the way she was harassing me. Never one time did the thought of murder enter my mind. It's just so crazy. I got rid of that loser man and got one that treats me so much better. How do you not just move on with your life? I just don't understand how you can make that kind of leap.

Because you don't have a personality disorder. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sheesh!
Because you don't have a personality disorder. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sheesh!
Thank you. Yea, he was a real prize. Still is. But, hey, he's got a new wife that thinks he's amazing. I guess she doesn't mind the fact that he hasnt seen or contacted his daughter for 24 years--since she was 2 and has never seen the other kid that's supposedly his. At least, when he cheated it gave me the motivation I needed to get rid of him ;)
Also there were other people it looked like in the truck washing video. So they had help with this? Is that what I'm seeing?
Also I think you should know that TM’s father died 3 days after TM and SM were Indicted. He had a violent history and was reported to have threatened people of the community while a search was on going for HE. His whereabouts the early morning of the disappearance are suspicious. There are many here on WS that believe he played a big part in the coverup and perhaps even was the one who got rid of the body.
Thank you. Yea, he was a real prize. Still is. But, hey, he's got a new wife that thinks he's amazing. I guess she doesn't mind the fact that he hasnt seen or contacted his daughter for 24 years--since she was 2 and has never seen the other kid that's supposedly his. At least, when he cheated it gave me the motivation I needed to get rid of him ;)

I have a friend this happened to. She recently remarried and legally changed the kids' last names to her new husband's last name. Their bio dad barely sees them (made a new family after leaving her with a newborn and a toddler). There really are despicable people in this world!
Also I think you should know that TM’s father died 3 days after TM and SM were Indicted. He had a violent history and was reported to have threatened people of the community while a search was on going for HE. His whereabouts the early morning of the disappearance are suspicious. There are many here on WS that believe he played a big part in the coverup and perhaps even was the one who got rid of the body.
What was that quote supposedly from TM? The one where she said the family had already killed before? Anyone remember who she allegedly said that to?
What was that quote supposedly from TM? The one where she said the family had already killed before? Anyone remember who she allegedly said that to?

Can't remember, but AC testified about it in TM's trial. I believe she was really disparaging the person who supposedly said it. I'll find it.
I have a friend this happened to. She recently remarried and legally changed the kids' last names to her new husband's last name. Their bio dad barely sees them (made a new family after leaving her with a newborn and a toddler). There really are despicable people in this world!
There are! On the flip side, my husband has an exwife from hell. Total narcissisist and manipulator. I could compare her in a lot of aspects to TM. Her favorite control factor was keeping their kids from us. It just seems like there are so many crazies out there these days. What's weird is, most people are so fooled by them. They are so fake to the outside world and people refuse to believe how evil they truly are--even when confronted with facts and proof. It's scary how they can control so many people. It's all about the manipulation and control. I think so many people underestimate these types.
Warning for those with weak stomachs...

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View attachment 205631

I'm no body language expert, but that second picture speaks tons.

First, her arms are on top. Most women hug from under. The person who is dominate usually has their arms on top. Dominate can mean size dominance, but also personality. When I hug my husband, I hug from under and his arms are above mine. When I hug my children, my arms are above theirs. It's a subconscious show of leadership that almost all of us do.

Secondly, she is hugging him very tightly to her, forcing the connection. She's kissing him in a reward type of kiss, like 'see, do what I tell you to do and I'll be so sweet to you!' manner. There's no passion, it is a "good dog, let me pet you' peck.

Fascinating case. Some observations:

1. I'm struck by how odd the process is there. Most places give time for sentencing and mitigation after verdict. And defendants get to put on witnesses at mitigation. Neither TM nor SM had anyone speak in their behalf and the mitigators were weak.

2. Gosh I love that old SC accent the judge and Nancy Livesay have. I think it's disappearing a lot with the younger generations but it's pretty. It's like the southern equivalent to the Boston Brahmin accent.

3. The judge in SM's retrial was super sweet and gentle. I never heard of a judge sort of nodding along or making comments during victim impact or sentencing statements.

I can't believe he was able to preside over trial despite knowing SM's parents. Seems he had a lot of sympathy for SM and his family, which was somewhat disconcerting. And really felt TM was the witch who orchestrated everything and controlled SM.

But he didn't seem to let those feelings affect his sentencing which was appropriate.

4. Heather's sister is very articulate and super sensitive.

5. Did I hear the dad say he would be willing to let SM walk if he would tell where his daughter is?
I'm no body language expert, but that second picture speaks tons.

First, her arms are on top. Most women hug from under. The person who is dominate usually has their arms on top. Dominate can mean size dominance, but also personality. When I hug my husband, I hug from under and his arms are above mine. When I hug my children, my arms are above theirs. It's a subconscious show of leadership that almost all of us do.

Secondly, she is hugging him very tightly to her, forcing the connection. She's kissing him in a reward type of kiss, like 'see, do what I tell you to do and I'll be so sweet to you!' manner. There's no passion, it is a "good dog, let me pet you' peck.


Come to mama lol
That is the speculation by many here. At the very least TM’s sister was elbow deep in this and purged herself under oath. Some believe that even more of the family is involved. At least after the fact.
Also it was recently discussed that either TM or her sister were posting here on WS under a “coupon” screen name. Quickly shut down by administrators.

What's a coupon screen name? And who else was in the truck washing video?
Some believe she was here with an alias. Hell, she was everywhere with an alias. I seriously don't know how that woman got any sleep. She was literally on the go 24/7 online and in real-life.
One thing I had noticed all these years on her FB...up until when she finds out about the affair, she seemed pretty normal. Other than her bragging. I mean, I wouldn't have thought anything weird about her if I was her FB friend.

That's interesting.

I doubt it was his first affair. Did she lose her mind because of how young and beautiful HE was compared to her?
It is amazing she didn’t have a prior record but a lot of their lies and cheating went under the radar. They made their money off various wrongful law suits. They cheated welfare and medicaid. She was caught sexting with a teenage boy.
By all accounts it sounds like she is Queen of the prison. Really unbelievable.

Ewww. I can see that.

I recognize her. Her face. Her demeanor. I've seen it before in certain women who are very bad news. Plays at being mama bear but totally psychopathic. Confident and criminal.

I mean that text, "Ready to meet the Mrs.?" Holy smokes. So evil and calculated. She was toying with her prey. She's the type who would torture someone for fun.

Just a streak of cruelty and insanity there.
Fascinating case. Some observations:

1. I'm struck by how odd the process is there. Most places give time for sentencing and mitigation after verdict. And defendants get to put on witnesses at mitigation. Neither TM nor SM had anyone speak in their behalf and the mitigators were weak.

2. Gosh I love that old SC accent the judge and Nancy Livesay have. I think it's disappearing a lot with the younger generations but it's pretty. It's like the southern equivalent to the Boston Brahmin accent.

3. The judge in SM's retrial was super sweet and gentle. I never heard of a judge sort of nodding along or making comments during victim impact or sentencing statements.

I can't believe he was able to preside over trial despite knowing SM's parents. Seems he had a lot of sympathy for SM and his family, which was somewhat disconcerting. And really felt TM was the witch who orchestrated everything and controlled SM.

But he didn't seem to let those feelings affect his sentencing which was appropriate.

4. Heather's sister is very articulate and super sensitive.

5. Did I hear the dad say he would be willing to let SM walk if he would tell where his daughter is?
Yes you heard right. They really just want closure and to bring Heather home. They have said that they feel SM is still holding her hostage.
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That's interesting.

I doubt it was his first affair. Did she lose her mind because of how young and beautiful HE was compared to her?
Nope not first affair. Had one the year prior too. Which is why many speculate that the disappearance of another young girl who happened to work at the same place as HE may be connected to him/them as well. Gosh @gitana1 this case is just so tangled.
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