GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 - #10

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While i'm VERY glad of the outcome of the trial, and look forward the the next ones with the same verdict, i have a gut feeling that says PC is truly the one that is control. I think she plays her part very well but is very much the antagonist behind the scenes that keeps things moving in the direction they have and are. MOO

That is a new slant on this family dynamic. Here we are thinking Tammy is in control, but maybe PC is the wizard behind the curtain. She is (or was before the money dried up, and they were assigned public defenders) the one funding the defense, if I remember correctly. She's certainly one to pay attention to--she usually seems to be quietly in the background. But maybe not so quietly after all.
Tammy posted on her Facebook way back shortly after this happened that Heather told Sidney she was pregnant & he met her at the Peachtree Landing & gave her money to go away.
Have the screenshot on my phone but I don’t know how to share it here.
Over the years, have read a lot of inflammatory and derogatory things on her Facebook page & they have all been deleted.
I also have that saved. I really wish this had been brought up at trial.
Mr Elvis was not blocked from the restroom because the lawyer was out there to use it. This past Friday I witnessed Mr Elvis unable to leave the courtroom to use ANY restroom because Casey brown wouldn’t get up and move. He was sitting in the back row of the court near the door chatting it up with his friends. Mr Elvis couldn’t leave the room because he wouldn’t move- he (Casey Brown) was not allowed around Mr Elvis not the other way around. Him, his co council , and the moorer family were told to stay away from the Elvis family. They were not allowed to be anywhere near them. That includes blocking doorways so they are trapped in the courtroom. It took three bailiffs to get him to move. THREE. He was being a jerk and he knew it. Every single
Bailiff in that room was disgusted with the defense team and the moorer family. I (not even part of the family) was sitting with them during the verdict and I was unable to leave the courtroom until the moorer family was down to their car and driving away.

The day in question of this charge today (day one of the trial) Casey Brown decides he could use whatever restroom he chooses despite knowing that each side had a completely opposite side of the hall. There were many other options for a restroom for him to choose from- he chose the one that is directly next door to the family’s “room” for breaks. What Mr Elvis did was not okay- I agree with that, but I certainly wouldn’t expect to run into anyone from the other side when it was very clear who is supposed to be where. My run ins with Polly and Christian were crazy- and my only offense to them was sitting on the other side.

Because websleuths is reloading and losing my posts I want it clear my tone is not being read as argumentative- I just wanted to clear up who was told what and why. The moorer family and their defense were told from day one to stay away from the Elvis family because of the harassment they’ve endured over the last 5 years.

Also, since I can barely post today. I forgot to tel you all that that blogger Chelsea something? Was at the trial Friday and was sent to sit on the Elvis side as some sort of spy. When it was found out she was magically sitting on the other was pretty creepy

Edit- I wish the judge had made it some sort of rule who goes to the bathroom where. But you can’t blame him for not knowing how crazy the moorers are.
That Chelsea H is a real piece of work. There have been a lot of crazy skeletons jumping out of her closet since she tried cozying up to TM after HE disappeared. This is another person I would steer clear of at all costs. She's pretty much a legend in her own mind. MOO
Here you go, Ari!

That's perfect for this case!! Thanks! :D:p
Going to attempt to post this again. Third try.

I wonder if the whole contempt thing was reason for the judge's change in demeanor. It appears both occured around the early days of the trial.

I'm still pinching myself that it's real that Tammy will spend a lonnnng time locked up. I was always fearful she would somehow weasel out of it.

I guess by now Sidney has heard the news through the prison jungle beat. Get ready!! You be next!!!
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What kind of prison is she in? I hope it is as basic as possible with no comforts. She looked hellish in court but she deserves to look and feel hellish after what she has done and it is nothing in comparison to the suffering of the Elvis family.
What kind of prison is she in? I hope it is as basic as possible with no comforts. She looked hellish in court but she deserves to look and feel hellish after what she has done and it is nothing in comparison to the suffering of the Elvis family.

Hi Greg! I'm curious as to where she will be incarcerated. I think presently she is in a facility that will determine where she will be placed.

She did look hellish, didn't she? Her darkness was showing from the inside out. And it could't be hidden, unlike poor Heather. I will always pray she is found.
Hi Greg! I'm curious as to where she will be incarcerated. I think presently she is in a facility that will determine where she will be placed.

She did look hellish, didn't she? Her darkness was showing from the inside out. And it could't be hidden, unlike poor Heather. I will always pray she is found.

It's what guilt and remorse look like :eek: (please let the sarcasm come across on this post :rolleyes:)
I was surprised how fast everything went after the final witness was done on the stand. Why can't other cases get through the closings and judges instructions as fast.
Anyone else have a bad feeling Tammy could be given another trial on appeal?
One of Mr. Browns most recent cases was a Conway youth minister, found guilty of sexually assaulting several young girls (IIRC 12 years old -
14 years old).

I would imagine those type of cases would help the counselor develop a thick skin, and perhaps an appreciation for the horrific situation the victim(s) and their families find themselves in.

Maybe not. The contempt thing, well...looking at it from his POV I found it as bad PR, first and foremost, and that kinda stuff follows you in online reviews forever.
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Regarding Mrs. Moorer and her current prison situation.

They start off in Reception (R&E) which is at Graham (Camille Griffin) for all women. They evaluate you (drug problem? Violent? Mental illness? Medium/min/max security? Etc) and it takes awhile. This is one of the more uncomfortable portions of acclimating to prison, because phone calls and letters are very limited. Unsure of how they did it there but I found this:

“One person told me that they can't make calls for their first two weeks and then can only make one call every other day for some period of time.”

From a woman anxiously awaiting a call from her incarcerated Gf. By the time you get a letter, you’re usually shipped off to your home prison. Here in IL it takes about 3-4 weeks but we all know IL is slow as can be, so maybe SC will be closer to 2 weeks like some posts online said.

Can’t call (or can only call a little). Can’t get letters or books, until you’re transferred. It’s a lonely experience and I’m sure she’s freaking out (who wouldn’t be?)

You can, upon transfer, get books sent to you. Via amazon or such, directly to the prison with her ID. If someone writes a book about this case, I’m sure Tammy would get a copy sent to worth the $20 imo
I'm butting in on this one! :)
I was coming around to it actually being about coupons, until I saw the screen shot of the phone records. TM texted the 'got he ad' to the same person she texted asking for OJ and potstickers. Which she says was Sidney. So presumably it was actually Sidney that she texted 'got he ad' to.

So what I would want to know is... why not only lie and say she sent that to AC, but also why get AC to lie about it?
Or did she text AC for the potstickers, and is saying she texted it to Sidney to cover that he wasn't home?

Either way - the stated recipient of one of those texts is a LIE. Why?

What that is interesting! I didn't know that!
Regarding Mrs. Moorer and her current prison situation.

They start off in Reception (R&E) which is at Graham (Camille Griffin) for all women. They evaluate you (drug problem? Violent? Mental illness? Medium/min/max security? Etc) and it takes awhile. This is one of the more uncomfortable portions of acclimating to prison, because phone calls and letters are very limited. Unsure of how they did it there but I found this:

“One person told me that they can't make calls for their first two weeks and then can only make one call every other day for some period of time.”

From a woman anxiously awaiting a call from her incarcerated Gf. By the time you get a letter, you’re usually shipped off to your home prison. Here in IL it takes about 3-4 weeks but we all know IL is slow as can be, so maybe SC will be closer to 2 weeks like some posts online said.

Can’t call (or can only call a little). Can’t get letters or books, until you’re transferred. It’s a lonely experience and I’m sure she’s freaking out (who wouldn’t be?)

You can, upon transfer, get books sent to you. Via amazon or such, directly to the prison with her ID. If someone writes a book about this case, I’m sure Tammy would get a copy sent to worth the $20 imo

I want to send her Snow White.
Hey all!
At least the posting here has slowed down a bit! :D I can catch up with you all.

hbone said:
Tammy posted on her Facebook way back shortly after this happened that Heather told Sidney she was pregnant & he met her at the Peachtree Landing & gave her money to go away.
Have the screenshot on my phone but I don’t know how to share it here.

Okay - memory gone here - wasn't there "something" about $5,000 being withdrawn from the Moorers' account? I don't know "what" I'm trying to put together here.... Sorry! LOL!

Madeleine said:
I do understand there's been tremendous harassment on both sides, by various supporters and even including people with no direct connection to the case. That's terrible and that's what I think causes a good 75% of the problems, IMO. The rest of the issues stem from some cuckoo-crazy people within the circle.

I was wondering "where" the M kids live? In Florida? In some kind of camper if I remember correctly. But there are 2 minors - will they now go back to SC & live with PC? Anyone know? Just curious. Or can I even ask that? Against TOS? Sorry if it is - so don't answer me!

Also - do the Moorers still own the property they were living on? If not, LE should start digging up that concrete playground....

bestill said:
I want to send her Snow White.

Hey all!
At least the posting here has slowed down a bit! :D I can catch up with you all.

Okay - memory gone here - wasn't there "something" about $5,000 being withdrawn from the Moorers' account? I don't know "what" I'm trying to put together here.... Sorry! LOL!

I was wondering "where" the M kids live? In Florida? In some kind of camper if I remember correctly. But there are 2 minors - will they now go back to SC & live with PC? Anyone know? Just curious. Or can I even ask that? Against TOS? Sorry if it is - so don't answer me!

Also - do the Moorers still own the property they were living on? If not, LE should start digging up that concrete playground....

The Moorers lived in a house they built in Tammy's parents back yard.
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