GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #8

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Oh y’all! 3 glasses of wine later, I’m finished with the 1st day of cross. IMHO Superstar Nancy got parts of the true TM out and she contradicted herself more than once. She even admitted that she lied to her friend bc “Sidney was never chained to the bed” okay honey okay. Also her saying “eating vagina” will stay with me forever. Why though? Just why?


Love this post. TM is a piece of work, IMO. Those poor jurors. But even worse, the Elvis family. Not that they didn't know already, but they are seeing in real time and close up the nightmare that Heather unwittingly stepped into when she met SM. My heart goes out to them.
Which phone was that conversation supposed to be on? Sidney's or Tammy's? I'm not sure I believe that story, and I'm wondering if we didn't know about it, because TM is claiming one of the calls from Heather's phone to SM's phone was Heather calling TM. Though I do have to say, some of her lies in that string were pretty clever, and almost had me convinced briefly. Briefly. Like how she tried to make that text non-threatening by saying everyone at TK called her "the Mrs." Almost had me.

You can tell TM has spent a lot of time preparing her explanations for many things. A couple of times she was explaining stuff before NL even asked the question.
In case anyone is interested, I have a sleigh bed, and could easily handcuff someone to it if I wanted to. (ETA: Don't tell my boyfriend I said that ;) )

Here's a pic: bed
We won’t tell. Of course you can chain someone to a sleigh bed. You could run a chain where the headboard meets the railing.
You can tell TM has spent a lot of time preparing her explanations for many things. A couple of times she was explaining stuff before NL even asked the question.

I need to go cross reference the one FB page to see if the long list of things the page owner said should be covered by TM have been mentioned yet.
One thing that I know the jury will not be happy with the Defense about is how they dragged the two innocent bystanders onto the jury stand this morning.

They basically waisted the juries time and also they attacked the poor innocent bystanders.

One of them they tried to get him to admit to smoking weed and the other one they tried to get him to admit to having sex with HE.

The reason juries will hate the defense for this is because each and every one of the jury members will be thinking to themselves....."that could be me up there on the witness stand"

You dont want to drag people to the stand unless they have something important for your defense. Those things were not important and unrelated to the case charges.
Paraphrasing, NL said to TM that she sure seems to know a lot of people's first and last names, like hers and the 2 officers who arrested her. Then she asked TM if she had the three of their names on a list and whether she'd sent her sister to take pictures of Nancy.

I'm not sure if it was just tongue-in-cheek, implying that TM has a hit-list, or if NL really has reason to believe that TM has a hit-list. I don't know if TM sent Ashley to take pics of NL or if she was just making a point because of NL making her life so difficult. Whatever the case may be, I enjoyed the hell out of it!

I think it referred to TM sending her sister AC to take a photo of HE at Tilted Kilt. And yes, NL may be referring to TM's (s)hit list.
So Tammy smokes pot because of her foot?

Wait, what? How have I not heard about a diary???
I loved how she was like 'you can't tell by how I walk' when describing her pain.

Her pain! Do any of you remember the spoof video of Arias on the stand, spinning in her paaaaiin!! Ha!

(I dont mean to make light of her injury, I really wouldn't wish that on ANYONE. I've just had it with her Tammy shenanigans. Her Tamanigans.)
I just rewatched the cross examination so my husband could see why I was walking around looking shell shocked. It's impossible to view it as an impartial juror would, but I tried to get my mind there as much as possible.

When she tries to explain away the "Meet the MRS" text, it came across as extremely false to me. Something about the way she spoke or her body language reminded me of the way my son and his friends acted when telling well rehearsed excuses and stories trying to cover for each other. Big, innocent eyes and the little shrug of the shoulders.

The same for Tammy's explanation of "chained to the bed". That one was even more obviously a lie.

Her having an answer for EVERYTHING. Every little thing can be explained away. She and Heather were actually friendly to each other, the texts were taken out of context, other people were using her phone, Sidney said that, the cops put words in her sister's mouth and on and on and on. The only thing she owned up to was the sexting, but she couldn't even own that 100%. That would really stick with me if I were a juror. It would have felt a lot more genuine if just once she had said "yeah, I was really hurt and upset and I said some hateful, childish things" or "at first I blamed the other woman" because a lot of people who have been cheated on do!

The need to use gross phrases like "eating vagina" is at the very least disrespectful to the entire situation. No one with an ounce of empathy would use that wording in front of a victim's family. The other jab she got in was "people who are sitting in this room called Heather a *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored* and a prostitute" (paraphrased) implying Heather's own family said those things looked 100% like she just had to find a way to say something cruel and hurtful. That would stick in my mind as a juror.

I'm not sure I would have caught some of the slips, like TM saying "doesn't mean you killed someone" if I was a juror. There was just so much to process in those last 30 minutes and so many moments of "is this real life?" with TM's comments to NL. I hope those things are brought under the spotlight Monday morning.
@Madeline74, you asked in the last thread who lies more, Moorer or Arias. It's an interesting question, and one I can't answer until TM has been on the stand for 6 months straight and we can match lie for lie over similar time frames :)

Seriously though, their similar....pathologies are really coming to light with TM on the stand. The pitiful coquettish mannerisms, the sidelong shy smiles at the jurors, calling the prosecutors by their first names, using lawyerly phrases because they are ever so clever, becoming snarky and combative under cross... It's uncanny.

Based on what I've seen today I think they're neck and neck.

And given that I've seen the countless images of what became of Arias' wrath, I'm more heartbroken for Heather and her family than ever.
I just rewatched the cross examination so my husband could see why I was walking around looking shell shocked. It's impossible to view it as an impartial juror would, but I tried to get my mind there as much as possible.

When she tries to explain away the "Meet the MRS" text, it came across as extremely false to me. Something about the way she spoke or her body language reminded me of the way my son and his friends acted when telling well rehearsed excuses and stories trying to cover for each other. Big, innocent eyes and the little shrug of the shoulders.

The same for Tammy's explanation of "chained to the bed". That one was even more obviously a lie.

Her having an answer for EVERYTHING. Every little thing can be explained away. She and Heather were actually friendly to each other, the texts were taken out of context, other people were using her phone, Sidney said that, the cops put words in her sister's mouth and on and on and on. The only thing she owned up to was the sexting, but she couldn't even own that 100%. That would really stick with me if I were a juror. It would have felt a lot more genuine if just once she had said "yeah, I was really hurt and upset and I said some hateful, childish things" or "at first I blamed the other woman" because a lot of people who have been cheated on do!

The need to use gross phrases like "eating vagina" is at the very least disrespectful to the entire situation. No one with an ounce of empathy would use that wording in front of a victim's family. The other jab she got in was "people who are sitting in this room called Heather a *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored* and a prostitute" (paraphrased) implying Heather's own family said those things looked 100% like she just had to find a way to say something cruel and hurtful. That would stick in my mind as a juror.

I'm not sure I would have caught some of the slips, like TM saying "doesn't mean you killed someone" if I was a juror. There was just so much to process in those last 30 minutes and so many moments of "is this real life?" with TM's comments to NL. I hope those things are brought under the spotlight Monday morning.


I thought the same thing about AC testimony the other day. Every single thing was denied even when evidence shown to the contrary.

Sorry but not 100 percent of it can be false.
HAHA! True. I didn't follow that case; Heather brought me to WS. I have seen quite a few shows about it though. He was a bull in a china shop. Fortunately for him, he didn't have a panel of southern jurors.
I'm from the south and I love, love, love Juan. There is nothing like watching someone cut thru the bull....and getting to the deep down narcissistic core of a cold stone killer.

I thought the same thing about AC testimony the other day. Every single thing was denied even when evidence shown to the contrary.

Sorry but not 100 percent of it can be false.

Yes! AC's mannerisms - the head tilt, the smirks and the constant chair spinning also amplified how untrue her testimony felt.
I'm from the south and I love, love, love Juan. There is nothing like watching someone cut thru the bull....and getting to the deep down narcissistic core of a cold stone killer.

Juan was amazing during the JA trial. It was the first time I had ever seen him in action. Truly amazing.

Thinking back to that trial and from today's cross examination one observation that I just realized is that attorneys like Juan and NL have to be able to repeat very nasty words that the defendants have said. And the attorneys have to do it in public in front of many people and not let it phase them.

Makes me respect the attorneys all the more :)
Thanks again @yupikgirl for being our eyes and ears in the
courtroom. You looked good. I waved at you.

I was so tired- took a shower but didn’t wash my hair so it was in that horrible bun LOL. I’ve planned to go Monday. Hoping to go Tuesday. I work full time (for the state) and I travel so I’m not sure.

Did you all get to see her foot?
I'm also wondering if the prosecutors can throw their own tricks back on them and say the IP address TM says exonerates her at the time of the disappearance only proves that "someone" was on her computer but she can't prove it was her.

Yes, this! Thank you. I knew this was off because of her certainty it would give her an alibi. But she has made it absolutely clear that everyone in that family had access to everyone else's electronic devices. So no dice, Tammy.
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One thing that I know the jury will not be happy with the Defense about is how they dragged the two innocent bystanders onto the jury stand this morning.

They basically waisted the juries time and also they attacked the poor innocent bystanders.

One of them they tried to get him to admit to smoking weed and the other one they tried to get him to admit to having sex with HE.

The reason juries will hate the defense for this is because each and every one of the jury members will be thinking to themselves....."that could be me up there on the witness stand"

You dont want to drag people to the stand unless they have something important for your defense. Those things were not important and unrelated to the case charges.
Her dad actually left for some of this.
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