***GUILTY***The Verdict Waiting Room #3

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Willough, firstly nice to see you back :)
He lived in his "Gerard bubble" and thought he was untouchable.
I bet he hopes he is " untouchable" in prison lol.
Allison's sisters words , that today was the first time Allison came out on top, really spoke volumes to me of how this man conducted himself during their marriage. May she RIP.

Yes Royster those words '...today was the first time Allison came out on top..' stood out for me as well. I have posted this before and will again.
Given what Allison had to endure, and the way she was treated so poorly by her husband, she seemed to have stoic grit and grace.
As for TM how could she do that 60 minutes interview? Does she think by doing the interview she will be forgiven for her part in this absolutely disgustingly heartbreaking affair which ultimately caused the murder of a beautiful women and deprived 3 beautiful young children of their Mother. To carry on a 3yr affair with a married Father is as low as a snakes belly. If she loved him so much and believed his marriage was so unhappy, why didn't she back off until he ended his marriage.To sneak around having sex in the back of his car and even have sex in Allison's home just leaves me speechless. Disgusting women!!

I agree. I would think that she would not want any more media attention.............maybe those 2 were suited to each other :tantrum: Her poor boys!!
Thanks to everyone here. I've been here since thread number one. It has given me great comfort that so many of you have been so interested and caring about what goes on in our part of the world. I have lived here all my life and the thought of Allison walking to Kholo Creek has always been preposterous in my mind - and from what I knew of her, she was a positive caring person of incredible depth who loved those little girls fiercely. Rest in Peace Allison and thank you WSers - I never met any of you but consider you virtual friends

I think we are all a pretty good bunch of cyber friends BC! Thanks to Allison for making this friendship possible and in turn I hope in some small way we provided some voice and direction in her justice today!
At the very high risk of being frowned upon.... I have to say that I actually feel sorry for TM. I'd say she was totally drawn in by GBC's web of deceitful promises....:dunno:
Just to be clear, I am in no way condoning any of her actions but just feel that she also is a victim in this terribly sad case. :whiteflag:

I understand where you are coming from. While I can't muster an iota of sympathy for the BCs, I do feel a little bit of sympathy for Toni even thought I think her part in the affair was deplorable.

I am interested to see what she has to say on 60 Minutes and if I will still feel some sympathy for her after it.
Was there something coming on channel 7 (about the case) at 10:15 tonight, or do I have the wrong idea?
At the very high risk of being frowned upon.... I have to say that I actually feel sorry for TM. I'd say she was totally drawn in by GBC's web of deceitful promises....:dunno:
Just to be clear, I am in no way condoning any of her actions but just feel that she also is a victim in this terribly sad case. :whiteflag:

I didnt feel the same before....but I do now, have for a while. To her, she was a woman in love....so in love she even left her husband for him. She felt there was a future, maybe stupidly...but she did. We all want a future with someone we are in love with and she dreamed for that to. I do think she still loves him..The snippet on A Current Affair was interesting....she just loved the wrong man.
The smiling couple stands metres apart amongst a group of the prospective buyers patiently answering queries.

The property going up for auction belongs to Baden-Clay's father, Nigel, who can also been seen in the crowd standing near McHugh.

The video was taken shortly after Baden-Clay had told his counselor that he was under financial stress. :banghead:

Read more at http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national...-of-baden-clay-and-mchugh#Z3Fdvm3fYRgBTeSy.99
I just hope with all that has happened here it has changed everyone like it has changed me.

You no longer need to stand by your man(thanks Tammy) if he is a pathetic excuse for a man. Put plans in place to get out. If people are trying to help you in anyway jump at the chance and take it. Never let your life be a tragedy like this turned out to be.

Live life like there is no tomorrow and make every moment count.
I didnt feel the same before....but I do now, have for a while. To her, she was a woman in love....so in love she even left her husband for him. She felt there was a future, maybe stupidly...but she did. We all want a future with someone we are in love with and she dreamed for that to. I do think she still loves him..The snippet on A Current Affair was interesting....she just loved the wrong man.

I have no sympathy at all! I think when you have an affair you have to accept responsibility that people are going to get hurt because of you - end of story. Yes, I know she couldnt have predicted that he was a murderer, but the stress and worry of the wife, the wondering about truth or lies, the feeling betrayed, the feeling unwanted and unloved and not desired, it all hurts gravely, and it couldnt happen unless a woman was prepared to be a mistress!

I believe that in a certain way Toni is also narcissistic, because she doesnt see the effect on anyone but herself, or if she does, she doesn't care.
I didnt feel the same before....but I do now, have for a while. To her, she was a woman in love....so in love she even left her husband for him. She felt there was a future, maybe stupidly...but she did. We all want a future with someone we are in love with and she dreamed for that to. I do think she still loves him..The snippet on A Current Affair was interesting....she just loved the wrong man.

Until someone has been involved with someone of GBC's ilk they have no idea what they are capable of - I didn't. They can convince their victims of ANYTHING. They spend their lives studying people and working out how to press their buttons.

I'll wager my life that he told TM and every other woman a sob story - complete with tears, that had every woman condemning Allison and comforting him into bed. That's how they operate:- they make you pity them early on, this then activates your empathy, which makes you believe that you 2 have a special, unique bond - it's mind control 101. As GBC was in sales I'll hazard a guess that he studied, to some degree, psychology, and that this gave him even more insight into how to manipulate and control people.
I saw an ad for it earlier so yes, I believe it's on at 10.15pm.

Thanks. My ch 9 is malfunctioning and am a bit frustrated.

Talked to a colleague today who has a friend who works in the incoming part of G's new prison. Says he will be well medicated initially.
Oh yes indeed! Apparently there were women galore and T McH is the first to get a paycheque via 60 minutes. Just you wait and see. They'll all be clamouring for some media attention (& money) before long.

Magazines next... My husband is here shaking his head at the ACA, Late Night Special with Karl, 60 Minutes... Asking me why? Why is there so much attention for this case? I have no answer....
Zwiebel, one down and next one to go will be Oscar Pistorius. For those not following OP trial, Zwiebel has been incredible, typing out the audio of the court faster than Kate Kyriacou can send a tweet.

Hopefully OP will receive the same. And yes big thank you to Zwiebel.
I didnt feel the same before....but I do now, have for a while. To her, she was a woman in love....so in love she even left her husband for him. She felt there was a future, maybe stupidly...but she did. We all want a future with someone we are in love with and she dreamed for that to. I do think she still loves him..The snippet on A Current Affair was interesting....she just loved the wrong man.

She was naive. I imagine she wasn't in love with him but the fake him he presented. She was conned too.
Thanks. My ch 9 is malfunctioning and am a bit frustrated.

Talked to a colleague today who has a friend who works in the incoming part of G's new prison. Says he will be well medicated initially.

Unfortunately there is no medication for narcissism.

"Some clinicians, suggest that the grandiosity and tendency to idealize and devalue should be interpreted as defensive manoeuvres when aspects of early conflictual relationships are played out in adult life. Other clinicians, posit that the emergence of the patient's grandiosity and tendency to idealize the therapist should initially be viewed supportively. To help the individual develop stronger self-esteem regulation, the therapist then gradually points out the realistic limitations of patient and therapist alike while also offering an empathic ambience to cushion patients in their efforts to accept and integrate these experiences. Unfortunately, much research will be required to validate the description and course of narcissistic personality disorder before further research can answer which techniques bring about a better response to treatment."
Until someone has been involved with someone of GBC's ilk they have no idea what they are capable of - I didn't. They can convince their victims of ANYTHING. They spend their lives studying people and working out how to press their buttons.

I'll wager my life that he told TM and every other woman a sob story - complete with tears, that had every woman condemning Allison and comforting him into bed. That's how they operate:- they make you pity them early on, this then activates your empathy, which makes you believe that you 2 have a special, unique bond - it's mind control 101. As GBC was in sales I'll hazard a guess that he studied, to some degree, psychology, and that this gave him even more insight into how to manipulate and control people.

I believe that's true. That's how it happens. I know because I was in a relationsip for a long time with someone like that. However in the case of TM and having an affair there is an added issue to me - i can understand her falling in love with him and not realising what he was like. But she knew he was married and that's that, it doesn't matter what else is in play - he was married, therefore out of bounds if you have any strength of character and concern for others. And I have been in the situation of falling in love with a married man. I avoided an affair because he was married. It was hard but I managed it. We eventually did get together for a short period when he told me he had ended his marriage, but he was not totally honest about that (they were still living in the same house) and when he resumed things with his wife we both ended it.

I'm not saying I'm some sort of saint, just saying I have no sympathy for Toni McHugh. She is a selfish woman. She contributed to pain for another person, she is an adult, and she doesn't have to have everything she wants.
As for TM how could she do that 60 minutes interview? Does she think by doing the interview she will be forgiven for her part in this absolutely disgustingly heartbreaking affair which ultimately caused the murder of a beautiful women and deprived 3 beautiful young children of their Mother. To carry on a 3yr affair with a married Father is as low as a snakes belly. If she loved him so much and believed his marriage was so unhappy, why didn't she back off until he ended his marriage.To sneak around having sex in the back of his car and even have sex in Allison's home just leaves me speechless. Disgusting women!!

Snippets of 60 minutes.
TONI DOESN'T CARE! :tomato:She believes she didn't have anything to do with Allison's murder and she looks at Allison's murder as GBC's true devotion to her.
She teared up when she was told she was just the mistress of a married man. She didn't love him unconditionally, she was putting huge restrictions on him.
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