***GUILTY***The Verdict Waiting Room #3

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Kimster I went to your link and read the messages but that thread is closed. Not sure where to go as it says it's The Jury Room. I'm confused....
Another Nice Pic Makara!
Was thinking of you today.
All your support - all your work, and wonderful pics. Thank-you!

Justice for Allison!
It was lovely how so many were wearing the yellow ribbons for Allison today. The news reporters were all wearing them too.
I have been drawn to this case because I live near Brookfield and I have encountered lots of people like the Baden-Clays (upwardly mobile .... living beyond their means) in and around this area at various schools - public and private over the years. And I had a narcissistic husband - so much like GBC, it sends chills through my spine: I have some inkling of what Allison experienced - tremendous emotional and financial abuse . My husband had numerous affairs throughout our 30 year marriage which caused me terrible anguish and depression ...... but he never admitted to a single one - ever. He didn't get to kill me, but he well could have.

When one of his adult sons encountered him with his mistress, that was the end. It was a shock to everyone, but mostly to his children.

We had a little girl - 8 years old - who idolised him, and he was besotted with her from the day she was born. He was a most devoted and loving father to her (after three boys, so no BC carrying on the family name involved :blushing: ..... her eldest brother was 22 when he left), but he wished no on-going personal contact with her. Against his wishes, the Family Court ordered he see her every second weekend and half school holidays. She was unhappy after the first weekend, distraught after the second ..... and never went again: she couldn't cope with his changed behaviour towards her. After some time, we came to an arrangement of day visits every second weekend. That worked. My daughter needed contact with her father. She's got to understand his narcissistic behaviour for her herself as she grew older.

I hope the Dickies, and the Family Court can accommodate that fine line.

Sadly the Dickies are in for much pressure from their own legal representatives and the BC's legal reps and Family Law appointed/selected psychologists to ensure they 'do the right thing by these three vulnerable girls' and damned well make certain these innocents visit regularly with GBC and the ones who raised him and supported him...

It's outta their hands.

This is Australia. This is how we treat our children with fathers like GBC who 'deserve' a relationship with a child and children who aren't old enough to speak their own mind and who's loving family are demonised as alienators and disenfranchisers for attempting to spare these children of this.

Who'll come a waltzing Matilda with me.............
The link is a reminder of the rules regarding meeting with people. You can start a thread in there if you'd like: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?25-The-Jury-Room

It's a Member's Only area. :)

Thanks Kimster. I have started a thread about Get-Togethers. Am I allowed to mention and post the link from time to time? This main board moves so fast and there are so many members participating it can be hard to keep up and know what is going on or where to go for other things. But happy to comply with your ruling obviously.
What fine upstanding members of society...........deplorable people!!!

Armed with that information, detectives arrived at Nigel and Elaine’s Kenmore home with warrant in hand. They were to hand over all “Apple products".

Elaine would later brag she gave them her fruit bowl and a smirk

The financial analysis showed Gerard’s parents had loaned him $58,000. They wouldn’t admit to any loan when police came calling and refused to provide a statement


Ugh despicable people! This was their missing daughter in law, the mother of their grandchildren, a murder investigation and they think they are funny? Blurghhhh
GERARD Baden-Clay was a man looking for women on the world's largest sex, dating and swingers site.

Looking for discrete (sic) sex," Gerard Baden-Clay typed.

"Married but don’t want to be – looking for some sex on the side!"

But on adultfriendfinder.com he was Bruce Overland. A married 40-year-old Brisbane man. Non-smoker, light drinker with four years at university.


This is disgusting. Just when I thought we'd heard it all.
This is disgusting. Just when I thought we'd heard it all.

To think that there was doubt he was guilty by quite a few people at the beginning. I can understand it, but i have always believed he was a seriously evil man. How sick - a swingers site of all things, and the comments he's made there! And then put that together with the way he painted himself at the trial, wanting to make his marriage work and doing everything at home because of his loony wife. I despise him even more now, if that was possilbe, and I have a feeling as others have suggested, that over the coming weeks, months and possibly years so much will come out about this man and his 'activities'. I am certain that if any of the jury had any doubt at all about their decision, in time they will become even more certain they've done the right thing here, because his dishonesty and debauchery will become even more apparent.
All this info being released tonight is typical of how it plays out in all criminal/murder cases once the sub-judice period is over.

I think our justice system needs a major overhaul. Release every piece of info police have prior to start of trial instead of just the selective pieces pertaining to the crime itself & make it easier for the jurors by showing them the true colours of the person they are deliberating on.

Marly, I can't understand why some information is allowed and others isn't. Why was the court not told of 'Bruce Overland's online profiles but were told about Jackie Crane and Michelle Hammond?

Why were Jocelyn Frost and the other partners' statements not allowed? Oh, because it's prejudicial, here say, what have you. Yet that woman Olivia could sit there and slam Allison over and over again. Makes me so mad.

And EBC and the fruit bowl?! And bragging about it? Now I feel no guilt about having no sympathy for that family.
Thanks Kimster. I have started a thread about Get-Togethers. Am I allowed to mention and post the link from time to time? This main board moves so fast and there are so many members participating it can be hard to keep up and know what is going on or where to go for other things. But happy to comply with your ruling obviously.

Yes, you may. Make sure there is a link and say something briefly. :) Thanks for asking up front! :hug:
I should have added, that my daughter is now late 20s, and is well adjusted, and loves her dad but believes him to be a "weirdo". I think she needed contact with her dad. I think those BC girls should be allowed contact with their dad .... if they ask for it/want it. Let them decide. It's a fraught situation.
Later on as time allows, we're going to close the general discussion thread and create topical threads. If you know of a topic you'd like to have a discussion about, feel free to start a topic thread about it in the meantime. For example, "Life for GBC after the verdict", where people can discuss the prison where he is housed. Or another could be all about the evidence that the jury never did see. Another about TM's interviews.

This is common for Websleuths at this point of a crime case. We need to make sure everyone is able to find the topics they want to discuss. Again, the Jury Room is for visiting and personal issues.

With all of his mental abusing of Allison I think her was trying to drive her to suicide. I think it had been part of his plan for years. She did not roll over. She was one strong lady. An inspiration really !
You could well be right. Either way, the thing with narcissists (and abusers alike) is that they will use any advantage against their victim. If Allison had a glass of wine a night - she'd become a raging alcoholic. If Allison once punished one of the girls with a spanking, she'd become an abuser. And as Allison suffered depression, once upon a time, she became mentally unhinged. He would have told anyone who would listen how horrible his life had become and how it was her fault - he was only trying to help her, do right by her, be a good dad so the girls would have some stability in their lives...(and you are so accurate - this would have been going on for years!)

And had Allison survived her marriage to leave it - he would have used all of it in court against her to get custody of the girls. Not because he really wanted them but simply because he didn't want her and her family to have access. With abusive personalities, it really is all about control. Hmph. What would be much to his chagrin, Gerard truly is no one special, no one unique - he's your average garden-variety abusive narcissist that I've seen on trial dozens of times. (Lundy Bancroft is a great source of information for protecting oneself in court against one's abuser.)

JMO and FWIW (after a decade long marriage to an abuser dx'd comorbid narcissistic/antisocial personality disorders).
Snippets of 60 minutes.
TONI DOESN'T CARE! :tomato:She believes she didn't have anything to do with Allison's murder and she looks at Allison's murder as GBC's true devotion to her.
She teared up when she was told she was just the mistress of a married man. She didn't love him unconditionally, she was putting huge restrictions on him.

So very true.....I think I had a failing moment last night when i saw her crocodile tears and felt sorry for her....But after reading itsthevibe, BJs and your thoughts, you are all so right. I had to hop off my computer quickly last night (adapter on laptop playing up) and I couldnt bring myself ot get daughter to hop off main computer when she was doing homework....even though I so wanted too.....But, yeah, doing what she did was gross.....I remember two RE agents (here in Melbourne) having sex even in people they were selling homes for...When it's about sex.....they are like dirty dogs....do it anywhere....and that sounds like them. UGH
Link please!

I couldn't link it, maybe as it's an old thread, but here is the posts from TM's friend (HeartRuledHead) followed by my reply.

[quote name="HeartRuledHead" post=8096533]Many thanks for the welcome :)

Perhaps having no self esteem and being venerable is her crime then.

Who knows what moment of weakness he caught her on. It's easy to assume and judge... isn't it. Why not have a little bit of compassion for a woman not only being accused of this by some but who also just found out she feel for not just a every day sleaze but a murderer.

If someone you loved killed someone, you are not responsible - you are a victim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Would you have compassion for the woman who was cheating with your husband ?

As my name implies I have opinions, and I express those without compunction.

Had TM felt bad for her actions and left the affair and NOT re-entered the relationship a scant 2 months later, them PERHAPS some degree of compassion could be illicited.....



Sadly the Dickies are in for much pressure from their own legal representatives and the BC's legal reps and Family Law appointed/selected psychologists to ensure they 'do the right thing by these three vulnerable girls' and damned well make certain these innocents visit regularly with GBC and the ones who raised him and supported him...

It's outta their hands.

This is Australia. This is how we treat our children with fathers like GBC who 'deserve' a relationship with a child and children who aren't old enough to speak their own mind and who's loving family are demonised as alienators and disenfranchisers for attempting to spare these children of this.

Who'll come a waltzing Matilda with me.............

I was a single mother in Brisbane for 13 years. It was the most difficult time of my life. My children and I are still traumatised by it. The father had all the rights and no responsibility. When it finally suited him, he moved overseas to pursue a career opportunity.. But I was never allowed to do anything without his or the Court's permission. I no longer live in Australia. I am a single parent in Europe and the difference in the way my children and I are treated by the system over here is unbelievable....dealing with the same person! Here it is all about the children's rights. Oh andI have a voice too. I am no longer threatened with being labelled an "unfriendly parent" because I bring my concerns to the attention of the relevant authorities. And the father doesn't threaten or bully me like he was able to in Oz...in fact, I hardly hear from him and when I do, he is somewhat polite....funny that.
I'm going to close this thread soon and we'll be moving to topical threads. Remember, you need to stay on topic in topical threads. If you want to discuss topics that are not about this case, we have our member's only Jury Room set up for that purpose.
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