GUILTY GUILTY VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #9

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I guess... if we wanted... the questionable post analyzed... we could call in some kind of... language expert.... Darn! What's that called?! We need a... shoot, it's on the tip of my tongue....
I guess... if we wanted... the questionable post analyzed... we could call in some kind of... language expert.... Darn! What's that called?! We need a... shoot, it's on the tip of my tongue....

an attorney? :croc:
I guess... if we wanted... the questionable post analyzed... we could call in some kind of... language expert.... Darn! What's that called?! We need a... shoot, it's on the tip of my tongue....

I guess... if we wanted... the questionable post analyzed... we could call in some kind of... language expert.... Darn! What's that called?! We need a... shoot, it's on the tip of my tongue....

As it turns out, my main side project for the past 9 months has been developing some prototype quantitative text analysis software.

My software works by analyzing the statistical structure of a text and can compare the observed structure to other texts of known origin. None of this is particularly innovative actually and there are numerous papers on this subject which document more subtle methods than I have implemented so far. It is the results of this analysis that leads me think the posting is fake and was in fact written by an unknown person who is not Sarah McCroskey.

I could certainly be wrong especially since we have exactly one sample and that takes nothing away from the lovely and heart felt responses everyone wrote. But yeah, it's probably a fake.
well,I don't have any such software but I have no doubt that that was Sarah posting and i appreciate very much that she did and what she had to say.
Oh MAN you guys are killin' today (pardon the pun) - linguini and Janet's lesbian hair I can't take it! Laughing starts me coughing and then my boss wants to tell me how to take care of my cold (hey here's a start for my health insurance!) OK - so ANYWAY -

A friend of the forum sent me a link that was interesting concerning Sarah and now after reading - not so sure that was Sarah who posted here, but whatever.

Can someone please figure out what she's referring to in her comment? This is seriously a hit and run post cuz I'm going 90 MPH w/my hair on fire today.
As it turns out, my main side project for the past 9 months has been developing some prototype quantitative text analysis software.

My software works by analyzing the statistical structure of a text and can compare the observed structure to other texts of known origin. None of this is particularly innovative actually and there are numerous papers on this subject which document more subtle methods than I have implemented so far. It is the results of this analysis that leads me think the posting is fake and was in fact written by an unknown person who is not Sarah McCroskey.

I could certainly be wrong especially since we have exactly one sample and that takes nothing away from the lovely and heart felt responses everyone wrote. But yeah, it's probably a fake.

Mm-hmm.... :rolleyes:
Who would make a post claiming they were Sarah though and why?
Her mother? maybe. She has no reason to have a Lawyer, does she?

(sorry I think the post had the opposite effect cuz now I can't quit thinking about
a certain line within the post - the making it more intense line - strange.)
Who would make a post claiming they were Sarah though and why?
Her mother? maybe. She has no reason to have a Lawyer, does she?

(sorry I think the post had the opposite effect cuz now I can't quit thinking about
a certain line within the post - the making it more intense line - strange.)

Since I have followed this case from the beginning I am quite certain that I understand Sarah, assuming it was her, to mean that the media was making her family situation out to be more than it was and that is what she meant by the 'more intense' comment and wasnt in fact referring to them making the actual murders out to be more than they really were.

I say this because early on there were reports that her mother and father were Hells Angels and that their house was a crack house etc and she responded on the internet defending against these comments and saying that they were not true so I do believe that is what she meant in the above comment, mainly that everything we hear about her family and her, by extenstion, isnt true. Again, assuming that was Sarah, and while I do share some of DM's skepticism, I dont see any reason at this time to assume it was not her and I think her comments are consistent with others I have read, posted by her, on other forums.
These aren't generated by my software, but they are evocative nonetheless...

Sarah on Bay Raves

Sarah on Websleuths

There is no doubt that there is a difference in writing style between her post here and at the raver forum (which by the way is the post I was referring to where she defended against accusations that her parents were Hells Angels and that she lived in a crack house). I would attribute the difference however, not to two different posters but rather that she is aware of the differences in the two forums themselves. That is to say she might keep it more real and less formal on the raver forum whereas here be more mindful that she is speaking to a more adult minded crowd and therefore make an attempt to write more formally and less profane.

But there is no doubt that there is in fact a difference in writing style, make of that what you will.
Since I have followed this case from the beginning I am quite certain that I understand Sarah, assuming it was her, to mean that the media was making her family situation out to be more than it was and that is what she meant by the 'more intense' comment and wasnt in fact referring to them making the actual murders out to be more than they really were.

I say this because early on there were reports that her mother and father were Hells Angels and that their house was a crack house etc and she responded on the internet defending against these comments and saying that they were not true so I do believe that is what she meant in the above comment, mainly that everything we hear about her family and her, by extenstion, isnt true. Again, assuming that was Sarah, and while I do share some of DM's skepticism, I dont see any reason at this time to assume it was not her and I think her comments are consistent with others I have read, posted by her, on other forums.

I went back and read the post again and I understand the distinction you're making. Her comments are contained to descriptions/issues regarding the family; not the murders. But here's the thing - we care about the murders and why they happened. In trying to figure out what happened and why, it is necessary to look into the perps family life to try to gleen what was going on within him, who he is, etc. It's hard to do that without knowing something about the people he lived with. Since he was only 20 when he committed the crimes, lived at home along with his sister, the dynamics of their relationship play a factor. We are trying to determine if there are signs that a person is about to go off the deep end prior to them actually doing so.

It would be helpful if the sister or other closely related peeps would help the police discover motive.
For all I know, they are helping but no motive has been made public that I'm aware of.

Is there a mental illness at play?
Were there any signs of violence/hurting living things previously?
Did he feel cut off from everybody in his life and when Emma broke up with him (if she did), he flipped out.
He mentioned he had plans to join the Army, were his plans supported or simply stated as a last resort by him.

A scenario popped in my head regarding the keys found on the outside bench. It is possible that he and Emma were sitting there together when a heated argument ensued or a message that he did not want to hear. He could have picked up the tool from near the woodpile (that was later found in the kitchen) and threatened her with it. She may have run into the house, leaving her keys on the bench, and he chased her in leaving that instrument in the kitchen. Later he may have used the other tool that was found in the bedroom to kill all of them. Maybe he went into a rage after their conversation. He may have not noticed the keys on the bench after he killed her and the others inside the house.

The reason this is important is, if she had been terrified outside of the house and not run back into the house, she may have been able to run in front of the house and attracted help. Once she ran into the house she may have sealed her fate and that of the others thinking they could help her or that once inside, he wouldn't do anything to them.

They'll be able to determine whose prints were on the keys. If her prints are the only ones on the keys, it may indicate she was using the bench and had been startled/ambused and ran back into the house because he chased her or threatened her.
I went back and read the post again and I understand the distinction you're making. Her comments are contained to descriptions/issues regarding the family; not the murders. But here's the thing - we care about the murders and why they happened. In trying to figure out what happened and why, it is necessary to look into the perps family life to try to gleen what was going on within him, who he is, etc. It's hard to do that without knowing something about the people he lived with. Since he was only 20 when he committed the crimes, lived at home along with his sister, the dynamics of their relationship play a factor. We are trying to determine if there are signs that a person is about to go off the deep end prior to them actually doing so.

It would be helpful if the sister or other closely related peeps would help the police discover motive.
For all I know, they are helping but no motive has been made public that I'm aware of.

Is there a mental illness at play?
Were there any signs of violence/hurting living things previously?
Did he feel cut off from everybody in his life and when Emma broke up with him (if she did), he flipped out.
He mentioned he had plans to join the Army, were his plans supported or simply stated as a last resort by him.

A scenario popped in my head regarding the keys found on the outside bench. It is possible that he and Emma were sitting there together when a heated argument ensued or a message that he did not want to hear. He could have picked up the tool from near the woodpile (that was later found in the kitchen) and threatened her with it. She may have run into the house, leaving her keys on the bench, and he chased her in leaving that instrument in the kitchen. Later he may have used the other tool that was found in the bedroom to kill all of them. Maybe he went into a rage after their conversation. He may have not noticed the keys on the bench after he killed her and the others inside the house.

The reason this is important is, if she had been terrified outside of the house and not run back into the house, she may have been able to run in front of the house and attracted help. Once she ran into the house she may have sealed her fate and that of the others thinking they could help her or that once inside, he wouldn't do anything to them.

They'll be able to determine whose prints were on the keys. If her prints are the only ones on the keys, it may indicate she was using the bench and had been startled/ambused and ran back into the house because he chased her or threatened her.
I am a big part of this thread so obviously I agree with you but frankly if I were Sarah or someone in her position I would come here and tell you all to **** off and mind your own business. She has handled this better than I think I would in the same situation.

Good guess on the keys. We probably wont know for sure until trial, if at all.
I'm not sure I would. I pray I never have to find out.
I imagine I would be so engrossed in what happened from an up close and
personal level that I wouldn't care much about the opinions of everyone else.

My second choice would be to go to a place where nobody knew me. I probably couldn't leave my parents alone though so :waitasec:.
I am a big part of this thread so obviously I agree with you but frankly if I were Sarah or someone in her position I would come here and tell you all to **** off and mind your own business. She has handled this better than I think I would in the same situation.

Good guess on the keys. We probably wont know for sure until trial, if at all.

IIRC the cigarettes found in the back area were Newports and Melanie Wells was known to smoke this brand. Not sure if anyone else did.,

You asked what does race have to do with it?

Good question since almost all of the principals in our story are clearly Caucasian...

It is worth mentioning that horrorcore is based in hip hop which is an African American musical form. Add the ingredient of "white girls in trouble" and you have a well know American cultural form: Black Music = White Girls in Trouble. This has been played out over and over in our society since at least the 1920s.

However in addition to this we have at least three direct racism related links to the story.

First, the crime was committed in Farmville Virginia, a location infamous for the race motivated closing of the public schools during Massive Resistance. Farmville was also know in the past as an area with an active KKK presence and racist and KKK symbols continue to be displayed in a watered down form by the Chi secret society at Longwood University.

Second, Sam McCroskey lived in Castro Valley an area near to "hippy dippy" San Francisco known for being home to several rather nasty white supremacists and a rather famous KKK march in the late 70s. If there is a place "like" Farmville here, it is Castro Valley.

Third, in SickTanick's controversial video "In Tha Name Of", in addition to the Son of Sam references, some of the graffiti shown in the video appears to reference the White Order of Thule, a while racist group with occult overtones.

Does this all mean anything?

I think so, but I admit that I don't have a clear picture myself. It seems to me that living in a social environment dominated by hate, racism, and racist thinking might have an impact on individuals that were different, "weird", or that appeared to live outside of the mainstream "white" culture. Does this play a role in this crime? I am saying yes, but clearly that is IMO and YMMV.
Thanks Dangrs for addressing the racial implications/possible links.
That's a lot to wrap my head around but who knows. All groups of people seem to need a group they can hate. Whites hating Blacks. Blacks hating Asians. Hispanics think people hate them. My son has friends from several races and they call each other names - with affection. But if you walked up to a member of one of the races represented and said, Hey ______(insert term), you'd get your lights dimmed. So I ask him, why do you guys say those things to each other? He says, "we're kidding." I say, well it sounds opposite of what I try to teach. In other words, they're friends but they mess with one another about each other's race. What's that about? Is it a step towards acceptance of one another to the point where the jesting becomes unnecessary? Is it acknowledging our differences but accepting them along with the priviledge to comment on them? It's such a fine line between insult and acceptance, ya know? The dialog is open, the relationships are forming, there are kids who are not haters - it's happening. I'm one who likes cultural differences though; if people want to share, I'll be there. As long as everyone is nice. I didn't like it the time I got pinned up to the side of a bus for no reason, one arm stretched over each of my shoulders, and was asked, "who do I think I am?" I had only been walking down the street.
A scary moment.

Also I looked up Juggalo Communites - that is interesting. I had no clue as to that particular 'movement'. Like most things there seems to be degrees within that make it either understandable or cause the bad to outway the good of what the term is meant to stand for - core being true to oneself (but you must do this and you must do that). :waitasec:

Heidi and Seal seem to be doing well. :crazy:
Thanks Dangrs for addressing the racial implications/possible links.
That's a lot to wrap my head around but who knows. All groups of people seem to need a group they can hate. Whites hating Blacks. Blacks hating Asians. Hispanics think people hate them. My son has friends from several races and they call each other names - with affection. But if you walked up to a member of one of the races represented and said, Hey ______(insert term), you'd get your lights dimmed. So I ask him, why do you guys say those things to each other? He says, "we're kidding." I say, well it sounds opposite of what I try to teach. In other words, they're friends but they mess with one another about each other's race. What's that about? Is it a step towards acceptance of one another to the point where the jesting becomes unnecessary? Is it acknowledging our differences but accepting them along with the priviledge to comment on them? It's such a fine line between insult and acceptance, ya know? The dialog is open, the relationships are forming, there are kids who are not haters - it's happening. I'm one who likes cultural differences though; if people want to share, I'll be there. As long as everyone is nice. I didn't like it the time I got pinned up to the side of a bus for no reason, one arm stretched over each of my shoulders, and was asked, "who do I think I am?" I had only been walking down the street.
A scary moment.

Also I looked up Juggalo Communites - that is interesting. I had no clue as to that particular 'movement'. Like most things there seems to be degrees within that make it either understandable or cause the bad to outway the good of what the term is meant to stand for - core being true to oneself (but you must do this and you must do that). :waitasec:

Heidi and Seal seem to be doing well. :crazy:

Words only have power if you let them. Traditionally, almost all minority groups "take back" the pejorative words used towards them. African Americans, Latinos, even women.

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