GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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You realize that that chair is facing toward WM and the 'cat' that you are seeing would have to be sitting therefore, on the arm of the chair, facing toward the back of the chair (which, from my experience, cats tend to look outward from the chair, not toward the back, plus if the cat was in the room, one might imagine it would be keeping its owner company, and therefore facing its owner (which it would be backward in this case)? I do know what you are talking about, and with imagination, we *could* turn that into a cat, however I believe that if a cat *were* in the room after WM's death, the cat would have been lying/sitting with WM. Also, no mention of a cat anywhere in sight, which would have potentially been an important consideration in that if present, the cat had the possibility of altering a sheet/pillowcase, jumping onto the bag, making the gun move/drop more, etc., putting little catpaw prints of blood across the bed/carpet..

It actually may have been something DM *should* have thought of doing, was to allow the animals into WM's room because that might have been one sure way to screw up all of any evidence so they wouldn't have been able to tell for sure all of the positions of things at TOD? jmo.

ETA: if that *is* a cat, that is one danged fugly cat.... imho of course :)

Geesh, pardon my frustration. No 2 cats are the same. I've always owned a cat which means I've gone through at least 7. No cat sleeps in the exact same position every time. Yes the one I saw was probably up high because there was probably a bunch of clothes and junk on the chair making him at arm level. I wouldn't have even stated this had my eyes not seen something after c0ntrol scroll enlarging the photo to look around the room. It doesn't matter, but I'm insulted with the implication that my imagination is seeing it.

DM stated in his interview the reason for WM's door being unlocked was because it was a cat entrance! Yes, DM is dumb enough to let pets in, as a matter of fact, he also implied Pedo was home. The way he said he walked past his father's room noting he was in bed I would think he didn't knock on his dad's door or open a door. So cats would have had access as would Pedo if he were really there. IMO

PS My husband just looked and says it is a cat. Also my current kitty just came into my office and is laying in a similar manner with his little face looking over the arm of the chair :)
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Prior to this trial, I had always imagined that DM was the ONLY one that knew that he had killed his dad, and the only one that knew he had planned to do it. Now that we have listened to evidence, I believe that a few may have known, those being AM, MS, and possibly CN. What thoughts about that are others following the case having?
Definitely MS was inaugurated, IMO. Maybe, AM suspected a killing; he must have known his friend and his (evil) mind, one should think. Lovely CN - I don't know.

I agree with FromGermany, I think MS knew what was happening.

I don't think AM or CN were privy to the plan, at least not in advance. Regarding AM, I think DM had already realized he wouldn't be up for the more extreme "missions" (which is why MS became so important). Had AM known, I don't think DM would have called him over that night and risked police talking to him (DM got squirrelly during his interview about MS's address). I would love to know what AM said in the preliminary hearing about his conversation with DM on the end of the driveway that night.

And with respect to CN, while he likely could have told her with no repercussions (he was, afterall, her "sweet serial killer" *gag*), for some reason he seemed to want to play the victim card with the woe-is-me text about how he said hurtful things to WM that sent him over the edge. Who knows - maybe CN was fond of WM and wouldn't be supportive of his early demise.
Maybe, other than the housekeeper, he indeed shared the content. Not sure why I was thinking there was more, possibly it was just my expectations.

Just an aside, on the topic of ABro’s book, I highly recommend it. It offers a lot more factual background and context than can be found via MSM.

Except in the book she states JS was at the scene which I later think she posted here was "speculation."
Obviously I am not versed in the law, however I was surprised when RP was able to bring in MM's testimony from other trials. Is this a normal occurrence? Why is he allowed to do that? Is it because the defence is allowed to sleuth and use whatever evidence they can find against a Crown witness? Is the same allowed of the Crown, to use sworn info from another trial against DM, or would that only happen IF DM puts up a defence? Anyone know?

I believe it is because MM was previously known to have given statements contradictory to her current testimony.
Except in the book she states JS was at the scene which I later think she posted here was "speculation."

Yes that’s true. What I thinking about was the history of Millardair in general.
imho, the one nail into a M1 is a very quick dismantling of the company WM tried to build for the son. From tweets I understand there was no discussions with business partners how to proceed with the company after the WM death. Meaning that it was thought in advance what would happen with the company.
That brings to question: what was a mom part in all of this? It was the first person to be called and to tell about the death. The first person to arrive. Present at firing people.
Yes the death investigation was indeed seriously flawed. Taking DM totally out of the equation, just hypothetically, it leaves me feeling somewhat uncomfortable to consider murder charges can be laid when evidence has been mishandled or destroyed by people in authority - evidence that might’ve otherwise proven the innocence of the accused.

The coroner's department recently stated old suicide cases would be reopened. I would think this case would be precedence setting. Ontario coroner to review undetected homicides — all the way back to Tammy Homolka | The Star
Geesh, pardon my frustration. No 2 cats are the same. I've always owned a cat which means I've gone through at least 7. No cat sleeps in the exact same position every time. Yes the one I saw was probably up high because there was probably a bunch of clothes and junk on the chair making him at arm level. I wouldn't have even stated this had my eyes not seen something after c0ntrol scroll enlarging the photo to look around the room. It doesn't matter, but I'm insulted with the implication that my imagination is seeing it.

DM stated in his interview the reason for WM's door being unlocked was because it was a cat entrance! Yes, DM is dumb enough to let pets in, as a matter of fact, he also implied Pedo was home. The way he said he walked past his father's room noting he was in bed I would think he didn't knock on his dad's door or open a door. So cats would have had access as would Pedo if he were really there. IMO

PS My husband just looked and says it is a cat. Also my current kitty just came into my office and is laying in a similar manner with his little face looking over the arm of the chair :)
Sorry for your frustration, but I'd like to share what I see on my screen but not implying it is your imagination just because what I see is not the same as you. Many comments ago when first mentioned it did warrant further inspection. At first glance I saw what you did, I do not see a cat because I see something on top of (it's head) close to the right side dark but far to tall and in the middle to be an ear and something "clear-ish" in front of it. The clear-ish thing looks crumpled and rolled up slightly then rolls up and around to the left with a white tip. To me too far from the head to be an ear. It almost looks like a rather large empty toothpaste container or an icing bag. Also to me the eye looks far too large for a cat. Please understand we understand what you mean in seeing a cat.
Sorry for your frustration, but I'd like to share what I see on my screen but not implying it is your imagination just because what I see is not the same as you. Many comments ago when first mentioned it did warrant further inspection. At first glance I saw what you did, I do not see a cat because I see something on top of (it's head) close to the right side dark but far to tall and in the middle to be an ear and something "clear-ish" in front of it. The clear-ish thing looks crumpled and rolled up slightly then rolls up and around to the left with a white tip. To me too far from the head to be an ear. It almost looks like a rather large empty toothpaste container or an icing bag. Also to me the eye looks far too large for a cat. Please understand we understand what you mean in seeing a cat.

Perhaps you can crop the photo to show what you are referring to. Your description leaves me lost.
Just picture the gun upside down pointed at WM in the position that best fits the gunshot residue pattern on the pillow and then decide for yourself how DM could have positioned himself to hold it in either left or right hand. Seems possible to me but you are welcome to disagree.
I agree it is totally possible. I am right handed and the bottom of my pillow comes to the end of my night stand. 25 inches from the wall. I did it with my wrong hand and was able to reach in to the pillow and aim towards the middle/left top side of the pillow without any trouble. Yes it did give me the creeps to practice this out. Also maybe the straight mark inter-fearing was from a blanket pulled up, which as discussed already, further shows maybe it was done by another. OR maybe it was even from DM's other hand holding the pillow softly down to get a closer look/position of the left eye.
upload_2018-6-21_10-4-53.pngupload_2018-6-21_10-4-53.png Here is the photo again. The cat thing doesn't make a difference. Perhaps the question is why couldn't there be a cat in there?

ETA (Edited to Add) I circled the kitty face I seeupload_2018-6-21_10-27-41.png But let us not belabour the point any further.
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View attachment 136562View attachment 136562 Here is the photo again. The cat thing doesn't make a difference. Perhaps the question is why couldn't there be a cat in there?

The question didn't seem to arise that I can recall of why the gun would be in the bag on the floor. If it did, perhaps defense would have been smart enough to bring up about pets. In my home, my cat can easily knock something off a table either on purpose or by accident.

Perhaps you can crop the photo to show what you are referring to. Your description leaves me lost.
I used your cropped picture. Sorry that's the best I can do. I think I will agree to disagree. Just thought if I shared another view it might focus your view on seeing something else other than a cat if possible.
I feel the convicting circumstantial evidence is the approx time of death being in the wee hours of the morning (probably something DM didn't realize would be calculable) and the time stamp of his phone pinging/taxi ride (he probably didn't know about phone pings at the time as he learned that only during the TB case it seems).
I feel the convicting circumstantial evidence is the approx time of death being in the wee hours of the morning (probably something DM didn't realize would be calculable) and the time stamp of his phone pinging/taxi ride (he probably didn't know about phone pings at the time as he learned that only during the TB case it seems).

The trial is not over yet. In many trials the accused testifies and changes their story (especially when forced to, in light of evidence that implicates them). Not to say that always result in a not guilty verdict....

But to me it just doesn’t make a lot of sense why someone would preplan a murder alibi by staying over at someone’s house and then leave as early at 9pm, not return until some point in the morning, plus risk being identified by either cab driver. If his truck was parked at MSs, I don’t understand why DM wouldn’t have used the same alibi to simply sneak out after the others had passed out. I think there’s more to the story that hadn’t been told and DM is adept at telling half truths.
Tomorrow the judge should be able to make a decision if she will allow the evidence. IF the defense has no witnesses it could be over by next week.
A lot of questions I had from the first trial about how they could charge DM for the murder of father now have been answered.
I had to follow all the trials because a lot of evidence in the first trial was not allowed because it would be used for the other trials.
At one time in the Tim Bosma trial, I did think that MS was the shooter because I did not know what I know now about the murder of Laura and Wayne.
I now believe that DM was the shooter of Tim Bosma. I think in the murder of Tim and Laura that MS assisted but did not murder. Maybe he did not know by assisting DM he would now pay the same price as the one who did the murder and he will spend the rest of his life in prison. He considered DM his friend, nice friend to have that involves you in 2 murders and you spend the rest of your life in prison.
MS did have a violent streak and was sadistic because he was in front of the incinerator smiling , so he willingly was a participant to assist DM in the murders and that got him M1 twice.
View attachment 136562View attachment 136562 Here is the photo again. The cat thing doesn't make a difference. Perhaps the question is why couldn't there be a cat in there?

ETA (Edited to Add) I circled the kitty face I seeView attachment 136563 But let us not belabour the point any further.

Well the cat could be there but surely the police photographer would’ve noticed it’s presence? That the same cat might’ve been in the room with WM when emergency responders initially arrived, potentially disturbing evidence, was not something I recall LE testifying about. But wouldn’t that be important to have noted? The only reason I can think of, why it was not, would be because there was no cat in the room.

If there was and nobody noticed eludes to even greater incompetence at the onset imo. On the other hand the Crown didn’t introduce any evidence to attempt to prove a suicide was not possible given the body position and as judges do not speculate when arriving at a verdict, I suppose whether or not a cat is actually there wouldn’t matter.
The coroner's department recently stated old suicide cases would be reopened. I would think this case would be precedence setting. Ontario coroner to review undetected homicides — all the way back to Tammy Homolka | The Star

There’s been others as well, originally ruled non-suspicious due to natural causes or accidental. For example none of the eight deaths Wettlaufer was involved in were originally deemed suspicious, until she confessed.

By reviewing “old cases” later found to have been concealed homicides, it’s intended to improve the quality of investigations going forward. That’s a positive step in the right direction.
The question didn't seem to arise that I can recall of why the gun would be in the bag on the floor. If it did, perhaps defense would have been smart enough to bring up about pets. In my home, my cat can easily knock something off a table either on purpose or by accident.
Interesting indeed that the bag just happened to be RIGHT THERE. I wonder if DM had thoughts of taking the gun with him and disposing of it? But then realized it would be so much simpler and logical to present it as a suicide vs a murder? Or was he trying to keep the carpet clean of blood? From the air gun that my son did the experiment with me on, and considering the 'real gun' would have been even heavier than that one.. I believe the gun was too heavy for a cat to move.
Why not a cat in the room? I recall testimony wherein it was said that there was an odor.. my guess is that DM did no housework.. and further, I'll bet WM didn't want cat smells in his bedroom? (just guessing, I get the feeling there may have been a few cats in the home?) DM was supposedly an animal lover and we have not heard anythin g about him torturing animals in his past (afaik).. would he have wanted an animal/pet/cat watching him murder his own dad, and their 'master'? Or wouldn't he have cared? I'll try to dig up some time tonight to look at the trial tweets to see if it mentions anywhere about DM opening WM's bedroom door.. or about where the animals were located in the home..

When my dad became ill, but still resided in his own home.. his beloved cat friend spent his time perched on my dad's pillow by his head. If 18 hours had gone by from the time WM was killed until the time the photos were taken (presumably showing the cat), would the cat have been looking for food? Maybe not, if there was a housekeeper? Are cats attracted to blood, like dogs are? Sorry for being so gross this morning :/ Just random thoughts
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