GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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Was there such a thing as Apple wallets back in 2012? I thought it came out only a couple IOS releases ago, could be wrong though.
I got that sillybilly is saying the phone-case that the phone was in, maybe have also held DM's credit card.. a physical thing as opposed to an electronic thing... that's what made me understand the post anyway, but I could be wrong!
I got that sillybilly is saying the phone-case that the phone was in, maybe have also held DM's credit card.. a physical thing as opposed to an electronic thing... that's what made me understand the post anyway, but I could be wrong!

Okay, yes probably so. But I thought I recalled MM testifying DM left his credit card with them to buy pizza.
Pillay says Wayne Millard was "labouring under the weight of a business venture" that was looking "less and less likely to succeed."
by Adam Carter 3:27 PM

Pillay is now pointing to what he says were financial problems that Wayne Millard was enduring. There were loans he had to pay back. "The vice was tightening," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:29 PM

Pillay says Wayne Millard was "in serious financial trouble and looking for a way out."
by Adam Carter 3:30 PM

Pillay says Wayne Millard was "labouring under the weight of a business venture" that was looking "less and less likely to succeed."
by Adam Carter 3:27 PM

Pillay is now pointing to what he says were financial problems that Wayne Millard was enduring. There were loans he had to pay back. "The vice was tightening," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:29 PM

Pillay says Wayne Millard was "in serious financial trouble and looking for a way out."
by Adam Carter 3:30 PM

Is the judge interjecting this? It is basically the same area she called out before?
I have to admit that NOW I am getting it as to why, a longgg time ago, ABro stated that RP was a good lawyer. He's doing a fine darned job today, much finer than the Crown, I am so so sorry to say. DM's walking on this one. moo.
Where the heck is the judge's interruption on *this* one by RP??? Yet she interrupted the Crown to say she had no financial evidence??
Jun 25 2018 3:30 PM
Pillay says Wayne Millard was "in serious financial trouble and looking for a way out."
I think Pillay’s purpose for throwing spaghetti at the wall is just to create reasonable doubt in the Crown’s interpretation of the circumstantial evidence.

Just jumping off your post MistyWaters....

How do you create reasonable doubt with just a closing statement that cannot be used when rendering a judgement? I'm always at a loss as to why the defence is even allowed to summarize their position at the end of a trial when they presented no case. And nothing he is saying refers to any information he elicited during any of his cross examinations.

"Wayne Millard was drowning," Pillay says. He's now pointing to his last email from 2:50 a.m., on Nov. 29. Pillay says this email, in which Millard is angry over a business issue, shows Millard was "unhinged."
by Adam Carter 3:33 PM

Pillay says this email shows Millard was in "emotional free fall."

"Wayne was disintegrating," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:35 PM

Pillay says Wayne Millard was "desperate" and things were moving to "financial ruin."

"The business was sucking the life out of him. He wanted a way out, and he was falling apart," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:38 PM
Pillay says Wayne Millard was completely isolated, buckling under the weight of his new business and driven to a "compulsive final act" -- killing himself.
by Adam Carter 3:41 PM

"To prove guilty for murder, the Crown must disprove suicide ... the Crown has not," Pillay says. "Sometimes the simplest decision is the correct one."
by Adam Carter 3:41 PM

"The Crown has not come close to eliminating this was a suicide," Pillay says. His closing is finished. We're now taking a ten minute break before the Crown replies.
by Adam Carter 3:43 PM

Man, I hope the Crown gets it together.. btw, how does the Crown get to 'reply' to RP's closing summary? I thought that if the accused put forth no defence, it allowed the accused to have the last word?
Pillay is now pointing to what he says were financial problems that Wayne Millard was enduring. There were loans he had to pay back. "The vice was tightening," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:29 PM

It would have been handy if the Crown had submitted some financial information to state that the only loan he had, he had just taken out a month before so there was no financial "vice tightening". We still don't know if he had even spent all of that 3.7 million loan on the start up or if DM took care of cleaning out the rest before his arrest.

  1. Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 56m56 minutes ago
    John Barnes testified Dellen not mentioned in policy manual. This was because he didn’t have knowledge, skills, experience to be involved in business in meaningful way.
    Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 57m57 minutes ago
    No evidence that license issued to Wayne Millard could be transferred.

    Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 58m58 minutes ago
    If MRO was indeed financially viable DM would want to keep it going, says Pillay

    Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 58m58 minutes ago
    Pillay says there no evidence of motive. No witness testified to discord between father and son. No evidence Millard would benefit financially
But if DM's credit card info was on his phone 'wallet', they might have used it because it was his card that was paying for the pizza.

Did they have phone wallets back in 2012? I honestly have no idea. When did that start?

ETA: Oops sorry, I see it was asked already. I'm a little behind. :)
Just jumping off your post MistyWaters....

How do you create reasonable doubt with just a closing statement that cannot be used when rendering a judgement? I'm always at a loss as to why the defence is even allowed to summarize their position at the end of a trial when they presented no case. And nothing he is saying refers to any information he elicited during any of his cross examinations.


Well how I see it is the Crown, who holds the onus of proving guilt, introduced the circumstantial evidence and then interpreted it in such a way as to imply guilt. Also entered into evidence was Agreed Statement of Facts by both sides.

As the accused is not required to prove himself innocent by defending himself, what Pillay is doing is attempting to create reasonable doubt of DMs guilt through reviewing any and all evidence presented during this trial. He’s not limited to only information he gleaned during his cross examination.
‏ @CityCourtsTO 14m14 minutes ago
Pillay says Wayne Millard was disintegrating and “in an emotional free fall.”
He was heading to financial ruin, a disaster was looming.
Dellen thought his dad 71-was a failure, and according to a message at the time, he told him so.
Wayne was a marksman.
This was a suicide.

marianne boucher @CityCourtsTO 26m26 minutes ago
Pillay suggests Wayne Millard was an alcoholic who had other medical issues. He was under a lot of pressure to complete business projects. A witness testified that Wayne Millard had to take out millions of dollars in loans and mortgages. He was looking for a way out.

marianne boucher @CityCourtsTO 44m44 minutes ago
Pillay says Wayne Millard had plans for the future, yes, but this doesn’t eliminate the possibility the suicide didn’t occur.

marianne boucher @CityCourtsTO 47m47 minutes ago
Pillay showing judge graphic close up of Wayne Millard’s face arguing that the photo is troubling because there may have been movement or settling of body. No evidence that the gun could have been held comfortably. Impossible to reconstruct how this shooting occurred.

marianne boucher @CityCourtsTO 53m53 minutes ago
Millard lawyer Pillay says there was no financial motive for Dellen to kill his father.
Judge: He would be the heir to the estate.
Pillay: The heir to what?
The “ financial situation was bleak”

marianne boucher @CityCourtsTO 3h3 hours ago
Jill Cameron crown closing arguments in Dellen Millard murder trial. Strong circumstantial case that Millard shot his father. Dellen’s DNA found on gun. Father found in sleeping position, awkward for left handed man to kill self.

marianne boucher @CityCourtsTO 3h3 hours ago
Millard lawyer Ravin Pillay starts closing arguments in judge alone murder trial.

His phone might have been set up with a 'wallet' to use for online payment by credit card. Also, pizza places usually call back to confirm, so they may not have wanted to wake others with a house phone ringing late at night.
Pizza places in Toronto do not phone back. And he left his credit card for a reason. And Apple wallet hadn't been introduced in Canada at that time.
I have to admit that NOW I am getting it as to why, a longgg time ago, ABro stated that RP was a good lawyer. He's doing a fine darned job today, much finer than the Crown, I am so so sorry to say. DM's walking on this one. moo.

I’d agree, I’m impressed. If this was a case of another client who was the least bit deserving of defence, I’d go on to say Pillay appears to be an absolute brilliant attorney, regardless of the verdict.
"Wayne Millard was drowning," Pillay says. He's now pointing to his last email from 2:50 a.m., on Nov. 29. Pillay says this email, in which Millard is angry over a business issue, shows Millard was "unhinged."
by Adam Carter 3:33 PM

Pillay says this email shows Millard was in "emotional free fall."

"Wayne was disintegrating," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:35 PM

Pillay says Wayne Millard was "desperate" and things were moving to "financial ruin."

"The business was sucking the life out of him. He wanted a way out, and he was falling apart," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 3:38 PM
Who says, it must have been WM's email? "Angry over a business issue" could very well have been DM at 2:50am, providing a further and last reason for suicide. I think, the issue was well known to him and a harsh tone in dealing with business partners also wouldn't have been a problem for him.
IF he had done so (email from another one's account for confusing the timeline of a crime and for another reason for suicide), then I will remember, sure. Maybe, the knowledge will be helpful one day.
The “ financial situation was bleak” - says what evidence??

He was looking for a way out. - says what evidence??

Pillay suggests Wayne Millard was an alcoholic - says what evidence, aside from DM and his mommy saying so?

Wayne was a marksman. - was there evidence of this at trial??

Pillay says Wayne Millard was disintegrating and “in an emotional free fall.”
He was heading to financial ruin, a disaster was looming.
- says who??
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