GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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I believe MM was mistaken about which phone was left at MS's home. She did say the Samsung, or rather she just agreed with RP as she has a bad habit of doing while testifying. We know that he didn't have the IPhone because we know the phone number for that and it is not the same as the phone number RB verified for the court.

The 3.7 million dollar loan taken out to purchase tools and finance the start up of the business after the MRO license was approved, was taken out in Oct 2012. The hangar itself cost 6 million. I also don't think the Maplegate home was used as collateral. I think it was just the Riverside property. So I don't see why WM would have been panicking less than a month after they got the license and before the bank was calling in the loan. I don't believe that WM was at risk of losing his home. His son may have been at risk of losing some of his properties though. I don't know if any of the financial information was entered into evidence. It was touched on in the TB trial so I'm not sure why the Crown wouldn't bring it up in this case, other than the fact that it was introduced by LW the bookkeeper who turned out to be a rather hostile witness considering she was still being paid by MillardAir and she still might be.

CM had declared bankruptcy at one point so I'm sure WM understood that was an option. I do not think he was depressed about his finances, nor do I think he was at any risk of being broke and homeless. He still owned a 6 million dollar hangar. He was a simple man who didn't want for much. Everything he was doing was for his son's future and his family legacy, not for himself. I don't think he would have chosen to just bail on everything, leaving his son to handle potential failure all alone, by committing suicide. It's offensive that his son and his ex-wife convinced everyone that he would have.

IIRC, CM never declared bankruptcy, Millard Air in a previous form did. IMHO, WM had more than enough money to keep things afloat for a year. He obviously had a great relationship with RBC. Banks don't just cough up millions of dollars on a whim. The bigger question is why would DM run out and buy a condo during this start up period when he knew how much money was needed to get the MRO off up and running? Why was he spending thousands on his summer trip? The one he took after he murdered LB? Now that I think about it- exactly when was DM working or when was he not spending money? He was having a little affair with LW the real estate agent, so heaven forbid his dad pull him into the MRO as a partner and have his personal assets have to be used as security. DM had no way to close the Distillery condo when he purchased it.

RBC would have only extended 66% of the appraised value of assets- that's standard commercial lending. The rest cannot be encumbered. RBC is not a fly in the wind lender- WM had to have had a lot of his own cash in this project. On the other hand, DM had gone out and bought the farm, bought the Woodbridge and Distillery condo and undertook a major reno at Riverside. Those purchases would equate to enough money to carry the MA debt for more than a year or two. IMO, WM had the 1M mortgage on Riverside to allow DM to have full ownership but to still own at least 1M dollars of the property. It would also serve as oversight.

WM's mortgage was in 1st mortgage position. If DM was to refinance Riverside, there was no way that WM wouldn't find out about it. If DM was to ever sell it, WM would get the first million. If WM was to die, there'd be 1M that wasn't subject to inheritance tax because DM as benefactor would simply forgive the loan. WM was frugal and smart. LW the book-keeper testified that he would go thru every bank statement himself. Texts from DM to MS indicated that DM had limited funds available and they were going to have to take things to the next level. Where did DM, the guy who had limited funds, get the money to go on his summer trip or make the downpayment on the Distillery condo? Was it the MA line of credit? For some reason I think there were more than a few conversations between WM & DM about money, spending habits and obligations. MOO
The 3.7 million dollar loan taken out to purchase tools and finance the start up of the business after the MRO license was approved, was taken out in Oct 2012. The hangar itself cost 6 million. I also don't think the Maplegate home was used as collateral. I think it was just the Riverside property. So I don't see why WM would have been panicking less than a month after they got the license and before the bank was calling in the loan. I don't believe that WM was at risk of losing his home. His son may have been at risk of losing some of his properties though. I don't know if any of the financial information was entered into evidence. It was touched on in the TB trial so I'm not sure why the Crown wouldn't bring it up in this case, other than the fact that it was introduced by LW the bookkeeper who turned out to be a rather hostile witness considering she was still being paid by MillardAir and she still might be.

CM had declared bankruptcy at one point so I'm sure WM understood that was an option. I do not think he was depressed about his finances, nor do I think he was at any risk of being broke and homeless. He still owned a 6 million dollar hangar. He was a simple man who didn't want for much. Everything he was doing was for his son's future and his family legacy, not for himself. I don't think he would have chosen to just bail on everything, leaving his son to handle potential failure all alone, by committing suicide. It's offensive that his son and his ex-wife convinced everyone that he would have.

Just to clarify on the Riverside property. RBC never took security out on Riverside until DM was arrested. Up until that time it was only encumbered by a 1M 1st mortgage held by WM.
The 3.7 million dollar loan taken out to purchase tools and finance the start up of the business after the MRO license was approved, was taken out in Oct 2012. The hangar itself cost 6 million. I also don't think the Maplegate home was used as collateral. I think it was just the Riverside property. So I don't see why WM would have been panicking less than a month after they got the license and before the bank was calling in the loan. I don't believe that WM was at risk of losing his home. His son may have been at risk of losing some of his properties though. I don't know if any of the financial information was entered into evidence. It was touched on in the TB trial so I'm not sure why the Crown wouldn't bring it up in this case, other than the fact that it was introduced by LW the bookkeeper who turned out to be a rather hostile witness considering she was still being paid by MillardAir and she still might be.

CM had declared bankruptcy at one point so I'm sure WM understood that was an option. I do not think he was depressed about his finances, nor do I think he was at any risk of being broke and homeless. He still owned a 6 million dollar hangar. He was a simple man who didn't want for much. Everything he was doing was for his son's future and his family legacy, not for himself. I don't think he would have chosen to just bail on everything, leaving his son to handle potential failure all alone, by committing suicide. It's offensive that his son and his ex-wife convinced everyone that he would have.

Also, the 3.7 M was a Line of Credit and would have been interest only- with interest rates at that time, WM would have been looking at approx. 14K-16K a month carrying cost. IMHO, that's pretty minor considering the size of the operation. IMO, a couple sizeable contracts would have paid that down pretty fast. The Distillery Condo would have equated to 4+ years carrying cost. MOO
I really don't think they screwed anything up in this case. The evidence they had at the time pointed to a suicide. There didn't seem to be any suspicious behaviour from DM, and all parties agreed that WM was a depressed drunk with big money problems.

The problem now is that LE reinvestigated the case after they discovered that DM was a double murderer. Are they now trying to manufacture evidence to fit their narrative. Yes MM's testimony was damning to Millard, but she was also very unreliable. Did she say Millard returned in the morning to help LE out? Was the forensic guy really being objective or was he bent on trying to prove this wasn't a suicide? Even though I'm fairly certain Millard did this, I'm not sure the evidence is there.
I remember vague, LE didn't close the "suddenly death" case of WM for a long time. Am I right? WHY did LE so, if it had been clearly a case of suicide? Which were the reasons for not closing the file once and for all?
I remember vague, LE didn't close the "suddenly death" case of WM for a long time. Am I right? WHY did LE so, if it had been clearly a case of suicide? Which were the reasons for not closing the file once and for all?

Obviously DM and presumably MB led LE to believe that WM was a depressed alcoholic, thus strongly suggesting suicide. HAD the coroner been able to reach a conclusion of homicide at that point in time, LE would then have been in a position to pursue that avenue with the coroner's finding in support of doing so. Because (iirc) the file was still open with the coroner, LE had no other supportive indications that homicide was a possibility.
It will be interesting, the next portion of the trial.

One thing, there’s absolutely no roadmap for predicting suicide. Making future plans and acting happy is exactly the reason why family and friends of suicide victims suffer huge grief because they didn’t notice any warning signs.

Of the tweets we read, I didn’t notice anything specific regarding WMs drinking habits, how often, how much, but I’m not convinced his comment to JC regarding “his problem” can be interpreted that it was nighttime drinking. Nothing specific that I recall was said about the state of his health or what caused the bad back, doctors care, etc we are only left to speculate.

Aside from JC, the majority of the witnesses were either responders or other people who admitted not knowing WM on a personal basis. Only one witness, the officer who the prosecutor apologized to the judge on behalf of, was adamant of murder as opposed to suicide.

My interpretation from testimony regarding the financial state of the new Millardair hanger, it cost $10 million to set up and later sold for less than $5 million. There was no financial benefit for DM to murder his father (however if there is motive, it could be to mitigate his loss).

My view is MMs testimony was unreliable and we don’t know if the defence will call any witnesses yet. If I were a juror I’d still be on the fence and off the top of my head I’d like to have heard evidence about
- WMs overall state of health in general, mental and physical
- Millardair financial statements including details regarding cost overruns and financing (ie accountant’s testimony)

The one thing we likely all agree on, from only the little we know, there were huge red flags that DM was not capable of managing the new business. His behaviour had to have been an embarrassment and disgrace and it appeared to be getting worse and not better. Given that was the whole point of WM starting the business into his early 70s, even mortgaged his own home to make it happen, unknown health issues, if he was of sound mind, how could’ve he been happy?

ETA - about the home mortgage, that’s huge. By Nov/12 it must’ve been noticed new air carriers weren’t flocking to Kitchener- Waterloo airport looking for MRO facilities. No contacts, no debt repayment, certification or not. Depending how highly leveraged he and the company was, no ability to repay, if loans defaulted, WM was at risk of losing his home. That had to have been a huge concern.

Regarding WM's health.
He had been visiting Doctors regarding his back problem.
Blood tests would have been done.
What were his LFT results (Liver Function Tests)?
Didn't WM indicate, in our posts, that his Liver, was not the problem with his back.
(I remember reading it here 'some where').
An Expert could have discussed the LFT results.
Wonder why these have not been mentioned?
These could indicate if there was a possible drinking problem.
I'm still trying to figure out why he would specify that time frame like that to LE. Why did he want LE to know, or at least believe, that someone else was in the house alone for 5-10 minutes before 911 was called?

I believe it was "more than 5 minutes, but less than 10."
Liars often include very specific details in an attempt to make their stories seem more plausible.
  • The_Wayne_Millard_trial_Day_8
At 2:36 a.m on Nov. 30, Millard texts Smich and says "just left station, they took your name, but not your number Love you bro." He's also talking about Hagerman about his dog at this time. It appears Hagerman was taking care of him.
by Adam Carter June 12 at 4:30 PM
The Wayne Millard trial, Day 8

Thank you for clarifying! DM gave the detectives his name, but not his number (or address). It’s so interesting to me that DM would give Mark a heads up about that. I noted DM made sure to tell MS he loved him at the end of this text, just so Mark knew how grateful DM was for his alibi in case the cops came asking questions. What a truly manipulative person DM was (is) !
Thank you for clarifying! DM gave the detectives his name, but not his number (or address). It’s so interesting to me that DM would give Mark a heads up about that. I noted DM made sure to tell MS he loved him at the end of this text, just so Mark knew how grateful DM was for his alibi in case the cops came asking questions. What a truly manipulative person DM was (is) !

Also strongly suggests MS knew exactly what his "bro" was up to that night. (Presumably they had loads of in-person conversations and didn't rely only on texts. Lucky for MS.)
Obviously DM and presumably MB led LE to believe that WM was a depressed alcoholic, thus strongly suggesting suicide. HAD the coroner been able to reach a conclusion of homicide at that point in time, LE would then have been in a position to pursue that avenue with the coroner's finding in support of doing so. Because (iirc) the file was still open with the coroner, LE had no other supportive indications that homicide was a possibility.
It's almost as though they should proceed with investigating at least more so to a certain amount when it is undecided like that.
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Thank you for clarifying! DM gave the detectives his name, but not his number (or address). It’s so interesting to me that DM would give Mark a heads up about that. I noted DM made sure to tell MS he loved him at the end of this text, just so Mark knew how grateful DM was for his alibi in case the cops came asking questions. What a truly manipulative person DM was (is) !

Actually what is even more telling is that there is no text from Millard to Smich telling him his dad was dead. When Millard texted Smich, how would Smich know why Millard was being interviewed by police?
Jun 19 2018 10:01 AM
Court is now in session.

Jun 19 2018 10:03 AM
Crown Ken Lockhart starting off here, saying Pillay is abandoning his 10b application. Pillay says he's conceding the voluntariness with respect to the video statement. Looks like this legal argument won't happen after all.

Jun 19 2018 10:03 AM
Now there's one more agreed statement of fact -- it's about phone numbers. One is about a taxi service, another is about a pizza pizza. That will likely tie in to the testimony of Marlena Meneses.

Jun 19 2018 10:04 AM
The judge says she's going to try to have a decision on yesterday's legal arguments about Det. Const. Sutherland's evidence by Friday of this week.

Defence wants Dellen Millard's police statement from night of dad's death ruled inadmissible | CBC News
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