GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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-the rather telling text to MS afterwards.. seemingly thankful for having provided his alibi
-the only child's lack of emotion at his dad's death, let alone having been the one to find him
-the calling of other people (mom and AM for sure that we know of) and NOT 911 (how could he have been certain the man was dead, shouldn't he have been in somewhat of a hurry just in case there was a chance EMS could save him?)
-the leaving behind of his credit card for MS/MM's use
-the leaving behind of a second cellphone (it would be interesting to know if it was that cellphone from which the call was made to PizzaPizza?? was that determined during testimony??)
-the taking of a cab, but yet even if it was at the time when DM had his drivers license suspended, he was still said to have been driving (he drove MM/MS home the next day, presuming also that he drove his own vehicle to Maplegate, but not sure about that one)
-the only time ever, that DM had spent the night at MS's house, per MM's testimony - why that night?
-the too-many-details about trivial things during his police statement, but yet leaving out important details (such as.. oh, btw, that gun is mine, I'm sorry to say.. )
-the apparent repeated telling of WM's alcoholism to all of the EMS and police workers that night, seemingly wanting to ensure that this was put forward as a main consideration in the death (wouldn't he want to know first, by allowing officers to do their own jobs, if perhaps his dad may have been murdered by an intruder through the unlocked bedroom exterior door?)

BBM Alcoholism could lead to suicide, but there are a lot of alcoholics that wouldn't dare consider suicide. Alcoholism alone isn't enough for suicide, IMO.
Given the death was originally viewed as a suicide by all parties, I wonder how carefully the gun was preserved prior to testing, aside from it being moved from between the dresser and the bed and no one admitting to doing so. Or why that unknown person who moved the gun didn’t leave DNA or fingerprints?

IICR, it was the bag that was moved, not the gun. However, had the gun been moved, presumably the "unknown person" was the coroner who would have been wearing gloves.
Well I think they kind of did offer it, via the witness DM hated. Did he say that the value of the MRO would be pennies on the dollar if sold as is and non-operational? Funny how DM seemed to have gotten away with murder, had full access to all of his father's wealth, and was likely responsible for greatly depleting it, just because of his lack of business acumen and greed. If he had listened to the hired consultant(s), and got it up and running before selling, there may still remain good money. The fact that it may NOW be depleted, after he spent so much on nothing (remember SS mentioned in TB trial he was spending some 15K per month on the credit card for parts and such) and made bad decisions, doesn't really speak to what he did inherit, nor what it could have become.

Good points. Given DM resorted to “missions” of theft, there certainly was something wrong upstairs. It’s as if he had a huge distain toward hard work and earning money - everything his grandfather devoted his entire lifetime toward, DM was driven to undo.
I also feel MS was to tell MM, that DM had not left their place: the alibi.
MM perhaps now, was telling things, as she remembers, knowing what these guys are capable of.

My personal opinion is that MM knew about all three deaths at the time they happened and who was responsible. She was forced to admit that fact in the TB trial. She was not really pressed about it in either of the other two. She was young and stupid and followed along with what her boyfriend told her to do. She knows a LOT more than she has revealed IMO.
IICR, it was the bag that was moved, not the gun. However, had the gun been moved, presumably the "unknown person" was the coroner who would have been wearing gloves.

In a typical homicide case, we always hear testimony ensuring proper preservation of evidence but in this case, as it wasn’t ruled a suspicious death and homicide detectives didn’t become involved, I don’t recall anything mentioned to that regard, do you?

As well Pillay referred to the “contamination” quite frequently, my assumption was the Crown was forced to concur because they couldn’t prove otherwise.
My personal opinion is that MM knew about all three deaths at the time they happened and who was responsible. She was forced to admit that fact in the TB trial. She was not really pressed about it in either of the other two. She was young and stupid and followed along with what her boyfriend told her to do. She knows a LOT more than she has revealed IMO.

I expected CN would be called as a Crown witness. What’s your thoughts on her?
Why *DID* DM assume suicide?? There is blood 'all over' (face? pillow?)..... from what?? (supposedly gun not found yet, right????)

I'm sorry, the sarcasm is just oozing, but really???? I keep forgetting to chalk it up to the common 'throat blowing up because he's an alcoholic' reasoning. Toooooo lucky. The man just has horseshoes up his farce.

BBM When DM asked, during his police interview, if the gun found was a would he know that if he wasn't the one who did it?
The type of gun wouldn't be my concern if I found out my dad was dead.
Not sure how the criminal population feels about bopping off your own parent. Probably many of them despise their own parents and might praise him. No idea.

Being a potential serial killer, at this point, I'm not sure his fellow inmates would be kind to him. He's notorious, and maybe one inmate might want to be the one to hurt him--if they are even allowed access to DM at all.

By the way, once the trials are all over, where does DM serve his time?
BBM When DM asked, during his police interview, if the gun found was a would he know that if he wasn't the one who did it?
The type of gun wouldn't be my concern if I found out my dad was dead.

I was wondering if some of the early tweets we missed some testimony because that part was a little confusing to me. Because it was DM who (allegedly) first discovered his father dead, so in order for him to (allegedly) presume suicide wouldn’t he have seen the gun?
I wonder how much is left of WMs estate, if much of anything? Millardair was eventually sold for $4.8 million and Barnes iirc testified it cost $10 million plus $5 million in cost overruns. We never learned how much personal funds WM invested or borrowed beyond Millardair available capital and loans.

From what I remember, the hangar cost 6 million dollars, more than originally expected and the difference would be part of the cost overruns. The business start-up funds for tools and payroll were taken out as a loan or line of credit in Oct 2012 for 3.7 million, the rest of the cost overruns. So the total was 9.7 million. Barnes testified that he thought WM said he had 10 million available. But apparently he didn't or he chose not to sink his entire 10 million in and took out a loan instead.

The Pearson hangar was sold for 2 million. The Derry Rd house was sold for just under a million. This money went into the new hangar I believe. Don't know if it has been determined if there was a mortgage on the balance of the hangar or not.

After DM's arrest, they paid back the 3.7 million loan with proceeds from the sale of his properties. They received 4.8 million for the sale of the hangar but that will work out to be more because they are still holding a 1.8 million dollar mortgage on it so they are getting interest as well.

Whatever is left of WM's estate, would be 1/2 of MillardAir's worth plus Maplegate and whatever savings he had, if any. DM is owed a large amount from MillardAir for the sale of his properties that went towards paying back the bank and any other expenses. MillardAir would also have the funds from the sale of all the equipment in the hangar. WM's estate should have the funds for the sale of any of the vehicles etc that were in his name.

It is to be noted that MillardAir continued to pay SS a salary until 2016 and is likely still paying MB and LW, the accountant. The CRA has a claim for almost a million dollars and lawyers fees have supposedly taken up over a million. So the funds have been depleted for years prior to this trial.

I expected CN would be called as a Crown witness. What’s your thoughts on her?

CN would never be called as a Crown witness after the debacle in the TB trial. It should also be noted that she is out of the country and couldn't have been called anyway but believe me, she wouldn't have been. Another one who knew everything IMO. More than MM. But she was young and evil and did what was good for her.


ETA: And on that note, they could have called MB, JS, AM, MH, MWJ and even MS if they wanted too. But as I said, they are all lying liars who lie IMO.
Yes, that is true. However I see this to be a highly unusual case in Canadian courts because the death was originally ruled suicide, not a homicide. Generally the Crown sets upon just proving why the accused is guilty of the known homicide and yes, then reasonable inference may be involved.

In this case the Crown was put in the very unique position of attempting to reverse that original death finding, ie Sutherland’s reconstruction of gunshot residue. The verdict will depend on if they were successful in doing that based on proof, and then secondly, if the case Crown proved beyond doubt DM was the culprit. JMO
Not really any worse than having to prove that there was in fact a murder, when there is no dead body. jmo.
It is sad that Wayne Millard may not get justice.

One of the posters here said something during one of the LB or TB trials that really resonated with me and made me change almost completely how I view criminal trials, and that is that justice in these cases is not for the victim. Justice prevails when the judicial system operates appropriately within its legal parameters, be it in favour of the prosecution or the defence.

I wish I could accredit the OP who helped me change this world view, but I really believe it to be true.

In a court of law, justice is not sought for the victim or their families. Justice prevails when the accused receives a fair trial, and the evidence presented is governed accordingly.

I agree with the judge's decision to exclude a good portion of Sutherland's evidence. I look forward to the closing arguments.

Regardless of the outcome, I believe justice has been served.
BBM Alcoholism could lead to suicide, but there are a lot of alcoholics that wouldn't dare consider suicide. Alcoholism alone isn't enough for suicide, IMO.

Much like planning for the future isn't enough to suggest someone was not suicidal.

I'm not cheering for the defence by any means, but we all know well enough, I'm sure, that a great deal of suicides come as a surprise to those close to the person who died by their own hand. I don't think the future planning with the company and the woman is a strong enough argument to prove his will to live. Suicidal tendencies are often well-masked by normal, day to day lives.
Juxtaposed all the other evidence against DM it certainly is somewhat compelling, but on its own I find that argument rather weak.

I'm anxious to see this all tied together by the Crown.
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In a typical homicide case, we always hear testimony ensuring proper preservation of evidence but in this case, as it wasn’t ruled a suspicious death and homicide detectives didn’t become involved, I don’t recall anything mentioned to that regard, do you?

As well Pillay referred to the “contamination” quite frequently, my assumption was the Crown was forced to concur because they couldn’t prove otherwise.

IIRC, it was the coroner who supposedly moved the bag. Regardless of whether suicide or murder was suspected, I doubt the coroner would conduct any examination of the victim without wearing gloves.

With regard to "contamination" references by the defence, judges know that the defence can and will say anything and use whatever terminology to convey meaning (a tactic that might carry weight with a jury, but not with a judge who most likely came up through as either a defence lawyer or Crown attorney). Just because the Crown didn't object does not mean they concur. They know what the judge is capable of determining by way of defence angle and strategy.

All MOO ... could be wrong.
I expected CN would be called as a Crown witness. What’s your thoughts on her?

What would make you think that?

IMO she was much more pivotal in the LB case and wasn't called then so I had zero expectation of her even really coming up in this trial due to her fringe involvement.
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My personal opinion is that MM knew about all three deaths at the time they happened and who was responsible. She was forced to admit that fact in the TB trial. She was not really pressed about it in either of the other two. She was young and stupid and followed along with what her boyfriend told her to do. She knows a LOT more than she has revealed IMO.

I feel the same, Kamille.
I agree, about her perhaps knowing more: that probably she has been told not to reveal info by the creeps, and what you express about her character. She was constantly with them, present during their conversations, and going on outings.
She was not questioned, that we know of, about what MS or perhaps DM, had asked of her and what to hide: these jerks are probably livid, now that she has stated DM, had gone on a date, etc, etc: absolutely great. :D
Perhaps why, she wasn't 'pressed more', is that, possibly, further questioning and info, may be disjointed etc and be discredited, putting in further doubts about her statements and this important piece of info.
These guys are smart, they know the law, and 'how much' is effective.
This is my speculation, listening to the trial, with what has been revealed.
Perhaps more is known that we are not aware of.

Hope my ramblings are understood: the statement, LESS IS MORE, applies here and perhaps this is reason for above.
Yes, I know, this statement, is used in other context, before I am hit on the head here, but we shall see!!!
MM's statements were sufficient, I hope, to hammer the nail in further for this jerk, followed up by phone pings and other evidence we have heard.
Kamille, I have repeated your sentence, which sums it up.

"She was not really pressed about it in either of the other two".
One of the posters here said something during one of the LB or TB trials that really resonated with me and made me change almost completely how I view criminal trials, and that is that justice in these cases is not for the victim. Justice prevails when the judicial system operates appropriately within its legal parameters, be it in favour of the prosecution or the defence.

I wish I could accredit the OP who helped me change this world view, but I really believe it to be true.

In a court of law, justice is not sought for the victim or their families. Justice prevails when the accused receives a fair trial, and the evidence presented is governed accordingly.

I agree with the judge's decision to exclude a good portion of Sutherland's evidence. I look forward to the closing arguments.

Regardless of the outcome, I believe justice has been served.

Great post, ab-initio, and hope others read this.
It is about the law.
My personal opinion is that MM knew about all three deaths at the time they happened and who was responsible. She was forced to admit that fact in the TB trial. She was not really pressed about it in either of the other two. She was young and stupid and followed along with what her boyfriend told her to do. She knows a LOT more than she has revealed IMO.
I agree she knew a lot more and she will get away with it, like CN did who also knew a lot more from what she pretended.
There are more of them that should be in prison. The mother, CN, MM. AM, this was a group of really bad people and it is why DM got away for as long as he did with 2 murders.
They assisted him in the murders and cover-up and I will never think anything else. Personally, because they are such despicable people I don't see them becoming law-abiding citizens in the future.
IT was because Tim Bosma had such a close family and the media attention of his disappearance and the help of Igor that they finally got him.
It was the assistance of a stranger like Igor that helped capture this murderer. Definitely not in anyway the assistance of those who knew a lot more about the murders he committed.
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