GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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Today we’ll hear closing submissions from the Crown and defence. It’s expected the judge will then reserve judgement for a date in the future, so it’s likely this will be the last court date for the foreseeable future.
by Adam Carter 9:19 AM

Please let the decision not sit on the back burner until September, or sometime equally far off into the future.
WS has problems this morning. Hope we can follow on here.
Very weird for a judge to interrupt closing statements.

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    Cameron also says Dellen Millard was lying in his police statement, when he said the company was essentially out of money. The judge is interjecting in the closing to ask how she can conclude that. "I don't have any financial evidence," the judge says.
    by Adam Carter 8:14 AM
Court is now underway. Crown Jill Cameron is starting with her closing submissions.
by Adam Carter 10:03 AM

"Dellen Millard is guilty of first degree murder. There is no other logical inference you can draw from the evidence before you," Cameron says, adding that Millard had the means, motive and opportunity to shoot his father while he was sleeping.
by Adam Carter 10:05 AM

She says the coroner and police got the case wrong at the outset, when it was ruled a suicide. "Dellen Millard shot his father in the eye. The path of least resistance. A surefire path to death."
by Adam Carter 10:06 AM

Cameron says in November of 2012, "everything was coming up Wayne."
by Adam Carter 10:07 AM

Cameron says Wayne Millard's back injury was improving. She is also pointing to Wayne Millard's "budding romance" with Janet Campbell. "The night he died, they talked into the wee hours," Cameron says. "He was happy."
by Adam Carter 10:08 AM

Cameron says that it defies common sense that right after a nice phone conversation with Campbell, Millard would "so violently and dramatically end his life."
by Adam Carter 10:10 AM

Cameron says things were moving in the right direction with the MillardAir business, too.
by Adam Carter 10:12 AM

"In my submission, it was hardly panic time," Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 10:12 AM

Cameron also says Dellen Millard was lying in his police statement, when he said the company was essentially out of money. The judge is interjecting in the closing to ask how she can conclude that. "I don't have any financial evidence," the judge says.
by Adam Carter 10:14 AM

Cameron says Wayne Millard was "moving forward with Janet Campbell," and had made plans to spend time with her on her birthday, on Dec. 4. "He had purchased a gift for her. The gift was flying lessons." She says that shows he was looking to experience something with her over a longer term. "Hardly a man, in my submission, who is on the brink of suicide."
by Adam Carter 10:17 AM
Cameron also says Dellen Millard was lying in his police statement, when he said the company was essentially out of money. The judge is interjecting in the closing to ask how she can conclude that. "I don't have any financial evidence," the judge says.
by Adam Carter 10:14 AM

How could the Crown have eliminated this evidence from this trial? It's probably more crucial to this one than the others. SMH
Cameron says Millard was also planning to open the hangar for about about six months after his death. "Things were moving along as planned," Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 10:18 AM

Cameron says all this future planning shows Wayne Millard was not intending to kill himself. She says Millard was "Excited for his future, and the future of his company ... this is not a man who after days, hours or weeks later ... was going to kill himself."
by Adam Carter 10:20 AM

Cameron now pointing to Millard getting the MRO certificate for the company, and how excited he was for this.
by Adam Carter 10:21 AM

Cameron saying Wayne Millard did have a problem with drinking. She says he told Janet Campbell about it, and he was open with this. Cameron says she submits that Wayne Millard wasn't drunk at the time of his death. His blood alcohol was at 0.85 -- which we've heard could have been due to decomposition.
by Adam Carter 10:23 AM

"In my submission, Wayne was shot in the position he was photographed in," Cameron says. She says the only mobility he would have had is with his left arm. "There is no evidence the body was moved in any significant way after he was shot."
by Adam Carter 10:24 AM

Cameron also says Dellen Millard was lying in his police statement, when he said the company was essentially out of money. The judge is interjecting in the closing to ask how she can conclude that. "I don't have any financial evidence," the judge says.
by Adam Carter 10:14 AM

How could the Crown have eliminated this evidence from this trial? It's probably more crucial to this one than the others. SMH

Major fail on Cameron's part. wow.
Cameron says rigor mortis had fully set in to Millard's body -- that means it would have been almost impossible to move his limbs. "If you look at this picture ... logic and common sense tells you Wayne was shot when he was sleeping," Cameron says. "Look at this picture ... it goes without saying that one cannot deliberately shoot ones self when sleeping."
by Adam Carter 10:26 AM

Cameron says it would be very difficult for Millard to shoot himself in the position he was found. "It is incredibly awkward -- and more than that, it doesn't make sense," Cameron says, noting the defence has said Millard was suicidal. "That person wouldn't want to make a mistake. They wouldn't want to miss ... you would just have to look at this picture to decide Wayne did not shoot himself."
by Adam Carter 10:29 AM

Cameron says the Crown has "proven" that the marks on Millard's pillow were gunshot residue -- even though they were never tested.
by Adam Carter 10:29 AM

""In my submission, Wayne was shot in the position he was photographed in," Cameron says. She says the only mobility he would have had is with his left arm. "There is no evidence the body was moved in any significant way after he was shot."
by Adam Carter 10:24 AM"

Wasn't it mentioned that Rigor mortis set in, and the stiffening would prevent moving the body in any significant way?

PS. I see the last post addressed this point.
Cameron says Millard could not have put the gun on the position on the pillow where gunshot residue was found. "Just look at the photo and asked yourself how. In my submission, it is impossible."
by Adam Carter 10:32 AM

Cameron says Millard would simply not shoot himself in this position. "Why would he reach and contort and stretch his hand to that spot to end his life? He wouldn't."
by Adam Carter 10:33 AM

"Wayne did not fire this gun," Cameron says, emphatically.
by Adam Carter 10:33 AM

Cameron says Dellen Millard had to make it look like Wayne Millard fired the gun. "He wasn't encumbered by anything. He could press down on that pillow," she says.
by Adam Carter 10:34 AM

"It is a surefire path to death," Cameron says. "Whoever pulled that trigger did not want to take any chances."
by Adam Carter 10:35 AM

"Wayne did not kill himself by shooting himself in the eye," Cameron says, adding the Crown has proven that beyond a reasonable doubt. She says the coroner and responding police got it wrong at the time.
by Adam Carter 10:36 AM

"They believed what Dellen Millard told them," she says.
by Adam Carter 10:36 AM

"Wayne was murdered by Dellen Millard," Cameron says again.
by Adam Carter 10:38 AM

Cameron also says Dellen Millard was lying in his police statement, when he said the company was essentially out of money. The judge is interjecting in the closing to ask how she can conclude that. "I don't have any financial evidence," the judge says.
by Adam Carter 10:14 AM

How could the Crown have eliminated this evidence from this trial? It's probably more crucial to this one than the others. SMH

I think the Crown relied too heavily on Sutherland’s GSR experiment to disprove death by suicide.
Cameron now talking about the business meeting that happened at Wayne Millard's home on Nov. 28.
by Adam Carter 10:38 AM

Cameron now talking about evidence from Millard's housekeeper on Nov. 28. She said in a statement that day, Wayne Millard had told her to put out some heavy clothes for him for the next day, as he was going to the hangar.
by Adam Carter 10:40 AM

Cameron now saying Wayne Millard sent an email on Nov. 29, at 2:50 a.m. "So we know he was alive then."
by Adam Carter 10:42 AM

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