GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #5

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The ambulance does not always attend each 911 call. This is according to my bff, who is an EMS provider and has driven an ambulance for 30 years. Perhaps there are regional variations on how 911 calls are handled, but in this part of Ontario, the caller is given the option of fire, police, or ambulance, or any combo.

But, I agree with all who remind us that 911 is for emergencies only. Whether or not finding a dead body is worthy of a 911 call is up for debate. According to the CanLII, DM's failure to call 911 was brought up as post-offense conduct which was used by the Crown as evidence of guilt.

The judge wrote:
[28] The Crown relies on four types of post-offence conduct in this case:
(1) the demeanour of Dellen Millard after finding his father’s body i.e., not touching the body and calling his mother rather than 911;

However, Judge Forestell did not consider his failure to call 911 as evidence of guilt. She wrote: [91]"I do not find that the reported demeanour of Dellen Millard after finding his father’s body has any probative value in determining if the Crown has proven the guilt of Dellen Millard."

CanLII - 2018 ONSC 5602 (CanLII)

Emergency calls:
My elderly Mum, didn't press her daily button, installed for her safety.
As I, her daughter, was at a funeral, my phone switched off, I came to a real mess.
The back door was broken down, and when I asked my Mum what happened, she stated, "A lot of people came here"!!o_O
I found a note: the Police, ambulance and fire truck had turned up.
Apparently Police required to OK, that the back door could be broken down.
These emergency folk, realised she was OK, as she didn't want to go to hospital, I came home to this surprise.
I immediately cancelled the 'safety call', she had for the last couple of years.
Yep, 'home insurance' replaced the back door.
I don't agree that for this case the call to 911 was not necessary. The body had blood on it and it was not from the nose. If the call center is busy with calls, then they should have more people or people well trained to sort calls. Lets professionals deal with it. Otherwise, you'll be calling your moms too, and other would be surprised why that.
The ambulance does not always attend each 911 call. This is according to my bff, who is an EMS provider and has driven an ambulance for 30 years. Perhaps there are regional variations on how 911 calls are handled, but in this part of Ontario, the caller is given the option of fire, police, or ambulance, or any combo.

But, I agree with all who remind us that 911 is for emergencies only. Whether or not finding a dead body is worthy of a 911 call is up for debate. According to the CanLII, DM's failure to call 911 was brought up as post-offense conduct which was used by the Crown as evidence of guilt.

The judge wrote:
[28] The Crown relies on four types of post-offence conduct in this case:
(1) the demeanour of Dellen Millard after finding his father’s body i.e., not touching the body and calling his mother rather than 911;

However, Judge Forestell did not consider his failure to call 911 as evidence of guilt. She wrote: [91]"I do not find that the reported demeanour of Dellen Millard after finding his father’s body has any probative value in determining if the Crown has proven the guilt of Dellen Millard."

CanLII - 2018 ONSC 5602 (CanLII)
That seems crazy to me that a caller, likely in a panic situation no less, would have to make a determination as to which type of service would be required in any particular case. Many people likely don't know that fire service is fully equipped for many things other than simply fire. Some might think someone's dead and only think they need police, when in fact the person isn't quite dead yet and could have used an ambulance to stay alive, etc. It seems bizarre that the onus to choose the appropriate emergency service would be upon the caller who is likely often a layman with no experience in dealing with emergencies.

All 3 emergency services showed up at DM's house that night (as per DM's interview), even though it was for a person dead for 12 hours. Maybe things have changed? Why haven't they released MB's 911 call? Would be interested to hear that.
What an excellent post. It’s hard to believe this part of the nightmare is finally over for the families and friends of Laura, Tim and Wayne. I hope the verdict helps them find some peace knowing that DM will likely be in prison for the rest of his life.

I keep coming back here, wondering what next we'll hear.
I still think, there are other murders out there, where DM was involved.
It has taken years, to get him behind bars, for the remainder of his life.
I hope in Prison, he leaves hints about his past.
He knows he will not escape jail, and perhaps requires stimulation, with another case for LE to try to solve, implicating DM.
I keep coming back here, wondering what next we'll hear.
I still think, there are other murders out there, where DM was involved.
It has taken years, to get him behind bars, for the remainder of his life.
I hope in Prison, he leaves hints about his past.
He knows he will not escape jail, and perhaps requires stimulation, with another case for LE to try to solve, implicating DM.

My mind wanders there as well (ie: are there more crimes or murders)

I am also hoping that DM (or Smich) may desire some attention some day and tell the whole story . It would feed his twisted ego. I cant see him sitting quietly behind bars for the rest of his life. I think he likes the limelight.

My mind wanders there as well (ie: are there more crimes or murders)

I am also hoping that DM (or Smich) may desire some attention some day and tell the whole story . It would feed his twisted ego. I cant see him sitting quietly behind bars for the rest of his life. I think he likes the limelight.

I agree.
DM appears to want to be in charge, to be important, loves the limelight and attention: 'you play by my rules'.
He must be bored.
I hope Police have an insider in Prison, to chat with DM, let DM lead, and see where these stories lead: a stool pigeon.
I am not sure what's accomplished by speculating in the complete absence of evidence that Millard must have committed more murders.

Given what we've seen at his three trials, he was hardly a master of the cover up. And the police spent months going through his computers and phones.

Millard is not some kind of mythical super villain.

Police incompetence allowed him to temporarily get away with the murders of his father and Laura Babcock.

Then, he was caught and convicted of three murders.
Then, he was caught and convicted of three murders.

Based largely on evidence which he himself created and stored in ways that made it accessible to the Crown.
@ABro, do you have further information on the below? I'm wondering if knowledge of the incidents is solely based on digital evidence found on DM's devices.

• Four incidents in 2010. They took place about two years before Ms. Babcock’s disappearance. One incident involved Millard and Smich throwing a pumpkin from a moving car on a highway during Halloween. The other three incidents involved Millard and various friends other than Smich. In the first incident, Millard appears to drive his vehicle at night on top of another vehicle at a car dealership. The second incident involved Millard and a friend apparently committing arson by lighting two cars on fire at night. The third incident appears to involve a very brief robbery of a convenience store by three men. There are difficulties identifying the three men but Millard is alleged to be one of them;

CanLII - 2017 ONSC 5275 (CanLII)
I agree.
DM appears to want to be in charge, to be important, loves the limelight and attention: 'you play by my rules'.
He must be bored.
I hope Police have an insider in Prison, to chat with DM, let DM lead, and see where these stories lead: a stool pigeon.

IMO, the obituaries and character reference he may have written, MOO, as well as the many letters with illustrations that he did write to CN, make me wonder if he feels (or has been told) that he’s a gifted writer. It wouldn’t surprise me if he is already working on his first novel.
@ABro, do you have further information on the below? I'm wondering if knowledge of the incidents is solely based on digital evidence found on DM's devices.

• Four incidents in 2010. They took place about two years before Ms. Babcock’s disappearance. One incident involved Millard and Smich throwing a pumpkin from a moving car on a highway during Halloween. The other three incidents involved Millard and various friends other than Smich. In the first incident, Millard appears to drive his vehicle at night on top of another vehicle at a car dealership. The second incident involved Millard and a friend apparently committing arson by lighting two cars on fire at night. The third incident appears to involve a very brief robbery of a convenience store by three men. There are difficulties identifying the three men but Millard is alleged to be one of them;

CanLII - 2017 ONSC 5275 (CanLII)

From the Canlii link above. Incidents from late 2012, around the time of WMs murder - talk about buying cellphone jammers to block police radios, stealing a Bobcat, attempting to recruit various friends to import drugs into Canada.

What, did DM think he could just cut a wedge into the illegal drug trade business and organized crime just wouldn’t notice? How stupid is he? This reaffirms my opinion that his only goal in life was to become a notorious crime boss. Now he’ll have plenty of company in prison who can entertain themselves playing cops and robbers.
I am not sure what's accomplished by speculating in the complete absence of evidence that Millard must have committed more murders.

Given what we've seen at his three trials, he was hardly a master of the cover up. And the police spent months going through his computers and phones.

Millard is not some kind of mythical super villain.

Police incompetence allowed him to temporarily get away with the murders of his father and Laura Babcock.

Then, he was caught and convicted of three murders.
Maybe no murders had occurred yet but planning appears to be there and I am sure some of his buddies know some of it .

Things like the stolen wood chipper ..... stolen and repainted long before the "known" murders ..... what was the intended purpose of the chipper? ..... chopping up bodies ? ...... probably decided it would be too messy so they went the crematorium route.

Thefts ...... for example the newer bobcat construction equipment police traced to the Millard hangar ...... it had built in GPS which slatman subsequently removed but he did not realize the GPS had already mapped out the trip to the hangar. No charges laid back then , Millard probably denied knowing where it came from , and got away with it .... probably because the hangar was still under construction and all kinds of other contractor equipment around

The big backhoe at the farm ..... Millard blew the engine while digging a big hole in a remote swampy area of the farm ..... what purpose the hole? ..... would be a great place to bury something 20 feet deep where nobody would think to look ..... disturbed soil would not even be noticed because it would be submerged under muck and swamp water. A remote hole like that would have nothing to do with the new houses or garage he planned to build on the farm

These are some of the curiosities I have and I am sure that there are a few people who know more details ...... and hopefully they come forward now that loyalty to Dellen is no longer relevant.
Maybe no murders had occurred yet but planning appears to be there and I am sure some of his buddies know some of it .

Things like the stolen wood chipper ..... stolen and repainted long before the "known" murders ..... what was the intended purpose of the chipper? ..... chopping up bodies ? ...... probably decided it would be too messy so they went the crematorium route.

Thefts ...... for example the newer bobcat construction equipment police traced to the Millard hangar ...... it had built in GPS which slatman subsequently removed but he did not realize the GPS had already mapped out the trip to the hangar. No charges laid back then , Millard probably denied knowing where it came from , and got away with it .... probably because the hangar was still under construction and all kinds of other contractor equipment around

The big backhoe at the farm ..... Millard blew the engine while digging a big hole in a remote swampy area of the farm ..... what purpose the hole? ..... would be a great place to bury something 20 feet deep where nobody would think to look ..... disturbed soil would not even be noticed because it would be submerged under muck and swamp water. A remote hole like that would have nothing to do with the new houses or garage he planned to build on the farm

These are some of the curiosities I have and I am sure that there are a few people who know more details ...... and hopefully they come forward now that loyalty to Dellen is no longer relevant.

Also the August 28 2012 text re "another dead deer at the farm" requiring the incinerator to be readied.
IMO, there is an obligation to call 911 when a body has been found. Police need to attend, call in the coroner and find out why there is a body/as opposed to a person. Anything less could be construed as 'indignity to a human corpse' and they cannot be sent to a funeral home without a death certificate signed by a doctor.

911 would be getting a call from me if I found a body, I can assure you.
Especially a body with a gun lying nearby!
I am wondering, what other murders we will hear about, later, with DM being accused. MOO.

What? there are no proceedings or investigations to hear about that DM is even suspected let alone accused. This creates issues with posters thinking that there are other missing people that DM could be involved. You need to peruse the trial professionaly so as not to cause posters believing there are more cases he may be involved in.
His case/s are finalised. Never to be heard again.
I am not sure what's accomplished by speculating in the complete absence of evidence that Millard must have committed more murders.

Given what we've seen at his three trials, he was hardly a master of the cover up. And the police spent months going through his computers and phones.

Millard is not some kind of mythical super villain.

Police incompetence allowed him to temporarily get away with the murders of his father and Laura Babcock.

Then, he was caught and convicted of three murders.

Regarding other murders - wasn't there another girlfriend that died in New York? I have not seen that discussed too much on here but could have missed it. IIRC it was either deemed a suicide or an accident involving a fall from a window.
Regarding other murders - wasn't there another girlfriend that died in New York? I have not seen that discussed too much on here but could have missed it. IIRC it was either deemed a suicide or an accident involving a fall from a window.

I'm the reporter that broke that story. Unfortunately, the family of the GF could not speak to me until after the deadlines for my book.

Millard was in Toronto when she died. They had spoken on the phone before she jumped.
@ABro, do you have further information on the below? I'm wondering if knowledge of the incidents is solely based on digital evidence found on DM's devices.

• Four incidents in 2010. They took place about two years before Ms. Babcock’s disappearance. One incident involved Millard and Smich throwing a pumpkin from a moving car on a highway during Halloween. The other three incidents involved Millard and various friends other than Smich. In the first incident, Millard appears to drive his vehicle at night on top of another vehicle at a car dealership. The second incident involved Millard and a friend apparently committing arson by lighting two cars on fire at night. The third incident appears to involve a very brief robbery of a convenience store by three men. There are difficulties identifying the three men but Millard is alleged to be one of them;

CanLII - 2017 ONSC 5275 (CanLII)

I didn't attend all the pre-trial hearings so I don't know all the details. I believe some of the witnesses were questioned by police about these incidents. I also believe that the evidence is piecemeal.
Not to mention the fellow at the airport. Many people go through life without seeing dead people except perhaps maybe possibly at a funeral or two...
The airport incident was strange. Unfortunately I couldn't get more info about it but I believe the cops spoke to at least one of the people who should know more about it.

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