Hailey Dunn: General Discussion thread #3

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So who still lives at the house?

Per the Big Country Homepage article it says a relative lives there.
"They did confirm authorities were executing a search warrant to find stolen property that's connected to one of her relatives that still lives in the residence."
I posted the link to the house being condemned a few posts up.
I wish I had something great to post in this thread today but unfortunately I don't. It looks like Hailey's home is being condemned and will be torn down. Maybe the city can build a nice little park and name it after Hailey.


I know the chances of any forensic tests on the house being done or being successful is probably long gone but this will make it impossible, unless they do it by hand and find something compelling in the walls :(
Whatever happened to Hailey happened in that house and all the evidence goes down with the house. I am so hopeful LE already has all they need from that house, but I doubt it very much. I'm afraid justice will never be served to this precious girl because no one is there screaming for justice for her.
If LE really believed that whatever happened to HD happened in the house they would have executed proper search warrants on it, and they never did.

IMO they know full well that she left the house that evening on her own, and met her fate somewhere else. That is why no further warrants were executed. What they don't know is where she met her fate, why, and with who. I think they got tunnel vision on SA early on because he was a young guy hooked up with a married older woman, which they saw as deviant, and consequently he matched their idea of the "usual suspect". Then it became clear that it wasn't him, but they were too proud to admit that they had messed up and so left him with a cloud over his head.

I think the investigation has carried on quietly in the background after jurisdiction left CC, but the highly flawed initial investigation and elapsed time made further progress in the case almost impossible.
If LE really believed that whatever happened to HD happened in the house they would have executed proper search warrants on it, and they never did.

IMO they know full well that she left the house that evening on her own, and met her fate somewhere else. That is why no further warrants were executed. What they don't know is where she met her fate, why, and with who. I think they got tunnel vision on SA early on because he was a young guy hooked up with a married older woman, which they saw as deviant, and consequently he matched their idea of the "usual suspect". Then it became clear that it wasn't him, but they were too proud to admit that they had messed up and so left him with a cloud over his head.

I think the investigation has carried on quietly in the background after jurisdiction left CC, but the highly flawed initial investigation and elapsed time made further progress in the case almost impossible.
They may not know where she met her fate but with who and why is pretty obvious. IMO the way you describe the LEO'S )"tunnel vision " is a stretch of the imagination. Not to say tunnel vision doesn't happen but not because she was married/separated and dating a younger guy (then, as you said, making him appear deviant ). This isn't the 60's/70's anymore. The LEO's looked at BD and SA for very good reasons. SA was the last to see her (there's plenty more reasons ) also there was mention from family that HD was scared of SA etc... So LEO would have been negligent to dismiss everything pointing to SA. Why do you believe he shouldn't be looked at. What explains this all away for you?
I personally think there is plenty of evidence pointing at SA for the death of HD. I can't figure out why he hasn't been arrested and charged in her murder except for the fact they are gathering more evidence against him to make a conviction more likely. And if you want links, go back and read all of Hailey's threads. Plenty of evidence there I believe. JMO
I don't do FB, just wondering if SA or BD have posted about their lives or are keeping on the down low?
I personally think there is plenty of evidence pointing at SA for the death of HD. I can't figure out why he hasn't been arrested and charged in her murder except for the fact they are gathering more evidence against him to make a conviction more likely. And if you want links, go back and read all of Hailey's threads. Plenty of evidence there I believe. JMO

The reason would be that there is no evidence pointing at him. You can't charge someone for murder with no evidence, it would be dismissed in no time. They had suspicions early on, but the fact that they couldn't get any additional warrants shows that they had nothing more than that, and in all probability his account of the day turned out to be accurate and could be corroborated. It is very telling that no warrants relating specifically to this case were ever obtained for either BD's house or SA's mothers house, both locations that would certainly have been searched IF they had any real evidence that SA was in any way involved. The only search warrants they got were for BD's car and for devices voluntarily given to them by BD, and then they stopped looking. Does no one here ever wonder why? Presumably neither of those things turned up anything since there was no follow up. After that, once SA's account could be corroborated through a combination of witness sightings of both HD and SA, SA's known movements that day (by virtue of his phone activity) and HD's use of the cell phone, there were no reasonable grounds to continue getting search warrants directed at SA. Instead they tried to look indirectly using those ludicrous accusations of *advertiser censored*, primarily because the local sheriff had tunnel vision and needed an excuse to try and snoop in the hopes of getting lucky.

I strongly suspect that certain individuals who initially claimed not to have seen HD that day subsequently changed their account. Once that happened, continuing to look at SA was pointless since it would have been obvious that he could not be involved.

IMO they subsequently obtained evidence that she was alive until at least that evening, and consequently it could not have been SA that killed her since his whereabouts that day were relatively accurately known. But after she left the house that afternoon, the trail ran cold, and that is why no progress was made.
They may not know where she met her fate but with who and why is pretty obvious. IMO the way you describe the LEO'S )"tunnel vision " is a stretch of the imagination. Not to say tunnel vision doesn't happen but not because she was married/separated and dating a younger guy (then, as you said, making him appear deviant ). This isn't the 60's/70's anymore. The LEO's looked at BD and SA for very good reasons. SA was the last to see her (there's plenty more reasons ) also there was mention from family that HD was scared of SA etc... So LEO would have been negligent to dismiss everything pointing to SA. Why do you believe he shouldn't be looked at. What explains this all away for you?

It isn't the 60s or 70s anymore, but we are talking about rural Texas here. There are plenty of very conservative folk in places like that even today.

The claim that HD was scared of SA basically came from one person, a person who could be expected to be pretty biased on the subject. And even then, what she said was pretty mild and vague. The people who could be expected to have more direct knowledge of that supposed aspect, namely BD, CD and DD, have never supported those claims publically AFAIK.

There actually was not much pointing at SA, other than that people didn't like the fact that he was apparently being supported by an older woman and they didn't respect that. So in their minds it had to be him. CDs behavior that day was at least as odd as SA's, plus he was basically next door the whole day, yet he was immediately given a free pass and dismissed while they continued to have tunnel vision on SA and BD. There is no way to explain that otherwise inexplicable behavior on the part of the initial LE investigators, other than that they were acting on their personal bias and "gut feeling" rather than fact. And something must have changed in the thinking of at least some LE agencies some time later, because we saw CD suddenly getting polys 6 months on for no apparent reason. The sheriff went so far as to put out a very defensive press release about it, something that is exceedingly unusual for LE to do, which means that he was getting major flack for not doing it right at the beginning. So I think there is a whole bunch of stuff that we are not being told.

That is not to say that any of them are guilty of something, but the case had evolved in directions no longer pointing at SA and someone in LE was trying to figure out what was really going on. IMO the local sheriff was pushing the SA theory, and was fixated on that, but other LE agencies didn't agree. But until HD's remains were found in a different county, he had jurisdiction and consequently no further progress could be made in the case. Once HD was found, other people had jurisdiction, but by then too much time had passed and too much publicity had irreparably tainted the scene. Consequently they could not make any progress.
At this point it doesn't even seem they can build a circumstantial case ,charging SA. I believe if they could do that ,they most certainly would have. Something is stopping them from doing it.
At this point it doesn't even seem they can build a circumstantial case ,charging SA. I believe if they could do that ,they most certainly would have. Something is stopping them from doing it.

It amazes me that LE has not been able to prosecute people for this crime.

I had followed the case when it was happening and based on the reactions alone of BD + SA I feel they had something to do with it. Their reactions were not normal. I think 1 knew and 1 did the crime.

I think LE spent too much time trying to find the body and if they had pursued the people more then perhaps they may have been able to get one of them to admit what happened.
Those early days they had a chance to break one of them. As time went on it became much more difficult to get one of them to talk.

JMO of course.
It isn't the 60s or 70s anymore, but we are talking about rural Texas here. There are plenty of very conservative folk in places like that even today.

The claim that HD was scared of SA basically came from one person, a person who could be expected to be pretty biased on the subject. And even then, what she said was pretty mild and vague. The people who could be expected to have more direct knowledge of that supposed aspect, namely BD, CD and DD, have never supported those claims publically AFAIK.

There actually was not much pointing at SA, other than that people didn't like the fact that he was apparently being supported by an older woman and they didn't respect that. So in their minds it had to be him. CDs behavior that day was at least as odd as SA's, plus he was basically next door the whole day, yet he was immediately given a free pass and dismissed while they continued to have tunnel vision on SA and BD. There is no way to explain that otherwise inexplicable behavior on the part of the initial LE investigators, other than that they were acting on their personal bias and "gut feeling" rather than fact. And something must have changed in the thinking of at least some LE agencies some time later, because we saw CD suddenly getting polys 6 months on for no apparent reason. The sheriff went so far as to put out a very defensive press release about it, something that is exceedingly unusual for LE to do, which means that he was getting major flack for not doing it right at the beginning. So I think there is a whole bunch of stuff that we are not being told.

That is not to say that any of them are guilty of something, but the case had evolved in directions no longer pointing at SA and someone in LE was trying to figure out what was really going on. IMO the local sheriff was pushing the SA theory, and was fixated on that, but other LE agencies didn't agree. But until HD's remains were found in a different county, he had jurisdiction and consequently no further progress could be made in the case. Once HD was found, other people had jurisdiction, but by then too much time had passed and too much publicity had irreparably tainted the scene. Consequently they could not make any progress.

Regarding BBM

I do think the original 2 POIs know exactly what happened but I do remember a rumor of why this case may not have been pursued like it should have.

The rumor was that someone either in LE or close to LE may have been involved in some serious illegal activity related to what was found on the computer. If the rumor was true then it meant that these individuals did not have motivation to solve this case as it may get themselves in trouble.

It made some sense at the time since this case seemed like it was never aggressively pursued.
Regarding BBM

I do think the original 2 POIs know exactly what happened but I do remember a rumor of why this case may not have been pursued like it should have.

The rumor was that someone either in LE or close to LE may have been involved in some serious illegal activity related to what was found on the computer. If the rumor was true then it meant that these individuals did not have motivation to solve this case as it may get themselves in trouble.

It made some sense at the time since this case seemed like it was never aggressively pursued.

Regarding BBM

I do think the original 2 POIs know exactly what happened but I do remember a rumor of why this case may not have been pursued like it should have.

The rumor was that someone either in LE or close to LE may have been involved in some serious illegal activity related to what was found on the computer. If the rumor was true then it meant that these individuals did not have motivation to solve this case as it may get themselves in trouble.

It made some sense at the time since this case seemed like it was never aggressively pursued.

If there was such a rumor, it was complete nonsense. HD's disappearance was initially investigated by Mitchel county, but the computer contents were under the jurisdiction of Mitchell county. Different sheriffs, they are not going to protect relatives of the other (or their subordinates). Also, the two local sheriffs did not find the child *advertiser censored*, it was found by the FBI during later analysis. The FBI have no motive to protect either of the two sheriffs departments if someone associated with them was involved in serious wrongdoing. The Texas Rangers were involved in the investigation as well, and it would be within their mandate to step in if it became apparent that local LE were covering stuff up. After HD's remains were found, the Scurry sheriff got jurisdiction. So at least five different LE agencies would have looked at what was on the computer. There is no way that there would have been some sort of cover up.

And in any case the alleged child *advertiser censored* on the computer was "apparent", meaning that it probably depicted individuals who looked young but could have been adults. There is lots of such material on the internet. We know that no charges came from what was found, which means that it was not particularly extreme. And in any case, whoever downloaded the *advertiser censored* would have been someone living at the house, and that wasn't SA. IIRC SA had a teenage (at the time) brother who lived there, along with his mother and her partner (perhaps others too). The mother owned the computer but IMO the person most likely to have downloaded the *advertiser censored* would have been the teenager, and that would have had nothing to do with HD at all.

The whole *advertiser censored* thing was just a salacious side show, with the added twist that it was subverted to provide a reason to carry out searches in the hope of accidently getting lucky on the HD case (which they otherwise would not have grounds to do).

It is entirely possible that someone in local LE was pointing the investigation in the wrong direction to divert attention from what really happened, but if that were so it would have to be someone in Mitchell county and it couldn't have had anything to do with the *advertiser censored* found in Howard county.

I think the truth about what happened to HD is much more mundane and happens to kids that age all the time. My personal opinion of this case is that HD took off that evening to party with a few other local kids and they headed out to the lake where they could do their thing without fear of being disturbed by adults. And in the course of that something happened to HD. Perhaps experimentation with drugs and she accidently ODed, or she wandered off into the bush drunk, something like that, and died. In that sort of situation the other kids would have kept very quite about it since there would have been extremely serious repercussions for them (felony murder, for example). If there was any sort of local cover up going on, it would have been in the context of something like that.

I think that she may have been at her fathers house sometime that day, perhaps even after she left the house when SA arrived home unexpectedly. Given his legal history I imagine that CD would have been very reticent about being the last person to have seen her since it would have made him prime suspect and he would have known that. After that she likely left and he didn't know what happened to her beyond that. My guess is that she went to her friends house, then to the vicinity of the local hotel to meet up with boys, and after that who knows. IMO that might explain the really odd behavior by a lot of people subsequent to her disappearance. The big problem in this case I think is that people know that they were not responsible for what happened to her, but they were concerned that other people would not believe them, so they went with the flow when the local sheriff started pointing fingers at SA and have not been super forthcoming with everything they know for fear of being accused of something.
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