I just typed a long post in response to this and lost it, So in short ..
Everything LE denied happened seems to draw a picture of Hailey Dunn texting her friend in the yard ,walking halfway to her dads and then on to her friends house and then across the yard of the witness ,on to being seen at a later time in the day and then the hotel, where the dog hit .
The rumors being reported in first few days seem more believable then the denial of them by LE.
I have to work hard at discounting these rumors solely on the fact LE says most of the events are not corroborated and believe then they took dogs to six hotels without a lead to take them there ,AND happened to get a hit. JMO.
That is the thing about the dogs. BD claimed they went from her house, to CDs house, then to MB, then the hotel, and that seems like something reasonable.
But LE claimed they went directly to the hotels, and only there. Why? Why would they do that? It is a really strange course of action to take without anything to prompt it.
Assuming they are not lying, the only explanation that would make sense is that they had been told something that led them to believe that she might be found there, or evidence of her might be found there. Obviously this would not be pick up free wifi as some have suggested, it would have to be because she might be meeting someone there. No other explanation seems reasonable to me.
That would feed into BDs odd behaviour the next day in suddenly calling DD the next day to have him tell HD to come home. If there was nothing unusual or exceptional about HD overnighting somewhere, why would BD suddenly decide to lay down the law when she got to work that day? Something was troubling her and she was attempting to reign HD in. I think she thought that HD did not go the MBs house, and instead had maybe gone somewhere else. And BD had had enough.
Then there was the claim that CD really really wanted to look at the CCV footage from the hotel to see if he recognized anyone. Again, looking for confirmation of a suspected face IMO. Otherwise, why would be so important?
And SA suspects something as well. He alluded to HDs interest in the opposite sex (according to LE), and in the poly came up positive for believing HD was in Snyder. That doesn't mean that he put her there, but could mean that he thought that is where she may have gone. A poly will show what someone
believes to be true, not what they know is true. So, who is in Snyder that HD might reasonably have run off to?
*edit* Also, DD breaking in when he found a locked door that day on returning home. Why would he do that? Thinking like a teenage boy, I suspect that the real reason is that be thought he was going to catch his sister in the act. A teenage boy would get a big kick out of that and would have no hesitation in sneaking in under those conditions. I don't believe he banged on the door as claimed, but rather he tried it, found it locked, and broke in to surprise her, but instead she was gone and he surprised SA instead. Which implies that he had reason to believe that something was going on, and not with SA who would normally have been at work at that time.
They all appear to think that HD had run off with someone, and someone in particular.
Of course we don't know for sure what exactly all happened with the dogs, or why it all went down the way it apparently did, but those four things got me thinking about why HD might have been at risk that day, it certainly looks like something was going on that no one is being open about, and it also looks like LE knows what that might be.
There is a bunch of other stuff too, that all sort of plays into that scenario. I have been giving this a some thought recently, and it seems to me that most of what we know or has been reported sort of fits together. Bits and pieces, but they seem to fit a consistent general shell that is quite different to the generic "SA did it" most people appear to have bought into. There is still too much missing though to call it for sure though, but I think there is an answer that isn't far away. I just get this really strong vibe that they all (or most of them anyway) suspect something that they are not sharing with us (but may be sharing to a greater or lesser extent with LE).
Maybe it is just proof that is missing, all they have at the moment is suspicion, and that is not enough to burn bridges.