Halyna Hutchins Shot With Prop Gun - Alec Baldwin indicted & Hannah Gutierrez-Reed charged, 2021 #7

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Honestly, how can such a complete mess be made out of one very simple prosecution?

On another note, not being from the US I'm still not really understanding how this Grand Jury thing is apparently a safeguard against malicious or improper prosecution. I had no idea that it involved only the prosecution giving evidence to the GJ. How on earth is that a balance against impropriety if the other side can't chime in? I mean, the matters brought up in this video are surely precisely the things which a GJ are supposed to prevent, are they not?

The requirement for a grand jury is actually in the U.S. Constitution, it's part of the Fifth Amendment. That only applies to federal crimes, but it was also the model of a lot of state laws. Although unlike federal, in many states there are alternatives to going through a grand jury.

The Founders were concerned about some of the excesses they saw in Great Britain where the prosecutor alone would determine who could be indicted. So a grand jury was supposed to be a check on the system and ensure that the state had at least established probable cause before a trial was held.

You can debate how well it functions. It can certainly be abused, but so can any other system. I've known a couple of people who've been grand jurors and it's a lot of work and responsibility. It's not like a trial jury where you serve for only one trial. You actually have to be on the jury for months hearing case after case. My friends took their duties seriously and would ask questions of the DAs. They weren't just rubber-stamping the indictments.
I don't like being in prison, so I want a "do over", can I just go home now?

Yeah. Not. Geez, I wonder who is footing her attorney bills.

I don't like being in prison, so I want a "do over", can I just go home now?

Yeah. Not. Geez, I wonder who is footing her attorney bills.

Just standard procedure in the US justice system. Pretty much every convicted defendant/felon does this and 90-something % are denied....2 Cents
No, pre-trial hearing for Alec Baldwin. Is there a separate thread??

I thought you were referring to HGR's appeal. Both HGR and Alec Baldwin are on this thread.

Thank you for updating us on Alec. His trial is only 2 months away last I heard.

Judge said will rule next week.

Thanks. From your linked article.... I believe Morrissey is biased against Alec when she says:
"That’s what these people do."

Alec Baldwin Hearing Turns Into Verbal Brawl Between ‘Rust’ Prosecutor & Defense Lawyer; Judge Sets Ruling On Dismissing Involuntary Manslaughter Charges For Next Week​

"...the very end of over two-hour hearing saw things get very personal tense between Morrissey and defense attorney Alex Spiro..."

Morrissey said.....

“I have no idea what Mr. Spiro is talking about. Everything he is saying to you right now is complete misrepresentation of what has happened, that’s what these people do."
Been out and about, I'm tuning in now.

I think the defense is making very good arguments about prosecutorial abuse with the GJ and the need to dismiss the charges. They go into very interesting details about how the prosecution didn't communicate with the defense attorneys, then rammed their evidence into the GJ without much notice. They refused defense's request to give the jury the exculpatory evidence that the defense provided them. Defense attorney referred to prosecution as "running all the stop signs" as they pushed their (prosecution's) evidence into the GJ at the last minute.
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I’m about 16 mins into the hearing and all of defense’s arguments fall flat on their face when you consider that AB was offered a sweet plea deal and he didn’t jump to take it. This is malpractice and these attys are trying to cover their behinds by now arguing the state is bloodthirsty for AB! Gimme a break.

They’re arguing “your honor, but, it’s not fair.” The state has the absolute right and discretion to bring these charges. And yes, the state controls GJ proceedings. In fact, NM law is quite generous to defendants in their GJ laws. Still, a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. As defense lawyers, it is their job to convince their ego-driven, maniac of a client to take the deal immediately. Dismissal is not gonna happen. That is an extreme remedy. Judges don’t just dismiss cases.

Thanks. From your linked article.... I believe Morrissey is biased against Alec when she says:
"That’s what these people do."

Alec Baldwin Hearing Turns Into Verbal Brawl Between ‘Rust’ Prosecutor & Defense Lawyer; Judge Sets Ruling On Dismissing Involuntary Manslaughter Charges For Next Week​

"...the very end of over two-hour hearing saw things get very personal tense between Morrissey and defense attorney Alex Spiro..."

Morrissey said.....

“I have no idea what Mr. Spiro is talking about. Everything he is saying to you right now is complete misrepresentation of what has happened, that’s what these people do."

Spiro was pretty clear in outlining all the missteps of the prosecution leading up to the GJ session for AB's case. There's standard guidelines for how prosecution and defense to follow in preparing cases and evidence for GJ hearing, giving both sides fair access to information about the proceedings. Prosecution obviously didn't follow many of those rules.

ETA: Morrisey argues like a teenager who wants to stay out after curfew. JMO She's also arguing this as if the charges against AB were her choice and decision, not the Grand Jury's. It's the opposite.
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I’m about 16 mins into the hearing and all of defense’s arguments fall flat on their face when you consider that AB was offered a sweet plea deal and he didn’t jump to take it. This is malpractice and these attys are trying to cover their behinds by now arguing the state is bloodthirsty for AB! Gimme a break. JMO

Pretty sure this hearing is about the handling (or mishandling) of the GJ proceeding and accusations of prosecutorial abuse. It doesn't pertain to any alleged plea deals.
Pretty sure this hearing is about the handling (or mishandling) of the GJ proceeding and accusations of prosecutorial abuse. It doesn't pertain to any alleged plea deals.
Oh I know that. My point still stands. They’re mincing words and playing word games to claim the GJ was unfair when they could’ve had their client free and clear of all this! JMO
Oh I know that. My point still stands. They’re mincing words and playing word games to claim the GJ was unfair when they could’ve had their client free and clear of all this! JMO

Actually, they're pointing out a lot of things the prosecutor did leading up to the GJ hearing that were dishonest, the most important of which was providing the GJ with exculpatory evidence. It (the JG hearing) was a one-sided hearing. The Grand Jury only heard/read the cherry picked information that the prosecutor gave them. That's not how the US criminal justice system is supposed to work. Using today's hearing as example, it would be like holding the hearing only for the defense, not allowing the prosecutor to be present or submit any written argument or evidence.

ETA: I have to take off again, but will finish listening and respond later. Its interesting because its the first time we're hearing testimony about how the prosecution made their decisions in AB's case.
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Morissey - I don’t think I’ve ever said the words “a teaching moment” in my entire life. Lol. Defense attributed some comment on the Today show as being from her and she denies it.

Morissey dismantling defense arguments right now. Also, interesting info about safety protocols for actors on set wrt to gun handling. She says she’s not arguing with the legal authorities defense cited. In fact, she agrees with them. The only disagreement is with the factual arguments.

Judge Sommer has Morrissey on the ropes now. She’s asking her about what efforts she made or didn’t make to get the witnesses that defense wanted there to testify at the GJ. Judge says Morrissey did not address this in her response up to this point.

Judge indicated that the defense can ask for a review of the GJ based on structural issues on top of the prosecutorial bad faith issues. And it seems judge thinks Morrissey hasn’t adequately addressed the structural issues defense has raised.

Morissey goes through all 7 witnesses defense wanted and her efforts to get them at the GJ had the jurors wanted to hear from them. It seems like she didn’t reach out half of these witnesses because she says they had been very cooperative and she felt she could get them there with no issues if GJ requested them.

Actually, they're pointing out a lot of things the prosecutor did leading up to the GJ hearing that were dishonest, the most important of which was providing the GJ with exculpatory evidence. It (the JG hearing) was a one-sided hearing. The Grand Jury only heard/read the cherry picked information that the prosecutor gave them. That's not how the US criminal justice system is supposed to work. Using today's hearing as example, it would be like holding the hearing only for the defense, not allowing the prosecutor to be present or submit any written argument or evidence.

ETA: I have to take off again, but will finish listening and respond later. Its interesting because its the first time we're hearing testimony about how the prosecution made their decisions in AB's case.
The grand jury isn't a trial jury. They don't need to see evidence of innocence because a GJ decides 'Is there enough evidence to support the charges?' That's ALWAYS been the purpose of a GJ and the intent when the original laws for GJ were written.
Some states allow or require exculpatory evidence, or a DA will provide it if it's a case they really don't want to try but are obligated to charge. But it's not required in NM apparently.

Innocent or guilty is decided at the trial by the real jury.
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