Handwriting analysis software: Patsy and the Note

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Hi Ravyn.

re: letter

A Christmas Message from the Ramsey Family

With the Christmas season upon us and the anniversary
of JonBenet’s death approaching, we are filled with
many emotions. We, as a family, miss JonBenet's
presence among us as we see the lights, hear the music,
and recall celebrations of Christmases past. We miss
her every day not just today.

On the one hand, we feel like Christmas should be
canceled. Where is there joy? Our Christmas is
forever tainted with the tragedy of her death. And yet
the message rings clear. Had there been no birth of
Christ, there would be no hope of eternal life, and,
hence, no hope of ever being with our loved ones again.

As the day of the birth of our Lord and Savior
approaches, we thank all across the nation and around
the world for your continued prayers of concern and
support. It is those prayers that sustain us. We ask
that as you gather with your families and loved ones
this Christmas, be joyful in the celebration of the
birth of Christ, knowing that this is truly the reason, for the season. We must continue to celebrate the
birth of Christ . . . for our hope of life together
ever after.

Thank you for all you meant to her and mean to as.

With blessing and prayer for a Joyful Holiday
Grace of God's ever present love for the New Year,

John, Patsy, John Andrew, Melinda and Burke

Flesch Reading Ease program,

Average number of words per sentence: 14.8
Flesch Reading Ease : 69.23

Number of characters (without spaces) : 1,046.00 Number of words : 241.00 Number of sentences : 17.00 Average number of characters per word : 4.34 Average number of syllables per word : 1.46 Average number of words per sentence: 14.18

Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading Gunning Fog index : 8.82

Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text : Coleman Liau index : 7.65 Flesh Kincaid Grade level : 7.12 ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 6.10 SMOG : 9.64

Flesch Reading Ease : 69.23

List of sentences which we suggest you should consider to rewrite to improve readability of the text :
  • We ask that as you gather with your families and loved ones this Christmas, be joyful in the celebration of the birth of Christ, knowing that this is truly the reason, for the season.
  • A Christmas Message from the Ramsey Family With the Christmas season upon us and the anniversary of JonBenet’s death approaching, we are filled with many emotions.
  • As the day of the birth of our Lord and Savior approaches, we thank all across the nation and around the world for your continued prayers of concern and support.
  • With blessing and prayer for a Joyful Holiday Grace of God's ever present love for the New Year, John, Patsy, John Andrew, Melinda and Burke
  • We, as a family, miss JonBenet's presence among us as we see the lights, hear the music, and recall celebrations of Christmases past.
The handwritting itself is of little interest to me. Obviously written to be deceptive, and written under EXTREME time pressures and stress.
It's the CONTEXT of the words and phrases that make it UNMISTAKEABLY Patsy's. No matter what, one cannot truely hide themselves when writting. The randsom note would read NO differently if it had been typewritten. Patsy wasn't clever enough to know that her words and phrases would give her identity away. She WAS the Author of this note. No Doubt. Therefore, she KNEW exactally what happen to her daughter, and Why.....may God have mercy on her soul.......
Hi Ravyn.

re: letter

A Christmas Message from the Ramsey Family

With the Christmas season upon us and the anniversary
of JonBenet’s death approaching, we are filled with
many emotions. We, as a family, miss JonBenet's
presence among us as we see the lights, hear the music,
and recall celebrations of Christmases past. We miss
her every day not just today.

On the one hand, we feel like Christmas should be
canceled. Where is there joy? Our Christmas is
forever tainted with the tragedy of her death. And yet
the message rings clear. Had there been no birth of
Christ, there would be no hope of eternal life, and,
hence, no hope of ever being with our loved ones again.

As the day of the birth of our Lord and Savior
approaches, we thank all across the nation and around
the world for your continued prayers of concern and
support. It is those prayers that sustain us. We ask
that as you gather with your families and loved ones
this Christmas, be joyful in the celebration of the
birth of Christ, knowing that this is truly the reason, for the season. We must continue to celebrate the
birth of Christ . . . for our hope of life together
ever after.

Thank you for all you meant to her and mean to as.

With blessing and prayer for a Joyful Holiday
Grace of God's ever present love for the New Year,

John, Patsy, John Andrew, Melinda and Burke

Flesch Reading Ease program,

Average number of words per sentence: 14.8
Flesch Reading Ease : 69.23

Number of characters (without spaces) : 1,046.00 Number of words : 241.00 Number of sentences : 17.00 Average number of characters per word : 4.34 Average number of syllables per word : 1.46 Average number of words per sentence: 14.18

Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading Gunning Fog index : 8.82

Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text : Coleman Liau index : 7.65 Flesh Kincaid Grade level : 7.12 ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 6.10 SMOG : 9.64

Flesch Reading Ease : 69.23

List of sentences which we suggest you should consider to rewrite to improve readability of the text :
  • We ask that as you gather with your families and loved ones this Christmas, be joyful in the celebration of the birth of Christ, knowing that this is truly the reason, for the season.
  • A Christmas Message from the Ramsey Family With the Christmas season upon us and the anniversary of JonBenet’s death approaching, we are filled with many emotions.
  • As the day of the birth of our Lord and Savior approaches, we thank all across the nation and around the world for your continued prayers of concern and support.
  • With blessing and prayer for a Joyful Holiday Grace of God's ever present love for the New Year, John, Patsy, John Andrew, Melinda and Burke
  • We, as a family, miss JonBenet's presence among us as we see the lights, hear the music, and recall celebrations of Christmases past.
I just read that Christmas card, & I have to say that I'm shocked @ how cold it is, & how detatched they seem from Jon Benet. Instead of saying that they miss her presence, wouldn't a normal grieving family say that they miss HER? & the words tainted, tragedy, & hence bother me. It's like they're talking about someone they never knew-like someone from the news. & thanking 'the nation & the world', also seems so impersonal. Wouldn't it have been more normal to say, 'We thank all of you' & just left it @ that? & the line, 'we ask that as you gather with your families', confused me. I actually had to read it twice because I thought it was going to read, 'we ask that you gather with your families'. That seems so much more sincere. The whole card was weird, to say the least. It left the impression of, 'yeah, Jon Benet's dead, but so what, cuz Jesus is the reason for the season'l.
One more thing...I think whoever wrote this card, was pretentious & grandiose-in other words, writing to impress. which is so inappropriate, considering the circumstances.
One more thing...I think whoever wrote this card, was pretentious & grandiose-in other words, writing to impress. which is so inappropriate, considering the circumstances.

everything that John and Patsy did was inappropriate.
Always thought the number of words crossed out/mistakes made in the middle of the writing were a bit odd.

To me that indicates that it was written in a hurry and written on the fly and was not thought out/planned in advance. Whoever wrote it didn't sit down and think about what they were going to say before they put pen to paper.

If there was an intruder, he was able to do everything perfectly in how he got into and out of the house undetected without making any sound. That would indicate that they planned this intrusion out very well in advance. If they were going to plan that well, you would think the ransom note would be well planned as well. The only way to explain this would be that they wrote the ransom note in a hurry while they were in the house and left it on the steps; but again, why risk getting caught if you planned so well to slip in undetected?

Whoever wrote that note was in a hurry/panic and not in a clear state of thinking at the time they wrote it; that is my opinion judging from the writing.
Always thought the number of words crossed out/mistakes made in the middle of the writing were a bit odd.

To me that indicates that it was written in a hurry and written on the fly and was not thought out/planned in advance. Whoever wrote it didn't sit down and think about what they were going to say before they put pen to paper.

If there was an intruder, he was able to do everything perfectly in how he got into and out of the house undetected without making any sound. That would indicate that they planned this intrusion out very well in advance. If they were going to plan that well, you would think the ransom note would be well planned as well. The only way to explain this would be that they wrote the ransom note in a hurry while they were in the house and left it on the steps; but again, why risk getting caught if you planned so well to slip in undetected?

Whoever wrote that note was in a hurry/panic and not in a clear state of thinking at the time they wrote it; that is my opinion judging from the writing.

I SO agree. It BOOGLES my mind that ANYONE, LE or otherwise would not immediatly recognize the tale-tell marks/signs that mommy dearest herself is the author of this note.!!!! jmho

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