Hank Croslin Jr Talks

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I honestly do not see why people are making it a big deal. It really isn't. The big deal is Tommy and his alibi! Why didn't Tommy come out with this to LE from the beginning? Why didn't Tommy tell his mother or family about him being at the home that night? What did Tommy do that he has been hiding for 7 1/2 months?

We've been round and round re this as well SS some people here just aren't yet willing to rule out the possibility HC2 might have been covering for his sister (well, up until assault, dead rat's found, Misty takes out an RO and estranges herself from family anyway...) Just consider this is still in the realm of possibilities, that's all :)

I honestly do not see why people are making it a big deal. It really isn't. The big deal is Tommy and his alibi! Why didn't Tommy come out with this to LE from the beginning? Why didn't Tommy tell his mother or family about him being at the home that night? What did Tommy do that he has been hiding for 7 1/2 months?

The big deal is Tommy and his alibi and Misty and her alibi, IMO. There are four issues here.

Did Tommy tell the truth about being at the MH? Did he tell the truth about not seeing her there? Did Misty tell the truth about being there? If either of them lied, why? (OK, so we know both of them lied about something but exactly what and why?)

Tommy didn't come out with this from the beginning because
A) it was not true
B) it's true but he was covering for Misty being out
C) it's true but he was covering for Misty and himself hiding Haleigh
D) it's true but he was covering for himself (and accomplice) taking Haleigh
E) it's true but he was worried about himself getting suspected if he confessed to being there

If it's A) he must be really mad at Misty and not real bright because he inserts himself. Maybe he was faced with some clever questioning and thought he'd get a deal with the gun charges if he had some dirt on Misty.

B) seems somewhat plausible considering that he can't feel like he's got any duty to cover for her after recent developments. Again, not very bright to change his story after seven months, but if the seven months story is true I guess it's better than continuing the lies like some do.

If it's C) they need to question him a lot more since it seems he's the weaker link.

If D), they need to find out if he acted alone.

E) I'd like to know what changed his mind. Perhaps someone saw him there and he thought he'd better offer his innocent explanation before he gets recognized.

IMO we don't know that Tommy didn't tell his family. If he did the family has kept quiet until this as well and they may not want to advertize it.

The problem with Tommy did it alone theory is that it doesn't explain Misty lying. Where was she? Why did she make up a story? In the beginning she might have covered for him out of family feelings or intimidation but I doubt she'd willingly be the fall girl for anyone she's got a RO against, so she ought to have started spilling her information by now. Maybe that's what she's doing at the Orlando studios.
OMG! I have called home and my husband didn't answer a few times. Did I think it made him a horrible "caregiver" of our children because he didn't get to the phone or we missed speaking to each other?! Or maybe we did have a disagreement. Did I automatically assume he was going to do something horrible to my children?! Did I chastise him and make sure I never left the kids in his care again because he did not want to answer my calls?! NO!! It is ridiculous to say my husband was a horrible person or a bad caregiver because he didn't answer my calls. Now...if it was someone I was paying to answer my calls such a REAL babysitter and not my SO/husband at the time...then yes...it would be an issue.

I assume that your husband is not a drug user. I would definitely worry if I had left my kids in the care of someone coming off a binge and she wouldn't answer the phone.

I think that even if Ronald wasn't worried the grandmothers must have been, because TN said that she sent Sykes there to check on the kids.
OMG! I have called home and my husband didn't answer a few times. Did I think it made him a horrible "caregiver" of our children because he didn't get to the phone or we missed speaking to each other?! Or maybe we did have a disagreement. Did I automatically assume he was going to do something horrible to my children?! Did I chastise him and make sure I never left the kids in his care again because he did not want to answer my calls?! NO!! It is ridiculous to say my husband was a horrible person or a bad caregiver because he didn't answer my calls. Now...if it was someone I was paying to answer my calls such a REAL babysitter and not my SO/husband at the time...then yes...it would be an issue.

A "few times" lol... ;) If he were a teenager, known to you all of 5 months, whom you may or may not suspect had even a possible history of drugs and to whom you arre entrusting a toddler as well as another child w a medical condition for which a breathing apparatus was required... you better be able to reach him, or FIRE him good Lord, are there any standards for mature, responsible caregiving, this seems like pretty basic stuff to me?

Amber hated Misty, so no and she always had to borrow Nay Nay's car. Nay Nay has an alibi that night, supposedly, she was with her babydaddy. Greg passed his LDT and he said he never saw Misty again after Sat. nite or Sunday AM, whichever time it was Misty went to her brothers..I forget when it was now..

Ron didn't know about Naynay's alibi or Greg's LDT when Misty didn't answer the phone. And if Misty could be completely truthful and fail several LDTs I can't see why Greg couldn't lie and pass. Has NN taken a polygraph?
The big deal is Tommy and his alibi and Misty and her alibi, IMO. There are four issues here.

Did Tommy tell the truth about being at the MH? Did he tell the truth about not seeing her there? Did Misty tell the truth about being there? If either of them lied, why? (OK, so we know both of them lied about something but exactly what and why?)

Tommy didn't come out with this from the beginning because
A) it was not true
B) it's true but he was covering for Misty being out
C) it's true but he was covering for Misty and himself hiding Haleigh
D) it's true but he was covering for himself (and accomplice) taking Haleigh
E) it's true but he was worried about himself getting suspected if he confessed to being there

If it's A) he must be really mad at Misty and not real bright because he inserts himself. Maybe he was faced with some clever questioning and thought he'd get a deal with the gun charges if he had some dirt on Misty.

B) seems somewhat plausible considering that he can't feel like he's got any duty to cover for her after recent developments. Again, not very bright to change his story after seven months, but if the seven months story is true I guess it's better than continuing the lies like some do.

If it's C) they need to question him a lot more since it seems he's the weaker link.

If D), they need to find out if he acted alone.

E) I'd like to know what changed his mind. Perhaps someone saw him there and he thought he'd better offer his innocent explanation before he gets recognized.

IMO we don't know that Tommy didn't tell his family. If he did the family has kept quiet until this as well and they may not want to advertize it.

The problem with Tommy did it alone theory is that it doesn't explain Misty lying. Where was she? Why did she make up a story? In the beginning she might have covered for him out of family feelings or intimidation but I doubt she'd willingly be the fall girl for anyone she's got a RO against, so she ought to have started spilling her information by now. Maybe that's what she's doing at the Orlando studios.

:clap: :bowdown: :blowkiss:

Agree w BOLDED LOL THANK U Donjeta for putting this forth so clearly I JUST LOVE LOGICAL THINKING:idea: :heart: JMO2

AZ, do we know if Ronald did "call around" looking for Misty? I assumed he called only the brother because of the close proximity to the Cummings residence. Where are the cell records and ping maps, for the love of Pete?!?? :crazy:

I got spoiled by all the detailed data released and the subsequent top-notch sleuthing we saw in the Caylee Anthony case.

Yes, yes yes, we are spoiled by LE updates in the Caylee Anthony case. But, there has been an arrest in that case and Florida's Sunshine law requires what's released to the legal teams has to be released to the public, quite a liberal law concerning case information. And don't we love that!
About the term "call around," it was not meant as plural. We only know so far that he did check with the Cummings residence. Ron could have called some of the nearby neighbors but there's no confirmation he did - so far.
And the 20 call to Misty? That's about one phone call every four and a half minutes while he was on the job.
Wasn't he at work? How could he be on the phone all the time if he had a crane to operate?

Good question, Donjeta. If someone does the math, (since I have a fear of math), 20 calls in a 90 minute time period figures out to be a call about every four and a half minutes. That type of determination on Ron's part, especially since he was at work operating a piece heavy equipment, adds up to his being concerned about Misty's whereabouts or what was going on at home. At least I see it that way.
(bbm) That's most unfortunate as communication between adults, any parents and their appointed caregivers is essential to responsible childcare. In the event of emergencies but especially overnight, when relying upon young caregivers. And frankly it's hard to imagine leaving young children in the hands of anyone who didn't appreciate the importance of this. JMO

ETA AZwriter I see we are thinking alike!! :eek:


OMG kiki! We are thinking alike? Are you sure you want to admit that? LOL. I guess I'm going have to teach you the secret handshake now!
It isn't difficult to understand that Misty had no car to go anywhere. The only place Ronald would check to see if she was there would be Tommy's because it is within walking distance. It wasn't that Ronald really thought she was there, but calling to double check would be normal, imo. She wasn't at Tommy's so he felt certain she was at home. I don't see any big mystery there or something sinister in Ronald calling Tommy's house. He just wanted a bit of reassurance is all.

Misty was playing games by turning off the phone if they were arguing. Ronald was stuck at work and wanted to talk to her. Maybe he wanted to apologize or maybe he wanted an apology from her? Who knows? I think the rest of the time at work gave him a chance to settle down and not worry about calling Misty because he thought she was asleep most likely. He had no clue anything was really wrong at that point. He had no reason to believe she was anywhere except home with the children.

If Ron had called Tommy and asked Tommy to go check on Misty - like Tommy claims, why is there no mention of a call back to Ron to report his findings? Or why is there no mention of Ron calling Tommy back to find out what Tommy found when he went to "check on Misty"?

Seems like Tommy went to the home all on his own without Ron having asked him to do that. Otherwise, there would be more phone calls between Ron and Tommy - beyond the ONE phone call. LE hasn't reported more than that initial call, but they've had no problem reporting other phone calls (Ron calling Misty 20 times; Ron calling Tommy; etc).

I think Tommy saw an opportunity to go there, and took it. What his motives for going there were, IDK? It sure scares me though.

Not only has Tommy placed himself at the scene of the crime, but now his story is that he "hung around" waiting. Why is he saying that now? Why has he NEVER told his family that? Now that he is in police custody, is he fearful that someone spotted him in the area that evening and is in CYA mode?

It's not hard to understand. You gals have repeatedly explained clearly.

Misty and Ron argue over phone. The girl shuts her cell off like most in a relationship when arguing. Ron's working, he's calling his girl to either argue more, try to make amends or apologize. Can't get an answer. Finally after many calls, he calls her nearest relatives as his girl hasn't got wheels and the family home is within walking distance of their home.

Tommy (now it gets interesting and flags go up in hindsight for us armchair detectives) intercepts the call supposedly without the knowledge of others in the home. Supposedly he waits, then takes off to check on Misty cuz Ron told him too. No mention of phone records that Tommy ever called Ron back to confirm one way or the other his attempted contact with Misty. We now learn he's went over there and banged and banged. No neighbor hears the banging. Apparently neither did Misty or the children. Which rules out Misty was passed out on a drug induced stupor cuz the kids would have awoke.

The phone call, rons motive to call Misty and The croslins home is as normal as the day is long. I have umpteen times refused to pick the phone up when hubby calls and I'm mad at him. I also know he would never send someone, male or female to my home at night without my knowledge unless it was my Mama or Grandmother. No way. I'm done with the repetitive efforts, it's just too practical and normal behaviors.

How many people are we willing to trash to paint Misty as an innocent? LE, Tim, Polys, our own ears for BS...

I've not seen anyone do this to Tim Miller here at WS. WS has great respect for him. Can you show me where he's trashed at WS?

Kind of like the day Ron was arrested for assault. Though Misty called them, allegedly, earlier in the day they waited many, many hours before they showed up on their doorstep.

Neither story rings true to me..

Neither to me. Hearing the talkers on HLN, they need to take their words and play them back to themselves over and over, along with the same things LE, others and actually listened to what their saying. It's obvious where the lies and deception points too. This case is whacked because of the nonsense, rumor, speculations based on non credible opinions, statements of others. I think LE needs to stick to the facts.

As long as we wait for these tiny bits and nuggets of information for LE to throw us there is really no telling how long it's going to take for this case to be solved. I truly want to know how long they are going to wait for someone to come forward and finally give in saying" okay....yes Misty was with me". If LE is so sure that she is lying then why aren't they looking for Haleigh? How long are they going to wait to investigate other avenues???

I agree with your wonder about the number of tips. Four thousand seems extraordinary to me also, now that I have a better grasp of the area. Of course, taking into account the media coverage and the amount of time Haleigh's been gone, maybe it's not so many. I don't know...

The truly staggering fact is that (as you mentioned) even with all these tips, we're seemingly no closer to figuring out what happened.

I have my suspicions where all these tips have come from. People inserting themselves trying to accuse Misty and or Ron, over and over.

I don't think Misty had any real friends, she knew Nay Nay of course. So I don't know who exactly she would call.

I agree. And those she did have contact with like amber and her mother were physically violent towards her. So was her family. I would like to know more about Misty as a person, her prior life.

OMG! I have called home and my husband didn't answer a few times. Did I think it made him a horrible "caregiver" of our children because he didn't get to the phone or we missed speaking to each other?! Or maybe we did have a disagreement. Did I automatically assume he was going to do something horrible to my children?! Did I chastise him and make sure I never left the kids in his care again because he did not want to answer my calls?! NO!! It is ridiculous to say my husband was a horrible person or a bad caregiver because he didn't answer my calls. Now...if it was someone I was paying to answer my calls such a REAL babysitter and not my SO/husband at the time...then yes...it would be an issue.

See my reply above to you about the phone calls.

I assume that your husband is not a drug user. I would definitely worry if I had left my kids in the care of someone coming off a binge and she wouldn't answer the phone.

I think that even if Ronald wasn't worried the grandmothers must have been, because TN said that she sent Sykes there to check on the kids.

Ron reacted like most people, called and didn't get an answer. Inquired to her nearby family which she would have access by means of walking. It's simple.
I wonder if LE dangled the carrot of the reward in front of Tommy's face? "Here you go, Tommy! You can have the reward money if you can come up with something to prove she wasn't home!" And Bam...he is all over that so he finally tells them what they want to hear and has been hiding all these months.
Ron didn't know about Naynay's alibi or Greg's LDT when Misty didn't answer the phone. And if Misty could be completely truthful and fail several LDTs I can't see why Greg couldn't lie and pass. Has NN taken a polygraph?

Probably not. Ron, Crystal, Misty and in the last couple of months Chad are the only ones for sure that took one. Greg said he did, but I don't know for a fact, LE hasn't said. I would have to go back and dig around at Art's to find the interviews with Greg back in March to be sure
Well, Nay Nay then? WBG? Amber? She was with them the weekend before so not too much of a stretch? It doesn't have to be a real friend if all you want is a ride.

Who is the friend she left town with?

If someone who wasn't a "real friend" took Misty out the evening HaLeigh went missing, don't you think that person would have came forward to LE by now in an attempt to collect the reward?

It's one thing to think a family member or a "real friend" might cover for a person. It's something totally different to think a mere acquaintance might cover for someone. If someone gave Misty a ride somewhere that evening, that person would have come forward by now with that information. All IMO.
If someone who wasn't a "real friend" took Misty out the evening HaLeigh went missing, don't you think that person would have came forward to LE by now in an attempt to collect the reward?

It's one thing to think a family member or a "real friend" might cover for a person. It's something totally different to think a mere acquaintance might cover for someone. If someone gave Misty a ride somewhere that evening, that person would have come forward by now with that information. All IMO.

Yes if they have nothing to hide, but that's not a given.
I wonder if LE dangled the carrot of the reward in front of Tommy's face? "Here you go, Tommy! You can have the reward money if you can come up with something to prove she wasn't home!" And Bam...he is all over that so he finally tells them what they want to hear and has been hiding all these months.

It's a possibility, and I doubt seriously LE would reveal that at this time or ever. Would they be required to tell the public? I am assuming they woul at least have to account where and whom it went to. But, I really don't know how all this works. Morally, they should have to tell the public, and all the details involved leading them to give it out, especially to someone like Tommy or a family member. We'll see. If LE isn't using the reward money as a tool to move this investigation forward, their in-subordinate if not down right not bright. Trying to say this without being a bash, but get the point across.

Now that I have reward money on the brain, why hasn't LE publically aired that as a tool to move this investigation? I haven't seen them use it ever. It should be a grand focus as locating Haleigh is the most important aspect of this case. Seems to me it would get heads turning and tongues wagging alot quicker than continually slandering Misty with generalized un-supported allegations. If I was one of the persons in charge of leading this investigation, I would be all over this money. Have it in a brief case, open it up for the cameras to transmit to the public as I gave pressers. Money talks, money motivates. "The love of money is the root of all evil".

Probably not. Ron, Crystal, Misty and in the last couple of months Chad are the only ones for sure that took one. Greg said he did, but I don't know for a fact, LE hasn't said. I would have to go back and dig around at Art's to find the interviews with Greg back in March to be sure

What glares out at me, knowing all we do, seeing how and what kind of investigation that has been conducted, no one ever mentions the LDT's taken by these that are very close inside the investigation. Why have they not revealed themselves on tv what their results are. Parental abductions are statistically high outcomes in solving these types of cases. To be clear though, I'm not leaning towards any one of these mentioned as being involved. And probably one of the reasons I and the public aren't is because we have no results to consider in order to balance out and make reasonable educated decisions based on tools that help. I also think Mark Klaas is seeing the mistakes of this investigation as some of us are. It's becoming clearer everyday for me.

If someone who wasn't a "real friend" took Misty out the evening HaLeigh went missing, don't you think that person would have came forward to LE by now in an attempt to collect the reward?

It's one thing to think a family member or a "real friend" might cover for a person. It's something totally different to think a mere acquaintance might cover for someone. If someone gave Misty a ride somewhere that evening, that person would have come forward by now with that information. All IMO.

Agree. Thirty Five Thousand Dollars :woohoo: ain't pocket change. It could make the difference in a person/families lifestyle in raising it a couple of degrees. I'm pulled somewhat on my thoughts about Tommy or any family member receiving this reward money. The idea, "the guilty person profits off of the victims and their crimes is legitimate concern as we know the ramifications of a society learning to get free money in these ways is wrong. Just wrong.

But on the other side of this discussion about receiving the award money, I'm torn. If Tommy is guilty, confesses, then he's really not aided in solving and locating Haleigh because he did it. He's the criminal and should be punished. But we have his wife and children, Lindasy who will be left low and dry, a hardship she and children don't deserve or need. But, then now that we know Tommy has went to the home of ron, supposedly never revealed this to his wife, and I'm not going to lie, I'm having a hard time believing this part. That Lindsay didn't know after all this time. Or even if he didn't reveal, she must have seen some kind of flags pointing to it. This is a whole thread discussion within itself.
Indeed, the Putnam County Sheriff’s department, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the FBI, the U.S. Marshal Service and others have been working together quietly all along, sources tell me, to orchestrate a strategy they hope will pay off and lead them to the child, dead or alive, and put the kidnappers, or killers, behind bars.
Above Snipped by me
Has anyone witnessed a orchestrated quiet effort to make Misty spill the beans? LOL...ok,that has worked. Hmmm wonder whats next on the top secret leaked strategy that LE deploys.
Why if Tommy banged on the front door was his fingerprints not found on the door. I am sure he would of tried turning the knob as well.
I think that LE told Tommy his vehicle had been seen there (or he had been) and he had to come up with a reason he was there...
Why if Tommy banged on the front door was his fingerprints not found on the door. I am sure he would of tried turning the knob as well.
I wonder if they where found on the side doors?
Would Tommy's fingerprints at the mh be of any value since Misty said he was there earlier? I'm sure he was in and out alot........

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