Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

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I know the article describing neighbor Lori Hamilton and her husband smelling something "bad" and seeing vultures has already been posted, but this is the video of that interview with Lori Hamilton.

Skip to the 0:50 second mark to view the segment with Ms. Hamilton.


If (according to the deputy) the remains were just skeleton, how could the smell and vultures just 2 days before be related?
If (according to the deputy) the remains were just skeleton, how could the smell and vultures just 2 days before be related?

It's my opinion that they are not related. I smell dead/decomp animals quite frequently.
If it was warm and humid, all soft tissue could be gone even in a week (I've seen that happen with dead animals in a warm climate). 35 days is a long time, could well be just bones, some hair maybe. And if there are vultures and other small scavengers they will pick it clean anyway. Sorry to be graphic! :(

That may be true but isn't it shady in that area? If the sun was basking on the area where she was located I could possibly understand why there was such a fast decomposition rate as heat is the number one factor needed in rapid decomposition. But has it even been that hot in that area?

While I have seen scavengers clean the dead animal down to the bone very quickly there is usually hair along with the bones left. And usually the bones are scattered about and not intact.

It is the remains having no hair at all is what puzzles me after only 35 days. I have seen photos of bodies that were hundreds of years old and some of the hair although sparse was still attached. While the animal will be stripped off the flesh the hair is still on the deceased animal.

Water will definitely help to make the remains form gases causing the body to bloat.

But for all the remains to be skeletonized completely in 35 days is puzzling.

If the officer could see that the skeleton had a long spine determining that the victim was tall then evidently the black stretch pants weren't on the skeleton, imo. But the first thing to separate from a skeleton is the lower mandible so I wonder if it was also still intact? That would tend to show the remains hadn't been skeleton for very long.

It has been said there were torrential rains in that area so maybe that is what loosened all of the hair from the skull. If so during their search they should be able to find hair in the general area where she was found. Yet I saw a photo of one of Dr. Baden's cases long ago and the young woman had been fully submerged in water and after 7 months she was still intact with hair, tissue and flesh. The water was cold though but I thought it was fascinating how she had held together all that time. Once they rose her to the surface the decomposition advanced rapidly.

I don't know why I think this may not be Hannah for it most likely is but I truly believe JM has a bone yard all over that particular area of the county and it could be another victim of his.

Was any of the missing victims also wearing black pants when they went missing?

Maybe they are sure it is Hannah if they found other items belonging to her. Or they may even know the brand of pants she was wearing when she went missing. LE knew the brand of underwear and clothing Laci had on before they found them.

I said very early on I think he keeps mementoes of his victims and always felt in the search of his car or apartment they found maybe Morgan's unique necklace. They may have also found Hannah's shirt.

We know he took it with him when he murdered Morgan and later placed it where it would be found. I think he did that because he liked all the attention Morgan's case was bringing. He knew if he placed her shirt some place it would keep it in the news so he could read about himself and how they weren't able to catch him even with finding the shirt. He was playing a cat and mouse game with LE even back then, imo

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