Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

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View attachment 60805 Not sure if adding a photo is permissible or not. If not, someone please tell me or a Mod can delete it. I was looking through old pictures to give those not in VA a taste of the area, so I chose one with a more aerial view. I took this on 12 OCT 2012 in between C-ville and Waynesboro, about 15-17 miles West on I-64. The little glimpse of road in the bottom of the picture is actually Route 250, which runs through the Commonwealth. The leaves are pretty much the same right now as they are in the picture, but in about two more weeks this whole area will turn red/orange/yellow/fiery and the leaves will drop (it is STUNNING, btw). Some have said the leaves will be an issue, and you can see that is no understatement. Anyway, you'll note the mountains and very few farms in the valley. Also, this is fairly close to the Blue Ridge Parkway and I-81, providing endless routes to get lost and away from authorities or prying eyes. Also, someone asked so... although it would take some effort and a dedicated 4x4 to get to our property, it was walked and sadly (or not) just lots of deer tracks.

BBM. Absolutely gorgeous! drove from Richmond to Charlottesville this summer, and yes, it's a beautiful area. I'm sure autumn is going to be tremendous.

I don't see how you could search the area. As I stated before, a thorough search of my less than an acre suburban yard would be difficult to do thoroughly. It's taken a lot of time to find things that dropped into the ground covering, underbrush that we KNEW were there. To absolutely make sure something was NOT, that could possibly be there, I'd be hesitant to swear to it.

From what I've read, the farm where MH was found was considered very difficult to access. I wonder if LE or the owners searched it when MH disappeared.
I don't think Lexington went into a panic mode, but more of the students who study at colleges here. Possibly concerned for their safety. I know none of my friends did. I see what you mean about the composite and I don't think JM looks like that either. The sketch looks like an older thinner person. Of course Fairfax victim only saw him at night. What I wonder is why the person here waited two weeks to tell LE.

Although Lexington is smaller, it's not exactly off the beaten path. Lexington alone has two major colleges. But much of Virginia has vast amounts of land. You can drive 20-30 minutes before you find a larger town. I have several AA friends here so it's not as if its a community that is only caucasian.

I know a number of people who look more like those composites than JM. The composites alone are not going to get anyone caught. Sometimes the composites look nothing like the perps. If Lexington went into such a panic because someone looked like that composite from 9 years ago, there must not be many AA males in that town.

I 've known a number of people who resembled crime composites. Where I live, a lot of Arabs, Hispanics, many different ethinic gropus. When 9/11 photos were circulated, I remember a number of men of that scrip looking just like those on the posters, And those were not composites, but actual photos. My SIL's brother looks just like one of those guys.

So I don't put a a whole lot into JM"s resemblance to those composites. A matter of opinion as to whether he so resembles them or not. He certainly resembles them enough NOT to be eliminated from the description, but as we could see from WG's scrip of him, eye witneses do often get thing wrong. Clearly, JM wasn't picked up under suspicion even as a cab driver Charlottesville who looked so much like those photos. Photos look enough like him to keep him in a possible category, but not in a "wow, what a resemblance" for most people.
I'll put that out there with you and see if your impressions are the same as mine. Did anyone else hear this?.

I must not be good at this, because I don't know what to make of that, though it sounds omnious. Wonder why MSM isn't reporting the announcement of that "development?"

EDIT: Longo did refer to Hannah's "body" this afternoon, though. He has no reason to believe "her body" left the state of Virginia. :( How soon would they announce if they had found her and, if they have/do, would they continue searching for something else?

Coy did post a link to a podcast this afternoon - bit.ly/1y1hpLe
I've also noticed in Glasgow and Buena Vista connections to Lynchburg.

And oddly enough WSLS had a news update (cannot remember when) about gangs in Glasgow. Crypts I believe it was. Maybe a member or two who lived there.

It may be a small area, but it's not insular to how many may perceive it to be.

Crack, Meth, marijuana. From what I understand, Meth seems to be a major problem in Rockbridge County. There was also a pretty sizable marijuana grow that was recently seized in Glasgow. Glasgow is also where the Maury River and James River collide. Another very popular fishing area.
I think you're wording is a little misleading. We know that in the time frame of Morgan's disappearance that JM had his taxi license, however, we don't know for certain that he was driving a taxi on that particular night. Just a clarification, so that people don't assume that it has been confirmed that JM was in fact driving a taxi that night.

I watching a video linked in this forum where the man who now owns the cab company JM drove for stated JM was driving a taxi the night MH disappeared. Don't have the link at the moment, but I just watched it in the past couple of days.
I don't think Lexington went into a panic mode, but more of the students who study at colleges here. Possibly concerned for their safety. I know none of my friends did. I see what you mean about the composite and I don't think JM looks like that either. The sketch looks like an older thinner person. Of course Fairfax victim only saw him at night. What I wonder is why the person here waited two weeks to tell LE.

Although Lexington is smaller, it's not exactly off the beaten path. Lexington alone has two major colleges. But much of Virginia has vast amounts of land. You can drive 20-30 minutes before you find a larger town. I have several AA friends here so it's not as if its a community that is only caucasian.

I don't think the composite sketch looks like JM at ALL. I also wonder about the timing of the alleged sighting and why the wait to report it.
Maybe, but I've never experienced that level of fear, so I can't say. What should be done vs. what happens when you're in the situation don't always mesh. I think recent events may have added a layer of paranoia to AA in their encounters with LE.

So you race away? Good way to get shot or hurt in a high speed chase. JM was lucky that LE chose not to accelerate it. They were just keeping him in sights, so when enough evidence accumulated, they could nab him quickly and also to make sure he knew he was being watches to discourage any overt actions to harm others. LE would be able to move in quickly.

I do give consideration to the fact, and I've mentioned it a number of times, that JM is an AA man under suspicion, involved with the disappearance of a white woman in the south, and the woman a UVA student as well. If that were the only issue, it would be one thing, but his history and now his current actions have worsened matters. I don't see any AA groups stepping up to his defense.
I watching a video linked in this forum where the man who now owns the cab company JM drove for stated JM was driving a taxi the night MH disappeared. Don't have the link at the moment, but I just watched it in the past couple of days.

LE would be on top of that. Wonder if there are any records of his fares left. Though it adds to the pot, it still isn't anything significant that JM was driving a cab. MH was reported to be hitch hiking as well, so even if JM wasn 't driving a cab, he could have picked her up. And trying to find an alibi for that night is not reasonable over time. I couldn't tell you what I was doing, most likely, much less get anyone to back me up with certainty.
BBM/ Work? Are you kidding? He's under suspicion for the disappearance of a woman, his car has been seized, his apartment searched, things taken as evidence, and it' s a national case. I doubt work was in the picture. He had talked to an experienced attorney who surely know what he was in for, and who almost certainly told him to lie very low.

Was he even driving that car, accompanied by family, to the police station that day he spoke with an attorney? I seem to remember he went to his mother/ grandmother's place from there and then took off in his sister's car. Regardless of reasons he might have had for needing that car, given the abject seriousness of his situation, he was in no condition to drive. With his record, family had to know he would do rash things, and this is just about as bad as it gets. You don't give a person the wheel when afflicted, whether with bad news, alcohol, anger, fear. He wasn't the type of guy that made good decision and his sister should have known better.

She is certainly paying for her mistake.

That's true. I wasn't thinking about what was happening at the time.
This could be a good show of the unraveling of everything. His sister must be in such a state. If what pp said was true that she was defending him even in school, she might well still be on his side, if not for.the possibility that he "threw her under the bus" too, with the car situation...
There was a short update of this case with Coy Barefoot on Situation Room on CNN on XM radio just before 6 pm today. Coy made a statement that the focus of the investigation has now changed, based on "a development that occurred over the weekend." He referred to the difference in the requests that LE is making of the public, as in, now they want to talk to EVERYONE who's had any contact with JM, regardless of when, whereas before they were asking for people to come forward if they knew anything about Hannah's movements on the night she disappeared.

I'll put that out there with you and see if your impressions are the same as mine. Did anyone else hear this?

I've tried to find a place that I can listen to it a second time on the Internet, but have had no luck so far. It sounds important, so I'm going to keep looking.

ETA: This Situation Room show may have originally been broadcast yesterday. I am not sure.

Makes sense to me. Anyone who knew JM might have some info as to where he might like to go out in the boonies. His favorite fishing spots. Maybe his "lover's lanes". Any place he mentioned. Or someone riding with him remembering him pointing out some locale. Any remark.

I think LE is getting desperate to find Hannah and hasn't gotten anywhere and time is ticking by. I think it's become clear that it's simply not possible to search every possibility and in the time left, LE wants to hit any areas that are connected in someway to JM rather than every square foot.

They should have done this from the get go. Someone just might have some tidbit of info, just some remark, something.
I dreamed twice now that Hannah was found on 10/25/14....I wake up right after the date so i am clueless as to where or her condition....and I keep waking up with Ellie, Elah, Alli or alley with wood on my mind like Elliewood or something. I AM NOT PHYSIC but have had accurate dreams before....can anyone put something together with any of that? Like maybe a county, farm or road maybe because I am clueless lol

Absolutely! There is an Elliewood Avenue, located in the area referred to as The Corner at UVA. The Starbucks is on University at the corner of Elliewood. This is only a coulpe of blocks from the sorority/fraternity house locations, which are on Rugby Road and Madison Lane. It's also close to 14th & Wertland, the location texted about from HG's phone. And it's near the UVA hospital where JM worked.


PLEASE call this into the Tip Line.
Some link was found between MH and Hannah's case. Le hasn't said what it is. Hints that it involves DNA, but nothing to quore for sure No idea whether JM was driving a taxi that night or what he was doing at all that night, and no word that anyone can pinpoint that Might be difficult I d have tough time alibiing anyone that night even my self. Maybe cab records were kept, If he were driving a cab actively that time, there'd be some chance one could see if he was "on " that night, had a cab.

There's a video link on this forum that includes an interview with the guy who now owns the taxi company JM drove for when MH disappeared. He states JM was driving a cab the night MH disappeared. He also said records were paper-based then, and full of errors. Some drivers did not report all the people/fares they picked up (no surprise). There are no records remaining from that night's cab activity, per this man.
Crack, Meth, marijuana. From what I understand, Meth seems to be a major problem in Rockbridge County. There was also a pretty sizable marijuana grow that was recently seized in Glasgow. Glasgow is also where the Maury River and James River collide. Another very popular fishing area.

My observations of patterns from researching sexual predators & psychopathic serial killers from the 1980s CA speed freak killers to the present.
There seems to be the common denominator of methamphetamine use/abuse. From Pastors to Politicians, seems no one is excluded. Meth seems to be the catalyst for psychopaths to act out their fantasies, and create new psychopathic tendencies in otherwise normal personalities..

There's a lot more to it than that. Psycopaths (now often coyly
labelled sociopaths) are the only real persons, places, things, in
their world. The rest of us are figments of their imagination, in
effect, to be manipulated and used in anyway appropriate and
convenient to their needs. If they believe it to be ultimately useful
to their purposes to be kind and generous and considerate towards
someone, they will -- without limit, if helpful to their ends -- or
if they believe it to be more convenient to destroy someone, they
will. There is no such thing as truth or lies external to them --
which explains why such persons can readily pass lie detector tests,
for example.
A quasi-religious psychiatrist I knew said they were born without
souls. A philosopher long ago came to literally believe that there
are people in this world who are actually not really human beings,
but who absolutely emulate the real thing and are basically
impossible to recognize as non-human. I think he was trying to
explain the psychopath...

Just my opinion and observations.
Wished some of our more studied members/verified posters would contribute their thoughts on the possible Meth connection..and psychopathic personalities.

Blame the brain: Psychopaths are wired differently

The same reward system in the brain that hooks people to drugs might also explain why some people act like psychopaths.

We know that cold-blooded criminals lack empathy and fear — and are, by societal standards, a bit odd. But new research shows that it is not the traits that psychopaths lack that make them behave badly, it’s the traits that they do have. Not only are psychopaths impulsive, they like to take risks and seek out rewards.

So-called psychopathic traits have been linked to a disruption in the dopamine reward circuitry in the brain. And it is this disruption that drives psychopaths to want money, sex, or fame, in extreme ways.
Read more--> http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/science-scope/blame-the-brain-psychopaths-are-wired-differently/ JMO

Short Overview of the History of Methamphetamine
The Japanese gave it to their kamikaze pilots before their suicide missions, Germans gave meth to their soldiers, and Hitler reportedly got injections of methamphetamine daily..
It's so interesting to me that people have such different views of whether JM looks like the composite. For me, if I look at the picture as a whole, he doesn't look all that similar. But if I look from the nose down through his chin, I get chill bumps.
Agree, looks nothing like him. Although there is a picture with his cab in Cville from several years ago that resembles it a bit more than now.

I've thought about it over the past few weeks. Either someone did it as a hoax after HG went missing. Or there is the possibility someone locally knows him. Maybe they know more about him than his other friends. Possibly they thought about it for two weeks and decided to do what they should and go to LE. JMO.

I don't think the composite sketch looks like JM at ALL. I also wonder about the timing of the alleged sighting and why the wait to report it.
There was a short update of this case with Coy Barefoot on Situation Room on CNN on XM radio just before 6 pm today. Coy made a statement that the focus of the investigation has now changed, based on "a development that occurred over the weekend." He referred to the difference in the requests that LE is making of the public, as in, now they want to talk to EVERYONE who's had any contact with JM, regardless of when, whereas before they were asking for people to come forward if they knew anything about Hannah's movements on the night she disappeared.

I'll put that out there with you and see if your impressions are the same as mine. Did anyone else hear this?

I've tried to find a place that I can listen to it a second time on the Internet, but have had no luck so far. It sounds important, so I'm going to keep looking.

ETA: This Situation Room show may have originally been broadcast yesterday. I am not sure.

I have a feeling if they haven't already spoken to the ex girlfriend, they want to.
What on earth does that mean? They have a pretty good idea, a good timeline on where JM was the night Hannah disappeared. It's the morning that is the problem. The trail ends at 1:45-2:00 AM around the area of Tempo. Was he seen later that morning somewhere? When did anyone see him next? That would be so helpful in getting a radius as to how far he could have driven that morning from Tempo.

At a recent press conference, Longo stated that they were working on narrowing the gap between JM/HG appeared at Tempo and when HG was reported missing. Since she was reported missing at a time certain (Sunday afternoon), the only part of that timeline that could narrow would be the front end. So this means they have more information about the whereabouts of JM between Tempo and Sunday afternoon. That's very good to hear.
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