Hannah's Journey on 09/13

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Read the "Statement of Facts" recently published along with JLM's plea arrangement, and you'll see that "during the evening of September 12, 2014, and the early morning of September 13, 2014, the defendant visited a number of local bars and began a pattern of physically invasive and inappropriate behavior toward women. Several women later informed investigators the defendant made them feel uncomfortable and made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including persistent offensive and inappropriate touching." His actions were not an isolated incident, and would seem to warrant reports to either bar management and law enforcement that night. The SoF also indicates that a couple saw JLM make a U-turn on the downtown and come back to encounter Hannah. He immediately put his arm around her, and they observed him escorting her to Tempo where JLM bought her a drink. Upon leaving Tempo, one of the witnesses commented to the other, "He's gonna **** her up." Another witness observed Hannah standing by Mathew's car and in an "elevated, rapid and frightened voice" say "I'm not getting in that car with you! What is it, stolen?" Hannah would likely still be alive if one or more of these observers or targets of his inappropriate advances had stepped up and done the right thing....

I'd like to know why none of the bars -- some of which saw fit to show him the door -- did not call the police, given that he had assaulted their patrons and those assaults were witnessed by multiple people. I also wonder why he was continually served that night when he was visibly intoxicated and behaving inappropriately.
I'd like to know why none of the bars -- some of which saw fit to show him the door -- did not call the police, given that he had assaulted their patrons and those assaults were witnessed by multiple people. I also wonder why he was continually served that night when he was visibly intoxicated and behaving inappropriately.

I doubt that would be considered a priority by police that night---or ever. Are they going to launch a manhunt for someone who gropes women? No way. They have other things to worry about. That type of behavior is relatively common at bars---that's why no one reported it. I don't mean at all that it wasn't a big deal but this idea but women are always sharing their stories about groping, harassment, even rape by men---nothing is done. Think about how few women report rape---so why are we surprised that these women aren't running down to the police station or calling 911 immediately to report this creep touching their feet? It's likely not the first time these women had been sexually harassed by someone. The witnesses at Tempo didn't do anything because they probably thought a drunk guy taking advantage of a drunk girl---happens all the time at college campus. I think the attitude of the witnesses outside/in Tempo has way more to do with our casual attitudes towards rape. And let's keep in mind that those witnesses were likely pretty intoxicated too.
I'd like to know why none of the bars -- some of which saw fit to show him the door -- did not call the police, given that he had assaulted their patrons and those assaults were witnessed by multiple people. I also wonder why he was continually served that night when he was visibly intoxicated and behaving inappropriately.

I think that these are excellent questions/concerns....
I doubt that would be considered a priority by police that night---or ever. Are they going to launch a manhunt for someone who gropes women? No way. They have other things to worry about. That type of behavior is relatively common at bars---that's why no one reported it. I don't mean at all that it wasn't a big deal but this idea but women are always sharing their stories about groping, harassment, even rape by men---nothing is done. Think about how few women report rape---so why are we surprised that these women aren't running down to the police station or calling 911 immediately to report this creep touching their feet? It's likely not the first time these women had been sexually harassed by someone. The witnesses at Tempo didn't do anything because they probably thought a drunk guy taking advantage of a drunk girl---happens all the time at college campus. I think the attitude of the witnesses outside/in Tempo has way more to do with our casual attitudes towards rape. And let's keep in mind that those witnesses were likely pretty intoxicated too.

Having participated in the Charlottesville Citizens Police Academy during the time of Hannah's disappearance and recovery as well as having done several police ride-alongs in C'ville, I would disagree with your assessment of the priority or lack thereof that such a report would have taken. Also consider that CPD headquarters is adjacent to C'ville's Downtown Mall and a very short distance from Tempo, I feel very safe in saying that JLM's behavior would have been followed up. In addition, CPD has regular foot/bicycle patrols on the Downtown Mall.
Read the "Statement of Facts" recently published along with JLM's plea arrangement, and you'll see that "during the evening of September 12, 2014, and the early morning of September 13, 2014, the defendant visited a number of local bars and began a pattern of physically invasive and inappropriate behavior toward women. Several women later informed investigators the defendant made them feel uncomfortable and made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including persistent offensive and inappropriate touching." His actions were not an isolated incident, and would seem to warrant reports to either bar management and law enforcement that night. The SoF also indicates that a couple saw JLM make a U-turn on the downtown and come back to encounter Hannah. He immediately put his arm around her, and they observed him escorting her to Tempo where JLM bought her a drink. Upon leaving Tempo, one of the witnesses commented to the other, "He's gonna **** her up." Another witness observed Hannah standing by Mathew's car and in an "elevated, rapid and frightened voice" say "I'm not getting in that car with you! What is it, stolen?" Hannah would likely still be alive if one or more of these observers or targets of his inappropriate advances had stepped up and done the right thing....

Statement of Facts - Hannah Graham

http://ftpcontent4.worldnow.com/wwbt/PDF/Hannah Graham Statement of Facts 3-2-16.pdf

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I reread the statement of facts and the search warrant affidavits and a few other documents. What a hellishly random series of events that brought those two together that night. If she hadn't gotten lost, if she'd gone back to her apartment when she left the party, if he hadn't walked by at that exact moment, if she'd been delayed by just a few minutes in her walk downtown (maybe if she hadn't broken into that short jog near the gas station), if any of her friends had figured out how lost she was, if she had gotten in a cab, if she had used the map on her phone, if Tempo had refused to serve them, if any of the worried witnesses had intervened, if one of the bars had called the police on JM, if, if, if...so sad. I suppose he might have killed someone else that night, or if not that night, another night, but still, it just boggles my mind how such a series of little decisions can bring someone into the path of such evil.
Having participated in the Charlottesville Citizens Police Academy during the time of Hannah's disappearance and recovery as well as having done several police ride-alongs in C'ville, I would disagree with your assessment of the priority or lack thereof that such a report would have taken. Also consider that CPD headquarters is adjacent to C'ville's Downtown Mall and a very short distance from Tempo, I feel very safe in saying that JLM's behavior would have been followed up. In addition, CPD has regular foot/bicycle patrols on the Downtown Mall.

I would be more interested in hearing from someone who was a victim of sexual harassment in Charlottesville, and their experience with reporting it to the police. The police and people close to them are incredibly loyal...I would be shocked if anyone with a connection ever spoke out in terms that were anything but glowing. Charlottesville is not exempt from rape culture, and I don't believe it's a magical place where all harassment charges are treated with the utmost respect until actual victims confirm that it is.

What was stopping Hannah from saying something? Matthew did not drag her by her hair across a parking lot. She was getting drinks with him and walking arm and arm with him. She was surrounded by people. She was alert enough to know getting in the car was a bad idea. Probably because even Hannah didn't realize what a threat Matthew was until they got to his car. If we are going to blame everyone but Matthew for what happened that night...
I would be more interested in hearing from someone who was a victim of sexual harassment in Charlottesville, and their experience with reporting it to the police. The police and people close to them are incredibly loyal...I would be shocked if anyone with a connection ever spoke out in terms that were anything but glowing. Charlottesville is not exempt from rape culture, and I don't believe it's a magical place where all harassment charges are treated with the utmost respect until actual victims confirm that it is.

What was stopping Hannah from saying something? Matthew did not drag her by her hair across a parking lot. She was getting drinks with him and walking arm and arm with him. She was surrounded by people. She was alert enough to know getting in the car was a bad idea. Probably because even Hannah didn't realize what a threat Matthew was until they got to his car. If we are going to blame everyone but Matthew for what happened that night...

Charlottesville is not exempt from rape culture, and I don't believe it's a magical place where all harassment charges are treated with the utmost respect until actual victims confirm that it is. Nor do I, but as we've seen with the ill-conceived article from Rolling Stone, the opposite is not necessarily true either. Nice use of reductio ad absurdem by the way...

If we are going to blame everyone but Matthew for what happened that night... JLM was clearly responsible for what happened to Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington, but I can't help but think that reporting his way over-the-top behaviors on the evening of 9/12-9/13/2014 might have saved a young girl's life. I believe it's our responsibility to learn something from this horrible tragedy that might indeed save the next girl...
These young women did report JM. If it went to trial, they would be witnesses who would help put him away. Yet they are still receiving criticism that they didn't report him soon enough. We don't know anything about these women. For all we know, they had reported sexual harassment or worse in the past (not necessarily to Charlotteville PD) and did not receive respect and support. Maybe the girls were underage and did not want to be questioned about their drinking by LE. If the plan is to "save the next girl" by having victims of sexual harassment or assault report what happened immediately, you are going to have the change the culture that we live in. As long as women feel like reporting that type of behavior is going to lead to them not being believing, being asked if it was due to what they were wearing, having to see their abuser get tons of support, etc, it's not going to happen. Trying to guilt-trip them into reporting harassment because their harasser might rape and murder another woman is not going to work.
Charlottesville is not exempt from rape culture, and I don't believe it's a magical place where all harassment charges are treated with the utmost respect until actual victims confirm that it is. Nor do I, but as we've seen with the ill-conceived article from Rolling Stone, the opposite is not necessarily true either. Nice use of reductio ad absurdem by the way...

If we are going to blame everyone but Matthew for what happened that night... JLM was clearly responsible for what happened to Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington, but I can't help but think that reporting his way over-the-top behaviors on the evening of 9/12-9/13/2014 might have saved a young girl's life. I believe it's our responsibility to learn something from this horrible tragedy that might indeed save the next girl...

And then there were the girls who thought they were coming up short for JM's cab fare...and the trade-off he was willing to make with them. What if that had been reported to the cab company, or to the police? In a town with so many missing women, you think it might have at least alerted police to become familiar with his name!
I'd like to know what JM said to Hannah that caused her to question if the car was stolen? He must have really pissed her off in the little time she did spend with him. When she said that, on top of all the other "rejection" he received that night, I believe he became enraged and unglued and she was forced into his car. RIP Hannah.
And then there were the girls who thought they were coming up short for JM's cab fare...and the trade-off he was willing to make with them. What if that had been reported to the cab company, or to the police? In a town with so many missing women, you think it might have at least alerted police to become familiar with his name!

It's possible he was reported, and it was overlooked. It's possible it was reported and they were looking into it. It's possible it never was reported. We will never know.
I was wondering if he told her he was a cab driver! Then, when he went to his car, she saw it wasn't a cab, but a car and it freaked her out.

I, too, cannot place ANY blame on anyone other than him. Hindsight is always 20/20. As a girl who was single in the bar rooms for a looooong time, I can tell you that it would be impossible to report every creeper. I mean, you encounter several every night. But, you can't call the police every time. It's only later that you realize that what you saw is now important. Your vibe was right. You also are just trying to have your own good time and not be overreacting to every move some drunk dude makes. Not that it is ever right, but it is common. And usually, they get a slap or a drink thrown by a girl, kicked out by a bouncer or something of that nature. Its only if it escalates that bar people start involving the police. I know if I called the cops in New Orleans and said a drunk man just grabbed my butt in the bar, they would look at me crazy and tell me to go home.

Anyway, the "witnesses" that night will never forgive themselves or get over the fact that they were so close and could have helped. For that reason alone, they have all of my support and sympathy. It isn't their fault, Jesse is solely responsible, if it wasn't Hannah, it would have been another girl. That's the sad truth.
I was wondering if he told her he was a cab driver! Then, when he went to his car, she saw it wasn't a cab, but a car and it freaked her out.

I, too, cannot place ANY blame on anyone other than him. Hindsight is always 20/20. As a girl who was single in the bar rooms for a looooong time, I can tell you that it would be impossible to report every creeper. I mean, you encounter several every night. But, you can't call the police every time. It's only later that you realize that what you saw is now important. Your vibe was right. You also are just trying to have your own good time and not be overreacting to every move some drunk dude makes. Not that it is ever right, but it is common. And usually, they get a slap or a drink thrown by a girl, kicked out by a bouncer or something of that nature. Its only if it escalates that bar people start involving the police. I know if I called the cops in New Orleans and said a drunk man just grabbed my butt in the bar, they would look at me crazy and tell me to go home.

Anyway, the "witnesses" that night will never forgive themselves or get over the fact that they were so close and could have helped. For that reason alone, they have all of my support and sympathy. It isn't their fault, Jesse is solely responsible, if it wasn't Hannah, it would have been another girl. That's the sad truth.

Maybe these are part of the reason that I don't frequent bars, nor ever did much, even in my younger days. In addition to removing one woman's sock and caressing her foot and being so creepy that women left various bars just to get away from him, JLM physically picked up one guy that he'd just met and threw him onto the floor leaving the individual hobbling for a week, and physically lifted two women up into the air by their buttocks. I guess I just have no clue as to what passes for acceptable drunken behavior these days...
Maybe these are part of the reason that I don't frequent bars, nor ever did much, even in my younger days. In addition to removing one woman's sock and caressing her foot and being so creepy that women left various bars just to get away from him, JLM physically picked up one guy that he'd just met and threw him onto the floor leaving the individual hobbling for a week, and physically lifted two women up into the air by their buttocks. I guess I just have no clue as to what passes for acceptable drunken behavior these days...

Thank you, jr, for refreshing my memory about the young man JM hurt the same night Hannah vanished. Seems like he was abusive to not only women that night, but this man too. Look at all the damage he caused in just one night. If this was his typical behavior, I am sure there a lot more that Matthews has done and not been caught for. All those years of it being caught just made him bolder, IMO. For instance, stalking at the Downtown Mall where there was bound to be surveillance. How could he be unaware of the cameras? Or even more sinister-he could care less because he always got away with it so far and for many years... JMO.
Thank you, jr, for refreshing my memory about the young man JM hurt the same night Hannah vanished. Seems like he was abusive to not only women that night, but this man too. Look at all the damage he caused in just one night. If this was his typical behavior, I am sure there a lot more that Matthews has done and not been caught for. All those years of it being caught just made him bolder, IMO. For instance, stalking at the Downtown Mall where there was bound to be surveillance. How could he be unaware of the cameras? Or even more sinister-he could care less because he always got away with it so far and for many years... JMO.

Sorry guys. This should read: all those years of NOT being caught, not IT. Lol.
Thank you, jr, for refreshing my memory about the young man JM hurt the same night Hannah vanished. Seems like he was abusive to not only women that night, but this man too. Look at all the damage he caused in just one night. If this was his typical behavior, I am sure there a lot more that Matthews has done and not been caught for. All those years of it being caught just made him bolder, IMO. For instance, stalking at the Downtown Mall where there was bound to be surveillance. How could he be unaware of the cameras? Or even more sinister-he could care less because he always got away with it so far and for many years... JMO.

From Coy Barefoot, Inside C'ville:
“LJ came into Blue Light by himself, I guess it was around 11:45. I recognized him coming in through the door.” LJ Matthew would be hard to miss at 6’2” tall, 270 pounds, with long dreadlocks. “I introduced him to my friends who were visiting, one of whom was a wrestler,” Johnson continues. “I knew LJ had wrestled in high school, so he would like that. Well, right away LJ shot in on the guy with a wrestling move, took him to the ground there in Blue Light. He pulled his head down to his leg into a standing cradle. My friend heard a pop and felt his hamstring go. So he was hobbling around all night, and for the rest of the weekend. It was an odd thing to do. It was an aggressive thing to do. It wasn’t really provoked. LJ just kind of did it.”

I think that some have posited that he was some kind of cunning perp, but I truly believe it was just dumb luck and an unwillingness by some to look past his surface behavior, especially considering the athletic reputation that he'd established for himself in high school. It seems that those who knew him found it easy to see him as some big, goofy guy who'd shown athletic prowess in high school. It seems that he did almost everything in plain sight. I shudder to think that the JLM's behavior on 9/12-9/13/2014 represented a typical night for him on the Downtown Mall....
I doubt that would be considered a priority by police that night---or ever. Are they going to launch a manhunt for someone who gropes women? No way. They have other things to worry about. That type of behavior is relatively common at bars---that's why no one reported it. I don't mean at all that it wasn't a big deal but this idea but women are always sharing their stories about groping, harassment, even rape by men---nothing is done. Think about how few women report rape---so why are we surprised that these women aren't running down to the police station or calling 911 immediately to report this creep touching their feet? It's likely not the first time these women had been sexually harassed by someone. The witnesses at Tempo didn't do anything because they probably thought a drunk guy taking advantage of a drunk girl---happens all the time at college campus. I think the attitude of the witnesses outside/in Tempo has way more to do with our casual attitudes towards rape. And let's keep in mind that those witnesses were likely pretty intoxicated too.

Thank goodness that there are those like the courageous Karen Monk of Sour Lake, TX who are willing to step up and do the right thing despite the risk to themselves...http://wtvr.com/2015/05/05/karen-monk-jesse-matthew/

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