Has anyones opinion of the grandparents changed since tapes released

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Sep 6, 2008
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I wanted to know if anyone had an opinon change of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony now that the tapes of Casey speaking w/ the detectives have been released. I know that there has been a lot of criticism of the way the Anthony's have acted in the media lately.

I was just thinking how stubborn Casey was w/ the dectives when they confronted her with the lies that she told them. I think that her family may feel the only chace they have of Casey telling them anything is if they remain supportive and do not alienate themselves from her. Regardless if she was in or out of jail, she still saw the tv and still saw them on tv. I can't imagine if the Anthony's did feel she knew where Caylee was, that they would want to appear unsupportive and thus give up any hope they have of hearing the truth. I am sure they are familiar w/ Casey. In fact, if I remember correctly, Mrs. Anthony testified at the bond hearing that Casey had lied to her in the past but that she would always come around w/ the truth.

I'd love to hear if anyone's opinion has changed at all.
You know I just vascilate back and forth on how much the family knows and is involved. I am fairly sure they are in deep denial. They do not want to believe that their daughter could harm their granddaughter.
Nope mine hasn't changed at all...IMO they have helped/enabled her to be the *COUGH*..woman she is today.
There was a time during the interview when Casey was asked about if her mother would be upset that Casey had not told her earlier about missing Caylee. I can't think of the exact wording but Casey indicated that Cindy would be angry about finding out that Caylee was missing and it would have happened long before a month had gone by.

I've always maintained that Cindy goes to the "red zone" right away and that Casey tiptoes around her mother's anger with her lies.
I change my mind 4 or 5 times a day and this is just another curve in the road, I don't blame parents for the behavior of adult children so I'm not going to "blame" anyone but Casey for what has happened to Caylee but I go back and forth on how much the Anthonys know now and how much they are "covering up"
My opinion hasn't changed. I've never thought the family was in denial and still don't. I believe they know and are trying to protect Casey from the worst charges or prison time. I'm not sure I believe they caused Casey to be this way, but they do seem to play mind games and manipulations.
I wanted to know if anyone had an opinon change of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony now that the tapes of Casey speaking w/ the detectives have been released. I know that there has been a lot of criticism of the way the Anthony's have acted in the media lately.

I was just thinking how stubborn Casey was w/ the dectives when they confronted her with the lies that she told them. I think that her family may feel the only chace they have of Casey telling them anything is if they remain supportive and do not alienate themselves from her. Regardless if she was in or out of jail, she still saw the tv and still saw them on tv. I can't imagine if the Anthony's did feel she knew where Caylee was, that they would want to appear unsupportive and thus give up any hope they have of hearing the truth. I am sure they are familiar w/ Casey. In fact, if I remember correctly, Mrs. Anthony testified at the bond hearing that Casey had lied to her in the past but that she would always come around w/ the truth.

I'd love to hear if anyone's opinion has changed at all.

Well, I've wondered all along if Team Anthony wasn't playing Team Member KC for info, but if they are, it doesn't seem to be working, does it? And, I have a hard time with them having bailed her out of jail when they had her previously at home for a week under the watchful eye of LP, without apparent success. They'll do better if the stay quiet and out of limelight, but people are really upset at their apparent support of a woman who will not co-operate to find her own baby and for them having gotten KC out a second time so that she can hang out at Baez's 6-8 hours a day and parade around in her big white sun glasses, and go on field trips, high-fiving her bro. How on earth can that possibly help find Caylee? I've been up and down on the family, but they hurt their image every time they come out, talk about pizza smelling like human decomposition and Zanny being real. When they mix it up with protestors or put up crime scene, tape and wave hammers around they aren't helping themselves. They pretty much lost me for good when they insulted and failed to support TM, a saint of a man who was in Orlando for no other reason but to help find Caylee using his own resources. That was really awful.
I think their life with Casey was filled with heartache and the only joy they found was in Caylee. I wouldn't put myself in their shoes to have the right to judge them.
Yes my opinion has changed. Cindy followed her first instinct and called the police. Casey spewed her BS. CA,GA, LA believed there were truths within her lies..so Cindy pushed aside her first instinct in order to have hope that Caylee was kidnapped, given away or sold.... anything but killed by her own mother.
Nope ... actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words ...
The tapes did not change my mind at all. I heard a liar. A big, unconcerned liar. I think that way back when this all started, the night CA found KC, she knew something bad was happening and KC was responsible. She seemed to be more worried about finding Caylee and less about KC. It seemed to only take the arrest for CA to do a about face. That is when she started making excuses and acting like every thing that KC was saying was truth. I think that was the beginning of the end for her popularity with the public and she just kept it up, no matter how dumb she looked. I have no insight into GA and less with LA. But I am awaiting the day when KC is arrested for the last time and it is for her conection to what has happened to Caylee.

I can't wait.
My opinion of the Anthony's will not change because I have seen them LIE on national TV.
I think the whole family is covering for Casey, and that Grandpa knows exactly where Caylee is buried. I believe he helped Casey after he found out what had happened to Caylee. I will believe this until I know for a fact it is not so.

I find the Anthony's behavior reprehensible. period
Hearing the tapes made me even more nauseated of the family. I can hear Cindy in Casey--A LOT. They use a lot of filler words, twists and turns when they speak. I see that Lee does this as well. I'm even more disgusted than I was before, honestly.
Nope, I despised them before the tapes and I despise them now. No wait...I loathe them now. I guess my feelings did change.
No, my opinion hasn't changed. The tapes corroborate my thinking. I think Cindy loved Caylee very much and became deeply worried when she found out she had been missing for a month. It's clear from these tapes that it's impossible to get Casey to tell the truth, and the parents probably feel utterly helpless. When it all began unfolding, Cindy needed, and still needs, to believe that Casey couldn't have killed Caylee, and she was able to second guess her intuition and begin to hope that Caylee is still alive. And, as some of us have already speculated, another layer to this horrible situation that might be driving Cindy's hope deeper is the unthinkable possibility that Casey may have harmed Caylee as vengeance against Cindy. Few could probably face that possibiity until they absolutely had to. I still feel very sorry for Cindy and George, and all who loved Caylee.
Its so pathetic but I haven't really even formed my opinion of the GP's yet. I go back & forth. I know that at times I cannot fathom how they stay in their house with that beast with all the fingers pointing to her so they had to be involved, right? On the other hand, seeing Cindy in the pics with Caylee & hearing GA screaming that it wasn't Caylee's body in Casey's heart - these things break my heart. I think if anything happened to my son, my mom would be suicidal & god forbid, I had something to do with it, she'd have to be committed, without a doubt.

All that to say, I have no clue anymore about this - I just want to know where Caylee is!
I think it was very telling on those investigative tapes that she was sure that her mother would never forgive her, seemed she was more worried about that than Caylee.....
Why didn't George and/or Cindy call the police right away when they smelled the "dead body" smell in Casey's car at the tow yard?
Yes my opinion has changed. Initially, I felt terrible for the Anthonys, it was clear they were firmly attached to Caylee. There is no mistaking CA's angst in the 911 call--that could not have been faked. There is no doubt in my mind after listening to the tapes that KC had the same lack of emotion in describing the BS story to CA, so in my opinion CA knows. She should be helping recover her granddaughter's remains instead of sticking up for KC. Guilt on her part? Maybe. Either way, shame on her.

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