Has JMK made you lean toward IDI

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Has learning about JMK made you more likely to believe it was an intruder?

  • Always thought one of the Ramseys did it and still do

    Votes: 78 53.4%
  • Used to be RDI now leaning more toward IDI

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • Used to be unsure now leaning toward IDI

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Always was IDI and still IDI

    Votes: 31 21.2%
  • Was unsure or IDI now leaning toward RDI

    Votes: 15 10.3%
  • Still have no idea

    Votes: 13 8.9%

  • Total voters
Peter Hamilton said:
Well,its pretty simple--Since there was no evidence that any intruder entered the house( as JR stated to the BP that all the doors and windows were secured the night before,no shoeprints,no snowprints,no nothing,and the unbroken spider web at the basement window),then one must face the unpleasant truth that somebody inside did the dirty deed and wrote the moronic ransom note--its only logical

I'm all for logic.. I don't believe the intruder theory.. never have...
chiquita2 said:
Brutal Truth, there was no evidence that Westerfield broke into the Van Dam's home either but he did and he was convicted of the murder and found evidence in his belongings. If the Boulder Police just had some clue who could have done it in the area and subjected some others to a search maybe they would have found something. I still think the Santa Claus guy looked pretty guilty.
Did he screw around in the house like this supposed intruder? No.

There are way to many things this intruder had to do in the ramseys house that night. And it just isnt believeable.

Oh and the Boulder Police had an idea who did it and they lived in the house.
Since the Karr fiasco my eyes have remained upon the Ramseys still.

In terms of IDI theory, the following hard questions come to mind:

1. How did the intruder get into the house? How did he get out?

2. Why was this intruder so comfortable in being in a house for so long with 3 people sleeping in it? He certainly was lucky to come on a night when the dog was gone.

3. Why didn't he kidnap Jonbenet?

4. How did this intruder feed Jonbenet pineapple shortly before her death?

5. Why be so careful as to leave no prints, footprints, DNA, or fibers...yet leave behind a sample of his handwriting in a way too personal ransom note to John Ramsey?
I can't refrain myself ;)

:waitasec: Cause there wasn't an intruder@the Ramsey house.
No intruder. Just a very tragic, weird familial accident on an emotionally explosive day. When the stuff of Christmas “magic” and expectations was supposed to happen, the reality of no flying reindeer and the absence of movie effects made for a deadly reality. Inside job, all the way…
I am still RDI. I am not totally convinced though, therefore I hang around here and try to learn more.
As I believe at the moment that it was an accident my main problem is why not just call 911.

And if they chose to coverup an accident, Juliet10's question
Juliet10 said:
If they wanted to cover up an accident, why not make it look like an accident?
is very bothersome.

To answer these questions the R's either did it on purpose which I can't make myself believe or the R's can't even let an accident blemish their rep which I also find hard to believe but at the moment accepts.
Another answer is that one parent actually managed to fool the other. I think maybe JR wasn't in on it at all. Trying to fool the other parent can explain alot of the strange staging.

Regarding IDI I have an even harder time making the facts fit,
to me LS's basement window doesn't 'sit well'(pun intended...) and the actions by the possible intruder is just to strange an contradictive.
SleuthingSleuth said:
Since the Karr fiasco my eyes have remained upon the Ramseys still.

In terms of IDI theory, the following hard questions come to mind:

1. How did the intruder get into the house? How did he get out?

2. Why was this intruder so comfortable in being in a house for so long with 3 people sleeping in it? He certainly was lucky to come on a night when the dog was gone.

3. Why didn't he kidnap Jonbenet?

4. How did this intruder feed Jonbenet pineapple shortly before her death?

5. Why be so careful as to leave no prints, footprints, DNA, or fibers...yet leave behind a sample of his handwriting in a way too personal ransom note to John Ramsey?

The part about the dog keeps coming back to me too. An hypothetical intruder would have had to know the dog was with neighbors - indicating he knew the family, or else he just got very lucky.
tuppence said:
It's interesting to me that post JMK more people report changing to RDI then report changing to IDI. I would have expected the opposite.

It would be interesting to hear from people who voted that they now lean more toward RDI as to why.
I am leaning more to RDI now because of the DNA.I think if a intruder did it there would have been some DNA left inside that house or on JBR.I always thought that LE was holding a big card of hidden evidence, now we know they know little more than us. I am also suspicious of Ramsay friends also but would not rule out JAR either.
No justice will be found because the main player is gone.
tumble said:
I am still RDI. I am not totally convinced though, therefore I hang around here and try to learn more.

As I believe at the moment that it was an accident my main problem is why not just call 911.

And if they chose to coverup an accident, Juliet10's question

Juliet10 said:
If they wanted to cover up an accident, why not make it look like an accident?

is very bothersome.

To answer these questions the R's either did it on purpose which I can't make myself believe or the R's can't even let an accident blemish their rep which I also find hard to believe but at the moment accept.

Another answer is that one parent actually managed to fool the other. I think maybe JR wasn't in on it at all. Trying to fool the other parent can explain alot of the strange staging.

Regarding IDI I have an even harder time making the facts fit,
to me LS's basement window doesn't 'sit well'(pun intended...) and the actions by the possible intruder is just to strange an contradictive.
Well, Tumble, it's as if you've crawled into my head. These are the circles I find myself going in, still, all these years later. I just can't come up with a scenario that I feel comfortable with. Whenever I come close to deciding, I get those doubts- what about this, or what about that? I can't see in my mind's eye a coherant, logical, fits-the-facts replay of what happened that night. Makes me crazy.
I have always been convinced that the Ramseys were involved in JB's death. For there is just too much forensic and other evidence pointing to them: the fibers, the loose ligatures, the bogus garrote, the duct tape put on the dead child's mouth, the Ramseys' total non-cooperation with the police right from the start, their many lies, and of course the biggest piece of incriminatiing evidence: the ransom note written on pen and paper from the Ramsey home, eerily resembling Patsy's handwriting, reflecting her personality and showing that the writer had a personal relationship with John.
Even if John Karr's DNA had been a match, my theory would have changed toward the Ramseys must have been in this together with him, and covering up.
Lol, Rashomon, me too! I'll never be convinced the Rs weren't part of this.
Still have no flippin' idea! I am still on the fence, teeter/totter, read one post and lean towards RDI, read another post, lean towards IDI. I have been leaning heavily for a long time towards IDI, but still haven't fallen on that side of the fence totally yet.
I'm still a IDI, now that it's been almost 10 years I don't know if it will ever be solved, I would hope it could but it will have to take a miracle. Will there ever be justice for JonBenet? Even if whoever murdered her would be caught, how can there be any real justice? She'll still be a dead little girl.
One thing that's always bothered me is the report of her saying she was going to be getting a visit from someone. I could see where someone known to her could lure her downstairs for a surprise, even all the way down to the basement before things went wrong. She did eat pineapple, it happens to be something she liked very much, that also speaks to me that it was someone who knew her. Many people had keys to the house, it would have been very easy to get a copy made.
Everything has been so overly analized, every small item looked so closely under the microscope that everybody looks guilty. Yes Patsy had her faults, she was a stage mother, she's guilty of wanting her daughter to look and act pretty instead of learning how to read. In time I believe JonBenet would have resisted more and stopped the pagents just like the other girl who was shown on TV a few nights ago, (Thumper) she and JonBenet were in a pagent together and formed a friendship, she showed off her crowns she'd won until she quit doing it at age 11. Yes JR was a reserved business man who was not home much, seems to me that if he was sexually involved with his daughter then he would have been around more not less. Yes there was an older brother who at age 9 I do not believe would have the know how to stage some type of "play" gone bad. If a mother found JonBenet's battered body with Burke standing over her, her first reaction would be to get help fast, call 911 before ever being able to see if she was already dead.
If the Ramseys knew JonBenet was dead and needed to cover it up they could have stuck to their original plan and flown out of state the next day, bringing with them the body. That would have gotten them away from the crime scene, given them time to plan and cover things up. If there was going to be a staged kidnapping, it could have been done up in Michigan, they could have in the meanwhile had JonBenet buried somewhere and she just never be found.
Who killed JonBenet? I don't know, maybe it was an overly obsessive stage mother who also had a little girl in the pagents and was upset because JonBenet won a crown she felt should have gone to her daughter! Or maybe it was a cunning preditor who was able to get inside the home and manage to get her down to the basement while everyone else was asleep. It happened on a night when the dog was out of the house, the Ramseys would not have needed it to be a night when the dog was gone but an intruder would. They were leaving the next morning on vacation, the preditor needed to strike before it would be to late! Like Karr IMO it is someone who puts themself in a position of being around children and JonBenet is not their only victim.

rashomon said:
I have always been convinced that the Ramseys were involved in JB's death. For there is just too much forensic and other evidence pointing to them: the fibers, the loose ligatures, the bogus garrote, the duct tape put on the dead child's mouth, the Ramseys' total non-cooperation with the police right from the start, their many lies, and of course the biggest piece of incriminatiing evidence: the ransom note eerily resembling Patsy's handwriting, reflecting her personlity and showing that the writer had a personal relationship with John.
Even if John Karr's DNA had been a match, my theory would have changed toward the Ramseys must have been in this together with him, and covering up.

When JMK came to light my first thought also was "Wonder how JMK and the Ramseys are connected," because I, too, would have believed that they were still involved with the murder and somehow tied to Karr. I have that much belief that the Ramseys (one or the other or both) were the perpetrators in this tragedy - and that both were involved in the staging/coverup.
i suspect that a Ramsey did it, because (like a previous poster mentioned), every single one of the IDI theories is full of improbabilities.

However the JMK thing taught me that i might be wrong... and i was actually hoping he would prove to be the one, since i am (to a certain extent) sick of this case... it is simply too perplexing.

however it would not surprise me if the whole thing was orchestrated by the CO prof with the tactical/strategic approval of John.. who came across like a saint when he said that JMK should be presumed innocent. It may all fit into his master plan of making himself look like a victim (which he may indeed be), and will certainly make him more electable...
Old Broad said:
Yes Patsy had her faults, she was a stage mother, she's guilty of wanting her daughter to look and act pretty instead of learning how to read. In time I believe JonBenet would have resisted more and stopped the pagents just like the other girl who was shown on TV a few nights ago, (Thumper) she and JonBenet were in a pagent together and formed a friendship, she showed off her crowns she'd won until she quit doing it at age 11.

Who killed JonBenet? I don't know, maybe it was an overly obsessive stage mother who also had a little girl in the pagents and was upset because JonBenet won a crown she felt should have gone to her daughter! OB
Sorry, this made me laugh, we're not talking Texas Cheerleader Mother here!
LinasK said:
Sorry, this made me laugh, we're not talking Texas Cheerleader Mother here!

Glad you had a laugh LinasK :)
Yes that is a pretty bizare script and not one I put out there seriously but then I doubt the people in Texas ever saw that one coming. What ever happened to that woman is she still in prison?

I have always belived the Ramsey's were involved. The only thing that gives me the slighest doubt (and I do mean slight) is how in the world could Patsy Ramsey compose herself to write that ransom note? If it were my child dead, I would be wailing, screaming, in a panic, and there is no way I would even be able to hold a pen, much less write a compostion.
No intruder. One of the Ramsey's did it (likely Patsy, IMHO...accident maybe, then staged, but still Patsy with John helping cover it up).
f the Ramseys knew JonBenet was dead and needed to cover it up they could have stuck to their original plan and flown out of state the next day, bringing with them the body. That would have gotten them away from the crime scene, given them time to plan and cover things up. If there was going to be a staged kidnapping, it could have been done up in Michigan, they could have in the meanwhile had JonBenet buried somewhere and she just never be found.

JR wasn't flying the plane. They had a pilot. They'd have had to explain to him why JBR was dead and why they were taking her body to Michigan.

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