Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

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Has the defense changed your mind about ICA's guilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 6.0%
  • No

    Votes: 408 56.6%
  • Waste. Huge waste.

    Votes: 270 37.4%

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Keep it Simple should have been how the DT played it I would have considered accidental drowning and she simply paniced.

Attempting to paint a conspiracy and blame everyone of horrid things... WASTE HUGE WASTE of DT is not leaving ANY room for reasonable doubt
If JB had stopped at the part about GA and not moved on to RK, and then the trunk, and then the LE, and then the body not ever being there in the woods, then yes, I would have had a doubt and thought maybe that could have happened. But as it is, after GA the whole thing fell apart.

If he had said that GA put Caylee in the trunk and Casey didn't know, or went with yes the baby was in the trunk at some point, my client was young and scared and didn't want to go to jail so she lied. Even said she hasn't come forward about the accident until now because she feels guilty and feels like she should be punished and has sat in prison for these past three years as some sort of self imposed penance then I would find it even more believable.

But to say that GA is framing her, the LE is framing her, RK is framing her, Dr. Vass is framing her, the DOGS are framing her..... ummm..... I'm going to have to go with it's all a pack of lies with very little to no truth woven in.
Even throwing her mom under the bus. Saying she would never forgive her. George did very well, I thought.
Absolutely not. If anything it made me more sure that she is guilty.
And to be honest, it disgusted me and I will absolutely ecstatic when she is found guilty.
If before I was 90% sure KC was guilty, I am now 200% sure KC murdered her. George and Lee didn't molest that murderous sociopath! She simply figures, "I'm going down; why not take them with me?" I thought I was past disgust with this case, but this is a new low.

ITA And I'm more convinced she put the ladder on the pool on the 17th. She was already thinking ahead, maybe not exaclty the horror story we heard today, but she most definitely staged the scene.
It didn't change my mind about her guilt, but I was willing to entertain that she was sexually abused. I did think JB did a good job at tying in the abuse accusations to the Anthony's dysfunction. I began to wonder if there really had such 'secrets' which is why they are so dysfunctional. It could also explain why she was such a liar.

As much as I hate to say it I did think JB did a great job at first and thought he was creating reasonable doubt. I was terrified GA would get on the stand and either admit to it or plea the 5th and the case would be blown for the prosecution.

However, I still thought she was guilty myself because people don't cover up accidents. Period.

I was so relieved when GA denied abusing her and I believed him. I also think Baez did a terrible job on cross and the fact that he didn't challenge GA on the abuse shows me that it is BS and the jury will see through the BS.

I can't buy any sexual abuse. Did KC's actions ever portray someone who was scared of her dad?
No my mind has not changed. Still guilty. I want to know what in the world the defense team was smoking when they came up with their opening statement?????
I think it *is* possible that Caylee drowned by accident when she was under Casey's care, rather than being deliberately murdered by her. Accidents of this nature occur every single day in the US (especially in the summer), and they occur to good, caring parents who unfortunately lose track of their toddlers just long enough for them to fall into a body of water and are unable to be revived.

I think it *is* possible that Casey was unable to accept the (at least partial) responsibility for Caylee's accidental death, creating a wholly fictional reality to explain Caylee's absence to avoid the overwhelming pain that Caylee's death would bring into her already dysfunctional life. Unfortunately for Casey, she didn't think ahead to realize that when Caylee's death finally became known, she would then appear more like a murderer than a parent whose child suffered a horrible accident.

It's unfathomable that Casey didn't believe that she would ultimately be taken to task for Caylee's disappearance at some point, but I think she believed that postponing the truth about Caylee's drowning was worth the life she would be able to live on the terms she wanted until Caylee's death was discovered.

This was incredibly foolish on her part, but we can't change the person that she is. She flew by the seat of her pants as to what to do with Caylee's body after her death, and made up lies to keep as many people at bay for as long as she could to avoid facing the guilt that she felt because Caylee had drowned by accident while under her care.

Eventually, the pressure from her immediate family caused her lies to cave in on her--and she still couldn't admit the truth to those who confronted her, including the State of Florida. This element of her nature will be forever debated, but probably never fully understood.

As for George being complicit in Caylee's death--that's a powerful tactic by the defense team to induce doubt in a jury who knows next to nothing compared to what members of this forum know to be true. By the end of this trial, we'll all learn how effective or ineffective this strategy ultimately became.

Like it or not, this is what defense attorneys do to minimize punishment for their clients, or possibly even exonerate them. As absurd or as reprehensible as it may seem to you, Baez is just doing the job he has been asked to fulfill in the American system of justice.

Whether this requires an adherence to the truth on his part to save Casey's life, is a *completely* separate issue.
If JB had stopped at the part about GA and not moved on to RK, and then the trunk, and then the LE, and then the body not ever being there in the woods, then yes, I would have had a doubt and thought maybe that could have happened. But as it is, after GA the whole thing fell apart.

If he had said that GA put Caylee in the trunk and Casey didn't know, or went with yes the baby was in the trunk at some point, my client was young and scared and didn't want to go to jail so she lied. Even said she hasn't come forward about the accident until now because she feels guilty and feels like she should be punished and has sat in prison for these past three years as some sort of self imposed penance then I would find it even more believable.

But to say that GA is framing her, the LE is framing her, RK is framing her, Dr. Vass is framing her, the DOGS are framing her..... ummm..... I'm going to have to go with it's all a pack of lies with very little to no truth woven in.

You forgot the FBI. They really want to get KC. Yes indeedy.
Simply put after all Casey's family has endured / stood by her. She lets her team throw the only people who care for her, be thrown 1 x 1 x 1 under the train.

Hopefully CA will wash her hands of her. I thought GA did a pretty good job. The defense was throwing lots of theories out there. JB can talk the talk / but doubt he'll be able to walk the walk of an acquital.
I believe the DT has hurt the defense of Casey. No way would a defense attorney allow his client to remain imprisoned for almost 3 years if it was an "accident". I believe all defense attorneys would have had their client speak to LE and the Prosecutors to tell her version of what happened to Caylee if in fact it was an accident. Why would any attorney allow first degree murder charges continue to pend if not necessary. Why didn't Baez allow his client to speak to LE and clear matters up?

Furthermore, the defense did not cross examine George in a powerful way regrading his denial of sex abuse and the drowning. Baez is stretching the truth all with his guilty client's approval!
JB saying that ICA should have called 911 when the "accident" occured....

She should have said something long before now if that was "true" All the people searching, the money and time spent. She didn't care and still doesn't now with all the Florida tax payer's money being spent while she sits in her cell eating junk food and planning what she's going to do with all the money from books, movies and appearances when she goes free. 'her dream world"

ICA is pure evil and she needs to pay especially for all the innocent people dragged into this to save her sorry behind!
My opinion, after the A-HA moment, is Bull Pucky.

I am more certain than ever before that ICA was not surprised-surprised with a pool accident.
I think it *is* possible that Caylee drowned by accident when she was under Casey's care, rather than being deliberately murdered by her. Accidents of this nature occur every single day in the US (especially in the summer), and they occur to good, caring parents who unfortunately lose track of their toddlers just long enough for them to fall into a body of water and are unable to be revived.

I think it is possible that Casey was unable to accept the (at least partial) responsibility for Caylee's accidental death, creating a wholly fictional reality to explain Caylee's absence to avoid the overwhelming pain associated with Caylee's death. Unfortunately for Casey, she didn't think ahead to realize that when Caylee's death finally became known, she would then appear more like a murderer than a parent whose child suffered a horrible accident.

It's unfathomable that Casey wouldn't ultimately be taken to task for Caylee's disappearance at some point, but I think she believed that postponing the truth about Caylee's drowning was worth the life she would be able to live on the terms she wanted until the truth about Caylee's death was discovered.

This was incredibly foolish on her part, but we can't change the person that she is. She flew by the seat of her pants as to what to do with Caylee's body after her death, and made up lies to keep as many people at bay for as long as she could to avoid facing the guilt that she felt because Caylee had drowned by accident while under her care.

Eventually, the pressure from her immediate family caused her lies to cave in on her--and she still couldn't admit the truth to those who confronted her, including the State of Florida. This element of her nature will be forever debated, but probably never fully understood.

As for George being complicit in Caylee's death--that's a powerful tactic by the defense team to induce doubt in a jury who knows next to nothing compared to what members of this forum know to be true. By the end of this trial, we'll all learn how effective or ineffective this strategy ultimately became.

Like it or not, this is what defense attorneys do to minimize punishment for their clients, or possibly even exonerate them. As absurd or as reprehensible as it may seem to you, Baez is just doing the job he has been asked to fulfill in the American system of justice.

Whether this requires an adherence to the truth on his part, to save Casey's life, perhaps, is a *completely* separate issue.

With all due respect KC is a proven liar. She lies about everything even things that don't really matter. In her jailhouse letters to "Cookie" she lied. What is the point when you are already in jail to lie about something she knew the State had already proven did not exist. She enjoys lying. jmo
Absolutely not.. I now feel that she is capable of cold blooded murder..even more then before.

It just sounded like a mis-matched, disjointed, disgusting bunch of accusations.. everyone is possibly guilty of something ... except for casey that is. If he had kept it simple and just raised some doubt .. then maybe
No, she's guilty. Today's opening didn't raise any doubt. The defense's opening, that is.

I just watched where GA & ICA searched for Caylee and then ICA saw GA carrying her and she grabbed her daughter and cried and cried and cried.

That's an odd exchange-she didn't shriek, didn't ask if she was ok? She just grabbed her daughter and cried? Most people would try CPR and call an ambulance. If that happened -wouldn't GA have been carrying Caylee so her face would've been on his shoulder or facing his body? That's how people carry children and especially if their hurt. How did ICA instantly know she was dead? The love GA felt towards Caylee is obvious-he would've been cradling her in a loving way-not holding her so her face would've been "out" towards ICA.

And for the next month, her parents knew Caylee was dead and then after a month, called the authorities and pointed the finger at their daughter through their actions and words? Then for whatever reason, they recanted and focused on finding the nanny and taking the heat off ICA. I'm sorry to go on, I just don't get it-it isn't reasonable to me. I can't make sense of it.
I don't think George has the man marbles to hie his feelings well enough to cover up like Mr Baez accused him of.

Today the defense not only confirmed my belief that Casey killed Caylee, it also solidified that she would throw anyone and anything in to save her hide. Today Mr Baez blamed: George, Cindy, Lee, TonE, Dominic Casey, Roy Kronk, Law enforcement, The FBI, and many many more.

It was Casey, only Casey.
The only thing the defense changed my mind about is the 1% that I was giving to Casey for being innocent. Now that 1% is out the window.

I think Jose's bombshell just blow up in his face.

The one thing I did get out of the defense today was that Caylee was never missing because Casey always know where she was!!!! That a fact now!
Nope, what they have changed my mind about is that Casey was ever molested.:truce: I was one of the few who was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt about that, because bad things do happen to bad people, and... I myself have experienced it. Now with their vehemently throwing George under the bus, and him sitting in court meekly taking it, I no longer believe any of it- it's just more of Casey's prolific lies, anyone else to take the blame but her. Even if she had been molested, how was continuing to live with George and being dependent on her parents to support her protecting Caylee???:waitasec: And abuse is NO EXCUSE for murder!!!
Only reaffirmed my original guilty thinking .. They are desperate and grasping at straws. But I think JB did her more harm than good today. jmo
Ironic how JB kept throwing around the word "desperate" at the prosecution. Now who's the desperate ones???

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