Has the media been biased against or fair to Deborah and Jeremy?

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Sep 16, 2010
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On the Dr. Phil show, Deborah kept going on and on about what people on the Internet were saying about her. But most people aren’t analyzing every detail of this case like we are. They form their opinions from what they hear or read about the case. How do you think the local and national media has portrayed Deborah and Jeremy for the casual viewer? Do you think that some media outlets are more “Family Did It” while others are more “Intruder Did It”?

Has anyone asked people they know what their opinions are on this case? What did they say?
On the Dr. Phil show, Deborah kept going on and on about what people on the Internet were saying about her. But most people aren’t analyzing every detail of this case like we are. They form their opinions from what they hear or read about the case. How do you think the local and national media has portrayed Deborah and Jeremy for the casual viewer? Do you think that some media outlets are more “Family Did It” while others are more “Intruder Did It”?

Has anyone asked people they know what their opinions are on this case? What did they say?

InDaMiddle mentioned a few days ago that the neighborhood that they live in runs about 50/50 (she lives where DB lives). I would think the average person who hasn't overanalyzed everything probably runs the same (50/50).
Most of what we know about the case came from DB herself.
InDaMiddle mentioned a few days ago that the neighborhood that they live in runs about 50/50 (she lives where DB lives). I would think the average person who hasn't overanalyzed everything probably runs the same (50/50).

I also think it's probably about 50/50 in the "real world". I don't think the media has been as biased against Deborah and Jeremy as they were against some people in the past....OJ, The Ramseys, Joran, Casey, Gary Condit, Michael Jackson, Richard Jewell, etc. Deborah can complain about what people on the Internet are saying about her, but at least she's not on the cover of the tabloids every week with them screaming she murdered or sold her daughter or being parodied on SNL or Family Guy or South Park. At this point, I think the media has treated her a lot "better" than some people in the past, whether they deserved it or not.
On the Dr. Phil show, Deborah kept going on and on about what people on the Internet were saying about her. But most people aren’t analyzing every detail of this case like we are. They form their opinions from what they hear or read about the case. How do you think the local and national media has portrayed Deborah and Jeremy for the casual viewer? Do you think that some media outlets are more “Family Did It” while others are more “Intruder Did It”?

Has anyone asked people they know what their opinions are on this case? What did they say?

Is it too late to add a poll? That would be interesting to say the least.

I've seen far more biased reporting than fair reporting, and then we have NG who I find over the top :truce:
I've mentioned to a few friends that I follow the case. These friends know only what they've seen on tv or the newspaper. I don't sense they have a firm opinion, but they always mention the alcohol. I believe she is portrayed in the press as a trashy woman that gets sloppy drunk and doesn't take care of her children.

My opinion is that her drinking has far outweighed any criminal evidence insofar as websluethers' opinions go. I feel that if everything was the same except that DB was not drinking that night, she would likely have more people thinking she was innocent or at least be on the fence about it.
For the most part I feel National media has been more biased, focasing on DB drinking than any facts, or for that matter even Lisa. What few local media interviews I saw, I found more unbiased, and more focased on the missing baby.

The several persons I've talked to or ask about the case had very little knowledge at all. Most have forgotten about it. That's one reason I was was so glad to see the parents go on Dr. Phill.
My hair dresser asked me about it yesterday. She's watched very little. Didn't know about the Dr. Phil interview.

She did see Debbie Bradley's initial plea way back four months ago. She thought she was believable. Didn't know all the twists and turns in the case. But also didn't think a stranger snatched the baby from the crib either that someone connected to the family was involved. It was really fascinating to hear her take and questions.
I know many that believed her when she was crying. For me, that was my first clue, something was off. I pick up things differently though, so I don't think that is the typical response. I think a lot depends on your frame of reference.
What I have observed is that the media usually gets it right. I don't think the media is bias with these criminal cases but after gathering information, they get a feel for where the case is going, and act accordingly.

In my opinion, the majority of people who follow this case and that includes the media, believes DB and now both parents know exactly what happened to Lisa.
I think the media has been more than fair to her. Sure, it hasn't all been "poor Deb", but she's really been lucky, I think, that the media - for whatever reason - has not asked her the really hard questions, or been up on it enough to do followup questions with her and push her, showing her inconsistencies.
Deborah and Jeremy are lucky that the tabloids didn't pick up the case. Can you imagine the headlines they would write about those two especially Miss "I was drunk" Deborah?
JMO ... but I think the media has been VERY FAIR to Deborah, and Jeremy ...

And one reason is the reporters just do NOT ask the "hard ball questions" any more ... the reporters' questions are "weak" ... really weak ...

Another example of how "fairly" DB has been treated by the media is Vinnie Politan on HLN and Jim Spellman ...

JMO but I think they have been VERY FAIR with Deb -- to the point that they have gone over and over and over the "possibility" that SODDI ...

Vinnie and JS have really gone over each and every possible scenario, and studied the routes in the neighborhood and maps of these "alleged sightings of a man carrying a bary" -- and that "supports" the SODDI Theory -- NOT DB or JI did it ...

JMO ... but Deb has gotten a very fair shake from the media ...

MOO ...
I know many that believed her when she was crying. For me, that was my first clue, something was off. I pick up things differently though, so I don't think that is the typical response. I think a lot depends on your frame of reference.

I'm neutral on her guilt until I see her crying. There is something about her crying that immediately makes me think she is guilty. I don't know why - it's not fake, with tears and all, but there is something about it that unsettles. me. I can't put my finger on it.
JMO ... but I think the media has been VERY FAIR to Deborah, and Jeremy ...

And one reason is the reporters just do NOT ask the "hard ball questions" any more ... the reporters' questions are "weak" ... really weak ...

Another example of how "fairly" DB has been treated by the media is Vinnie Politan on HLN and Jim Spellman ...

JMO but I think they have been VERY FAIR with Deb -- to the point that they have gone over and over and over the "possibility" that SODDI ...

Vinnie and JS have really gone over each and every possible scenario, and studied the routes in the neighborhood and maps of these "alleged sightings of a man carrying a bary" -- and that "supports" the SODDI Theory -- NOT DB or JI did it ...

JMO ... but Deb has gotten a very fair shake from the media ...

MOO ...

I wonder why reporters don't ask the "hard ball questions" anymore? Is it because their afraid of the lawyers, or is it some other reason? It couldn't be that they don't want the truth to come out. At least I hope not.
I wonder why reporters don't ask the "hard ball questions" anymore? Is it because their afraid of the lawyers, or is it some other reason? It couldn't be that they don't want the truth to come out. At least I hope not.

In general or in this particular case?
In general or in this particular case?

I'm not sure. I was hoping dog.gone.cute would fill us in. I'm guessing in regards to this case. Personally I don't believe there as been any lack of good questions by the media. Good answers have been harder to obtain in my opinion.
I don't want to say the media has been unfair but I do think the focus shifted away from baby Lisa. The interview with people who knew DB when she was with her first husband was imo showing the media grasping for bad info on DB. They couldn't find anyone who was around her now to say something bad so they went back years and it had nothing to do with her parenting or Lisa. I think there has been unfair reporting from some who pull partial quotes to get a headline we have seen the examples here. I don't think all of the media outlets were unfair and there were some really good reporters on the case. I do think though some of the media misconstrued things to make the headlines better/to try and get another media circus for ratings. I think though most people can see past that and actually read the facts and come to their own conclusions based on what actually happened. I think DB's criticism (although I personally believe it is harsh at times) is her own doing and not the medias. People are always very critical of others its the way we are. I am still :fence: and will be till more evidence comes out but I don't really have a high of opinion of DB. I don't think she is mother of the year, but I also don't see her as a monster. I just don't see it but I always try to think the best of people. I wouldn't do what she did that night. my adult time is a bath and a good book after my daughter goes to bed, but I can say I grew up with an alcoholic and plopping kids in front of a TV or in bed early is common in a lot of households so the adults can drink. It isn't right but it is more common then a lot of people think who aren't around others who do that.
The former friends story was a low blow but otherwise I think it's been pretty fair. It seems to me that their attorneys have had airtime any time they wanted to to express their points of view. (It's not the fault of the media that I had Joe Tacopina pegged as a hopeless liar the minute I saw him declare that he thought Joran VanDer Sloot was innocent.)
I wonder why reporters don't ask the "hard ball questions" anymore? Is it because their afraid of the lawyers, or is it some other reason? It couldn't be that they don't want the truth to come out. At least I hope not.


:seeya: That's my first thought -- the lawyers ... guess they don't want to be sued ...

Just thought of something :innocent: and not to go off topic -- but the reporters that cover the "entertainment type news stories" don't seem to shy away from asking the "hard questions" -- KWIM ?

But when it comes to a "missing person" -- the reporters just don't seem to ask the person who is "suspect" or a "poi" -- or the last person to see the missing person alive -- the "right questions" ...

I hope that made sense ... :waitasec:

MOO ...

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