Has the search been called off

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With all respect - you don't know this. It is unfair to judge is such a way. How do you know that Lee didn't tell LE that the airport locations were the right places to search? Lee has been very, very quiet since Casey was out the first time. Granted, I could have missed something, but I do not see Lee impeding this investigation at all. I think Lee has done what he can. Don't forget Casey is his sister and I am certain he is having a very hard time accepting that his sister could be so evil as to refuse to help in the search for Caylee.

We can't forget our compassion. I'm not asking for Casey. But I am asking for Lee and to some extent the grandparents. I'm not forgetting that Cindy and George did give information to LE, when they were talking out of the other sides of their mouths to the public. I feel they did this in order to win Casey over in the hopes of getting some information out of her. I realize that the actions of the grandparents have been questionable over the last several weeks, especially since Casey was released the first time, but I'm not willing to say I understand their motivation just yet and judge them for it. I can not imagine having to deal with Casey and trying to get the truth out of her. I can not imagine having a child that would not communicate honestly with me. I fall back on the experiences of the many posters here that have shared with us and because of that, I can not completely give up on the grandparents (although I admit I am being sorely tested in their case).


Huh? Everyone else here has an opinion. Am I not entitled to mine?
I never said I KNOW for a fact Lee is lying. I simply *think* he is.
I find it very humorous when people say they aren't judgmental.
I admit I am.. Peace out.
You know, funny you said Scott Peterson. I've heard other WSer's compare this case to him. But last night on Geraldo (I think it was Geraldo?), one of the panelist compared Casey to Scott P. Can't remember who said it, but she seems to think it's a carbon-copy case, and I agree.

Kimberly Guilfoyle.
I just want to say that my thoughts, best wishes and prayers go out to all of you searchers and researchers for health, peace of mind and continued love for your fellow man.

If my loved one were missing, I know I would be comforted to know that I had such a large community of people - strangers, no less - who cared enough to put their own lives at risk, to throw their hearts into searching for that person.

The information that you all have gathered is truly astounding.

Let's all remember that there were many people in Caylee's life who loved her. Their hearts are breaking, I'm sure.

I think back to that call from jail and Casey's poor friend ... the despair in her voice was heart-wrenching.
I would like to extend my heartfelt THANKS to all the Websleuther's who were out there searching for this precious child. (((HUGS)))
Also a huge THANKS to Tim Miller and his Texas Equusearch team! Thanks to all the LE, the divers, everyone!
My prayers are still being said for Caylee.
Thanks Tricia for checking your sources. I have learned to trust in what you say and who you know! God Bless You!

Something went through my mind for a brief moment this morning. What if Lee was able to finally get the truth out of Casey when he watched her this morning while Cindy and George were at church.

I pray that that we will all know something soon.

CC I was thinking/hoping the same thing. Thinking perhaps he talked her into coming clean, agreeing to lead authoritiues to Caylee. Hence reason for search being called off.
Huh? Everyone else here has an opinion. Am I not entitled to mine?
I never said I KNOW for a fact Lee is lying. I simply *think* he is.
I find it very humorous when people say they aren't judgmental.
I admit I am.. Peace out.

You are definitely entitled to your opinion :blowkiss:. I didn't mean to imply that you weren't.

And honestly, I am pretty judgmental myself. This case is just so frustrating.....

CC I was thinking/hoping the same thing.
I sure hope we are right!! I have a feeling, and it's just a feeling, that a breakthrough is on it's way.
So many people praying, lighting candles. I believe in MIRACLES! I have seen so many in my own life that I can't NOT believe in them.:blowkiss:
I sure hope we are right!! I have a feeling, and it's just a feeling, that a breakthrough is on it's way.
So many people praying, lighting candles. I believe in MIRACLES! I have seen so many in my own life that I can't NOT believe in them.:blowkiss:

I hope your right.....I am so new at this. I kindof look up to the posters that are in the thousands. You all have been through so many cases....it seems you just have a knack at telling what is coming down the pike.:clap:
For anyone who may be interested in praying to St. Anthony, patron saint of missing people and things, here is the prayer:

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for us Caylee. The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.

Amen. (Say 13 Paters, Aves, and Glorias)

I looked it up for myself, and thought I would post it for anyone who may be interested. I do not wish to offend anyone by this, only to help those who may wish to use prayer. :)

I, too, am not Catholic, but I'd love to see this as a sticky on the top of missing persons threads......anyone else?
Huh? Everyone else here has an opinion. Am I not entitled to mine?
I never said I KNOW for a fact Lee is lying. I simply *think* he is.
I find it very humorous when people say they aren't judgmental.
I admit I am.. Peace out.

I hate to seem judgmental, BUT I GUESS SO AM I.

I do not have a doubt in my mind that Cindy and George will DENY DENY DENY. And I have noticed that Lee has kept a very low profile in the last few weeks, but he still seems to be part of the "circle the wagons" mentality of this family.

The earlier comparisons to the Peterson Family are very interesting. Maybe now the P's will have someone to converse with on how unfair LE and the rest of the world is.

If Lee thought his sister had anything to do with the disappearance of his little niece then he should have been screaming at the top of his lungs for her to come clean. Maybe he did. Time will tell.
You know, funny you said Scott Peterson. I've heard other WSer's compare this case to him. But last night on Geraldo (I think it was Geraldo?), one of the panelist compared Casey to Scott P. Can't remember who said it, but she seems to think it's a carbon-copy case, and I agree.

Kimberly Guilfoyle.

Thanks, darlin'!
I got home from the search about an hour ago and I have been pondering what to post on here. I want to say something without saying too much, if you know what I mean. I've rewritten this several times to try to get it right.

It was very hot today, but no different than any other Florida summer day. We were encouraged to drink a lot of water. Our ATV driver had a cooler with him that was fully stocked.

The ground has dried significantly. We didn't encounter any substantial water today in any of my searches (other than ponds, lakes, etc). Yesterday was pretty much the same. Some muddy areas, but nothing major. There were areas with standing water that most likely had been dry in the past, but we're not talking about 3 feet of water...nothing that major. Are there swamps to deal with? Yes, but that will always be the case in Florida. I'm not saying that the conditions I had were the same for other searchers, but that was my experience yesterday and today.

Today’s search was eventful and productive. After leaving command center, I returned to my search location and it was blocked off with police tape. I will be watching the news closely over the next few days.

That's really all I can say. I would love to go into more details, but I just can't. I'm not trying to be mysterious and cryptic, but I would hate to jeopardize the investigation in any way.

Since Tim has said that the search was called off for environmental reasons, I guess we just have to take that at face value and trust that Tim knows what he is doing. I've only met him today and he seems like a top-notch guy.

I hope something breaks in this case soon! I wish it was a little girl coming home alive but I don't think that will be the case! JMO
Thank you all for searching! I can't search since I'm all the way in Iowa but can donate to TES.
I got home from the search about an hour ago and I have been pondering what to post on here. I want to say something without saying too much, if you know what I mean. I've rewritten this several times to try to get it right

Snipped i hope respectfully-
great thanks to you and all the searchers for your hard work. I am wondering if you could tell us what area/where you were searching that led to this?

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