have your thoughts changed? **new poll**

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Who do you think is responsible for Baby Lisa being missing

  • mom

    Votes: 223 49.4%
  • dad

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • mom and dad

    Votes: 76 16.9%

    Votes: 31 6.9%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 119 26.4%

  • Total voters
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I'm still undecided. I need more evidence from a RELIABLE source. The media has failed to report things accurately, so I don't put much stock in what they put out into the public domain.

As far as DB's drinking goes....I have tried to put it into context. This is a young woman who got pregnant at 17, and soon became a mother. She married at a very young age, and had responsibilities that no teenager should have. I'm sure she feels that she missed out on a lot. I've also heard reports that possibly she comes from a family with addiction issues. It's no wonder then, that she's on anxiety medication. I can see how DB would not understand on a certain unconscious level that she was being a bad mother. She's probably modeling behavior she experienced as a child, and she may be in denial about it. She's still very young. She may have never learned good coping skills because she had a child so early in life and probably skipped a few necessary steps because she was thrust into an adult role before she was ready.

This does not mean that I approve of parents getting drunk while caring for children, or that I condone it in any way. It just means that I'm trying to put the situation in DB's frame of reference based on what I've learned in college and at work.
I don't know her, of course, and I could be all wrong...
I gave the parents the benefit of the doubt for about a week. Once I had read all the media reports and watched several interviews with the parents, I began to suspect that one or both parents of Baby Lisa know exactly what has happened to this child and where she can be located. I believe that there was a horrible accident in the home that resulted in the baby's death. Both parents know this and are covering for one another - probably with the support of extended family members. jmho


i don't like her attitude in the later interviews,no hysterics anything,just referring to lisa as "her" or my daughter.

i'd be moving hell and high water to find my girl if i was in their shoes.
I feel it was mom. JI seems like a puppet on strings led by DB, plus JI had an alibi and was at work when this occured.

Too many red flags for me.

1: You should reply on law enforcement to assist you regardless of your opinion of them and regardless of what questions they ask you. This family has not "fully" cooperated with law enforcement since 10/8

2: The whole community AND the rest of the world is watching and judging. It's unfortunate that parents murder their children, and with the recent "Anthony" situation, many are going to not just "wonder", but they are going to put their guard up. With that being said, you can't be judgemental to law enforcement and media, or the publics instincts are going to lean more towards someone in the home harming this child vs a real abduction.

3: The media is your friend. You also can't be negative to the media. They are the one's who are going to continuously broadcast pictures of your missing child, and broadcast your plea's for the safe return of your child. I touched on this once, and I will touch on it again. I was very involved with the Sam and Lindsey Porter situation. I assisted writing and sending out press releases, trying to get media attention when it started to fade, handed out fliers, maintained the website, handled phone calls etc. I spoke with Sam and Lindsey's mother a few nights ago and again today. She was in disbelief that the family was avoiding the media, and that she would be on her front porch holding a picture of this baby and talking to anyone and everyone that could help. When you avoid the media, and you "make a deal" with national media (was this for money?) then this is a negative impression you are giving the community and those across the world following this.

4: When you give two seperate times of what time you put your child to bed, it gives a negative impression and turns one's judgement.

5: When you are caring for three children ages ranging from 10 months old to 8 years old and you "got drunk" and may have "blacked out", it gives a negative impression. Legally, I think you can refer to that as "Inadequate supervision". Per Missouri child neglect legal terminology, inadequate supervision would also serve as a ground for assuming jurisdiction over a child for neglect. Jane Doe v. Department of Social Services, 71 S.W.3d 648 (Mo.App.E.D. 2002). ( mo.gov )
It should be assumed by the public that sense she "can't remember" certain details of that night, that she also put the other two children still in her supervision in danger. How can she say "she couldn't have done anything" when she could have "blacked out"? This is why I feel Inadequate supervision/Child neglect should never be ruled out here until we know more. It's probably safe to assume that DB was incapacitated due to the consumtion of alcohol and possibly medication(s), which resulted in the Inadequate supervision of the three children, and possibly just maybe the dissapearance of one. How can law enforcement or the public have total faith in anything she has stated when she has indicated she was "drunk" that night? Was she wearing something purple when she went to bed? Was she put to bed at 7:20, 9:30, left in her crib screaming while DB was on the front porch drinking with neighbors? We don't know. Right now we are posting theories and making comments based on what DB has stated to the public, and with the behavior or avoidance in seclusion in this situation, it's really really strange.

6: Why would you retain an attorney when you have not been charged with committing a crime? I can see hiring an attorney to set up a non profit organization so you can legally accept donations to build a reward fund and distribute collection containers or receive donations from the general public, but to hire an attorney because the police are asking you hard questions based on the lack of evidence and probably credibility gives the public a very negative impression.


I really hate to judge someone or prosecute them, but after being so close to a case for 2 ¹/² years, it's seems pretty clear to me that a mother who has no idea what has happened to their child would refuse to talk to all of the media, be sitting on her front lawn, attending vigils or balloon releases for her child, and much more.

If my opinion is wrong about this in the end, then I will pray for my forgiveness. I however won't discount the neglect issue as I feel she should be held accountable for.
I'm still on the fence. The only thing I know for a certainty is that Lisa is missing, JI was working that night, DB is the only confirmed adult inside the home that night. Beyond that, I personally haven't read any other facts in this case.
I was on the fence before and now I think DB is involved. I hope it's all a hoax. The phones, the claim of being drunk, etc etc. Was she trying to reprogram phones while she was plastered? Good luck trying to do that. Her phone use was suspended for non-payment so then she can't call a friend or her husband for help in case of an emergency? I just don't think anyone else could be involved. She 'admits' to drinking that night on the day before the grand jury and on the day her lawyer is announced publicly. JMO
Nursebeeme, ty for the poll. Very close that mom did it or hni . My gut has not changed that the mom is responsible and the father knows, but which father? The which father was the ? left w me. This happened to hit me when mom was crying. I dont know that answer. I say her words are choppy and confrontational, the story has changed and the dads just makes me suspicious, ahem, the way he looks at her, the way she way she talks over him reminds me of geo n cin anthony. My gut says she is responsible. My heart says please no and my head says yes, this baby is dead. The burnt clothes? Destroyed evidence, it would answer the ? for me on why such old fotos of Lisa are on the shirts and flyers: was her pic taken in those clothes before? This mom to me is very smart, crying, crazy like a fox. :moo: moo
Still on the fence here, although I've been wobbling a bit back and forth. I have to agree that the parents are looking bad because the media and LE are making them look bad. Could be that LE has a good reason for it, but I haven't seen it yet.
I changed my mind from on the fence to Mom. She is an attention hound, she was by her own account drunk while in charge of three children. Who knows what happened when she was drunk, if that wasn't another lie. I thought she was acting weird in the grocery store surveillance tape. Overall I tried to keep an open mind but she is just sketchy to me. The phones missing is another huge red flag. What abductor takes the phones, nope not buying that either. Sad that this baby Lisa has not been found.
I changed my mind from on the fence to Mom. She is an attention hound, she was by her own account drunk while in charge of three children. Who knows what happened when she was drunk, if that wasn't another lie. I thought she was acting weird in the grocery store surveillance tape. Overall I tried to keep an open mind but she is just sketchy to me. The phones missing is another huge red flag. What abductor takes the phones, nope not buying that either. Sad that this baby Lisa has not been found.

ITA I thought so too.
I'm still on the fence, mostly because we have no idea what LE has found. So far, I have not heard anything that can not be explained in an innocent way. I am not swayed by how people "act". I am a psych major and I know that we can't judge people by how they behave in an unthinkable situation. No matter what we think we would do, we don't know - and we just can't judge someone else by those standards.

The media is doing their best to crucify the mom based on innuendo and that ticks me off. It is absolutely shameful. I have shown examples of a Fox reporter doing his very best to imply that Debbie lied to LE, but when you listen to what he is actually saying, it's a bunch of CRAP designed to sway the viewer into thinking it's so. And it seems to have worked. WAY too many people are convinced that Debbie lied to the cops, and many are basing their positions on that fact alone. It's a sad situation. No matter what it is not likely to have a happy ending.
I still have not seen concrete evidence that either of the parents are responsible. IF Lisa's remains had been found in the house yesterday, during the search, one or both of them would be in jail today.

I do believe that there were others in the house that night [SODDI]and Debbie may well have been passed out before they arrived.

I am truly hoping that this was not a tragic accident involving one of the boys; how horrible for everyone to live with that. I do believe that if that were the case, the parents would protect them to the point that they could.

One thing that strikes me; the difference between the community outpouring of concern for Zahra and the concern for Lisa.

Someone knows something and at this point, given all the searches, we are stuck at the starting point.
I think Deborah is primarily responsible but not the only party to this crime.

I think while Mom was drinking out front, the baby got out of the crib, or the boys got her out because she was fussing and Mom was preoccupied with her grown up time. From there I think the baby got in trouble and was harmed. I think Jeremy or someone helped to attempt to stage an abduction so that neither of them would be charged with negligence, thus possibly putting them in jeopardy to lose "the boys."

Or I think they somehow sold the baby.

I believe they know her status (deceased or alive).
As time has passed, I've become more dug in: Mom alone is responsible. Initially, I thought this Mom either sold her gorgeous sweet baby, or lost her temper causing her baby's death.

Then, I began thinking there was a possible accident which was covered by Mom because of her being drunk and/or negligent.

I see Mom's not gonna budge an inch. I'm back to either Mom sold her daughter, or lost her temper and she will never admit it.
I was sympathetic to DB until her admission she was drunk. Once I started looking at things with that perspective, I realized no one else could be responsible. I don't think it is a scheme for a defense. I think she is an alcoholic. She knew she would be stranded all evening without a car. The box of wine was her estimation of how much wine she would need to be sure she would get through the evening. That was about 5:00. The time 6:40 sticks in her mind because that is when she thought it would be okay to put the baby to bed and settle into her wine for the evening. If the neighbors kids were watching movies with her kids, the neighbor must have had some awareness of the baby until she left. Or was she very drunk too? I think, considering the amount of alcohol mentioned, DB would have been too drunk to have successfully covered up as much as she has without the help of her husband. Also his statements have been more suspect than hers IMO. It is disgusting how the media is handling this. They keep wanting to turn this into a Casey Anthony case they can milk endlessly for sensational "bombshells" and it isn't. There will probably never be another case they can use like that case. I see this as a cautionary tale about alcoholism. I do not think they are evil people. IF they did not find some substantial evidence from their search, I will not know what to think. I certainly don't see DB as someone seeking attention. She is HIDING.
I originally thought mom was innocent. I could defend her about the pajamas, the bedtime, and other things. But watching her interviews and changing her timeline were really big red flags. She's not cooperating with LE, which is mind-boggling to me. I also don't believe someone makes an accident look like an abduction. I have no idea what happened to Lisa but I do believe she's dead because of her mother.

MOO, of course
I haven't changed my mind. I still suspect the mom and each interview she's had since then has sealed the deal in my mind even more so.
I'm stil firmly on the fence, but my theories about what may have happened have changed over the last few days.

Sorry to be so wishy-washy. :D
I feel it was mom. JI seems like a puppet on strings led by DB, plus JI had an alibi and was at work when this occured.

Too many red flags for me.

1: You should reply on law enforcement to assist you regardless of your opinion of them and regardless of what questions they ask you. This family has not "fully" cooperated with law enforcement since 10/8

2: The whole community AND the rest of the world is watching and judging. It's unfortunate that parents murder their children, and with the recent "Anthony" situation, many are going to not just "wonder", but they are going to put their guard up. With that being said, you can't be judgemental to law enforcement and media, or the publics instincts are going to lean more towards someone in the home harming this child vs a real abduction.

3: The media is your friend. You also can't be negative to the media. They are the one's who are going to continuously broadcast pictures of your missing child, and broadcast your plea's for the safe return of your child. I touched on this once, and I will touch on it again. I was very involved with the Sam and Lindsey Porter situation. I assisted writing and sending out press releases, trying to get media attention when it started to fade, handed out fliers, maintained the website, handled phone calls etc. I spoke with Sam and Lindsey's mother a few nights ago and again today. She was in disbelief that the family was avoiding the media, and that she would be on her front porch holding a picture of this baby and talking to anyone and everyone that could help. When you avoid the media, and you "make a deal" with national media (was this for money?) then this is a negative impression you are giving the community and those across the world following this.

4: When you give two seperate times of what time you put your child to bed, it gives a negative impression and turns one's judgement.

5: When you are caring for three children ages ranging from 10 months old to 8 years old and you "got drunk" and may have "blacked out", it gives a negative impression. Legally, I think you can refer to that as "Inadequate supervision". Per Missouri child neglect legal terminology, inadequate supervision would also serve as a ground for assuming jurisdiction over a child for neglect. Jane Doe v. Department of Social Services, 71 S.W.3d 648 (Mo.App.E.D. 2002). ( mo.gov )
It should be assumed by the public that sense she "can't remember" certain details of that night, that she also put the other two children still in her supervision in danger. How can she say "she couldn't have done anything" when she could have "blacked out"? This is why I feel Inadequate supervision/Child neglect should never be ruled out here until we know more. It's probably safe to assume that DB was incapacitated due to the consumtion of alcohol and possibly medication(s), which resulted in the Inadequate supervision of the three children, and possibly just maybe the dissapearance of one. How can law enforcement or the public have total faith in anything she has stated when she has indicated she was "drunk" that night? Was she wearing something purple when she went to bed? Was she put to bed at 7:20, 9:30, left in her crib screaming while DB was on the front porch drinking with neighbors? We don't know. Right now we are posting theories and making comments based on what DB has stated to the public, and with the behavior or avoidance in seclusion in this situation, it's really really strange.

6: Why would you retain an attorney when you have not been charged with committing a crime? I can see hiring an attorney to set up a non profit organization so you can legally accept donations to build a reward fund and distribute collection containers or receive donations from the general public, but to hire an attorney because the police are asking you hard questions based on the lack of evidence and probably credibility gives the public a very negative impression.


I really hate to judge someone or prosecute them, but after being so close to a case for 2 ¹/² years, it's seems pretty clear to me that a mother who has no idea what has happened to their child would refuse to talk to all of the media, be sitting on her front lawn, attending vigils or balloon releases for her child, and much mo

If my opinion is wrong about this in the end, then I will pray for my forgiveness. I however won't discount the neglect issue as I feel she should be held accountable for.

Excellent post!!!-I Totally agree with everything you said-Thank you!!
YAHHH! New Poll :) I voted I didn't know in the last poll, but I am now convinced that mom did it and baby Lisa will be found close to home.

Thanks for the new poll.

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