Heard something new in the last 911 call

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My impression was she was on a portable phone and went outside; she was pacing around when KC and LA were in KC's room. And this was after she finally "admitted" Caylee was kidnapped... right?
My impression was she was on a portable phone and went outside; she was pacing around when KC and LA were in KC's room. And this was after she finally "admitted" Caylee was kidnapped... right?

I was of the impression that she called LE after she had gone to KC's room after overhearing KC and LA talking. Yes, after she admitted Caylee was kidnapped.

Eventhough KC told CA and LA that Caylee had been kidnapped, why wouldn't she speak up and say shhh or something like that when her mom talks about the smell of the car. Just seems weird.
I had never thought of the possiblity that GA found Caylee in the trunk, although I do have to admit that his reaction when KC didn't want him near the trunk has always bugged me. If I were to have reacted as strongly as KC did to my dad trying to get closer to the trunk of my car, my dad would've forced his way past me and looked in it regardless of me trying to stop him or swearing at him. There is no way I could've stopped my dad and my behavior wouldn't have been dismissed. He would never have just walked away from me as GA seems to have done with KC.
I have to agree on the GA issue, serveal things do not make any sense.

1. When he 1st went to the towyard he did not pick up the car. This was July 15th, and from what I have read it was G's first day on new job? Or very close to it. So , he finds out that the car towing was expensive, he has to wait to take C, as she has access to money. They both get the car, G drives the pontiac, C drives the car they arrived in.
The first attempt was around 1 pm IIRC, so the later pick up was nearer to C's quitting time. They Both smell the trunk at the tow yard. yet did NOT call 911. C texts KC, "we have a problem". They take the car home and back it in to the garage before Le gets there. C removes items (knife and pants, finds AH's cell #. C has sent G to work. His statements declare that he leaves for work about 2 pm. Was he late? Or didn't he go.
A missing granddaughter( a month) and a death smell would keep ME home. This is odd.

2. The 3rd 911 call C states that Casey has been missing for a month.. then says that she just "found" her, but her granddaughter has been missing. She mentiones the trunks smells like a dead body. IIRC C was out in front of the house when he got home ( from work). C says.. "we lost her, G," ..he says ""WHO".. and C says "caylee". Wouldn't it be more likely to say " the Nanny took Caylee" or "kidnapped" than to say "we lost her"? "Lost " is often used as a term of passing away...ie, I lost my mother last year...
He lost his son when he was 12.

It is possible that a body could have been contained in that wheel well until the 15th. The decomp would have been settling and liquifying in that heat. Maggots can consume a human body in less than a week. (sorry for being graphic). There were maggots on the bag that was tossed over the fence at the tow yard- with no evidence of rotting food being in there. I believe the cover up began that night of the 15th.
She's on two phones. She's talking to George on a phone. You can tell this in several ways - the distance of his voice, the inflection of her voice, and the fact that she has to tell him that the LE have still not arrived (he'd know that if he was there).

She's talking to him on the phone.

I thought that to begin with too, but the phone logs don't show it.
yes, that is exactly what i was trying to say.. you explained it perfect
casey was never missing.. but in this 911 call she says to the operator that KC was missing for a month and she just found her.. :)

Maybe in her own "backwards" sort of way she meant she wasn't there physically?? :waitasec:
omg. Did anyone notice that Cindy said she hasn't seen Caylee since June 7th in that phone call?
Why waste time on the 6/7/08 date given, that is somewhat of a mute point as in the "heat of the moment" most people are not going to remember a specifc date.. Think the LE has cleared that up plus pretty obivious from the 911 call's CA didnt harm Caylee... She was (from what remember from other threads) overheard Casey talking to her brother and learned how long Casey knew she had been missing , went outside and called 911 again.. can we let the 6/7 comment go really... CA didnt kill Caylee, most of us won't be capable of remembering anything in that circumstance.
Why waste time on the 6/7/08 date given, that is somewhat of a mute point as in the "heat of the moment" most people are not going to remember a specifc date.. Think the LE has cleared that up plus pretty obivious from the 911 call's CA didnt harm Caylee... She was (from what remember from other threads) overheard Casey talking to her brother and learned how long Casey knew she had been missing , went outside and called 911 again.. can we let the 6/7 comment go really... CA didnt kill Caylee, most of us won't be capable of remembering anything in that circumstance.

Actually LA said that Casey pulled the date of 6/9 and and the timeframe of 31 days from CA's use of the date of 6/7. I believe he stated, as the last date she had seen Caylee. Of course when CA recalled the father's day visit with her father, then KC had to adjust her date as well.
I truly believe that the words of LA, CA, GA and KA uttered on July 15 through 911 calls, conversations with LA in the bedroom are the only RELIABLE words in this entire case and they should be looked at from the aspect that the entire A family was just dealt the blow. There was no time for planning, scheming, lying. It all happened so fast. Thank God for that.
I was of the impression that she called LE after she had gone to KC's room after overhearing KC and LA talking. Yes, after she admitted Caylee was kidnapped.

Eventhough KC told CA and LA that Caylee had been kidnapped, why wouldn't she speak up and say shhh or something like that when her mom talks about the smell of the car. Just seems weird.

If I understand correctly, KC and LA were in KC's room, CA had stepped outside on the portable phone to make the call. CA was outside pacing, GA came home from work and found CA out by the garage. It was after 10pm by now.

KC and LA were not in earshot when CA makes the comment heard round the world, "smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car"

CA talks to GA and 911 at the same time, 911 asks to speak to KC, there is a short delay while CA walks back to KC's room, "here they want to talk to you", I would imagine CA's look left no room for discussion and KC took the phone. No emotion, calm as a rock gives the details. KC has known for 31 days.:furious:
Maybe in her own "backwards" sort of way she meant she wasn't there physically?? :waitasec:

Yes, you got it. KC has been avoiding CA, using text to communicate starting around 6-17, this is as close as she could comfortably get. CA says this is new behavior, CA had never really used texts before but rather than lose contact completely she's using what's available to stay in touch.
I thought I had read, and he had testified to, that this took place when he was summoned to the home by either CA or LA. My recollection is that CA had left a voicemail for him, trying to get a hold of him at work. When he showed up at the house, it was when LA and KC and CA were all already there. LA and KC were in the house talking and CA was outside calling 911 because she had just found out through KC telling LA that she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days. My assumption was that GA had come home and that's when she told him "George, we lost Caylee", while she was on the phone with 911.

Yes, I think George had gotten a voicemail and ran straight home. I think he was just coming in while she was on the 911 call. I heard it too.

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