FEATURED Help Find Marvin "Rusty" Holderman/ Police Reached out to Websleuths, 2008?

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Since he had money coming in, he may have been the victim of foul play. There are sometimes fights in homeless camps because some people try to steal from others. I feel he was too young to die from natural causes. I wonder if he had any health issues that family members might be aware of. October is a very mild month in Florida. The weather is usually just fine, and it's usually quite dry in the winter.
Tropical Storm Fay hit the area in late August of 2008. I wonder if he stayed somewhere during the storm.
Here's a blog post by a student who interacted with a homeless man named Rusty who said he had been living in a tent in Asheville for 7 years: http://blogs.missouristate.edu/immersion/2017/03/16/1044/

It's a Missouri Blog and mentions Springfield so at first I thought she meant somewhere in MO but I could not find an Asheville, MO. The church she mentions is in Asheville, NC and has programs for the homeless: http://haywoodstreet.org/2013/07/respite/

This is the only pic from Hayward street that I found so far that somewhat resembles Rusty (but I'm not sure, this man may be too young):

It's undated and no names are posted. It was uploaded to the blog in 2013.

On July 3rd I received and email from Detective Corporal Charles Hess of the Kissimmee Police Department. asking specifically if we could help find missing Marvin Holderman.

Detective Hess saw Websleuths on A Killing Season on A&E and, as he put it "Decided to give you a try".

Background on Marvin Holderman;

Marvin Holderman was/is a homeless man. Every month he received approximately $1000.00 a month from a trust fund in check form. In October 2008 Mr. Holderman stopped cashing his checks.

When Marvin Holderman went missing he was 55-56-years-old. Now he would be 65.

He is a white male with reddish hair and has a mustache and beard. Nickname "Rusty"

Height in Inches: 70.-74
Weight: 160 to 240

Tattoo on right shoulder "Born to Raise Hell"
Tattoo on right arm of a panther
Tattoo on left arm of a peacock

He is a Vietnam Vet who had trouble adjusting and was self-medicating. However, he wasn't on the police radar at all. Didn't cause problems for law enforcement in Kissimmee.

It safe to say the odds are Marvin "Rusty" Holderman is deceased and died shortly sometime after he cashed his last check in Oct. 2008.

His sister is looking for him and would like to bring him home.

While all of our missing are important Marvin Holderman is different. A member of law enforcement reached out to Websleuths and asked for help.

I would like to thank Corporal Detective Charles Hess of the Kissimmee Police Department for contacting us.

We will do our very best.



Do we know how old Rusty is in the photo provided to Namus?
Familysearch shows he lived in:

Wright, Minnesota (where he married in 1989)
Montrose, Minnesota
Eagle Point, Oregon
Trail, Oregon
Whittier, California
Buena Park, California

https://familysearch.org/search/rec..."~ +surname:Holderman~ +birth_year:1952-1952~

And those are just the locations that I can quickly tell are him for sure. There are also addresses attached to someone with his same or similar name in:

La Fontaine, Indiana
Joshua Tree, California
Running Springs, California
Buhl, Idaho (ETA: After some more searching I don't believe the Buhl ID is our Rusty-- there is another Marvin Holderman with the middle initial R who lived in Nebraska and Kansas and records show that middle initial in Buhl, ID as well).
Jumping off parts of your posting, I ran radaris. Interestingly, our guy came up with a couple of aliases in the first link. I'm sure I could pull up more profiles, but this is a start.
http://radaris.com/~Marvin-Holderman/1705234675 (Marvin Dorman, Marvin Gustav Jensen)

If his sister is VH, I found a myspace profile that has one image of a younger looking version of Rusty. I sure wish we knew more or could verify anything about his history.
Here's a blog post by a student who interacted with a homeless man named Rusty who said he had been living in a tent in Asheville for 7 years: http://blogs.missouristate.edu/immersion/2017/03/16/1044/

It's a Missouri Blog and mentions Springfield so at first I thought she meant somewhere in MO but I could not find an Asheville, MO. The church she mentions is in Asheville, NC and has programs for the homeless: http://haywoodstreet.org/2013/07/respite/

This is the only pic from Hayward street that I found so far that somewhat resembles Rusty (but I'm not sure, this man may be too young):

It's undated and no names are posted. It was uploaded to the blog in 2013.

Ok I found another reference to someone named Rusty at Haywood Street and it gives a last name (no picture associated with the name): http://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/2013/12/26/the-table-is-always-open-/4201899/

I think the man referenced in that article is most likely the same Rusty that the blogger met and, unless he used a different last name, he is probably not our Rusty.
Jumping off parts of your posting, I ran radaris. Interestingly, our guy came up with a couple of aliases in the first link. I'm sure I could pull up more profiles, but this is a start.
http://radaris.com/~Marvin-Holderman/1705234675 (Marvin Dorman, Marvin Gustav Jensen)

If his sister is VH, I found a myspace profile that has one image of a younger looking version of Rusty. I sure wish we knew more or could verify anything about his history.

Interesting find, Gigtu!
Ok I found another reference to someone named Rusty at Haywood Street and it gives a last name (no picture associated with the name): http://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/2013/12/26/the-table-is-always-open-/4201899/

I think the man referenced in that article is most likely the same Rusty that the blogger met and, unless he used a different last name, he is probably not our Rusty.
Since we now know he will use very unlikely aliases, I think it's very possibly him. We would need to see a picture of this Rusty Dunbar.
Since he had money coming in, he may have been the victim of foul play. There are sometimes fights in homeless camps because some people try to steal from others. I feel he was too young to die from natural causes. I wonder if he had any health issues that family members might be aware of. October is a very mild month in Florida. The weather is usually just fine, and it's usually quite dry in the winter.
Good points, with so many directions we can take our research.
Since we now know he will use very unlikely aliases, I think it's very possibly him. We would need to see a picture of this Rusty Dunbar.

That's true. I found some mugshots of a person by that name is SC (obviously not our Rusty) but no evidence it's the same one who was in Asheville.
From his yearbook photos, his chin has distinctive features. One side is higher than the other. This should help with skeletal I would think.
From his yearbook photos, his chin has distinctive features. One side is higher than the other. This should help with skeletal I would think.
I'm having hope that he's alive somewhere, just off the map. But yeah, his chin is very unique. I really wish we could see a pic of him smiling. The one in the OP is very sad, and he looks as though he had been crying. :(

Good idea to check Facebook pics. I don't see him really strongly in any of them but it's amazing how many homeless men have somewhat red/grey hair.
Clearer large image of Marvin from NamUs to make ID comparisons easier.



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    Marvin Rusty Holderman.png
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I have nothing to add but I want to say how god damn impressed I am by all of you.
Is the detective checking this thread or is there a email we can send the suggestions to?

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