Henry "Cab" Tice

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BBM. He definitely is not the first person like this -- just read here on WS and you'll find many "upstanding citizens" whom committed horrific crimes:)

Now that Ricks article is out, I feel comfortable making this statement. Since you have some proof that the MM is involved, something most of us have known for weeks. IMO, MM has imbedded itself into this local town. From the higher up to the lower chain. The highest chain of command controls people in this town like puppets, IMO. The MM could and IMO, people involved and controlled by them did set up that prosecutor - JMO. But as you see, even the the perps involved here don't want to name names out of fear. This is case is pretty scary but there are people out there that know names and the truth!!!
New Article in The Daily Beast:


Now my interpretation:

I guess what Rick is getting at is that the Mafia was angry that Billings was taken legal action, which was putting pressure on Tice's business and shutting down Mafia operations.

Probably Billings was putting pressure on Tice and threatened to go public. So, the Mafia ordered the hit, to stop Billings and allow Tice to return to business as usual.

Tice didn't order the hit (he didnt have the money to pay for it anyway) he was just a go-between, sort of contractor.

Does anyone agree/disagree with this interpretation?
Now that Ricks article is out, I feel comfortable making this statement. Since you have some proof that the MM is involved, something most of us have known for weeks. IMO, MM has imbedded itself into this local town. From the higher up to the lower chain. The highest chain of command controls people in this town like puppets, IMO. The MM could and IMO, people involved and controlled by them did set up that prosecutor - JMO. But as you see, even the the perps involved here don't want to name names out of fear. This is case is pretty scary but there are people out there that know names and the truth!!!

Respectfully, BBM.

So, basically you're saying that all of P'Cola is being controlled by MM??:crazy:

How'd they deal with the strong GOB network in Pensacola? Cuz, it's the GOB that runs things here.

And, they managed to do all this in 5 years? Have they gotten to Morgan, yet? And, how about Eddins? How about Chief Mathis?

I am not saying that MM is not here. They are a documented gang in both Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. And, I am not saying there isn't corruption here, of course there is. There's a lot across FL, which is why we have Sunshine Laws.

But the idea that corruption in this little town is being directed by the MM is ludicrous, IMO. I look forward to hearing what other local posters think about this.
Respectfully, BBM.

So, basically you're saying that all of P'Cola is being controlled by MM??:crazy:

How'd they deal with the strong GOB network in Pensacola? Cuz, it's the GOB that runs things here.

And, they managed to do all this in 5 years? Have they gotten to Morgan, yet? And, how about Eddins? How about Chief Mathis?

I am not saying that MM is not here. They are a documented gang in both Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. And, I am not saying there isn't corruption here, of course there is. There's a lot across FL, which is why we have Sunshine Laws.

But the idea that corruption in this little town is being directed by the MM is ludicrous, IMO. I look forward to hearing what other local posters think about this.

Daisy - I realize you're really intelligent and well-connected and all - but we have been telling you this, and now it has appeared in Rick's article - and the sheriff confirmed it ------- what do you know that the sheriff doesn't that makes you think it's ludicrous?? :confused:
Billings, Jr, Tabatha,Fausti,Tice all left country on many business deals....and where did the whole BILLINGS family take a crusie to (CARNIVAL) a couple weeks before they were murdered? Columbia??? JMO
New Article in The Daily Beast:


Now my interpretation:

I guess what Rick is getting at is that the Mafia was angry that Billings was taken legal action, which was putting pressure on Tice's business and shutting down Mafia operations.

Probably Billings was putting pressure on Tice and threatened to go public. So, the Mafia ordered the hit, to stop Billings and allow Tice to return to business as usual.

Tice didn't order the hit (he didnt have the money to pay for it anyway) he was just a go-between, sort of contractor.

Does anyone agree/disagree with this interpretation?

ITA! And, it seems Billings IS the good guy in all of this mess. Interestingly, the local rumor right after the murders was exactly this - that a business partner of Byrd was laundering money, Billings found out about it and tried to put a stop to it.

But, if the MM did order a hit for this reason, I still have many questions. Why were the murders committed when they were and where they were? Why was Melanie killed? And, why didn't they kill others who had to know about this, such as Ashley and Blue?

I look forward to seeing Dateline tonight!:)
Daisy - I realize you're really intelligent and well-connected and all - but we have been telling you this, and now it has appeared in Rick's article - and the sheriff confirmed it ------- what do you know that the sheriff doesn't that makes you think it's ludicrous?? :confused:

It's one thing to say that MM ordered this hit, which I am not saying is not true. But, it's a HUGE leap to say that MM is controlling people in this town "like puppets", from the higher ups on down:)
MO is that Dateline will not have much more than Rick- and Rick is still working on the story. So as Rick continues to update, you will get the whole story. Obviously BB was completely involved - dirty business dealings - the fact that Mel was killed, too, IMO proves it was a hit. As for Ashley and Blue, I have my own opinion, but no solid facts at this point to back it up - however, I'm still looking. We can all just sit back and let Rick tell the story.
There is alot of new stuff about Tice in this article, but it creates alot of new questions...


For example:
* Tice has been living AND working at Bobby English Auto Sales. Bobby English did not know that Tice was under investigation???
* Tice is broke. But where did he get the money to travel to Columbia?
* Now Robert Beasley is the Billings Attorney? What happed to Crystal Spencer???
* Beasley is saying "He thought the world of Melanie. She was a saintly person. He really had a true affection for her," attorney Robert Beasley said. "It would be difficult to believe that Cab would be involved with her getting hurt." Why would an attorney of the Billings say that??????????
* Tice's ex is coming to his defence. Why would SHE do that?

BBM Because none of them want LE digging any deeper They want this part of the investigation to "go away" and the reporters to back off.
There is alot of new stuff about Tice in this article, but it creates alot of new questions...


For example:
* Tice has been living AND working at Bobby English Auto Sales. Bobby English did not know that Tice was under investigation???
* Tice is broke. But where did he get the money to travel to Columbia?
* Now Robert Beasley is the Billings Attorney? What happed to Crystal Spencer???
* Beasley is saying "He thought the world of Melanie. She was a saintly person. He really had a true affection for her," attorney Robert Beasley said. "It would be difficult to believe that Cab would be involved with her getting hurt." Why would an attorney of the Billings say that??????????
* Tice's ex is coming to his defence. Why would SHE do that?

BBM Because none of them want LE digging any deeper They want this part of the investigation to "go away" and the reporters to back off.

I agree - they want this stopped. It's gonna end up hurting a lot of "used car dealers" and expose a lot of shady deals. Mel and Bud paid the ultimate price, but there are a lot more involved than just them, and they're all in CYA mode. Tice is dirty, but he was a victim - he was framed - something that these type of people are really good at. Remember the state attorney and the child *advertiser censored* case???
Did Tice get a free ride to Columbia from one of the players?
Debbie Tice has signed allot of the papers .......documents.......can be seen on
www.acandyrose.com If X goes down she may also........JMO
Tice broke in USA, rich man in Columbia?
Why live at a dealership owned by someone else.........a 24 hour front for something like drugs?
I agree - they want this stopped. It's gonna end up hurting a lot of "used car dealers" and expose a lot of shady deals. Mel and Bud paid the ultimate price, but there are a lot more involved than just them, and they're all in CYA mode. Tice is dirty, but he was a victim - he was framed - something that these type of people are really good at. Remember the state attorney and the child *advertiser censored* case???

BBM. Tice is a victim?? And, he was framed for writing bad checks by MM?:confused:
Do I think Morgan is corrupt? HECK NO! However, if you look into the world wide arena of politics - people owe people favors. That is how they get appointed, elected and so on and so forth. Money talks. So, I don't feel it is a stretch to say that there is a lot of insider activity going on within your community that people would never dream of. And I think the hit on the Billings has "higher" up people SCRAMBLING because there are now others looking into "others" business dealings. Sometimes, it take a change of control of power in a town to get to the bottom of "things" --- aka your new Sheriff. Also, I wouldn't rule out the surrounding towns as well. There really isn't any more for me to say today. It is okay for us to disagree.
Do I think Morgan is corrupt? HECK NO! However, if you look into the world wide arena of politics - people owe people favors. That is how they get appointed, elected and so on and so forth. Money talks. So, I don't feel it is a stretch to say that there is a lot of insider activity going on within your community that people would never dream of. And I think the hit on the Billings has "higher" up people SCRAMBLING because there are now others looking into "others" business dealings. Sometimes, it take a change of control of power in a town to get to the bottom of "things" --- aka your new Sheriff. Also, I wouldn't rule out the surrounding towns as well. There really isn't any more for me to say today. It is okay for us to disagree.

NSC - I totally agree with the bolded part -- that's how GOB runs things here. But, I totally disagree that MM is directing the GOB here.

BBM. Tice is a victim?? And, he was framed for writing bad checks by MM?:confused:

That's not what I said Daisy - I said in the MURDER OF BILLINGS'S, Tice was set up to take the fall. I don't think he ordered the murder - he was USED by MM and therefore is A VICTIM OF MM. Unfortunately for MM, too much has come to light - and now the truth is coming out.
Tice was dirty - I already said that - but he didn't order the hit on BB.

Is that a little clearer?

Also - Sheriff Morgan is the best thing that has happened in the P'cola area in a long time - I hope he will be able to clean the area up. It's full of dirt as is the surrounding areas.
New Article in The Daily Beast:


Now my interpretation:

I guess what Rick is getting at is that the Mafia was angry that Billings was taken legal action, which was putting pressure on Tice's business and shutting down Mafia operations.

Probably Billings was putting pressure on Tice and threatened to go public. So, the Mafia ordered the hit, to stop Billings and allow Tice to return to business as usual.

Tice didn't order the hit (he didnt have the money to pay for it anyway) he was just a go-between, sort of contractor.

Does anyone agree/disagree with this interpretation?

Seems like a plan. I'm thinking the MM may have lit a fire under their butts that they won't be able to put out for a very long time.
For you sleuthers who are digging in:
Tice's bad checks...not sure how many or the amount...but the fact they were ignored for over a year when a complaint has been made seems odd....(would be here).....would it be possible to do some comparative with other bad check writers........in court records, the warrants office, etc.
In other words, do bad check writers not get prosecuted or was it just this bad check writer didn't get pursued? That situation really seems odd. Here, if a check isn't paid, it's turned over to the constable's office, who strongly encourages one to take care of it through that office with fees attached prior to going before the judge, as I recall.
Probably Billings was putting pressure on Tice and threatened to go public. So, the Mafia ordered the hit, to stop Billings and allow Tice to return to business as usual.

Does anyone agree/disagree with this interpretation?

Yes. I've already given my (sure to be unpopular) opinion on this, so I won't belabor it, but just once more to be clear, IMHO:

* Tice and Billings were about equally dirty. No heroes here, folks.
* The Billings aligned with Debbie in the divorce action, and had other issues with Tice.
* Tice and Jr. were 'like father and son'
* I am sure there is a ton of corruption in Pcola, and that some of it has threads that touch players here.
* I am sure the MM is a bunch of bad dudes, with tentacles extending up into Pcola, and perhaps even touching on these players.
* Occam's razor tells me that Tice had the means, motive, and method to take care of his emotional, financial, and potentially legal problems, through eliminating Billings, but that *to date* (all of my positions are provisional, and will be swayed by new facts) the last people that would want to off Billings in a spectacular, and non-characteristic way, sure to draw public scrutiny and outrage, is the MM. The person screaming "MM" is Tice, and through JR it seems quite reasonable that Jr used that tidbit to get mystery and respect going in the minds of his gang. But I predict none of them NOT ONE, including Jr, will have anything of significance to provide LE about MM, that can lead to other investigations and parties, outside of Tice, even to bail their own fat out of the fire. To me, until proven otherwise, the buck stops with him, NOT that the interest of LE and them shaking the trees won't root out some other corruption and figures, but that's the extent of it.

I will be happy to be wrong, because that would mean more bad guys go to jail..
Thanks NSC and everyone else for all of your links and updates. Having lived in Destin in the past, I am blown away with what has happened in the panhandle. What is GOB?

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