His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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I was never a "fan", he proved to be the exact type of judge I said he was from the start.

Yeah, I kind of agree. I have split feelings about him, I think he treated this jury exceptionally well and they just spit in his face by not even bothering to take their time and put in a good faith effort to deliberate.

I think he rushed jury selection and in a case of this magnitude he should have allowed the state to at least strike that one juror and not forced them to accept someone who says "I can't stand in judgement of someone", to me that should have been an immediate goodbye.

He bent over backwards for Jose, he allowed him to slander people and to declare as facts things that just were never proven.

In the end though this jury leaves alot to be desired, between them I suspect their combined IQ would be below 100.
Also in closing arguments, the defense team broke all the rules that were given them
We kept being told - to avoid a mistrial .... feel like were were manipulated by your honor.
Poor Jeff and Linda and George. Did you hear JA last nite say that Lee was the one that turned the most ...
I have learned much about law from HHJP. As well as the constitution.

He upheld the law, he trusted his jury, they let him down. True he didn't want an appeal...and he was careful to not give JB any more rope than he needed.

I wonder if Mr. Baez will get her paperwork in on time. And when JB has his next court appearance before the judge.
What type of judge did/do you think he was?

From the beginning I think the judge cowtowed to the defense...schooling JB, allowing ICA to act more like a legal aid then a defendent in a death penalty murder trial....I saw him allow the defense to do things he admonished the state for....

My X is narristic...and manipulative....ICA had everyone wrapped around her little finger....the smirks and laughter at the end made me actually puck....

The only solice for me would be that ICA **********

I guess Im so angry and bitter because I lived for 20 yrs with a man just like her...I see today that as much as I thought I had dealt with my feelings I really just buried them for 10 yrs...

Im glad Im in therapy for my PTSD as Im going to need it to get me back to peace
What type of judge did/do you think he was?

He threatens but doesn't follow through. Has a loud voice but is a soft man. He wanted this trial to happen and to happen now so he hurried thru jury selection and forced the wrong people to be on the jury.
From the beginning I think the judge cowtowed to the defense...schooling JB, allowing ICA to act more like a legal aid then a defendent in a death penalty murder trial....I saw him allow the defense to do things he admonished the state for....

My X is narristic...and manipulative....ICA had everyone wrapped around her little finger....the smirks and laughter at the end made me actually puck....

The only solice for me would be that ICA *********

I guess Im so angry and bitter because I lived for 20 yrs with a man just like her...I see today that as much as I thought I had dealt with my feelings I really just buried them for 10 yrs...

Im glad Im in therapy for my PTSD as Im going to need it to get me back to peace

From the beginning I think the judge cowtowed to the defense...schooling JB, allowing ICA to act more like a legal aid then a defendent in a death penalty murder trial....I saw him allow the defense to do things he admonished the state for....

My X is narristic...and manipulative....ICA had everyone wrapped around her little finger....the smirks and laughter at the end made me actually puck....

The only solice for me would be that ICA *********

I guess Im so angry and bitter because I lived for 20 yrs with a man just like her...I see today that as much as I thought I had dealt with my feelings I really just buried them for 10 yrs...

Im glad Im in therapy for my PTSD as Im going to need it to get me back to peace
I'm sorry you had to go through that. I feel angry and bitter, too. I wish the same for ICA.

He threatens but doesn't follow through. Has a loud voice but is a soft man. He wanted this trial to happen and to happen now so he hurried thru jury selection and forced the wrong people to be on the jury.
Thanks for answering. I liked him, but I have to say I agree with you.
Could just be me but I swear, as he was reading over the verdict, I saw a slight grin. I think he's on the defense side & was happy with the verdict. JMO
I carefully watched HHJP both when he read through the verdict forms and when it was announced to see if he had a visible reaction. I saw absolutely no emotion from him whatsoever. He did not change his expression at all. Whatever he was thinking he managed not to show it on his face, IMO.
I wish there was a course that would be required of Jury members to attend and pass to qualify them as to their competency.

I totally agree and have been thinking about this since Monday. There needs to be some sort of IQ test, as well as a course on what constitutes REASONABLE DOUBT and how to consider CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Each potential juror should have to pass this course by being able to define and give examples of these terms.

As citizens, we are required to study and pass a test to get a driver's license....yet we allow apparently anyone with a pulse to sit on a jury where they have to be able to engage in critical thinking. This is a skill that not everyone has. Those who do not have it should not serve on a jury. Period.

I think he rushed jury selection and in a case of this magnitude he should have allowed the state to at least strike that one juror and not forced them to accept someone who says "I can't stand in judgement of someone", to me that should have been an immediate goodbye.

ITA! I felt that HHJP tried too hard to rehabilitate many of the potential jurors and put words in their mouths at times. He seemed way too concerned about getting the jury seated and rushing through the trial.

Throughout the whole trial, I kept wondering if HHJP has a vacation scheduled, or some other "deadline" that he was trying to meet.

Though I think he's a cutie and love his personality, I'm just not thrilled with his haste to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible. :(
I want to say JP did a good job but, frankly I am not so sure he wasn't just in too much of a hurry that he neglected the MOST important factor of this case...the Jury & their competency.

Is it customary that a Judge would monitor that the Jury was keeping notes, asking questions, etc. I wish there was a course that would be required of Jury members to attend and pass to qualify them as to their competency.

There is something gravely wrong with a system that allows the life of those accused to be so carelessly decided upon. This goes either way, too. Even for those who are accused and truly innocent.

This system is flawed...

IMO, a judicial mediator (right word ?) should be with the jury at all times and a jury SHOULD be allowed to discuss the case amongst themselves for a certain period of time each day, in order that they do not have to digest everything they have heard at the end of the trial, which obviously encourages the jury to rush through important details just to get home.

Note-taking should be mandatory for a jury and every day court should adjourn with ample time left (before the jury is exhausted) to discuss their notes with this mediator so that they understand what has taken place that day in the courtroom.

IMO if this had been done, the flood of information that the jury had to peruse would not have presented to them as monumental, thus rushing them to get it over with, which is so evident and perhaps the outcome could have been the right outcome.

In the SP case, he was the last person to see his wife and went fishing in a bay. The bodies of LP and her unborn child washed ashore and SP got the death penalty. Did anyone see him put LP in the bay -- no, so what makes this case so different -- because she is a woman. This is the biggest travesty of injustice to go down in history.

Why was the jury allowed to request the duct tape with the outline of the heart sticker. I would call this discussing the trial amongst themselves -- what happened here -- this should have been a mistrial.

I totally agree and have been thinking about this since Monday. There needs to be some sort of IQ test, as well as a course on what constitutes REASONABLE DOUBT and how to consider CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Each potential juror should have to pass this course by being able to define and give examples of these terms.

As citizens, we are required to study and pass a test to get a driver's license....yet we allow apparently anyone with a pulse to sit on a jury where they have to be able to engage in critical thinking. This is a skill that not everyone has. Those who do not have it should not serve on a jury. Period.


Except those with a felony conviction even if it's 20 years old. :crazy:
At the end of the hearing for the motion to release the juror's names HHJP mentioned that he would taking care of some personal business that would leave him somewhat the worse for wear over the next couple of days.

Wishing HHJP the best of health, success, and a quick recovery.
I think HHJP did a fantastic job, not perfect, but I think people want someone to blame. He isnt the one though.

Thank you - my sentiments exactly!

There is only one person to blame for the death of little Caylee and scores of people to blame for the travesty of justice that followed. His Honor Judge Belvin Perry is not anywhere on that list.
I agree. He pushed the PT and DT into picking a jury to quickly because of Florida's budget problems in that the longer it took the more money the State would have to spend. They(the State of Florida) should have allowed JP as much time as neccessary so that 12 **** stated. His babying of JB I believe aided in the verdict.:mad:

The Defense is the one who was asking for more groups of potential jurors, many times and was shot down...the State seemed fine with the pace of the jury selection. The Judge seemed fine with it. They may have end up with exactly the jury they deserved...they would still be seeing jurors if JB had his way...
I guess in looking for someone to blame, that even HHJP is a target. Even though he did a great job. IMO.
I guess in looking for someone to blame, that even HHJP is a target. Even though he did a great job. IMO.

I agree that he did a great job. I have a lot of respect and affection for him.
After being angry with the jury for a couple of days, I am back to blaming one person and one person only. She knows what she did and she will face justice again even though she avoided it here on earth.
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