Holly Bobo found deceased, discussion thread *Arrests* #6

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It appears that the charge is based on one TBI officer claiming that he heard DA say something to that effect to another TBI officer. That would be pretty flimsy (like pretty much all of the other charges being made in this case, apparently).

Do you have a source for that? I'm not doubting you, I just hadn't read anything substantial about his confession.

Not to mention that he was charged AFTER cooperating with police, which implies that whatever testimony he was offering them is highly dubious.

Agreed. There's no reason for them to charge him at that point unless either he stopped cooperating or the evidence disproved his confession. It's very telling. Also, we have to consider the totality of the situation. DA has a low IQ, he's a prime candidate for giving a false confession, and the circumstances surrounding his confession really up that chance. Lastly, the way they filed the charges: charged him with disposing of evidence and then the day before the hearing, they dropped that charge and charged him with rape. Autry's attorney described it like this: "They charged him with something less serious in order to keep him locked up, and then when it comes times to answer questions about the charge, they dismiss that and charge him with a more serious charge in circuit court, where he's not entitled to a preliminary hearing"

In other words, they want him charged, but don't want to have to answer any questions about those charges.
here ya go Bali. The affidavit upon which DA's charges are being hung is said to be by one official claiming to have witnessed or overheard DA telling another official he tampered with evidence

An arrest affidavit filed in the Decatur County Courthouse details the reason for the arrest.
"On September 17, 2014, this agent heard Dylan Adams tell other agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that on April 13, 2011, Dylan Adams disposed of item(s) he knew possessed evidentiary value relating to Holly Bobo," the report said. "This offense did occur in Decatur County."


Wow...just wow. So the other agent...did he like, not remember the incident or something. I wonder how on earth they were planning to explain it. Or...I guess they weren't planning to explain it since they dropped those charges before he got an evidentiary hearing on that charge.
Wow...just wow. So the other agent...did he like, not remember the incident or something. I wonder how on earth they were planning to explain it. Or...I guess they weren't planning to explain it since they dropped those charges before he got an evidentiary hearing on that charge.

I suspect they did it like that so there would be corroboration. Presumably this conversation was not recorded, otherwise they wouldn't need to phrase it that way.
Also, it is irrelevant in the trial of the other two, since they have not confessed to anything.

A confession of someone who raped Holly shortly after she was kidnapped would be irrelevant to her murder?..........Seriously??????

Mainly because....... "To be admitted in their trial the prosecutors would need to produce DA to make the claims in court"
Partly because......."Not to mention that he was charged AFTER cooperating with police, which implies that whatever testimony he was offering them is highly dubious"

For the first part .....they do not need DA to testify against them......granted it would help the prosecution greatly but if he doesn't you will see the excited utterance law disputed by both sides and ruled on by the judge.

The second part happens all the time....plus is there even a deal?....he is still charged with rape and tampering with evidence.Unless he was involved with her murder what have they given him?

I am not sure the rape confession and the tampering with evidence are the exact same confession.......I am aware of what little is known about the tampering charges but the rape charges came a month later shortly after her remains were found.

The timeline suggests DA confessed to her rape shortly after her remains were found.......so we can be assured they interviewed him again and he may have cracked.
^^^....once again if there are facts that dispute this time line I would like to see them and could easily change my stance on the timeline.

But this confession(whatever it is) is a huge problem for the defense.
Shouldn't Shane being deceased move this case along one way or the other ?
They no longer have what he said and there won't be an immunity challenge.
A confession of someone who raped Holly shortly after she was kidnapped would be irrelevant to her murder?..........Seriously??????

Mainly because....... "To be admitted in their trial the prosecutors would need to produce DA to make the claims in court"
Partly because......."Not to mention that he was charged AFTER cooperating with police, which implies that whatever testimony he was offering them is highly dubious"

For the first part .....they do not need DA to testify against them......granted it would help the prosecution greatly but if he doesn't you will see the excited utterance law disputed by both sides and ruled on by the judge.

The second part happens all the time....plus is there even a deal?....he is still charged with rape and tampering with evidence.Unless he was involved with her murder what have they given him?

I am not sure the rape confession and the tampering with evidence are the exact same confession.......I am aware of what little is known about the tampering charges but the rape charges came a month later shortly after her remains were found.

The timeline suggests DA confessed to her rape shortly after her remains were found.......so we can be assured they interviewed him again and he may have cracked.
^^^....once again if there are facts that dispute this time line I would like to see them and could easily change my stance on the timeline.

But this confession(whatever it is) is a huge problem for the defense.

You don't understand the law.

Firstly, DA didn't "confess" to anything. The charges were based on stuff he allegedly told TBI agents during an interview, and since he was supposedly cooperating with them (and presumably would have therefore been protected), the decision to charge him is simply dumbfounding. He should be their star witness, but they are charging him??? Really???

Since the agents who supposedly heard this corroborated each other (and DA denies it), presumably there was no recording. And certainly no signed "confession". So in the abduction/murder trial, what can the prosecution produce about this? Nothing! Without DA's testimony in trial it is hearsay and therefore inadmissible. In the US you have the right to confront your accusers in trial, and in this particular case, subject their testimony to cross examination. Since DA is not dead and most certainly is available, in order for these claims to be admissible HE has to say so in open court so that the defense can subject him to cross. And since the prosecution have chosen to charge HIM, that is not very likely since it would leave him with no defense in his own trial.

The only way DA's statements would be admissible would be in his own trial (not the trial of the other two). And even then, if the interview was not recorded and DA subsequently denies it, the state will still have to produce evidence to corroborate it, and I doubt they have any of that.

The decision to charge DA strongly implies that the case against the other two is all but dead. It is a last gasp effort to salvage something from the case.
A confession of someone who raped Holly shortly after she was kidnapped would be irrelevant to her murder?..........Seriously??????

Mainly because....... "To be admitted in their trial the prosecutors would need to produce DA to make the claims in court"
Partly because......."Not to mention that he was charged AFTER cooperating with police, which implies that whatever testimony he was offering them is highly dubious"

For the first part .....they do not need DA to testify against them......granted it would help the prosecution greatly but if he doesn't you will see the excited utterance law disputed by both sides and ruled on by the judge.

The second part happens all the time....plus is there even a deal?....he is still charged with rape and tampering with evidence.Unless he was involved with her murder what have they given him?

I am not sure the rape confession and the tampering with evidence are the exact same confession.......I am aware of what little is known about the tampering charges but the rape charges came a month later shortly after her remains were found.The timeline suggests DA confessed to her rape shortly after her remains were found.......so we can be assured they interviewed him again and he may have cracked.
^^^....once again if there are facts that dispute this time line I would like to see them and could easily change my stance on the timeline.

But this confession(whatever it is) is a huge problem for the defense.

They would be part of the same interview. After they charged him with tampering, he would have known that they were no longer cooperating with him and he would not have had any further interviews with LE without his lawyers, so there would be no subsequent interview.

The rape charges would have required a grand jury to indict him, and that takes time. So they filed the tampering charge until they could get a GJ convened and an indictment passed, so they could keep him locked up.
Shouldn't Shane being deceased move this case along one way or the other ?
They no longer have what he said and there won't be an immunity challenge.

I think the only real evidence against the others they had was the claims DA and SA made to get deals for themselves on other charges. DA is now charged in Holly's case as well so presumably what he told LE was either not true or unreliable, in any event he is essentially useless as a witness for the prosecution now. SA is dead so he can't be called as a witness, not that his testimony would have been much use either since they publically tried to revoke the deal they made and threatened him with charges.

Yup. So, it is a big mess for sure. Especially since the prosecution is stonewalling on their constitutional obligation to turn over discovery.
I'm still trying to figure out why ZA always looks like he's still on drugs after all this time in jail. I would think by now there would be a major difference in his eyes and demeanor if he were clean from being locked up. He never looks upset at all this from what I see on the news. In my opinion he is somehow still able to get his hands on drugs inside. His indifference or so it seems leads me to believe he is guilty. As for the Pearcy's, another girl went missing in decatur county around 1999. Her name was Kristie Baugus Moon. From what I've heard over the years she was last seen in the presence of Michael Pearcy. And if my memory serves me right, her purse was found in his truck when the police shot and killed him in the street in Parsons. I also believe Mark Pearcy had some knowledge of this or was involved. He and Michael were cousins and always bad news from my understanding. I do not know if Jeff Pearcy had any involvement or knowledge of what happened to her. It's always bothered me even though I never met her simply because there never seemed to be a search or investigation. I assume because she was known to use drugs that she just wasn't cared about enough by LE to put forth effort. But she was someone's daughter... and I think she was also someone's mother...sad. This is all my opinions from things I read years ago. Praying for Holly's family and Kristie's as well. They all deserve justice and closure. Oh and I just read that Baugus is Holly's ex-boyfriend's last name.....interesting...hmmm.
You don't understand the law.

I can tell you one thing if DA said something incriminating and 2 people (TBI agents) or even 2 inmates who just happened to overhear him talking.It is coming into these trials.

It makes no difference weather DA takes the stand and admits he said this or not.....and just because he now denies he said anything certainly doesn't mean they are going to be thrown out or charges dropped........the defense may call him to refute the incriminating remarks but it is coming into his trial and also the trials of other 2 if the remarks pertain to their case......I really doubt he would be willing to take the stand for the defense for the other 2.

There are so many laws to allow what I would deem hearsay to be admitted into evidence.....just about every case I have followed closely there has been an instance where something was admitted that I thought for sure was hearsay and these were much better examples of hearsay then what you have described in the post above.

When you use words like allegedly,supposedly,presumably and not very likely as much as you did in the above post(sometimes twice in the same sentence)you are not going to convince many people to switch over to your side.

Sandusky was a trail I followed closely .......in the 1990's a janitor saw something and told another janitor......by the time the trial came around the eye witness janitor had died but the second janitor testified at trial what the deceased janitor had told him.

I never thought this janitor testimony would be allowed ....but it was and has also stood up to appeals.....excited utterance I believe was the ruling letting it be introduced.

So before you accuse people of not knowing things it would be best for you to take time to understand them a little better yourself.Especially when you follow up with nothing more then flat out guesses to what you think may have happened
I'm still trying to figure out why ZA always looks like he's still on drugs after all this time in jail. I would think by now there would be a major difference in his eyes and demeanor if he were clean from being locked up. He never looks upset at all this from what I see on the news. In my opinion he is somehow still able to get his hands on drugs inside. His indifference or so it seems leads me to believe he is guilty. As for the Pearcy's, another girl went missing in decatur county around 1999. Her name was Kristie Baugus Moon. From what I've heard over the years she was last seen in the presence of Michael Pearcy. And if my memory serves me right, her purse was found in his truck when the police shot and killed him in the street in Parsons. I also believe Mark Pearcy had some knowledge of this or was involved. He and Michael were cousins and always bad news from my understanding. I do not know if Jeff Pearcy had any involvement or knowledge of what happened to her. It's always bothered me even though I never met her simply because there never seemed to be a search or investigation. I assume because she was known to use drugs that she just wasn't cared about enough by LE to put forth effort. But she was someone's daughter... and I think she was also someone's mother...sad. This is all my opinions from things I read years ago. Praying for Holly's family and Kristie's as well. They all deserve justice and closure. Oh and I just read that Baugus is Holly's ex-boyfriend's last name.....interesting...hmmm.

We have a thread here on Kristie, tho, not very active.
Goood Lord, now what?????

Nick Beres ‏@NC5_NickBeres 2m2 minutes ago
BREAKING: Could special prosecutor in Bobo case go to jail? You won't believe the latest. Exclusive at 5 and 6!

Nick Beres ‏@NC5_NickBeres 7m7 minutes ago
BREAKING: Could suspect walk? Could DA end up in jail? You won't believe the latest in the Holly Bobo case! Exclusive at 5 and 6!#nc5

26 mins ·
BREAKING: Could the special prosecutor in the Bobo case be thrown in jail? You won't believe the latest development. Either charges against one suspect are dropped or the D-A goes to the stoney lonesome? The judge will now decide what happens next after a scathing new motion was filed today in court. I have the motion. Wait until you hear the details. This legal battle is getting ugly and it could effect the future of this high profile case. The exclusive story coming up at 5 and 6!


*I'm wondering if this has to do, with what I found earlier to ties with DA out of Memphis....Ive got the TV on and waiting for report. Will post my notes.*
The 5:00 news was very vague .. basically, Attorney Long has filed a motion in criminal court, with a "scathing" ( news reporter word) If Jennifer Nichols cannot see the light........ Long puts in his motion, of no discovery, and the misuse of a speedy trial, maybe Nichols should go to jail to see that light.

Of course all this is paraphrasing...but they want to see the evidence of why Autry is sitting in prison ( well we know why from other federal sentence) but why does he have these charges.

Well......I can see his point, sorta......This should have been moving along, but right now, it's not even moving at a snails pace. More at 6pm.
Someone needs to move their bowels or get off the pot. This case has become a disgrace. I am usually a staunch supporter of LE, of the prosecution. But this one reeks of incompetence, downright skulduggery or BOTH.
I'm still trying to figure out why ZA always looks like he's still on drugs after all this time in jail. I would think by now there would be a major difference in his eyes and demeanor if he were clean from being locked up. He never looks upset at all this from what I see on the news. In my opinion he is somehow still able to get his hands on drugs inside. His indifference or so it seems leads me to believe he is guilty. As for the Pearcy's, another girl went missing in decatur county around 1999. Her name was Kristie Baugus Moon. From what I've heard over the years she was last seen in the presence of Michael Pearcy. And if my memory serves me right, her purse was found in his truck when the police shot and killed him in the street in Parsons. I also believe Mark Pearcy had some knowledge of this or was involved. He and Michael were cousins and always bad news from my understanding. I do not know if Jeff Pearcy had any involvement or knowledge of what happened to her. It's always bothered me even though I never met her simply because there never seemed to be a search or investigation. I assume because she was known to use drugs that she just wasn't cared about enough by LE to put forth effort. But she was someone's daughter... and I think she was also someone's mother...sad. This is all my opinions from things I read years ago. Praying for Holly's family and Kristie's as well. They all deserve justice and closure. Oh and I just read that Baugus is Holly's ex-boyfriend's last name.....interesting...hmmm.

Wow! What a weird detail!

Of course it could just be that it's a small town and everybody is related to everybody. The six degrees of separation in this scenario is more like three degrees, but still...weird.
Continuing from what Nick Beres News Channel 5 reported.

In Long's motion he said it was "Blatant Discovery Abuse". A Willful Contempt and he want's either Nichols jailed for contempt or discovery made now. His client has been arrested, but they don't have a "why" evidence. In the motion he includes, this has gone through former DA Hansel Adams, who was voted out, then through DA Stowe, who had his falling out with the TBI and now DA Nichols who is just ignoring it all. Not a peep one. Nichols never returned calls to the reporter to answer this new motion.

From Bali's link above:
"For cause the accused would show that a series of prosecuting attorneys have been trifling with the Court and with defense counsel regarding matters ordered by the Court on the day of defense counsel's initial appearance in this case during May of 2014."

1. "The U.S. Constitution entitles us to know that he's charged and why and we don't have the why," said Long.

2. That is exactly what the new motion asks the judge to do: "Dismiss the indictment with prejudice," or find special prosecutor Jennifer Nichols guilty of "willful contempt and commit her to jail."

3. "Our client has been charged in a murder case for a murder of which prosecutors don't appear willing to provide information that composes the basis of those charges," said Long.

4. The strongly-worded motion attacks the state for "inexplicably and inexcusably refusing to comply" with the judge's orders, and that "the three prosecutors for this case have danced around the maypole."

Other words, Nichols has had this case for 4 months and nada..... throw her in jail. (paraphrasing Long)
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