Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #2 ***ARREST***

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Holly Bobo suspect yet to retain attorney

DECATURVILLE -- Judge C. Creed McGinley said there is little he could say during a status hearing for Zachary Adams this morning.

McGinley said in court that Adams has still not retained legal representation, although Nashville attorney Jennifer Lynn Thompson was present on his behalf.

The judge said that he spoke with Thompson during a telephone conference two days ago and that Thompson told him the family will still making "good faith efforts" to obtain an attorney.

McGinley stated that he advised Thompson that should she decide to be Adams' counsel of record, she would have to remain so unless a conflict of interest arose.

"If she signs on, she will be in it for the long haul," he said. McGinley also noted that Thompson has said the local public defender's office had stated that should Thompson not represent Adams, the local office would not be able to do so because of a conflict of interest. An attorney from the office told the judge in court today that this was true.

McGinley said in court that he regretted granting Adams a waiver of appearance for today's hearing, as he wished that he could inform him that it is his burden to retain an attorney, should he choose not to represent himself or seek a public defender.

"Until Mr. Adams is present, I am limited in what I can do," McGinley said. "I want to move this along as soon as possible. I am against coming in here every 30 days."

Why is this getting all the breaks? Why didn't the judge demand he be there?

I have a hard time with thinking Holly's body or remains were found and it would be kept secret. It would be a most unusual way to go about a case, at the very least, and I am not sure I really want such a variance tested by TN, to be frank. When a body is found it is usually public record, and also there is the issue of chain of custody, whereas a whole of of people would be involved in the collection of remains. If they have not found her body, they may be acting vague about it if they don't want the "trial without a body" talk to start up at this point. I understand that her parents have come to believe she is dead, but I believe that could be based on a large amount of blood, evidence of her clothing and belongings, etc, maybe a combination of factors. I am pretty sure they (LE) cannot simply produce evidence of remains at trial or at the last minute. Anyway, what on earth would be the reason to hide the fact, if she and/or remains had been found? Finding remains is an essential part of a case, and solidifies it instantly.

Anyway Jmo, but just hope LE is not taking some weird chance.
I have a hard time with thinking Holly's body or remains were found and it would be kept secret. It would be a most unusual way to go about a case, at the very least, and I am not sure I really want such a variance tested by TN, to be frank. When a body is found it is usually public record, and also there is the issue of chain of custody, whereas a whole of of people would be involved in the collection of remains. If they have not found her body, they may be acting vague about it if they don't want the "trial without a body" talk to start up at this point. I understand that her parents have come to believe she is dead, but I believe that could be based on a large amount of blood, evidence of her clothing and belongings, etc, maybe a combination of factors. I am pretty sure they (LE) cannot simply produce evidence of remains at trial or at the last minute. Anyway, what on earth would be the reason to hide the fact, if she and/or remains had been found? Finding remains is an essential part of a case, and solidifies it instantly.

Anyway Jmo, but just hope LE is not taking some weird chance.

I don't think they found her either. We may have to wait years before we find out what "voluminous" evidence they have against him.

Maybe by the time the trial starts they'll find her. Hoping.
I have a hard time with thinking Holly's body or remains were found and it would be kept secret. It would be a most unusual way to go about a case, at the very least, and I am not sure I really want such a variance tested by TN, to be frank. When a body is found it is usually public record, and also there is the issue of chain of custody, whereas a whole of of people would be involved in the collection of remains. If they have not found her body, they may be acting vague about it if they don't want the "trial without a body" talk to start up at this point. I understand that her parents have come to believe she is dead, but I believe that could be based on a large amount of blood, evidence of her clothing and belongings, etc, maybe a combination of factors. I am pretty sure they (LE) cannot simply produce evidence of remains at trial or at the last minute. Anyway, what on earth would be the reason to hide the fact, if she and/or remains had been found? Finding remains is an essential part of a case, and solidifies it instantly.

Anyway Jmo, but just hope LE is not taking some weird chance.

RBBM: I don't feel it is being kept secret or hidden. I just think it will take a long time to confirm any remains they found. There is nothing instant about forensic anthropology. If they were sifting (as they were) then they were looking for anything that might remain, fragments, teeth, etc. Analysis in cases like that could take months and why would they announce it before testing is complete?
RBBM: I don't feel it is being kept secret or hidden. I just think it will take a long time to confirm any remains they found. There is nothing instant about forensic anthropology. If they were sifting (as they were) then they were looking for anything that might remain, fragments, teeth, etc. Analysis in cases like that could take months and why would they announce it before testing is complete?

But then why annouce she is dead?
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

:twocents: Just caught up since yesterday's hearing, and I have to say that I think all the posts here contain some very good points.

I am still :fence: as to what I "think" happened, which is unusual for me ... lol !

I just hope and pray that we will SOON know the TRUTH as to what happened to Holly !

Thanks to all for the updates on the hearing. Needless to say, I'm angry and very disappointed that

1. He doesn't have an attorney

2. They suspected him all along and did nothing

BBM: I agree ... and why did it take 3 years, especially with that "rap sheet" ZA has ?

While I understand Constitutional rights, probable cause . . . yada yada yada ... JMO, they should have moved faster on this dangerous perp ...

BBM: I agree ... and why did it take 3 years, especially with that "rap sheet" ZA has ?

While I understand Constitutional rights, probable cause . . . yada yada yada ... JMO, they should have moved faster on this dangerous perp ...


If they claim to have gathered all this voluminous evidence against him for 3 years, there must've been something they could have on him to execute those search warrants sooner. And perhaps Holly would have been found.

All along the Bobos kept begging for information from the TBI a and got nothing.
I'm convinced some knew about it and did nothing. Yes, perhaps he acted alone but I'll be furious if those who knew didn't come forward sooner and won't be charged.

That makes me furious when I think about that possibility too, n/t.

However; in many states it is not a punishable crime if someone doesn't report the crime they may have known about.
BBM: I agree ... and why did it take 3 years, especially with that "rap sheet" ZA has ?

While I understand Constitutional rights, probable cause . . . yada yada yada ... JMO, they should have moved faster on this dangerous perp ...


His past criminal history wouldn't have anything to do with having probable cause for a search warrant in Holly's case. The search warrant has to be specifically related to her case only. The TBI lead investigator has to tell the Judge at the probable cause hearing exactly what they are looking for and think they will find related only to Holly's case. That is why the affidavit attached to the SW will remain sealed, imo.

I cant answer why it took three years, but it isn't uncommon for LE to know who the suspect was shortly after the crime had occurred, yet it took them years (some longer than three years) before they had obtained enough evidence against the suspect to finally get a SW and then arrest and charge them with the crime.

I am just thankful that they did finally gather all the voluminous evidence together in order to arrest and charge him. Patience pays off sometimes and imo it did in this case. The TBI/FBI never let go of who they firmly believed did this to Holly.

His past criminal history wouldn't have anything to do with having probable cause for a search warrant in Holly's case. The search warrant has to be specifically related to her case only. The TBI lead investigator has to tell the Judge at the probable cause hearing exactly what they are looking for and think they will find related only to Holly's case. That is why the affidavit attached to the SW will remain sealed, imo.

I cant answer why it took three years, but it isn't uncommon for LE to know who the suspect was shortly after the crime had occurred, yet it took them years (some longer than three years) before they had obtained enough evidence against the suspect to finally get a SW and then arrest and charge them with the crime.

I am just thankful that they did finally gather all the voluminous evidence together in order to arrest and charge him. Patience pays off sometimes and imo it did in this case. The TBI/FBI never let go of who they firmly believed did this to Holly.



:seeya: You are correct, and good points, OBE !

BUT ... BUT ... "someone" had to "suspect something" ... KWIM ?

In other words:

- WHEN and WHY did ZA become a "suspect" by the TBI ?

- WHAT led the TBI to ZA ?

Hopefully, we will know the answers soon !

Sorry, but I am impatient ... and I cannot even begin to imagine how the Bobo Family feels !

:please: for Holly and her Family !
RBBM: I don't feel it is being kept secret or hidden. I just think it will take a long time to confirm any remains they found. There is nothing instant about forensic anthropology. If they were sifting (as they were) then they were looking for anything that might remain, fragments, teeth, etc. Analysis in cases like that could take months and why would they announce it before testing is complete?

I don't think it is being hidden either. I wasn't surprised since this is a TBI case that the DA refused to answer any questions about whether she was found or not. Really that is only relevant to those who will sit as jurors when his trial is held. Of course the Bobo family would be told the answer in private, as it should be, and they made point to say from now on out, they would be in close contact with Holly's family.

Once he finally does have an attorney on record... discovery will start to trickle in, but it will be months before even his own attorney knows what all the TBI has against him. And any seasoned DA knows what evidence/discovery to turnover first, and what to hold close to their vest until the last.

If all they found was fragmented remains it could take many months before those partial remains are released to the family. And once he is assigned an attorney of record, that attorney also has the right to hire their own expert to examine the remains.

ITA! They were sifting through the soil where they had dug the hole and that is exactly what they were looking for to make sure they didn't miss any bone fragments, imo.
Imo, ZA was the primary suspect by investigators in the HB abduction within the first ten days of the investigation...

If that was true, ZA is a convicted felon...It doesn't take much for LE to get a search warrant on a convicted felon. Pretty much a stiff breeze in his direction would have been enough, considering that there was no proof that Holly was not still alive 10 days after her abduction. I can't believe that they would have let possible forensic evidence sit while they waited for better "circumstantial" evidence. Obviously the X factor here is we have no idea what "NSA" type of surveillance technology the FBI/TBI might have to bring to bare on the situation, but even if they had been following his movements and communications, is that really more important than say a search warrant of his vehicle for Holly's blood when we know she was bleeding at the time of the kidnapping.. I just don't buy it.

Wonless, Read comment # 102 by Foxfire. The statement by the search team leader is why I feel that ZA was the primary suspect by investigators since before the 04/24/2011 volunteer search..
That makes me furious when I think about that possibility too, n/t.

However; in many states it is not a punishable crime if someone doesn't report the crime they may have known about.

So, if someone witnessed the murder, it may not be a punishable crime?
Since I read the tweet today stating the DA has voluminous evidence on Zach Adams, I am beginning to believe that he is the only suspect in the aggravated kidnapping and murder of Holly.

He was arrested in February, 2014 and here we are almost in mid April, 2014, and there have been no other arrests connected to her case.

If the investigation of Adams has been ongoing for three years it just makes logical sense to me if anyone else was involved LE would have uncovered the other participants when they were investigating Adams. Especially since the names rumored have close ties with Adams, himself.

And really that makes a lot more sense to me. Almost every time we see cases like Holly's the kidnapping and murder was done by one sole perpetrator.

Now I suppose at some given point others could be arrested for lessor charges such as aiding and abetting possibly but that may not even happen either.


Always seemed like a single person type crime to me. There is the possibility of someone being an accessory after the fact and such a person could be state witness to escape charges.

:seeya: You are correct, and good points, OBE !

BUT ... BUT ... "someone" had to "suspect something" ... KWIM ?

In other words:

- WHEN and WHY did ZA become a "suspect" by the TBI ?

- WHAT led the TBI to ZA ?

Hopefully, we will know the answers soon !

Sorry, but I am impatient ... and I cannot even begin to imagine how the Bobo Family feels !

:please: for Holly and her Family !

The assault against his girlfriend's sister is what instigated the search warrants.

The question, however, is why did that crime become the search for Holly?
Thanks to all for the updates on the hearing. Needless to say, I'm angry and very disappointed that

1. He doesn't have an attorney

2. They suspected him all along and did nothing

Thats just how stuff goes. To be fair, it seems he has worked on getting n atty. Its not like the trial is going to be next week. I can't see anything happening until 2015 or even 16. If he waives his right to a speedy trial this can take years so what is an extra month now, in the scheme of things?

You can suspect someone as much as you want but without evidence there isn't much you can do. Like it or not, that is how it works. Now, if it were me, I would have hauled him in and tortured him with a hot poker and pair of red hot pincers like it was 1589... but we cant do that now.
His past criminal history wouldn't have anything to do with having probable cause for a search warrant in Holly's case. The search warrant has to be specifically related to her case only. The TBI lead investigator has to tell the Judge at the probable cause hearing exactly what they are looking for and think they will find related only to Holly's case. That is why the affidavit attached to the SW will remain sealed, imo.

I cant answer why it took three years, but it isn't uncommon for LE to know who the suspect was shortly after the crime had occurred, yet it took them years (some longer than three years) before they had obtained enough evidence against the suspect to finally get a SW and then arrest and charge them with the crime.

I am just thankful that they did finally gather all the voluminous evidence together in order to arrest and charge him. Patience pays off sometimes and imo it did in this case. The TBI/FBI never let go of who they firmly believed did this to Holly.


RE your first paragraph. There are ways to get around it IMO . They could've requested search warrants for a crime unrelated to Holly. Once there, lo and behold, a discovery which would have resulted in his arrest at that time. 3 years ago.
Thats just how stuff goes. To be fair, it seems he has worked on getting n atty. Its not like the trial is going to be next week. I can't see anything happening until 2015 or even 16. If he waives his right to a speedy trial this can take years so what is an extra month now, in the scheme of things?

You can suspect someone as much as you want but without evidence there isn't much you can do. Like it or not, that is how it works. Now, if it were me, I would have hauled him in and tortured him with a hot poker and pair of red hot pincers like it was 1589... but we cant do that now.

"Until Mr. Adams is present, I am limited in what I can do," McGinley said. "I want to move this along as soon as possible. I am against coming in here every 30 days."


They could have done something to get him sooner. I'm convinced. But of course it takes smarts and skills. IMO.

I have zero faith in TBI and I apologize if that offends anyone.
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