Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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Same as when your car break down. You may try to fix it and wait with the car even though its broken.. While others would leave to get help.. Its deals with social input, and trust in what you know about the situation. Maybe she didn't think she was in harms way and with someone she trusted, or done this type of argument style before.

If harm doesn't comes out the 1st few times. Its build assurance, comfort. The "be safe" alarms wont go off. From what I see and read so far, someone over took her safe person she trusted in a mutual way out with say or maybe force . Some how the deal changed or the safety of her well being.

Its good to see a young female get proper burial from a missing murder/abduction it gives her family some solace.
We have been told there were some pings off of that tower at some point. But:
(a) a ping wouldn't mean that the phone is at that tower, but only that it is in range of it
(b) we don't know when, and
(c) we don't know the sequence of the various pings from each tower to her phone, which (if I'm not mistaken) continued for some period of time (even days) and involved multiple towers.

ill answer a, b and c. which quite easy to do.. all pings are time and date based given in radius frame from a exact point. what this says in small is not only that holly bobo was there in that area. that is assumed .. but whom ever had her phone was in the that area that could be holly bobo or her captures... this answers a/b

All It means is that person with the phone or holly bobo was moving around. This would and could make very good evidence or grave switches, location matter. If the phone had gps and some was using it. this phone could have been there personal map.? This answer c

Phone pings are more direct than you think and well all think they are .. If her phone had Gps functions then it was spot on.
So from what I have read, you can have a rap sheet eight pages long, but if you know the right people and if you have the right amount of money, you can get out of going to prison for years, brag about it, intimidate witnesses? Ugh.
i have no heart for this kind of creep. After a couple of offenses, put him away for life. But no, we have to suffer with the bleeding heart liberals and wait and watch until someone is horribly raped, tortured and murdered.
Then we have posters who want to speak badly of Holly's brother, who IMO could have also been killed if he had heard her scream or thought to intervene and knowing he has to live with the loss of his sister. What's wrong with you people!
And with all that deviant behavior, he was unleashed on society again. If his grandparent or family had enough clout to keep him from serving major time in jail, why didn't they use it to have him committed. Did they welcome him back into the fold from fear, or because he was so sweet? Just MOO
We have been told there were some pings off of that tower at some point. But:
(a) a ping wouldn't mean that the phone is at that tower, but only that it is in range of it
(b) we don't know when, and
(c) we don't know the sequence of the various pings from each tower to her phone, which (if I'm not mistaken) continued for some period of time (even days) and involved multiple towers.

ill answer a, b and c. which quite easy to do.. all pings are time and date based given in radius frame from a exact point. what this says in small is not only that holly bobo was there in that area. that is assumed .. but whom ever had her phone was in the that area that could be holly bobo or her captures... this answers a/b

All It means is that person with the phone or holly bobo was moving around. This would and could make very good evidence or grave switches, location matter. If the phone had gps and some was using it. this phone could have been there personal map.? This answer c

Phone pings are more direct than you think and well all think they are .. If her phone had Gps functions then it was spot on.

I'm not sure what your point is. LE said they had pings off that tower, but they didn't say when, and didn't say where (or if) they had a more precise gps tag. So what I'm pointing out is that when they said they had some "pings" off that tower sometime, in and of itself that's a relatively meaningless revelation for us to draw any conclusion from.
He shot his mother, and he shot a dog?!

He did indeed. Zach is, without a doubt, a psychopath. He is a very troubled individual. I still have reservations about the case because of the way the prosecution is choosing to release evidence*, but there is certainly nothing in his criminal history that points away from him. He is a dangerous individual.

*I'm a lot more cynical than most, but just because I've seen so much shady business by prosecutors. Typically prosecutors release their most damning evidence in order to taint the jury pool in their favor. For them to release hearsay and non-solid evidence, then say "trust us, we have all this evidence" is suspicious. I think it's a bluff to get these guys to plea/testify against others. Maybe he's still guilty, but there are red flags.
I'm not sure what your point is. LE said they had pings off that tower, but they didn't say when, and didn't say where (or if) they had a more precise gps tag. So what I'm pointing out is that when they said they had some "pings" off that tower sometime, in and of itself that's a relatively meaningless revelation for us to draw any conclusion from.

My thought was that even if we don't have exact gps placement, we could look at whether the phones ping off the same towers. For instance, even if we don't know the exact location of Holly's phone at each moment, if her phone and Zach's phone ping on the same three towers within a similar time frame, that could give us some answers. If Autry's phone is nowhere near the other phones, that is exculpatory evidence.
"Then we have posters who want to speak badly of Holly's brother, who IMO could have also been killed if he had heard her scream or thought to intervene and knowing he has to live with the loss of his sister. What's wrong with you people!"

The fact that he's in the house, answered the phone when his mother called, and we have an independent, uninvolved witness who heard a scream at a specific time tells me he wasn't involved. If he was involved, he would be outside or otherwise indisposed and would've missed those calls. Based on the time frame of the scream, the time frame of the mom calls, and the 911 call, his time was taken up and he didn't have time to stab/injure his sister (the blood pool), ditch his own bloody clothes, ditch his sister's body, then get back to meet the cops. You can post this response if anyone gets on about Clint Bobo. He wasn't involved.
Godspeed, Holly. :angel:

I pray justice is swift and painful. My heart aches for her family and I pray they find peace they so deserve...
But why in the world would they 'plant' her there of all places? It is a miracle she was found at all.

If the ginseng hunters hadn't picked that particular spot I don't think she would have ever been found at all.

This case mimics so many other cases where LE and voluntary searchers search and search never finding the victim's remains and then years later someone not even connected to the case will stumble upon the remains totally by happenstance. And it always seems to be in areas where no one hardly ever goes.

The vegetation growth will be so valuable in this case and also if there were roots/weeds etc growing up/around/through the skull or other skeletal parts that too will tell them a lot. They will know all about the vegetation that is there, what it is, how long it takes to grow to the size found in/on and snarled into the skeletal remains.

I don't think anyone took her remains and moved them there after ZA and JA were arrested. It has already been said that it was very common to see both of them in this very area.

Now what we don't know is if this was the only place her remains had been put but if there was any moving of her remains, IMO, it was done by the main two suspects before they were arrested.


Previously I mentioned thinking her remains had been moved (to which you replied as quoted above.)
I had not thought about what I respectfully BBM - and now I wonder if they frequented that area, why leave her like that... seems too easy to find..
The thought runs thru my noggin that could it be possible that someone sees these low life's as easy fall guy's and places her remains in a location where it's known ginseng will be searched for... and knows the ZA, SA have been known to frequent the area...
Her abduction was so well planed and carried out, that leaving her like she was found doesn't fit....
I'm not sure what your point is. LE said they had pings off that tower, but they didn't say when, and didn't say where (or if) they had a more precise gps tag. So what I'm pointing out is that when they said they had some "pings" off that tower sometime, in and of itself that's a relatively meaningless revelation for us to draw any conclusion from.

All this will come out during court when Le present evidence (Date and times and etc).. Pings are time /date based the majority of them, some even pin point direct. They have to build a case around it(pings), to prove if the graves was switched, Or holly bobo or some one was moving in these areas, it play s a major factor in alibi or who was where and when.. Once find time of death and all alibi's, the process of elimination begins. , exact date of death is tricky unless someone talk. That what they want. exact date of death.

Its not meaningless at all,, no sir. I do understand that point of view because so many tower in the area. But keep in mind some pings are pin point direct. doesn't matter if the tower 50 miles away.., Its a very powerful tool. Because again location and time play the biggest factor in murder& drug cases. if your in that radius and they have you as a suspect, they can pick you up on suspicion.
Okay, so I looked into this. I've been assured that pings are very accurate. However I spoke to a defense attorney about the issue of pings being used in court and he said it's a tricky issue. It can be useful evidence, but it can also be used inappropriately by the prosecution. Your phone can ping off a tower even at a great distance, so there have been cases where using cell phone pings have been used to say that a specific person was in a specific area even though a cell phone can ping off that tower within a several hundred mile radius.

Hmm...this may be a dead end.
Previously I mentioned thinking her remains had been moved (to which you replied as quoted above.)
I had not thought about what I respectfully BBM - and now I wonder if they frequented that area, why leave her like that... seems too easy to find..
The thought runs thru my noggin that could it be possible that someone sees these low life's as easy fall guy's and places her remains in a location where it's known ginseng will be searched for... and knows the ZA, SA have been known to frequent the area...
Her abduction was so well planed and carried out, that leaving her like she was found doesn't fit....

I tend to agree. If they're hanging out there all the time, you'd think they wouldn't go there! I mean, it's been awhile since I've murdered anyone, but I try to put the bodies in places where I don't go lol

I think we need to be careful with the word of people who are saying they hung out there all the time. In these big media cases, everyone wants to make the news or tell police what they want to hear and they make stuff up. Remember the Casey Anthony trial? The attention *advertiser censored* were coming out of the woodwork saying all kinds of things, most of which didn't pan out. Maybe they hung out there or maybe that's the word of someone who wants attention. Also, the guy who owns that land made it sound like people just used the land all the time for hunting, hanging out, whatever. So even if they did go there, isn't necessarily any big issue because lots of people go there.
All this will come out during court when Le present evidence (Date and times and etc).. Pings are time /date based the majority of them, some even pin point direct. They have to build a case around it(pings), to prove if the graves was switched, Or holly bobo or some one was moving in these areas, it play s a major factor in alibi or who was where and when.. Once find time of death and all alibi's, the process of elimination begins. , exact date of death is tricky unless someone talk. That what they want. exact date of death.

Its not meaningless at all,, no sir. I do understand that point of view because so many tower in the area. But keep in mind some pings are pin point direct. doesn't matter if the tower 50 miles away.., Its a very powerful tool. Because again location and time play the biggest factor in murder& drug cases. if your in that radius and they have you as a suspect, they can pick you up on suspicion.

Not sure you understand the applicability of the technology as relates to this case.

"They have to build a case around it (pings), to prove if the graves was switched" ...<<That is pure nonsense. The pings cannot tell us where Holly's body was at any time, nor can they tell us if her dead body was moved from one site to another.

"holly bobo or some one was moving in these areas, it play s a major factor in alibi or who was where and when" ...<<That's also absurd. At best, the pings trace a general route that the cell phone traveled. (And they might not even offer that much.) But the ping info has never changed from the first week, so if it offered evidence to tie the abduction to someone, we would have had an arrest 2-3 years sooner.

"if your in that radius and they have you as a suspect, they can pick you up on suspicion" ...You're saying they can arrest anyone and everyone within the radius of that tower, because Holly's phone pinged off of it? Um, no.
Not sure you understand the applicability of the technology as relates to this case.

"They have to build a case around it (pings), to prove if the graves was switched" ...<<That is pure nonsense. The pings cannot tell us where Holly's body was at any time, nor can they tell us if her dead body was moved from one site to another.

"holly bobo or some one was moving in these areas, it play s a major factor in alibi or who was where and when" ...<<That's also absurd. At best, the pings trace a general route that the cell phone traveled. (And they might not even offer that much.) But the ping info has never changed from the first week, so if it offered evidence to tie the abduction to someone, we would have had an arrest 2-3 years sooner.

"if your in that radius and they have you as a suspect, they can pick you up on suspicion" ...You're saying they can arrest anyone and everyone within the radius of that tower, because Holly's phone pinged off of it? Um, no.

I am definitely not a cell phone ping wizard. It took me a couple days to figure out how to answer a call on my smartphone which was, should I say, rather dumb on my part. :blushing: and also :gaah: Then I accidentally called a few people that I haven't spoken to in years trying to look through the contacts. That aside, why did "he" ZA allow Holly to take her backpack, phone, lunch and whatever else she had with her that morning? I guess I am assuming ZA had a reason or was somehow a little smarter than he probably is. Giving him too much credit. Did he know CB was in the house and not want Holly to leave evidence something was horribly wrong? Surely he knew she would be carrying a phone and the pings could be traced. Or, since CB's truck was in the garage, he thought Holly was alone. Obviously he cut her or injured her in some way because of the blood so it wasn't like he said, "Holly, I just want to take you to school and talk along the way. Bring your books and lunch with you." I can't get into the head of someone like ZA so I guess I should be glad I can't. Just rambling my thoughts here but I should go back and look at Hollye's map again. The lunch box could have been thrown out along the route to his house? It was on the way wasn't it? I am thinking the sim card was planted later. ZA and his group may have thought to put it there as a taunt. Were the locations of the future searches made public?
Wasn't it said that ZA participated in some of the searches? If that is the case and he help search in the area where her body was eventually found, maybe he figured that if the area had already been search, there would be no reason for LE to go back and search that same area again. I wonder if LE has information on what searchers covered that area (e.g. if JA was a volunteer searcher, was he part of the group that searched that specific area).

Also, my friend's murderer was located because he had her phone and was located by the pings. He was able to be located by triangulating the pings off several different towers (the point where they met between the towers) which narrowed down to a specific small area:

Oops. I also meant to say that maybe ZA had HB's phone with him when/if he was searching that area.
I am definitely not a cell phone ping wizard. It took me a couple days to figure out how to answer a call on my smartphone which was, should I say, rather dumb on my part. :blushing: and also :gaah: Then I accidentally called a few people that I haven't spoken to in years trying to look through the contacts. That aside, why did "he" ZA allow Holly to take her backpack, phone, lunch and whatever else she had with her that morning? I guess I am assuming ZA had a reason or was somehow a little smarter than he probably is. Giving him too much credit. Did he know CB was in the house and not want Holly to leave evidence something was horribly wrong? Surely he knew she would be carrying a phone and the pings could be traced. Or, since CB's truck was in the garage, he thought Holly was alone. Obviously he cut her or injured her in some way because of the blood so it wasn't like he said, "Holly, I just want to take you to school and talk along the way. Bring your books and lunch with you." I can't get into the head of someone like ZA so I guess I should be glad I can't. Just rambling my thoughts here but I should go back and look at Hollye's map again. The lunch box could have been thrown out along the route to his house? It was on the way wasn't it? I am thinking the sim card was planted later. ZA and his group may have thought to put it there as a taunt. Were the locations of the future searches made public?

Whoa...I never thought about her belongings and why they were taken! That is an excellent point. If this was a violent struggle where she was forcefully taken, why would he then say "bring your lunch bag and your purse". Was her bookbag missing as well? The fact that the cell phone was taken doesn't say much. Lots of people keep their cell phones in their pockets. He may not have thought anything about it. But unless her lunchbag had some sort of crossbody strap...I just can't see entering into this violent situation and then keeping ahold of your lunchbox without dropping it.

This case keeps getting stranger and stranger.
I wonder if CB has said anything in his witness statement about either Holly or camo man carrying the lunchbox, purse, or any other items?
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