Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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The whole 'attacking a jail guard' seemed so pat and contrived and I don't think anyone believed it. At the very least they should allow these boys to bail out with restrictions then, if and when, they can put a case together then they can bring them in. There is no where in the State, or the world for that matter, that they can run to-it just seems fair to me. My gut feeling is they are involved-however you can't throw habeas corpus around and use it when you please-it applies to everyone and every case in the same fashion.

In Tennessee there is no differentiation according to the law as to the 'beauty' of the victim. Yes, Holly is a beautiful young woman, however there are 10s of thousands of such females around the state and trying to make this case more important because of her appearance is what has ruined the prospect of solving this case.

We all know that if Holly was black the media could care less however the TBI should still investigate it with equal fervor-and I believe they would. What really hurt this case was a senseless, shameless media report by the local NBC affiliate that Holly's purse had been found-right smack dab in the middle of sweeps week for the local news media. Coincidence? See 'attacking a jail guard'

This is in no way a putdown of the TBI as 99% of the time they do a great service to Tennesseans and we as citizens are proud of them collectively.

It is just a crying shame how the media has become omnipotent in deciding how the law is applied, to who it is applied, for what reason it is applied, and finally who is guilty and who is not.

So, stop calling Holly 'beautiful' because in the great state of Tennessee, we as citizens, don't care in terms of the law and neither does the law as it is applied equally to all as our constitution deems.

Also, stop calling Tennessee a "Hub of human trafficking" as it is not and citizens have poured 10s of millions of dollars into breaking the cycle of abuse and exploitation and there are over 20,000 'safe stations' around the state that a child, or anyone, can enter and be protected by law enforcement.

Finally, I, and so many other, know that Holly never left the area that she disappeared from. That conclusion comes from the lay of the land and the fact that eastern red cedar groves with bedrock limestone exposed at the surface make disposing of a body a simple matter for anyone who is native or has spent a considerable amount of time here. Tracking dogs are ineffective over large sections of limestone and layers of cedar bark mitigate human scent. Ground penetrating radar and infrared aerial searchers are also ineffective. Both those boys know that-and certainly the TBI does as well.

She is within a mile to a mile and one half radius from the spot she was last seen-two miles on the outside. The only way to find her is to keep searching and not intimidate and try to beat a confession out of the two main suspects.
Good to see you Ocean. Long time no see. I agree with you wholeheartedly. However I have to admit that LE has created a bed of mistrust in this case. First of all by not being forthright about the progress or lack of for three years. Secondly by the handling or lack of previous offenses by all these criminals in the past.
And more recently the secrecy of searches and utilizing the Grand Jury to further extend that secrecy. By using the length of the case to delay giving Defense a real and justifiable Discovery of evidence, IMO APPEARS to be a delay tactic while LE firms up. To me LE should have provided anything given to the Grand Jury immediately at Preliminary. If that evidence was good enough for the GJ it should have been good enough for the Defense Attorneys.

And now we are coming to a point that IMO LE needs to "put up or shut up" regarding a video or recording. I agree that a case should not be tried in the press but LE can't have it both ways. I am in no way advocating for these fools. But IMO LE is starting to step on some Civil Rights issues that could down the road come back to Haunt.


Thanks, for missing me jggordo.:) Last night is the first time I have been here in a week or two. Real life has kept me busy.. busy and, after this post, I must get busy again before the heat becomes unbearable outside.

ITA! The TBI sure could have handled this case far better than they have.

It is certainly a strategy the DA is playing with the DT alright. They are going through GJs so the defense wont know what evidence they have. I suppose we will learn if that was a smart move or not. However a lot of indictments are handled through GJs so I don't know if this is how they normally do it in Tennessee or not.

Even though I do believe wholeheartedly they have the right guys on the kidnapping and murder charges... I am not nearly as confident on the 'video' that is said to exist. I do believe one was made but I am not sure they have what they need to prove it. They do need to show evidence of it or let it drop. They can always go back to the GJ when and if more evidence becomes available.

I also want all of these guys to get a fair trial. That is the only way Holly can receive the justice she deserves.
I respectfully disagree about letting the other guys (ZA, JA) out. No way in heck I would let them out. I don't know what happened to the 3 strikes rule, but these guys have gone above and beyond the 3 strikes. They need to stay in.
I am not convinced there is no video...even if the Pearcy's are totally innocent. If they are innocent, then the woman who viewed the video and claimed it was Bobo should be charged with a crime...IF she knowingly lied. She may have honestly felt it was Holly. Maybe they told her it was Holly just to see her reaction. And just because the Pearcy's aren't linked to it doesn't mean there isn't a video out there somewhere.

My frustration with TBI continues to grow. Even so, I do believe Adams and Autry played a hand in Holly's disappearance. Career criminals, they flaunted their destruction all over the county. They never were seriously punished. I think their arrogance plays right into the profile for Holly's abductors.


BBM: I agree ... I think there is "something" but "what" that "something" is I am not sure ...

I keep going back to TBI Press Conference on 4-29-14:

See Foxfire Post #521 on Thread #4 which has the link to the Presser:

Presser : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb2fhCTDykg

Sorry ... for some reason, I cannot directly link Foxfire's Post #521 here ...

:facepalm: Still learning the new system, which I like, but ...
From the NewsChannel 5 article:

"I don't believe there is any video evidence," said attorney Fletcher Long.

Neither does his client Jason Autry, who along with Zach Adams, has charged with kidnapping and killing Holly Bobo.

Since our exclusive interview with Autry -- he's remained off-limits, but he's kept in contact by mail.

Autry said he has followed recent developments on the case and insists there's no video of a crime he didn't commit.



Whoa ... So since Autry cannot do any "camera interviews," he has now become "pen pals" with NewsChannel 5 ... Interesting ...

:gaah: What a "con artist" ...

From the NewsChannel 5 article:

"I don't believe there is any video evidence," said attorney Fletcher Long.

Neither does his client Jason Autry, who along with Zach Adams, has charged with kidnapping and killing Holly Bobo.

Since our exclusive interview with Autry -- he's remained off-limits, but he's kept in contact by mail.

Autry said he has followed recent developments on the case and insists there's no video of a crime he didn't commit.



Whoa ... So since Autry cannot do any "camera interviews," he has now become "pen pals" with NewsChannel 5 ... Interesting ...

:gaah: What a "con artist" ...


Well I see big mouth has been talking again.

And just HOW would he know there isn't a video if he says he wasn't there????????

Well I see big mouth has been talking again.

And just HOW would he know there isn't a video if he says he wasn't there????????


RBBM: Yes ... good one !!!

:seeya: Glad you're back, OBE !
I respectfully disagree about letting the other guys (ZA, JA) out. No way in heck I would let them out. I don't know what happened to the 3 strikes rule, but these guys have gone above and beyond the 3 strikes. They need to stay in.

Are you saying if in the future, we learn there is no evidence against ZA and JA, they should remained jailed on the kidnapping and murder charges as penance for their past crimes?
Don't the records show they've already been through the court system, and the judge/prosecutor gave them whatever punishment they saw fit. We might think it was a slap on the wrist, but that was the court's decision. Maybe change the law, or vote for tougher judges, is the answer.
However, they did pay whatever dues that were required per the court, for their past arrests and charges.
Now, JA is currently up on other unrelated charges, correct? Then they should take him to trial on those charges, and if convicted stick his *advertiser censored* in jail for the maximum allowed.
No problem.
I do have an issue with people who want ZA and JA to stay in jail, or even be convicted on the kidnapping and murder charges regardless of their guilt, because of some petty drug crimes and assaults in their past. Shouldn't the person or people who actually did this crime be the one or ones to suffer instead?
Last time I checked, people don't get the death penalty for being caught with a small amounts of meth, or for getting into fights.

ETA: I'm not saying these two are innocent in this case. I also understand they are to blame for attaching a bulls eye on their own back, because if they weren't known local lowlife thugs, they would not be on anyone's radar. I also understand people being happy karma is finally getting them, or moral justice. All that being said, the government (feds and state) legally should not have the power to jail people with little to no evidence because of their bad reputation. Legally, it's wrong, wrong, wrong.
question... and i may have missed this somehow but do we know that they (the percys) were arrested only on the word of one person? if that is a fact then that is absolutely absurd and a epic fail in our justice system, as if there arent enough of those to begin with. I live in TN not extremely far from where this all took place and it seems to me that LE in this area do try their best but i also feel like in some places they don't have the training to deal with some situations. also i feel like in TN the violent criminals get alot of passes I have personally been threw it in court my ex who attacked me and apparently 2 other girls before me got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist he was already on probation for the girl he had abused before me they only gave him a week in jail... and he is still walking free to this day . I refused to agree to a plea deal with them b/c i felt like he needs to be stoped obviously short jail stints and probation isnt workin sense i was his 3rd known victim he was indited by the grand jury and thats the last i have heard of it, it's now been over 2 year and i have never heard a word about a court date ect my calls to the da have gone un answered so i truthfully feel that in this state they worry more about the petty minor things then to actually deal with the violent ones and that seems to be pretty common here i hope this case is different and they do get justice for holly unfortunately i dont have alot of faith in the justice system here in tn
question... and i may have missed this somehow but do we know that they (the percys) were arrested only on the word of one person? if that is a fact then that is absolutely absurd and a epic fail in our justice system, as if there arent enough of those to begin with.

That was the clear implication of the local news reporter who is covering this story and has obtained more info from a source. I posted the entire article - it's important imo to an accurate sense of what is happening without the lynch mob attitude of some making assumptions.

If he's a decent reporter who tells it straight, his info would have come from someone without the bias of the defense, such as someone in LE who would know. Time will tell.
Well I see big mouth has been talking again.

And just HOW would he know there isn't a video if he says he wasn't there????????

Per the wild rumors that some want to believe, the so-far-mythical video was supposed to have Holly in it with him, and show ZA raping her after which he killed her. I suspect he might know if he's ever been in a place with Holly or not, and done such things or not ...and if not, he could truthfully say with absolute certainty that no such video could possibly exist.
I am not convinced there is no video...even if the Pearcy's are totally innocent. If they are innocent, then the woman who viewed the video and claimed it was Bobo should be charged with a crime...IF she knowingly lied. She may have honestly felt it was Holly. Maybe they told her it was Holly just to see her reaction. And just because the Pearcy's aren't linked to it doesn't mean there isn't a video out there somewhere.

My frustration with TBI continues to grow. Even so, I do believe Adams and Autry played a hand in Holly's disappearance. Career criminals, they flaunted their destruction all over the county. They never were seriously punished. I think their arrogance plays right into the profile for Holly's abductors.
Possible, but I seriously doubt this CI was mistaken. I think she intentionally lied for some self interest of which we don't know, and knew she could always fall back on the 'oh I thought it was her' to avoid any trouble. The CI has known Mark Pearcy for 17 years, according to media reports, and couldn't recognize Mark Pearcy's girlfriend? Btw, does anyone really think MP has/had a girlfriend that could be mistaken for Holly? :giggle:

Me thinks the CI told a story.
Local people who are openly commenting on the case have no clue to what the actual facts are or what the TBI/DA has in three years of discovery and investigation. Their opinion doesn't mean any more than anyone else who isn't privy to the actual facts/evidence in the cases. That is nothing but rank speculation and not supported by any facts to back it up. People always gossip when something like this happens locally even when they really don't know diddly squat about what the police has uncovered. That is just typical among locals anywhere.

Nothing but circumstantial evidence? Seriously??? Do they know that 90% of the case tried in court and won are CE cases? Evidently not.

Who says they don't have physical evidence? Who there has seen the thousands of pages of evidence and discovery?

There is no assurance that the trial will even be held in Darden but even if it is I still have faith they will do the right thing based on the evidence entered. And no, I don't think the DA is whistling Dixie either and he would never bring these cases to trial if he knew he didn't have the evidence to prove them BARD. In fact I think both cases will turnout to be death penalty cases just like in Sierra Lamar's case even though her body hasn't been found either.

I certainly hope that no matter where a person lives they always take their duty as a juror seriously. That is the job they will swear to uphold and I see no reason why it would be any different than any other small town who brings justice to victims or a large or medium town that has jurors who do day in and day out.

I never got the impression the DA in the Winkler case thought his case was a slam dunk. What he did not prepare for was how low Farese was willing to go to coach Winkler into appearing to be something she really wasn't. She was a horrible witness. Looking down when her attorney questioned her but looking up defiantly when the state crossed her. They just slapped her hand because they were so offended by the gaudy shoe that appeared out of no where. Several jurors have spoken out since her trial and said they wish they could go back and do it all over again. They had no idea she would get such little time. One even wanted first degree murder but caved under the pressure from 10 female jurors

BUT the Winkler case has nothing to do with the kidnapping and murder of beautiful Holly Bobo. Nothing about the cases are the same.

The old man down at the fireworks needs to read up on how many defendants are in prison for life where the bodies have never been located..........not even to this day years after the trial instead of spouting off about something he certainly knows nothing about. And unless he has seen for himself the 27-29K pages of discovery the TBI/DA has then he is no different than anyone else who hasn't seen the discovery either.

What 'boys' are you talking about? These guys (career criminals) are in their late 20s-30s with long rap sheets. They certainly aren't juveniles or 'boys.'

Why should they stop rumors? It isn't LEs responsibility to stop rumors. That's just silly to even expect that. We always hear rumors in every case and most of them turnout to be just that....rumors.

You don't understand why we are saying we think these 'boys' lol are guilty? Because we are on a crime message board, that's why, and are discussing criminal cases. What does that have to do with their rights to a fair trial.

We aren't going to be jurors at their trial but we sure have an entitled right to our own opinions/beliefs before, during, and even after the trial is over.

But yeah, IMO, the DA/TBI finally have the goods on these thugs even though it took them three years and that is why they were arrested when they were arrested and not sooner.

My opinions only, no facts here:

You state that "Local people who are openly commenting on the case have no clue to what the actual facts are or what the TBI/DA has in three years of discovery and investigation. Their opinion doesn't mean any more than anyone else who isn't privy to the actual facts/evidence in the cases. That is nothing but rank speculation and not supported by any facts to back it up. People always gossip when something like this happens locally even when they really don't know diddly squat about what the police has uncovered. That is just typical among locals anywhere."

First, it is not just locals, it is everybody on earth who has no clue to the actual facts, since the investigative authorities have released almost nothing since day-one of the crime. Websleuths operates on the premise that the official facts cannot be known. If officials freely and daily released all details of their ongoing investigations, Websleuths would serve little purpose. If the locals are condemned to ignorance, the non-locals are equally condemned.

And there is something else. I grew up in a town that is almost exactly the size of Holly Bobo's town, and with a similar culture. When serious crimes occurred (rarely), everybody, including the town drunk knew exactly what happened. But because of the cultural gap between law enforcement and the locals, this information never translated into discovery. Speaking only for myself about the Holly Bobo case, I would have planted a couple of agents into local bars IMMEDIATELY after Holly's abduction. You would be amazed what can be learned from local-yokel chit-chat. Remember, these are the people who are infinitely closer to the crime that those who reside in ivory towers a thousand miles away.

BUT, if all the locals see are scary Men-In-Black with warrants, they naturally retreat into the shadows. I would. In this particular case there are several people who now wish they had retreated into the shadows and not made a stab at the $250,000 reward.

And now I will quote from the Fifth Edition of the Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayaam: Yesterday This Day’s Madness did prepare; Tomorrow’s Silence, Triumph, or Despair; Drink! For you not know whence you came, nor why; Drink! For you know not why you go, nor where.

People tend to drink and talk more after a local serious crime. It will be a shame if authorities did not take advantage of this truism.

Sleuth On!
I sure don't understand how some of you are calling these boys guilty. They have the right to a fair trial. I was down around Parsons talking to people and the collective response is "they don't have much of a case-they are putting those boys through hell trying to get them to confess because without a body they have nothing but circumstantial evidence at best-and not much of that"

In all likelihood they are involved however some lawyer has told them without physical evidence they can plea down to manslaughter-and more than likely be released on time served.

These are the very people who will be making up the jury pool and regardless of how they feel about Holly they are not going to send these boys to prison for life unless the state can prove it to their satisfaction.

People take jury duty seriously here and-as things stand now-the state has a problem.

This is not Hollywood or New York city, it's middle Tennessee. The same type of jury that let Mary Winkler off the murder charge because the State figured they had a slam dunk and put up a poor, somewhat lackluster, case. They didn't count on Mary's testimony- in which she was so believable and sincere-that she convinced everyone of the condition of the marriage.

The same exact thing is going to happen here with Holly's case. A group of people who were taking down a fireworks tent-an older man stated: " the prosecutors are trying to beat it out of those boys because they got their 'dicks hanging out in the wind' with no body and no proof and they look like fools" Most of the people agreed and I ask/pointed out: surly they don't think a middle Tennessee jury will send these boys to prison for life just because Holly was from around here" An older woman-his wife I assumed said: well they need to stop all the rumors around here that those boys are being beaten"

I have concerns with several points you raised. You are 100% right about them not being adjudicated guilty of anything yet, and that they deserve a fair trial. However:

* People in Tennessee do mostly take jury duty seriously, but I frankly think that is true everywhere.
* Jury "types" are not based on geographics - if juries always acted the same based on location, Prosecutors wouldn't bother to try certain cases, because they would already know what the verdict would be.
* These are not boys. They are men, drug dealers, felons and thugs
* It's as big a mistake to believe the local rumors about what the cops do or do not have against these suspects as it is to make assumptions about what did or did not happen in ZA's cell the other day. We simply DO NOT KNOW.
* The Mary Winkler case is NOTHING like this case. Mary Winkler shot her apparently abusive husband to death while he was lying in bed. Holly Bobo was abducted from her home.
* I'm conflicted about the Mary Winkler case because I don't believe in taking a life unless my life or that of a loved one is in imminent danger. Still, it appears that Mary was a very sympathetic witness. Even so, she was still convicted of voluntary manslaughter, so it's not like she was found not guilty.
* From what has been reported and/or observed so far, these defendants are in no way sympathetic but ZA's grandfather is apparently a big cheese. For all you know, the older man you talked to could be a friend of his. So, I also think it's risky to take the comments of two people as representative of the community or the situation.

ZA and JA should absolutely NOT be allowed out on bail. Whether or not they can run/hide anyway is not the issue. The safety or potential witnesses, however, should be the primary concern, imo.
An affidavit of a TBI agent filed earlier this month with the Decatur General Sessions Court says Adams told another inmate to relay a message to his brother to keep quiet.

Adams said “tell my brother he is the one who started this … and if he doesn’t shut his mouth he will be in the hole beside her,” the affidavit states.

The affidavit was later withdrawn.

This is horribly disturbing. This is/was the basis of a charge of coercing a witness-a felony? Jailhouse gossip?

Until you have served on a grand jury it's impossible to understand how this works. My first was 4 months in the old courthouse building in Nashville during the summer of 1992-June-September. One thing people need to understand is you start out with 13 strangers who can't believe they couldn't come up with an excuse to get out of this. The first session(non case related) is spent electing person for select duties-the door person-transcriber-the 'keeper of the flame' we called it because that person handles the paperwork and caseload and so on. Forming a committee to come up with excuses to tell the Judge so we could collectivity slide out of this along with moaning and groaning about how this is going to screw up everyone life. Being told that we were promised to be fed extremely well (we were) and as a group we have investigative powers that are quite encompassing helped but still this whole thing is a total drag is a collective summation.

By the second session these strangers are now engaged in violent arguments with words like 'I'm going to follow the letter of the law" or "If I'm going to be here then we will follow the law as written" or "I'm not going to be pushed around-get the DA back in here" or my own favorite "Tell the DA's office unless the patrol officer gets in here this thing is headed for the toilet"

The meaning is that people-once put into the situation-take jury duty very seriously. Our ragtag bunch was very problematic for the DA's office and became known as the 'hardasses' We visited 4 state prisons, Juvenile court, the morgue, the electric chair at old prison and the county lockup. Released a blistering 80 page report on prison conditions, the backlog of warrants that go no where, favoritism and nest feathering in the prison administration along with a scathing commentary about the public defenders office and how 'money changes everything' if you are accused of a crime in Tennessee-I penned that one myself.

The Casey Anthony trial is a perfect example of this. These strangers, as a group, decided that their mission was to fairly apply the law, as so instructed by the Judge. The state's case was weak, sloppy and assumed the jury would buy into the medias verdict of guilty. They stood their ground and stuck to the law. The media and the viewpoint of their instant experts in meaningless in a court of law.

The reason for pointing this out is that I believe the grand jurors indictment in the Holly Bobo case is valid and these young men are involved in her disappearance. We will never know who testified before the jury-what evidence was presented-and most importantly-the discussions of the secret panel that produced a true bill. The true bill means that the secret panel believes the State has presented enough evidence for an indictment-and that the wheel of justice can continue. This has nothing to do with the guilt of the subjects of the indictment who, at this point, are guilty of nothing.

The grand jury discussions are not a part of discovery. This has, and will be, debated among legal scholars for ever as a case can be made for both opinions. Since these discussions give incite into the thinking of the panel perhaps this hurts the defense in case preparation-however, what is said and recorded in this room is secret-the judge promises everyone that. Could the panel been promised the whereabouts of the victim?

With that in mind the panel decided that the remains of the victim-or her whereabouts-is not fundamental in continuing the case. That in itself is interesting and bears in mind the difficulties of conviction in such cases.

The Supreme Court as always muddies the waters as only they can do:

"circumstantial evidence, when sufficient to exclude every other reasonable hypothesis, may prove the death of a missing person, the existence of a homicide and the guilt of the accused".

Now with that in mind lets look at the physical evidence lacking in this case. I spent sometime at my cabin that is 20-25 miles northwest as the crow flies from the area of the disappearance. This is common of the lay of the land which is bedrock limestone exposed at the surface-eastern red cedar-hardwoods-deep drain basins-cliff abutments-interspersed with rolling pasture along with bare undergrowth from lack of sun penetration due to collective canopy.

Along with reptiles, mammals, amphibians, marsupials such as opossum and predators Foxes-Bobcats-Skunks although dominated by coyotes as the main scavengers with turkey vultures and various Hawks, Owls and an occasional brown Eagle.

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These photos didn't attach as I would have liked but since this is an informal investigation I hope you can bear with me as I explain why this is important and why I know that the victims remains are still in the area. They attached out of order so I'll take each one as it is presented.

The false cave entrance at the midpoint is much deeper than it appears. It is around 40 feet to the bottom where the downward suction would occur to force an object deeper into channel that pushes the storm water out at the bottom of the flat.

The acidity of the soil is of chief importance here. The combination of lime water runoff, the preservative effect and odor envelopment of the crude turpentine along with humus and acidic dicranum moss breakdown organic matter quickly.

The caves scare me silly and again depth perception is not apparent in the photo. Even lower mammals avoid them and they correctly sense they are too unstable for even short term use.

Only a highly skilled rescue team could repel into the drawl and attempt to explore the cave opening for remains. That is if they knew something was in it. From the ridge to the flat is 450 feet drop that carries storm water with the force of gravity. There are at least 8 openings in this drawl and dozens of similar drain basins just in this one area.

These graves were constructed quickly with main goal of keeping the bodies from being dug up by inducing rapid breakdown of tissue with simple chemistry. The culprit-now replaced by the roaming, ever resourceful coyote-was known to the trappers as a painter of pather. The settlers had a more descriptive although false name- mountain lion.

Finally, the point to this is simple. Given a 4 hour head start-or much less-a 120 pound human body could be disposed of in this area in a manner that it would never ever be found. The knowledge that suspects owned-or lived on-this same kind of land for many, many years must have come up in jury room discussions-we will of course never know although a long shot of sorts-the prosecution could ill afford not to play it out.

Of course I could be totally wrong here. Being wrong can sometimes be a good thing in cases like this.


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Per the wild rumors that some want to believe, the so-far-mythical video was supposed to have Holly in it with him, and show ZA raping her after which he killed her. I suspect he might know if he's ever been in a place with Holly or not, and done such things or not ...and if not, he could truthfully say with absolute certainty that no such video could possibly exist.

BBM: If I remember correctly, the person identified Pearcy by voice, rather than sight. The idea was that this person had known him 17 years and was convinced it was his voice. Do I remember that correctly?

BBM: If I remember correctly, the person identified Pearcy by voice, rather than sight. The idea was that this person had known him 17 years and was convinced it was his voice. Do I remember that correctly?


Be aware that when you responded to me as quoted here, the post I had replied to was about JA (not a Pearcy) saying "no such video could possibly exist." The question arose as to how he could have possibly known that, and the answer I provided is that he [JA] could have certain knowledge of whether he was in the vicinity of Holly, and involved in things the perhaps-mythical video was rumored to contain.

Since I wasn't talking about MP at all, I wonder if you replied based on a misconstruing of my message.

Yes, the witness who said she saw some video (whatever it contained) claimed she heard MP's voice when she watched the perhaps-mythical video. Obviously she also claimed she saw Holly. We only have her word for that.

Evelyn24 said earlier "I think she intentionally lied for some self interest of which we don't know" and I'm not sure I see any mystery in that. A $250,000 reward will bring them out of the woodwork claiming anything, I suspect. What's bothersome is the idea that LE would simply take the lady at face value, ignore her huge financial incentive to lie or be creative with the facts, and go around arresting people just because of what she said. But for whatever reason, it's appearing like that's exactly what happened.
I have not seen anything relating to the TBI withdrawing the affidavit of the agent. Is there a link I missed? If that is the case that would be now be two affidavits being withdrawn (that and the original assault charge that ZA was arrested on) to date. Not to mention lack of action on the Shayne Austin immunity deal. I'm beginning to worry about not necessarily evidence but conduct by LE and lack of transparency.

Be aware that when you responded to me as quoted here, the post I had replied to was about JA (not a Pearcy) saying "no such video could possibly exist." The question arose as to how he could have possibly known that, and the answer I provided is that he [JA] could have certain knowledge of whether he was in the vicinity of Holly, and involved in things the perhaps-mythical video was rumored to contain.

Since I wasn't talking about MP at all, I wonder if you replied based on a misconstruing of my message.

Yes, the witness who said she saw some video (whatever it contained) claimed she heard MP's voice when she watched the perhaps-mythical video. Obviously she also claimed she saw Holly. We only have her word for that.

Evelyn24 said earlier "I think she intentionally lied for some self interest of which we don't know" and I'm not sure I see any mystery in that. A $250,000 reward will bring them out of the woodwork claiming anything, I suspect. What's bothersome is the idea that LE would simply take the lady at face value, ignore her huge financial incentive to lie or be creative with the facts, and go around arresting people just because of what she said. But for whatever reason, it's appearing like that's exactly what happened.

Considering the reward has been around for three years and she is just now getting around to saying something there might be other reasons. Scorn, revenge, a deal offered by TBI to get the CI or someone she loves off of other unrelated charges.
That's why I said we don't know the real motivative if she/he lied about the video.
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