Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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Just to get the record straight on the reward time line. The reward has been 250K since Wednesday- February 1, 2012. It was bumped up from 85K in February 2012.


There is also a timeline recorded here on WS in the thread linked below (post 833) of people discussing the news of the increase:


The conditions of the reward did change in December of 2013:

The previous reward was for Holly's safe return, now it is for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who abducted her.
From the timeline the reward was issued December 13th 2013. The conditions are stated for after conviction. It appears to have nothing to do with the later arrest as the suspects were under suspicion from the very beginning. Currently, in Tennessee, there are 47 different rewards for information for variously missing persons/wanted persons and information. The last one paid for providing information which directly led to the capture of former FBI and TBI Top-Ten Most Wanted Fugitive Adam Christopher Mayes. The amount was $50,000

The condition:

" To protect the safety, anonymity and privacy of those responsible for providing information which directly led to the capture of Mayes, neither the FBI nor TBI will comment further regarding the reward, to include the amount paid, how many individuals were paid, or who was paid"

So no one will ever know. The reward was paid 60 days after the reward was issued for information-there was no condition for conviction.

From the Tennessee annotated code:

"Submission of an affidavit which the person knows to be false in any material regard shall be punishable as perjury. An affiant who permits submission of a false affidavit, knowing it to be false in any material regard, is guilty of perjury. Any person subsequently testifying before the grand jury as to any material fact known by the person to be false is guilty of perjury".

If you lie, in an attempt to collect a reward, either by affidavit or testimony, you will be tried for the Federal offense of perjury.

I have never put much stock in the ability of large rewards to change the course of a case. Simply because most people will gladly turn over information to help the family in their time of need. The rewards for 'any' information on the disappearances of 18 young women in the Northwest totaled $650,000-more than 3 million in today's money when the murder engineered his own capture for the second time.

Someone coming forward with information will be told-in no uncertain terms-of the consequences of their actions.

It seems the information on the robberies of Pearls-which one suspect is reportedly involved came from a tip box set up at the Decatur County Fair. The tip about one subject, later arrested, involved in the raid of methamphetamine and guns, was the brother of the prime subject. The TBI somewhat embarrassed-again-failed to see the connection-again. This tip came in on the TBI/FBI hotline which offers no rewards.

ITA. Thanks for the information!!
I think I know where I got it in my head JP said it could possibly be revenge motivating the CI. I knew I heard that accusation somewhere. It was from JP's mother, outside the court with his daughter.


His mom said "She did that because she's mad at him because he moved in with another woman" and JP's daughter quickly tells her to ssssh because it's nobody's business.

I guess the CI is a she then.
I think I know where I got it in my head JP said it could possibly be revenge motivating the CI. I knew I heard that accusation somewhere. It was from JP's mother, outside the court with his daughter.


His mom said "She did that because she's mad at him because he moved in with another woman" and JP's daughter quickly tells her to ssssh because it's nobody's business.

I guess the CI is a she then.

My opinions only, no facts here:

Until the criminal case is resolved by trial and rewards paid out, we cannot fully determine what the motives of informants might be. And from the sound of it, we may never know. I am uncomfortable with anonymous rewards (and with anonymous lottery winners). Just saying.

The principle of 'ex post facto' applies here. If the motivating factor was not the reward, and for those informants seeking justice and/or revenge only, I would expect that (if they ultimately qualified for the reward) they would out-of-principle refuse to accept the reward and/or direct the money to charity/victims groups. If they accept the reward, this action represents an 'ex post facto' motive and by implication an 'ab initio' motive (from the beginning), at least to Volusenus, vir prudens (the prudent man).

But you have to admit that this case is becoming more messy and cryptic by the day!

Sleuth On!
But you have to admit that this case is becoming more messy and cryptic by the day!

Now that is a stone cold fact.

The whole 'reward' for information is totally blown out of proportion. Self preservation normally trumps greed. Anyone who withholds information in order to get some kind of monetary reward, and is known in the community, will be told the very slippery slope they are climbing.

The money will run out someday-it always does-however being labeled a snitch will be prominently displayed for eternity.

Case in point:

When Perry March was finally brought back from Mexico after his murder indictment he was placed in protective custody inside the CJC (Criminal Justice Center), known locally as 'black woods' (woods stands for jungle-black- people can figure out for themselves) on the ninth floor. Here he fell in with a group of losers, one being Nathanael Farris. Inexperienced in such manners Perry felt the need to 'buddy up' for protection. Unlike his pals Perry was not a stupid man and realized he was going to be in some kind of prison for a very long time. He began to plan the murder of his in laws with his fellow scabs in the PU-(pussy unit). Farris (who's only job skill was beating up old women and men and stealing their money-was a hunted boy in GP-general population of black woods) decided to rat out Perry in hopes of gaining EOS time-(end of sentence) Over the next 6-8weeks he wore a recording devise and pushed Perry into some silly plan to kill his in laws after Farris was released. Here we enter a dead zone because Perry was far to intelligent not to know he was being played and went along perhaps, to climb what small ladder of notoriety there was in the PU.

Perry's perfect crime to get rid of his wife was quite well conceived with one exception which puzzled Grand Jury members and kept detectives on his trail years after he remarried, and started a new life. With no body and little, or any for that matter, evidence that a crime had been committed his mistake must have haunted him over the years. Before finally contacting police 6 days after his wife-left to get herself together-he had made angry list of things to do from his wife and concocted false leads by the bushel-including a half finished portrait (Janet March was a talented artist) that was brilliant and Lt Colombo might have said "this is smart and I give you credit for this" he made a huge error.

He took a screwdriver and opened the family computer and removed the hard drive and disposed of it in some manner then closed it up like nothing had ever happened. This puzzled investigators, and I'm sure, it-stunned-then perplexed grand jury members. From my experience you had 12 people staring at each other for hours trying to come up with a legitimate reason for this act. Had Perry simply replaced it-and reinstalled Windows-it would not look suspicious at all. All hard drives eventually fail. Over time-or due to defect-the magnetic arm will lose it's attraction and the loud click of death-that dreaded sound-will be heard. Perry stumbled badly when confronted by investigators about this fact. All he could do was to blame it on 'Ron' the painter. Who, of course, didn't even know what a hard drive was. Reading the transcripts of the interview you can just feel a heavy object sucker punch Perry who realized this loose end could cook him someday-and it did.

I have drifted again but back to the snitch label. When a deal was finally struck jailhouse bets and within the media on how long Farris would survive outside the PU averaged about 72 hours. Actually it was 78 and Farris kidnapped an old girlfriend and barricaded him self in a motel room
wanting to go back to the PU as the 'snitch' label followed him even on the outside. No one would have anything to do with him and his life was threatened within the first 24 hours.

I point this out because in a small community withholding information from a suffering family to try to receive some kind of reward brings with it the snitch label that will never-ever-go away. Regardless of how careful someone is this information will get into the public sphere.

It is one thing to 'sell' a tip that brings down a wanted fugitive-however ratting someone you know in a case that has devastated a family that you also know leaves you like the idiot Farris. Not only did he lose his freedom in society-he lost it in prison as well.

The story of Farris capture in the archive of News2 is incorrect as to the date. It's been pointed out however they have never changed it as it matters little.

Finally, the whole confidential informant and the cell phone video, looks very much like a ruse by the TBI to drive a wedge between jailed defendants, and not a very clever one at that.

The excellent timeline, along with some brilliant deduction and incite, done by Mr. Noatak seems to confuse me on just when-and just who-proposed that the person in the video-that never existed in my opinion-'looked' like the victim but was not. I went through it on three occasions and can't seem to find a date-or time-for this correction about the identity of the person on the video in which neither existed.

Perhaps, it's brainfade but I can't seem to put this in order.
Channel 4 also spoke with her brother, Clint Bobo, who was the last to see her.

It was a Wednesday morning. Holly Bobo walked 10 to 12 feet to her car which had just been washed four days earlier.

Holly's family told Channel 4 they believe her kidnapper was waiting around the corner in the car port watching the reflection on Holly's car. And when Holly rounded the corner, that's when they think he struck.

"All the time it stays on my mind,"said Clint Bobo.

He watched through the kitchen door as his sister's captor escorted her into the woods.

"The last I seen them, they were walking past those two trees back there to the left of that tree house," he said.

Next, they walked down a 4-wheeler path in the nearby woods. The Bobo family dog, Champ, followed, wagging his tail the whole way.

It's a two-minute walk to the main road. Holly's family believes he, whoever he is, had a car waiting on the other side. They do not know if he had help.


Anybody else wonder why her dog wouldn't bark at this guy ??

Are we missing the obvious that Holly was with the perp so the dog may have not barked because Holly was walking along with the person. The dog may have assumed it was a friend of Hollys if they were casually walking as was once indicated by the witness.

The dog may have barked if she was being dragged off by her feet but from what I recall at the point they entered the woods the witness went out of his way to say they just walked off together implying that it did not look violent at that time. Which is also the reason the witness was confused thinking it may have just been her boyfriend and not an evil perp.

I do recall reports of the witness being first awakened by dogs barking but we have all seen lots of confusion about what was said and if things got changed. I dont even remember anything about 2 trees till now so not sure where that came from.
Are we missing the obvious that Holly was with the perp so the dog may have not barked because Holly was walking along with the person. The dog may have assumed it was a friend of Hollys if they were casually walking as was once indicated by the witness.

The dog may have barked if she was being dragged off by her feet but from what I recall at the point they entered the woods the witness went out of his way to say they just walked off together implying that it did not look violent at that time. Which is also the reason the witness was confused thinking it may have just been her boyfriend and not an evil perp.

I do recall reports of the witness being first awakened by dogs barking but we have all seen lots of confusion about what was said and if things got changed. I dont even remember anything about 2 trees till now so not sure where that came from.

Dogs don't assume anything. They respond to stuff like body language and attitude. If Holly felt threatened and the dog was there, it would have responded with hostility towards whoever was threatening her.
Dogs are living things, with individual brains, not pre-programmed robots. Without knowing the individual dog, it's pointless to assume what it would or wouldn't do in any given situation.

The conditions of the reward did change in December of 2013:

The previous reward was for Holly's safe return, now it is for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who abducted her.


As I said

Dec 13, 2013

Until that time, you had to have info to get her home safely to get money. After that, if you could just get someone arrested and convicted, you scored. BIGGGGGGGG difference.
Per the wild rumors that some want to believe, the so-far-mythical video was supposed to have Holly in it with him, and show ZA raping her after which he killed her. I suspect he might know if he's ever been in a place with Holly or not, and done such things or not ...and if not, he could truthfully say with absolute certainty that no such video could possibly exist.

Or he could be like the typical defendant we see so often that says they aren't 'the one' 'they weren't there' when it is proved time and time in court BARD that indeed they were 'the one' and 'they were there.' Truthfulness and Autry goes together like oil and water.

If he says with 100% there is no video ......then he has lied when he said he wasn't there .........for he had to be there to know it with 100% certainty
If there was a video and he thinks it has been successfully destroyed by now........he is going to lie and say there is no video.
Dogs are living things, with individual brains, not pre-programmed robots. Without knowing the individual dog, it's pointless to assume what it would or wouldn't do in any given situation.


That is certainly true. I watched a video on Facebook the other day where a family had a camera set up inside their home. They had two huge pit bulls inside. Robbers broke in and all the dogs did was keep laying on the couch while the thieves took the stolen items out of the house. And the robbers were complete strangers.

When the Greone children were kidnapped by Duncan they also had two pit bulls inside the home. He said they only whimpered when he was bludgeoning Shasta's brother, mother, and her mother's boyfriend to death and went up under the kitchen table and stayed there.:(

Dogs are as unpredictable as humans.

The system will play itself out. Either the DA has enough to convict or they don't. We simply have no way of knowing at this point. All we know is that they had enough to support indictments, whatever that means. As for leaks, my take is just the opposite. The Judge flatly refused to place a gag order on the case, which (if I remember correctly) was sought by the prosecution and argued against by the defense, which means I don't know if one could call them "leaks". I suppose the DA could have a press conference and layout all of their evidence if he wanted to. Given that, the one thing I'm fairly confident about is that media coverage/leaks while it might be made part of an appeal if a conviction is obtained, I don't think it would actually lead to a reversal on appeal.

Morning reedus!

You are right of course and it will all play out in court where it belongs. Imo, it is rather far fetched to believe the TBI/DA has nothing to prove their cases on Adams and Autry. They are very aware that an indictment must have supporting evidence to prove the case BARD when it comes to trial. With an indictment comes the burden of proving the case and they know that better than anyone.

We have absolutely no idea how much evidence they have amassed against these two defendants. Just because we aren't privy to what it entails never means it doesn't exist. This is the way cases should be tried. In the courtroom and not in the court of public opinion.

But then I have seen these same opinions held by posters before on other cases due to not knowing what the DA had beforehand. When the trial was finally held then it was an entirely different opinion as the evidence poured in from the witness stand.

I don't quite understand why some posters automatically believes the DA has nothing. Based on what? Because the DA doesn't tell the public what he has? Who has seen the voluminous evidence against these two that are not even connected to the investigation? To know what they have one has to be involved and we are just posters on a message board and nothing more.

My hubby was on a GJ in February and even though it is not like a trial plenty of evidence is testified to by the lead investigators on each case. He did not discuss any details with me but did say they true billed some cases and no billed others which they felt they didn't have enough evidence to support the charge. Rarely is a GJ called back but he got a notice last Thursday and has to return for GJ on 8-04.

To say that a GJ 'will indict a ham sandwich' had to be started by a defense attorney because it simply isn't true. If that were true GJ indictments would end in more NGs than Guilty convictions.

No DA anywhere is going to have a PC and layout the evidence. That doesn't happen anywhere nor should it.

I agree about the media coverage after the arrests. The media really hasn't said much lately and really the media has been giving Autry an opportunity to try and persuade the jury pool by giving him face time. So I don't see how they can use the media for a COV when Autry has used the media as a tool himself.
I have not seen anything relating to the TBI withdrawing the affidavit of the agent. Is there a link I missed? If that is the case that would be now be two affidavits being withdrawn (that and the original assault charge that ZA was arrested on) to date. Not to mention lack of action on the Shayne Austin immunity deal. I'm beginning to worry about not necessarily evidence but conduct by LE and lack of transparency.


I must be missing something. Maybe it is because I haven't been here much at all in the last month.

What I don't understand is why we are to think the TBI or the DA has to be transparent in this particular case.

Aren't cases supposed to be tried within the well of the court and hearings discussed before Judges? Sometimes those hearings are also sealed.

I have seen the TBI hammered over this case for not being transparent, but honestly I don't remember one state agency anywhere in our country coming out spilling all the beans to the public about what all their evidence entails and what they have that supports an arrest and charge before it even goes to trial.

I guess I am just a little confused why this case is somehow expected to be different than other cases where state agencies have jurisdiction.

The GBI in my home state of Georgia never tells one thing about any evidence they have amassed against someone they arrest and charge. Talk about being tight lipped.......they are and that is so typical of any state agency, and even when the FBI is involved.

That is why we have presiding Judges over cases. They are the ones that should know and do know what the evidence is against a defendant.

G'Morning ~

Chris Conte ‏@chrisconte 32m
Accused #hollybobo murder suspect Zach Adams is in court today on charges he assaulted jail deputies. Latest on @NC5 pic.twitter.com/M1BwQ9vuQp
I have concerns with several points you raised. You are 100% right about them not being adjudicated guilty of anything yet, and that they deserve a fair trial. However:

* People in Tennessee do mostly take jury duty seriously, but I frankly think that is true everywhere.
* Jury "types" are not based on geographics - if juries always acted the same based on location, Prosecutors wouldn't bother to try certain cases, because they would already know what the verdict would be.
* These are not boys. They are men, drug dealers, felons and thugs
* It's as big a mistake to believe the local rumors about what the cops do or do not have against these suspects as it is to make assumptions about what did or did not happen in ZA's cell the other day. We simply DO NOT KNOW.
* The Mary Winkler case is NOTHING like this case. Mary Winkler shot her apparently abusive husband to death while he was lying in bed. Holly Bobo was abducted from her home.
* I'm conflicted about the Mary Winkler case because I don't believe in taking a life unless my life or that of a loved one is in imminent danger. Still, it appears that Mary was a very sympathetic witness. Even so, she was still convicted of voluntary manslaughter, so it's not like she was found not guilty.
* From what has been reported and/or observed so far, these defendants are in no way sympathetic but ZA's grandfather is apparently a big cheese. For all you know, the older man you talked to could be a friend of his. So, I also think it's risky to take the comments of two people as representative of the community or the situation.


I don't want to derail this thread but I must comment on Winkler's case since I kept up with it from minute one all the way through the trial that ended in a grave miscarriage of justice. It would have never ended this way if Matthew had murdered Mary for the same reasons and she didn't kill him because he abused her, imo.

It was plain and simple, Winkler premeditated the murder of her defenseless sleeping husband. He was murdered the very same morning he would have found out about her illegal check kiting scheme. That is why Matthew is dead and there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever of abuse. What happened is Mary Winkler silenced Matthew where he could never tell his side of the story.

When only one side is told the truth will never be learned and that is what happened in her case. She knew he couldn't refute anything she said. She told the truth when she talked to LE in Orange Beach telling it was about her bad bookkeeping before Farese came into the picture and made Mary 'appear' to be something she wasn't.

It was nothing but a trial filled with deceit on the defense side. He coached her to 'appear' downtrodden and mousy. When the truth is Mary's real life at the time of trial she was wearing gobs of make up, gaudy clothes, jewelry, and was visiting the local bars while smoking and drinking beer. That was the real Mary the jury never got to see. One who had already moved on to a lover, Daryl Pillow, yet she wanted to pretend that a man had abused her sexually.(eyeroll) It was all a lie bought by a naïve conservative jury who had never seen a hooker shoe. ONE shoe that appeared out of no where right before the trial. ONE shoe that it was obvious that it had never even been worn and a wig still in the bag not worn either. They were used as props to deceive just like the entire trial.

The Foreman of the jury said clearly they did not understand the jury instructions but instead of educating them on the law the Judge sent them back again to deliberate just as ignorant of the law as when they told him they didn't understand. The only one that told the truth and nothing but the truth in that entire trial was Patricia Winkler, Matthew's oldest daughter.

The foreman and others spoke out afterwards wishing they could go back and change the verdict to a higher degree but of course they cant. Mr. Berry did not believe one word about the abuse Mary 'said' happened. He wanted first degree since the shotgun had to be racked/pumped before it could be fired. The foreman wasn't even aware what a hung jury was. He thought they all had to come to a decision by the end of the day when they got the case. He thought that was the law. THUD!

One piece of evidence in that trial should have gotten a first degree verdict.

There is no way any human being can hold 1,000 mil of urine in their bladder if they are awake. Impossible. Mary lied about the entire morning. Look it up even at 350 mil if a person is awake they are at the point of urinating all over themselves if they do not use the bathroom immediately. Matthew was sleeping never knowing his monster of a wife, with her check kiting scam going on behind his back, was aiming right dead center of his back with a shotgun. TWO HOURS before they told Mary she HAD TO BRING Matthew with her to the bank he was dead. Mary's number was the only contact number at the bank. She is the only one they ever talked to about the scam. Immediately after mortally wounding him she off to OB for a holiday with her scared kids begging her not to leave their daddy who was strangling to death in his own blood.

It will always be one of the darkest days in Tennessee's criminal justice history, imo. Poll after poll shows the vast majority of people think she got away with cold blooded murder and if this case had been tried in Memphis rather than Selmer ....Winkler would be doing her 51 years like she deserved. Many many abuse victims were totally outraged she used the abuse excuse...me included. She couldn't even think of anything he did abusive when she did her weird interview with Oprah that left Oprah speechless. Oprah's website crashed at the time due to so many viewers being so outraged that she even interviewed Winkler.

UPDATE: #HollyBobo suspect Zach Adams appears in court on unrelated assault charge; waives right to prelim hearing: http://wkrn.tv/1oWalcg

Chris Conte ‏@NC5_ChrisConte 1h
Zach Adams appears in court for 30 seconds. Assault charges waved to grand jury. No future date set #hollybobo @NC5
Chris Conte says that Zach Adams spent 30 seconds in Court this morning and the case was waived to the Grand Jury. No future date set at this time.


Good to see you Ocean. Hope all is well

I do believe this particular case is a little different in that LE and the Judicial system have earned their reputation of being ineffective in a three year investigation of a three year old crime that by all appearances were committed by locals that it was common knowledge. Almost all parties involved in this case are career criminals that have had their own revolving door on the penal system.

Zack's original arrest for the Assault case the witness withdrew her statement and dropped the charges. There is the Shayne Austin immunity fiasco where LE has yet to act on their threat to arrest him. I have yet to see a link to it but it was reported earlier in the thread that an agent withdrew an affidavit on the coercion charge. The Pearcy half brothers cases have been continued by District Attorneys giving the impression they don't have the goods to proceed. And today on the Assault charges for assaulting jail staff gets waived to a GJ after 30 seconds.

In a three year old case where LE is attempting to garner support of the community to feel free to come forward with what they know or have known for years, I don't feel they are achieving it. Having an unnamed "witness" out in the community and the Judge simply saying "no contact" for an extended period of time seems risky to say the least. The locals know exactly who the "witness" is.

For an arrest that happened March 5, 2014 the end of August for a "discovery" deadline is the longest time frame I have ever seen in any case. That is almost six months. So I do believe this particular case is different in many ways.

Chris Conte says that Zach Adams spent 30 seconds in Court this morning and the case was waived to the Grand Jury. No future date set at this time.


Good to see you Ocean. Hope all is well

I do believe this particular case is a little different in that LE and the Judicial system have earned their reputation of being ineffective in a three year investigation of a three year old crime that by all appearances were committed by locals that it was common knowledge. Almost all parties involved in this case are career criminals that have had their own revolving door on the penal system.

Zack's original arrest for the Assault case the witness withdrew her statement and dropped the charges. There is the Shayne Austin immunity fiasco where LE has yet to act on their threat to arrest him. I have yet to see a link to it but it was reported earlier in the thread that an agent withdrew an affidavit on the coercion charge. The Pearcy half brothers cases have been continued by District Attorneys giving the impression they don't have the goods to proceed. And today on the Assault charges for assaulting jail staff gets waived to a GJ after 30 seconds.

In a three year old case where LE is attempting to garner support of the community to feel free to come forward with what they know or have known for years, I don't feel they are achieving it. Having an unnamed "witness" out in the community and the Judge simply saying "no contact" for an extended period of time seems risky to say the least. The locals know exactly who the "witness" is.

For an arrest that happened March 5, 2014 the end of August for a "discovery" deadline is the longest time frame I have ever seen in any case. That is almost six months. So I do believe this particular case is different in many ways.


Great to see you too jggordo. I am doing well but extremely tired from working so hard all the time remodeling our home inside and out during the last three months and no end in sight........yet.:D In fact I am on break now and must get busy once again after I reply to you, my friend.:)

I believe the reason for the 6 months deadline is due to the voluminous amount of discovery they are having to deal with in this particular case. From what I have read a typical murder case has around 3, 000 discovery documents. Iirc, Scott Peterson's had between 6-8 thousand. I have seen others who were over 10 thousand but never one that has amassed over 29 thousand and I believe that was at the end of 2012. I have also read that Holly's case is the biggest investigation in Tennessee history. So we are far from what is considered the typical or norm when it comes to this case.

BUT I have seen discovery turned over much later than six months. In some states the Judge sets the ultimate deadline on discovery as 30 days before the trial commences and believe me the DA uses that to his/her advantage and as a strategy they will hold the most compelling evidence until last. While this seems unfair we have to remember trials are adversarial so each side does use a strategy.

I remember in the Cesar Lauren murder trial of LC Maria Lauderbach, the tire tool he used to bludgeon her to death wasn't turned over to the defense until 17 days before trial. Dewy Hudson was the Prosecutor on that case and is now a Superior Court Judge.

Also if these cases do become death penalty cases then discovery is going to slow way down. Somewhere along the line both Autry and Adams must have waived their right to a speedy trial since the trials aren't set to be held until January of next year, iirc.

I believe if one opts for a speedy trial the case must go forward in six months after an arrest has been made.

I know if the horrific Guy Heinz Jr. mass murder case evidence was still coming back from the lab shortly before trial and that case happened in 2009 and was tried last year.

So there are other cases where discovery is turned over much later than 6 months after an arrest.

I just looked yesterday for information regarding Shayne Austin with nada, zilch! Seems like they really dropped the ball on him. Why haven't the DA and LE filed with criminal court yet on his immunity deal? I don't like it, not one bit.

I've read here, about this "witness" is it a he or she? I don't like thinking, they arrested the Pearcy's on what a witness says without anything to really back it up.

I know, I know, they are being very tight lipped on what evidence they have, but I sure wish the discovery deadline was here, so these defense lawyers can start making their case to the public..then we might be able to gleam a little more of where the DA is heading through this trial.

I have to believe that the DA has so much evidence for Holly's family to be so calm and what seems to me to be so assured.
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